Moving Forward ~1

By Vampirediaries1996

608K 15.1K 8.2K

Mystic Falls has always been the same. Nothing happens here. Everyone knows each others business if you like... More

New Year, Same Me
That's Not Hate
Match Made In Heaven
Darkness Is Coming
Aftermath of the Attack
Comets Flying By
Dinner Disaster
Team Spirit
Founder's Parties All Day
Carwash and Cemeteries
Temporary Breakups
Towel Girl
The Truth Comes Out
The Beginning of The End
Life Turning Upside Down
Decade Dance
Tomb Games
Isobel's Past
Eligible Bachelor's
Double Date
Another Funeral
Drunk Stefan
Facing Bonnie
Miss Mystic Jitters
Where Is Amber?
Hospital's and Kisses
She's Here
Vampire Carnivals
Research Becomes Reality
Wolves and Barbecues
Cat's Out of the Bag
Masquerade and Danger
Kristen Stewart
Making Deals
Losing Part of Yourself
True Intensions
Hosting a Killer Dinner
The Fun's Just Getting Started
Warnings from the Witches
60's Dance
Smoky Mountains
First Day of the New Year
Ghost World
Hybrids and Coffins
Birthday or Funeral
Beginning of Darkness
Mother of a Ball
A Mother's Love
Makeup and Betrayal
Dark Times
Another Funeral
Hunters and Hallucination's
Miss Mystic Round 2
Is Silas Real?
The Cure
Can We Cheat Death?
Grieving and Moving On
Three Sacrifices

Doppelgänger Blood

5.6K 170 97
By Vampirediaries1996

Here's another update. I have so much planned for the latter chapters. You all will love it.

Damon is still not speaking to me since I stopped him from killing Caroline's dad. It's the longest we've gone without speaking to one another. He's been on the edge ever since Elena and I haven't backed down on bringing Stefan home. I'm not going to lie and say the observation Caroline notices about Elena and Damon doesn't bother me. I want my friends and family to get along with the man I love but I don't want to love him the exact way I do. I always knew there was a possibility Damon still had feelings for Elena, but my blind love for him pushed those feeling to the back for so long now that they're coming back I'm getting worried.

We all need a distraction from our crazy lives. A reminder that we're still in high school and nothing we go through should be as difficult as what we've gone through. Senior prank night is the perfect solution. Everyone is at school setting up their best pranks for the first day back. "Oh come on!" Caroline yells at all of our mouse traps go off around us. "Seriously? Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?" She asks Matt who looked spooked and unsure why we're all here at night.

"Forgot about senior prank night, huh?" Tyler states to his friend with slight annoyance. Matt has been overly stressed lately and weirdly enough hanging out more with Jeremy which is something new.

"Clearly." He replies out of breath.

"How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since Freshman year."

"Yeah, Matt if I'm doing this. You're doing this." Elena states with a smile.

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this."

"Do you think we had a choice?" I ask going to stand next to him smiling.

"Thanks, Sof.? We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that stay with us forever and if we don't..."

"And if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?" Elena and I finish for her since it's the speech we've heard her recite for days.

"Go ahead and make fun. I don't care."

"You're all lame, and I've got ten more classrooms to prank." Tyler leaves with his bag prank goodies and Elena follows.

"Hey, where are you going?" Bonnie stops her.

"To superglue, Alaric's desk shut. I'm making memories." She smiles and heads out. It's one of the few genuine smiles I've seen on her face all summer.

"Come on Matt let's find something for you to do." I take his arm and lead him out.

"You're really doing this?"

"Why does that surprise you?"

"After everything we've all been through these past months."

"Which is exactly why we're doing this. We've lost people we care about and suffered so much. We deserve to feel some joy."

"I feel like I haven't seen you all summer." Matt's hand briefly brushes mine. He still feels weird around me and I know it has to do with the compulsion. I compelled him not to be in love with me even though deep down he still was.

"I was busy helping Damon look for Stefan."

"Yeah, Damon." He says his name with disgust.

"What is with everyone hating on him? He's done nothing to help and..."

"Sure he's done some good things but he's still the guy who turned my sister into a vampire. He's still the guy who's caused so much pain to pretty much everyone we know. I just don't know what you and Elena see in him."

"What do you mean by and Elena?"

"I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, Matt." I stop him from leaving putting my hand fully on his arm. "What did you mean?"

"Everyone notices it but you and Elena. Damon may love you Sofia, but everyone sees the way he looks at your sister. I don't want you to get your heart as it did with Tyler."

"I've noticed it too, I just didn't realize it was that obvious."

"You've noticed and you're still with him?"

"I love him, Matt. And I've always known there could possibly still be feelings for Elena."

"You knew and you still got into a relationship with him." Matt is mad.

"You don't understand."

"Don't understand. I would have never done that you and you're just letting him string you along..."

"Matt!" He stops and is surprised by my reaction. "I'm not blind to what is happening. But I'm not giving up on Damon and me just yet because I know how much we love each other. I'm willing to fight if he still is."

"What if there's nothing left to fight for?"

"Why are you so interested in my relationship with Damon?"

"I've been having these weird dreams and it makes me wonder if hadn't let you go what kind of love we could still have." My heart broke hearing this.

"You've been having dreams?"

"One's that feel so real, but they make no sense. I keep thinking why did I fall out love with you when every time I see you my heart races. I want to do something but you're with someone else. Someone wrong and I can't help but think what did I do wrong?" We make it to the gym where everyone's at.

"You did nothing wrong Matt. Always remember that."

"Sofia get out of here!" I hear my sister yell and I gasp as Klaus stands before me. Instant fear fills me as he's standing so close.

"What a surprise seeing you. I killed you. No matter, not the witch I was thinking but you will do perfectly. Now we can get started. Ah, Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight." Bonnie comes in next and Klaus speeds her to stand next to me. "I'm assuming you two are the reason Elena's still alive?"

"That's right if you want to blame someone blame us." I say standing tall.

"Oh, there's no need for blame loves. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you two caused the problem, I'm going to have you both find the fix."

"Get off me!" Tyler is being shoved inside the gym by some blonde girl.

"Hush now."

"I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of a warning she can be quite mean."

"Don't be an ass." She shoves Tyler into Klaus' grasp.

"Don't you dare touch him." I warn taking a step forward but Bonnie holds me back.

"I'm going to make this very simple. Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." He bites into his wrist and shoves it into Tyler's mouth. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake..." We shake our heads as he has his hands on Tyler's face. "You better hurry." He snaps his neck and pushes his dead body to the ground. We all go to Tyler's body and Klaus is enjoying this.

"And if Bonnie is successful, he'll live through his transition."

"Why do you keep saying, Bonnie?"

"Because love I have something else in mind for you." He speeds in front of me and has me in the same choke hold as Tyler. "Now if any of you try to double-cross me or fail to give me what I want." He bites into his wrist and shoves it into my mouth. I try to fight him off but his strength is unimaginable. "I will snap her neck so fast and she will be a vampire which I will compel to kill all of you. Your choice. Now go on go and fetch your grimoires. And enchantments and what not. I'll hold onto Elena and the lovely Sofia. For safe keeping." He turns to me and tilts his head. He wipes the excess blood from the corner of my lips and licks it off his fingers. "It's going to be a fun night." He pushes me to my sister and we hold onto one another.

"So, this is the latest doppelganger. The Original one was much prettier." Rebekah taunts Elena and I go to drop her on her ass but Elena shakes her head. I can't be impulsive right now.

"Enough Rebekah. Take the wolf by elsewhere would you?" She takes Tyler's arm and drags him off. "Just ignore her." Klaus whispers into my ear and I want to shove him away. "Petty little thing."

Klaus pushes Elena towards Chad and Dana and drags me over with him to the bleachers. "Now how did you survive? Witchy powers?"

"I'm not telling you anything." I try to get away from his grasp but he applies more pressure reminding me he has the power in this situation.

"Not so fast dear. You tried to kill me it's only fair you stay and chat." He smirks at me.

"You killed me dick." He stands up and is in my face in a millisecond.

"Let's get one thing, straight witch, you and Bonnie will get me what I want or I will end you."

"I would like to see you try." I stand my ground somehow finding courage where I never thought I had any.

"Stefan..." Klaus' head perks up hearing his name.

"Klaus." He still has his hold on me as he keeps us at the bleachers.

"Came to save your damsel, mate?" He has a sense of humor in his question.

"I came to ask for your forgiveness. And pledge my loyalty."

"Well, you broke that pledge once already."

"Elena means nothing to me anymore." I look to my sister and see her breaking just a little. "And whatever you ask of me...I will do."

"Fair enough." Klaus drags me with him. "Let's drink on it." He shoves me to my sister. "Kill them." He points to Chad and Dana. They scoot back. "What are you still waiting for, kill them." He orders even louder."

"No! Stefan, don't. He's not going to hurt me or Sofia. He already said...ahh!" My sister screams as Klaus backhands her. I'm in his face and my hand is raised and he falls to his knees in pain.

"Don't touch her again." I warn him and he rushes at me and wraps his hands around my neck squeezing. I'm pushed to the ground gasping for air. I look up seeing Stefan fighting Klaus or at least trying to.

"She means nothing to you?" Elena helps me stand up. "Your lies just keep piling up." Klaus is holding Stefan back and he's doing everything he can to fight back.

"Let them go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word!"

"Your word doesn't mean much."

"I lived by your word all summer."

"During which time I never had to resort to this...Stop fighting it." He starts to compel Stefan."

"Don't do this. Don't do this." He begs Klaus.

"I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it."


"You will do exactly as I say. When I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey." He releases Stefan from his choke hold.

"No! Stefan?" Elena tries to take a step forward but I stop her not liking what is happening.

"Now kill them, ripper." I go to stop Stefan but Klaus brings me into another chokehold. "Not another move love. I will snap your neck and no more magic." He warns. Klaus keeps his hold on me as we are forced to watch Stefan devour Chad and Dana. He's even enjoying it. "It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element." He smiles at Elena and me as he holds us both close to him. "The species has become such a broody lot."

"No, you did this to him." Elena fires back at him.

"I invited him to the party, love. He's the one dancing on the table."

"Where is it?! Where's my necklace?" Rebekah comes storming towards Elena.

"What are you talking about?" Klaus asks his sister.

"She has my necklace."

"Look." She shoves a phone to Klaus. He looks up and smirks at us.

"Well, well more lies."

" it?" She demands.

"I don't have it anymore." I reach for my sister's hand but I'm pushed back as Rebekah lunges at her neck yelling she's lying. Klaus pulls her off and shoves my sister to the ground with me.

"Knock it off!" He orders.

"Make her tell me where it is, Nik!" I apply pressure to my sister's wound. I get in front of her when Klaus comes closer to us.

"Where's the necklace sweetheart? Be honest."

"She's telling the truth." I state with annoyance thinking back to what Bonnie told us. "Katherine stole it." I inform him still giving a protective stance on my sister.

"Katerina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch. But since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we? 20 minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to."

"No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!" Elena begs.

"No one leaves. If she tries to run fracture her spine And just to make sure you won't try anything you're coming with us." Klaus grabs my arm and forces me to go with him.

"Let me go!!!" I scream but he ignores me.

"Sofia!!!" Klaus shoves me into the arms of his sister.

"Now enough of your mess. Go on sister watch her and if she dares to do anything kill her." He orders with a sadistic smile on his face.

"You're the doppelganger's sister?" She tilts her head examining me. "This is going to be fun." She manhandles and pushes me into a classroom.

"Sofia?" Caroline stands up surprised to see me.

"Both of you keep quiet. It's a waiting game now."

"So you're a witch?" Rebekah continues to size me up. "You don't seem like a witch."

"And what does a witch look like?"

"Powerful and not you."

"Watch what you say!"

"Ahhh!" We're startled with Tyler waking up will he die or will he be saved? Which means Klaus wins. Tyler's body starts to shake.

"Sofia do something?"

"I can try to take the pain away." I grab his hand and recite the spell Bonnie taught me. Black veins grow up my arm as I start to feel Tyler's pain. His body continues to shake uncontrollably.


"I don't know what else to do."

"We have to do something..."

"Well, the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelganger should be dead." Klaus waltz into the classroom.

"Does that mean we can kill her?"

"She's my sister and you won't kill her." I warn Rebekah.

"And what can you do to me?" I stare at her and immense pain goes to her and she falls to the ground. Blood starts coming out of her eyes and Klaus speeds to me to a wall.

"Knock it off." He orders. I shove him off me. "And sister dear I'm fairly certain it means the opposite."

"What?" Rebekah restrains Caroline.

"Elena's blood Drink it." He holds up a vial in front of Tyler.

"No! No! Tyler, don't." Caroline begs.

"If he doesn't fee. He'll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment. Come on." Tyler grabs the vial and downs it. "Good boy." He starts convulsing and falls to the floor.

"Tyler!" I go to help but Rebekah now restrains me.

"Bloody hell, shut up!" All we can hear is Tyler's screams and I know this is only the beginning.

Klaus' POV

"So the doppelganger isn't the problem. Her blood is the solution." Rebekah reveals in our victory. "How did you know?"

"Well, you know how much the original witch hated me. Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says."

"A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you."

"Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her failsafe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelganger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid but if she was dead..."

"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species."

"Leaving me alone for all time."

"Is that what this is about? Your obsession with hybrids. You just don't want to be alone?"

"What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid and my new favorite witch." I smirk at my sister who is furious.

"What would you want with that pathetic witch?"

"I killed her and she came back and from what I gather there is no spell that brought her back." She tilts her head.

"You want to know who brought her back."

"And when I do I feel like I will have the strongest weapon at my disposal."

"What makes you think she will do anything you say?"

"She could have caused me more pain but the moment I hurt the ones she loved she submitted. She will do anything I ask."

Why does Klaus think he can control Sofia? Will she overpower him?

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