By sanjeevani09

70.2K 2.4K 1.2K

He is hot and she is jovial. He is a loner and she loves making friends. He has few words to say and she can... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46

Part 25

1.3K 49 21
By sanjeevani09

Note : This part has many days collected into one. His absence was for long and I have collected small incidences from the time frame to show the lapse of months.

It is one of the longest post uptil now. 30 words less to 6000 words.

Enjoy Reading and Keep Voting with the Stars and Commenting. Happy to see the number of reads increasing. Thank you for reading but please care to show your presence by pressing the star.

He lifted her chin with his index finger to kiss her. He looked into her eyes to seek permission. Permission to claim her lips, permission to make their relation special. He knew how much she would cherish her first kiss and he wanted it to be special for her but only when she is ready. His passion filled eyes looked deeply into hers to find the passion to have him.

She looked at him with effort. He had consumed wine but Geet could see two of him. She mumbled something and touched his face. She touched her temple with her hand and before she could say what she wanted from him or question him she lost her balance. She tried to grab his sleeves with one hand and his bandgala flap with other as she slipped in his arms. He held her tightly by her waist and patted her face calling out to her. Geet What is happening? what happened? Maan held her close to his body supporting her as she mumbled in her half-conscious state. He with much effort took out his phone and called Dev to come urgently and he rushed in.

What Dev saw was the most romantic pose Maan could be in. He held Geet with one arm around her waist, she rested her head on his chest and with the other hand he cupped her face trying to make her conscious. KODAK.

How can you think of photos when she is fainting? Maan fumed.

I didn't know bro that Geet.... Dev apologised.

So why did I call you urgently, to take photos of us? Maan glared.

Sorry bro. Dev was embarrased.

Now arrange some water and something for her to eat.

After seeing his efforts failing Maan moved Geet to the bench behind. He made her sit on his right side and lean on him so that her head rested on his left arm.

He tried to make her drink some water.

Bro juice.

No I dnt think juice would be fine in empty stomach. She hasn't eaten anything. Get me some soup. He was tensed seeing her in this state. He took a spoonful of the soup and blew it to make it cool. Still doubtful that the soup may be too hot for her he brought the spoon near his lips and touched it to ascertain its heat and then fed her. She took a few sips in her half-conscious state.

Are you fine? He asked with concern.

She mumbled something which he couldnt decipher. She moved awkwardly in his arms.

Slowly the guests who were leaving gathered near them as this was an impossible scene for them. MSK doing the unthinkable. Maan Singh Khurana tending and nursing someone that too a woman sitting in his arms. In general, he never allowed a girl to come near him and now he was carrying a girl almost in his lap and in public. Maan was tensed for a woman when he would show composure in worst of the situations. Maan was oblivious to all this murmurs and crowd and even if he saw them he hardly cared. All he cared at that moment was Geet and her health.

He tried to make her eat a small bite of naan with paneer. She somehow nibbled the food. He knew she liked paneer butter masala. She took one bite so he went on. Her eyes were still droopy as her body was gaining temperature. The high fever was making her very weak and loose consciousness. When he pushed the second bite she moved her face towards his chest in refusal and smeared the curry on his jacket. Many gulped, in anticipation of his outburst. Such mess was not tolerable to him and Dev expected him to shout on the waiter at least as he wont scold Geet. But to everyone's surprise he was just not concerned. He took the napkin from waiter but instead of wiping his jacket he cleaned her mouth.

She was still not fully conscious. Maan tried to lift her to take her from there. He saw everyone staring at them he gave a deadly glare to all and walked off with Geet in his arms bridal style.


He instructed the driver to take them to Dr. singh's residence first. He cuddled her up near him in the back seat as the car sped to Dr. place. Her body temperature was soaring and she had high fever.

He took her to the clinic Doc had made in his home and laid her on the bed. She was now unconscious. Doc examined her and assured him its nothing but the wound that is causing the fever. She is fainting coz she is still weak and recovering and needs care. The wound needs dressing too. I will change the bandages that were scheduled for tomorrow.

Ok. Maan was a bit calm now.

Maan I dnt have a nurse at this hour. You will have to help me.

Yeah whatever is required just tell me. I will do it. Maan said immediately.

You make her ready for the dressing that's it. If she was awake then there was no problem but now you will have to do it. With this said Dr started moving out of the room then Maan interrupted. What do I have to do?

Oh actually you have to remove the cloth from her arm or I will have to cut it out. How will I dress the wound? There is a sheet there, you can use it. I will be back in 10min.

Dr. left the room and closed the door. Maan gulped in. Doc didn't want to remove her blouse so he assigned Maan to do it as he was her husband.

Maan combed his hair with his fingers, rubbed his temple. He moved close to her and patted her.

Geet Get up Plzzz. Your wound needs dressing. Plzz get up. His requests were to no avail.

Geet I am doing this only because it is needed. He said to the unconscious Geet as if trying to pacify his own mind also.

He closed his eyes for a second and left a sigh. He sat down next to her on the examination table to face her. He lifted her upper body and rested it on his chest and slid his hand behind her back to unclasp the hooks of her blouse. With a little effort he did it. He moved the fabric from behind and took her right hand out of the sleeve with utmost care so not to hurt her. He was hesitant doing this when she was unconscious. He didnt know how she would react afterwards. He wrapped the sheet so that she was covered properly and only her shoulder and wounded arm were exposed. He then laid her down. He checked if everything was fine and he could call the doc. The black strap on her shoulder caught his attention. Removing it was not necessary but what if it is required, moreover it was not looking right. He unfastened it too but didn't release any piece of clothing from her other arm so all the clothes hanged to her. He neatly tucked her again in the sheet and unlocked the door for doc.

Her bandage was wet and desperately needed a change.

Doc came in and did the dressing. At times geet would wince in pain when the wound was cleaned. She clutched the sheets and then started moving her hand, Maan held her hand to keep in place. She dug her fingers into his palm with pain. He caressed her palm to soothe her sitting beside her. Doc completed the cleaning and gave her an injection to lower her fever.

Geet started gaining consciousness, and she opened her eyes trying to ascertain where she was.

You are fine now. I have dressed your wound. Now go back. Have proper meals and take good rest. Doctor advised her.

Realising where she was, she started to get up. The sheet moved and was about to fall before Maan held her as if she was the one falling. Geet held Maan tightly and looked at Maan embarrased as he was holding the sheet in place.

Doc left the room suggesting her to be comfortable untill she wants to move.

As the doc left the room, Maan retreated his hand slowly giving her ample time to hold the sheet for herself. She looked at him awkwardly as to who did this. She was a mixture of anger, embarrassment and awkwardness at her state.

Maan turned his back to her. You needed dressing so I had to do it for the doctor.

She said nothing and tried to wear her blouse. She slipped into the blouse easily but moving her hand behind and closing the hook was a difficult task for her. Her hand was paining and the fresh bandage was making her skin stretch.

Ahh. She yelped in an effort to close the Bra hook which she did successfully but couldnt do the blouse.

Maan could understand her discomfort even without looking at her. He moved and went behind her without a single word.

I will do it. You wont be able to. Geet resisted.

He didn't say anything and gently closed the hooks.

Shall we go? He moved ahead of her and asked without looking at her to break her shyness.

Hhhmmm. She was still conscious that he had opened her blouse when she was sleeping and now closed it. Her head was bend down as she got up and adjusted her sari in place.

They took leave from the doc and sat in the car. Geet moved to one corner of the car so to have least contact with him.

He looked at her creating distance and maintained the same as she had resisted his help while walking out of the doc's place.


Maan's Bedroom

Maan saw Geet fumbling with a heap of dresses in the dressing room.

Geet What are you doing?  Maan asked with confusion.

These are my clothes and I am taking them. Geet spat in anger.

Geet why are you doing all this? You are sick. You need rest. Doc has advised you to take proper rest. He moved to hold the clothes which were slipping from her hand.

Dnt you touch me and try to pacify me. I wont listen to you today. I will take the decision. You are smart enough to understand why I am doing this.

Maan retreated hearing her words. He was stunned by her behaviour. He thought Geet is angry because he crossed the limits by touching her. but it was so natural. She never hesitated when he hugged her or never showed anger then and blouse incidence was the need of the hour. How could she question his credibility on that.

He was losing his patience now. How difficult it was for him to give this relationship a chance and she questioned him on his first move itself.

I want answers. She said.

He stood there dumb struck. Looking at her, still deciphering her words.

When you want you send me to the other room, when you want you come close to me. You decide it solely. Dnt even ask me what I want. Am I really your wife?

Geet I cant understand what you want? You are not forced for anything.

Commitment. I want commitement.

You have it. Where did I go back on my words.

I dnt want it like this. She said turned and stormed out of the room and went to the adjoining room.

GEET. What do you want? Be clear.

You married me for Daadi. I accept it but that makes me your wife. Have I ever fallen back on my duties? Let it be the old way. No expectation. Geet shouted.

When he reached her room, he found the door to be locked for the first time.

He lifted his hand to knock but retreated and moved back to his room. Geet knew he stood there for few seconds waiting for her. Words choked in her throat. She was feeling sick and weak. The emotional turmoil was paining her. She didn't want to show him her tears, her weakness for him. Had he moved closer to her once more she wud never be able to resist him. She knew her body may betray her mind but anything that could satisfy her was his acceptance of Geet as his wife.

She couldnt understand why he couldnt understand her plight.


He paced in the room but it did not help sooth his anxiety. Did he read her eyes wrong? She accepted and responded well to his closeness. She was affected by him and she submitted. He understood that as her permission or acceptance. Now how can she blame him for crossing limits? If she doesn't want closeness in their relation what does she want? Why is she not being her self and telling him her needs? Is she really interested in Karan? It cannot be, her eyes were pure when she looked at him, not a hint of love when she looked at Karan. She was free with Karan but did I misunderstand their closeness as casual. I took it casual, she is free with people that's it.

He couldnt find answers to his question. He ripped off his clothes and threw away his shirt on the floor. His anxiety and Geet's outright rejection was killing him. He repeated time and again in his mind SHE REJECTED ME BUT WHY? WHY?

He started with his push-ups right there. Going to the gym at this hour of night would draw suspicion which he never wanted. Daadi was happy and he didn't want to take away that happiness. He thought of giving Geet her time and let her rules prevail. She will have to come to talk and tell what she wants. He had tried today but no one closed doors on his face. She did, so she comes to talk now.

50 push-ups also couldnt drain him. He did another set until his muscles drained and body ached enough to let him dose off. The body demands overlapped his mental conflict and he slept still in his boxers. He didn't even care to wear his tracks.


For the first time Geet found him sleeping in past 11 months when she came to his room. He lay there on the big bed diagonally, the sheets crumpled all over as if he had rolled over the bed all night. Half-clad body covered messily by the black satin sheet lying on his stomach was a delectable sight. The contrast of his toned Fair skin to the black background was sexy. Geet looked at his clothes thrown across the room. It was unusual of him to be messy. She just walked away not wanting to fall for her desire to caress his tensed face.

She went to college to collect her admit card and exchange some notes with Nuts.


It was late evening when she heard from Daadi about Maan's official tour. He had left for a long trip to different branches including 3- 4 cities. He had suddenly cropped up with these visits. Daadi told her that it was a surprise for her too.

# Geet - He left without talking to me. He didn't tell me he would be leaving. Now days he always told me when he was leaving and when he would be back. His contact details in case his mobile is unreachable. He always does things his way. I wont bend this time. He cant become a dictator. He cant have everything according to his free will. What is the clause that he wants to be announced as a bachelor? #

Maan left on purpose. He had created this trip to avoid confrontation. His anger was at prime. He was not being able to handle the rejection Geet had given him. Distance was the safest option as he needed it to be back in his usual form. He needed time to control his anger and love.

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

After some days

Do you know Maan went to Banglore today? Daadi asked Geet who was studying on the garden swing.

I didnt talk to him daadi. I am so busy with my papers. Geet made an excuse. Why did he go there?

To fire someone. Daadi pressed her lips. I dnt know what has happened to him. He is not sparing smallest of mistake these days.

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

Geet would often hear from daadi where he has next headed. Daadi assumed Geet knew so she would always offer her concern on his all India trip. Daadi was concerned on the way he was moving from one office to other firing staff, controlling all the issues there before moving to next. Daadi wondered why he was on this check all the points by his own self. He could have straightened the business right from here. It was definitely a boost for the business but it was taking a toll on him as it was continuous movement from one hotel to other and day and night work.

On the other hand, Geet was deep under her books for her exams. She also forgot day and night for her preparations. Her exams made her forget about the whole incidence as work did for Maan. Her exams were going on and she was busy in them. Daadi also didn't disturb her and stayed in Delhi only to give her company.

- - - - - - - - - - 

They both forgot it was their anniversary until Daadi wished them.

The consistent knock on the door in the morning surprised Geet. She had started to lock the door at night in Maan's absence. She somehow reached the door to find Daadi standing with a huge bouquet of pink lilies. Happy Anniversary Geet.

Geet smiled and was shocked that Daadi remembered when she herself forgot. Thank you Daadi. She took the bouquet and let Daadi in.

Daadi saw the neat unused bed. Where did you sleep?

Oh Daadi I was studying till late and slept in that room after that. I was too tired to come here.

Doesnt matter if you sleep here or there. For whom will you come back? Maan is not there. You miss him. I know it must be awkward for you with Maan not here for so long. Daadi said with remorse.

Its fine Daadi. He is on work. Geet tried to pacify Daadi.

He is this way. When it comes to work, he can see nothing else. But dnt worry I will scold him for today. Daadi patted Geet sympathetically.

Well did he call you?

He will Daadi. I just got up. May be I missed his call. Geet made an excuse.

Fine. I will arrange a party tonight. Daadi said so that it would cheer up Geet.

Geet thought it would be a scene. Marriage anniversary party without her partner. Daadi I have my papers. Lots to study. Can we avoid this if you dnt mind.

Ok no invitation. But a celebration is must. Both of us together. We also met today. So lets celebrate the anniversary of becoming Daadi Saas and bahurani. Daadi raised her brows and looked at Geet mischieviously.

Geet smiled. That will be Super. We are the best pair Daadi.

So dress up nicely. We will make nakul work hard today. All our favourites. See you at 8 sweet heart.

Geet giggled. Thank you Daadi. I am happy that you are always there for me. You are the best thing that has come my way. Geet pressed daadi's hand in hers.

And you are the best bahu I could get. Infact I never thought in my dreams that I will be so lucky to find a girl like you for Maan. Maan is lucky too you bear with all his tantrums. Believe me he is a very soft boy under that hard shell. He is a little difficult to crack but if he cares then he cares. I am not appreciating him as he is my grandson but he is a good boy.

Daadi he will start getting hiccups. Geet changed the topic as hearing about Maan was making her sad.

Get ready. I will see what is he upto. Daadi called Maan and moved out.

Happy anniversary Beta. Daadi greeted him as he received the call.

Maan gulped in as he had totally forgotten and thought of using work as the excuse for not being there at home. Thank you Daadi. I have so much unfinished work that I couldn’t make it.

He offered an excuse first hand and Daadi lost the opportunity to scold him. It is your special day so I wont scold you but you should have come. If you had come even for a day, it would have been good. You both should have planned in advance.

Daadi you know I am not into such celebrations. Maan said.

You are not but it is a joint thing. Geet likes it. Well she also has her papers. Daadi said with a sigh.

All the family members from Hoshiyarpur called Geet to wish. She faked a lie of business emergency for Maan's absence.

Both kept checking their phones whole day in anticipation of a call from the other.

- - - - 

At night Geet dressed up in a maroon saree with makeup and even Daadi wore a beautiful pale blue silk with her new pearl set to celebrate. Daadi had asked Nakul to set a beautiful table alongwith Flowers in the room for their little celebration.

Both of them cut the cake and took selfies together. The servants were audience to a new type of celebration of friendship.

Nakul, today no servant cooks at the quarters. The food will go from here. I hope you have prepared it accordingly. Savitri devi asked.

Yes Madam. We did it. You told us in morning only.


Please take the cake too. Geet told him with a smile as she placed two pieces for her and daadi on the plate.

Wait I will send photos to Dev and Maan. Daadi chuckled.

They will laugh at us. Geet said with embarrasment.

Why laugh. We will tell them that we are happy even when these idiots leave us and go. Daadi complained. They leave their old Daadi and explain work priority to me.

The phone rang just a minute after Daadi send the photos. It was Dev.

Daadi congratulations for finding a life partner. Dev chuckled.

Oh yes I am very happy as you two idiots are useless. Make a home there in hotel.

Daadi dnt abandon us this way. We will become homeless without you.

You both are in love with hotels. So what can I do?

I will come soon Daadi.

Hope you are here for lohri. Daadi said before cutting the phone.

Maan didnt call. He just send a msg written Very nice. They both knew that the other remembers but is not calling.

- - - - - - - - - - - 

On the day of lohri, Dev and Naintara were there but Maan was still absent. Geet missed home but was busy with the huge scale celebration. Maan didnt call her and she also didnt care to call.

Daadi was talking to Maan when Nakul asked her for something.

Maan why dnt you talk to Geet. I will be back in a minute. Daadi gave Geet the phone and went in the kitchen with Nakul.

Hello. Geet said softly as Daadi was looking at her.


Geet kept quiet for a few seconds for him to say something but he was also silent.

Daadi gave the phone. She will be back in a minute. Lots of people are coming. Geet said hesitantly. She felt at loss of words as they hadnt talked for so long.

No problem. Daadi celebrates lohri this way. I will call her later. Maan said immediately.

Ok. Happy lohri.

Happy lohri. Maan replied and cut the phone.

Both looked at the phone after the call was cut. Hearing each other’s voice after so long seemed very different. Geet hesitantly kept the phone on the table and left.

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

Geet got herself into one of the MBA college in Delhi. She never applied in out station colleges as her own family would not approve of it. Daadi was ready with whatever she wanted as she was very happy with her bahu. She never wanted any hindrance in her studies. As she had promised Geet she would allow her to do as she wished at the time of marriage.

Romeo and Nuts also got admission in the same college. Veer made it to another college but his dad got him shifted to this one using his acquaintance, for Veer wanted to be with his friends and refused to go to college if not transferred.

Meera changed her line and went for interior designing course to Mumbai leaving Veer for a long distance relationship. Riya was going to be engaged and was busy being trained to be married.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Daadi was lying in her bed when Geet came back from Nuts place. Nakul informed her that Daadi wasnt feeling well since morning. Geet rushed to her room. Daadi we will call the Doctor.

Geet come here. Daadi called Geet closer and whispered. I am not sick. I have informed Dr. Singh he will tell Maan that I am not doing well. I am missing him. I told him to come back but he is making excuses. So I am feigning sickness to get him back. You will lie to him for me?

Daadi what is this? I got nervous when Nakul told me. Geet said softly.

Nakul will get scared when Maan will question him and tell him the truth. So we have to hide it from all. Daadi whispered.

Daadi's phone rang.

Maan beta. I am missing you. Daadi whined in a low voice.

Daadi what happened Dr. Singh called me. Why didnt you inform me?

I didnt call because you dnt listen to me. I am not well and cant speak for long. Daadi coughed. Talk to Geet she will tell you.

Daadi gave the phone to Geet.

Hello. Hello Maan said twice then Geet replied softly. Yes. I am here.

What happened to Daadi? He asked with anxiety.

She is a little sick. Geet replied nervously. Telling a lie to him seemed very difficult to her.

Yes that I know but What is her situation? Maan asked firmly.

Daadi glared at Geet seeing her nervous. She was about to give away the game.

Geet seeing Daadi said hurriedly. Daadi is sick. She is in bed. Her blood pressure is not good. She has cough and little fever too.

Geet calm down and tell me properly.

I am calm. I have to give medicine to Daadi I will talk later. Geet said hurriedly.

Daadi glared as she kept the phone. Why didnt you tell him to come back?

Daadi he is too smart he will catch us if I say it at once.

Geet you will tell him to come for me, when you talk later. Daadi held her hand in hers and made her promise. Promise me Geet. You will tell him that I need him. Daadi felt sad for Geet also. She knew if she was missing him so badly then Geet must be also missing him being a wife.

I will tell him that you miss him so badly. Geet promised the old woman.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Maan's Bedroom

It was late night, Geet had been thinking whole evening how to tell Maan. Should she lie to him? She looked at her phone again and repented. She felt guilty for Daadi. She finally picked up the phone and dialled his number. It rang a few times but then was cut from other side. She thought may be he doesnt want to talk to her. She was still sitting in his room. She pressed her forehead and slept in his bed. She was sleeping there after days. The bed felt cold but she was deep in thoughts. The phone rang and she hesitantly received it.

Hello she said in a weak voice.

Daadi is fine? You called so late? Maan said anxiously.

She is fine. Her voice was sleepy.

Sorry to call you late. You were sleeping I guess. I was in a meeting then and couldnt take the call.

Its alright. I dnt expect you to attend my call. Work is important. Geet said.

How is daadi? What has happened to her? Maan ignored her sarcasm.

Nothing. Geet said flatly.


Yes nothing.

Then why did you call me? Daadi told me she is very sick.

She wants you to come back. She misses you very much. Come back for her. She is trying to find ways to bring you back home.

What do you mean?

I mean what I am saying. Geet said clearly.

It is a lie?

She is not lying. She is feeling very low without you. You shouldnt do this to her. I cant tell you what to do but its my advice that she needs you.


Ok. One more thing Please dnt tell Daadi about this. Geet said before cutting the call.

Geet held the pillow in her arms and thought.

Geet's introspection.

Daadi loves him a lot. I asked him to leave and he left literally, punishing Daadi in process. He does everything in extremes. Akdoo he can kiss me but cant tell others that I am his wife. Why doesnt he understand? 

I didn't talk to him that day. I was in such a mess of emotions that I didn't tell him what was bugging me. May be he would have told me why he didn't announce our marriage even after so many days. Fine we were not like usual couple but that was behind the doors not for others. He did all that a husband needs to do infront of his family. He was there always after the Karvachauth. Even in Atul's case I told him after so many days but he solved it. Never questioned me on the issue.

I should have talked to him that day. He would have Cleared my doubts. He never runs away from my questions but why did he leave the next day. He could have waited for me. He could have come to me.

Dnt know what has got into him. All this wandering around. Can things be solved this way? I am the reason for this behaviour of his. but he has had peculiar behaviour all through. It is just not me. He is peculiar from Day one. Akdoo.

That day when he touched me, he was different, his touch was different. I felt so different. Why did he behave that way suddenly? Usually he is busy maintaining distance but that day he just kissed me out of the blue. But why did he behave that way. Does he really care for me? Care for me like a husband just not for the sake of society. It set thousands emotions in me when his lips touched me. Did it have the same effect on him?

He wasn't rude that day. The faint memories I have he fed me that day. and Dev is all the time telling Naintara and daadi while teasing me that he had been tensed and unusually caring when I fainted. He carried me to the car. What is all this? At one point he is not disclosing his marriage on the other hand he picks me up in public, takes care of me irrespective of people looking at him.

He denies his marriage to me. He denies to be a normal husband. He said he did just for daadi's sake and then he takes good care of me always. He rushed back from Mumbai, kisses me. I am so confused. What to think of this marriage?

This man is so intriguing. He becomes more complicated as I think more about him.

Babaji only you can solve this mystery. What does he want? What will I do? Babaji tell me what to do? I dnt know next time he is here, what new thing he will crop up with. Hope he comes back for Daadi.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  -- - - - - - - 

Maan's introspection.

MSK never runs away from a situation. Why did I leave the very next day. I should have confronted her in the morning. It would have cleared all my doubts. If she is not interested in a relation with me, it would be better that she voices it. What if she wanted to tell me something else? She is in some new problem may be.

Karan and her seem to be a farfetched thought. If she had slightest inkling for him she cudnt have responded to my touch the way she did. She was giving all positive responses, she cant fake it. Then what is her problem?

She reacts to me that shows no other person is in her life.

I will make her talk. No one can run away from MSK. She will have to face me and tell me what is playing in her mind. If it is again some childish thought of her then I can correct it. She cannot just walk out on me without giving reasons. She will have to talk. Tell me.

Geet now you will have to tell me what you want.

I was never interested in making this relation real but now that I have made a step I wont go back. That day I got carried away and kissed her. she will have to tell me what went wrong for her. This was something that I denied, she never told me anything of this type.

I will make her talk. She cant close her doors. She gives me an explanation. I would never have touched her if she showed a slightest resistance. Why didn't she tell me that very moment than reacting afterwards? And if she is angry over clinic's incidence she is being childish. I m not a pervert to open her clothing, when she is unconscious. She knows me atleast that much and if she doesn't, she doesn't deserve the feelings I have for her.

- - - - - - - - - - 

He didnt return the next day. Geet had thought that he will come back after the conversation but was disheartened that she wasnt able to convince him. She didnt understand that it took him a few days to assemble himself and come back.


Geet meets Sameera, Maan's ex

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