Dipper and the Dream Demon

By _Winter-Wolf_

6K 292 64

Billdip Beauty and the Beast Au. Bill was cursed by a witch along with his curse everyone who lived in the c... More

The Weird Twins
Castle in the Forest?!?
Dinner Fail
Plan to Save Dipper
West Wing
New Library
Kill The Demon
Finding Loved Ones and Old Friends
Our Ending

Ballroom Date

441 27 8
By _Winter-Wolf_

Mabels POV~~~~~~~~~~

I was in the Mystery Shack looking at the map. We made slow progress in finding this weird castle. I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it and I wanted to slam the door as I saw who was standing there

" Gideon. What do you want now" I said annoyed. I gave him a glare

" Why I wanted to see if I could talk to Dipper" He said like nothing

" What do you- Dippers gone. Ford said Dipper made a deal with a monster and now hes captured in some unknown castle in the forest" I said confused and sad. I looked at the ground

Gideons POV~~~~~~~~

Once she said that I was both sad and happy.

Finally I could save my precious dipper and he will be so grateful for my bravery and amazing skills at rescuing he will marry me.

" Well how could I help. Listen I want to help get your brother back no matter what it takes" I said bravely

" Really?" She said confused and looking confused

" Of course why wouldn't I" I said

" You just found out hes missing" She said coldly

" We don't bring up the past. We need to look at the future. Now how can I help" I said smiling

" Umm well, we have only gone this far" She said letting me enter their home. She showed me a map and what they knew

Oh dipper you are going to be mine and we will live happily for ever

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was looking at new books to read. Bill was helping me pick out interesting books.

" Hey Pinetree I have a question for you" He said handing me a book

" What is it" I said skimming threw the pages

" Have you ever wanted to travel somewhere but you cant" He said walking in front of me

" Umm well, no" I said looking down and thinking

" Wait actually- I -I always wanted to go somewhere but I was never aloud to" I said fidgeting with my the bottom of my shirt.

" Here" He said grabbing my hand. He took me to a table and he grabbed a book

" The witch gave me a book that allows someone to go anywhere in the world" He said taking dusk off of it

" Its one of the cruelest gift. At least to someone like me. No one would like to see a demon like me plus with my temper I could never stand to be in one place. But I think you could" He said opening a page and grabbing my hand. He placed it on the page and put his hand on top of mine

" Think of that one place you always wanted to go to" He said

" Feel yourself there"

" Believe you are there"

" You can imaging it and it will take you" He said I was closing my eyes as I thought about it

After a few minutes I opened my eyes. We were in a dusty home.

" Where did you take us" He said looking out the window

" California. My childhood" I said looking at the room

" Cool. What do you want to do. Go to the beach or something" he said but I wasn't paying to much attention. I was looking around the room

" Pinetree?" He said confused. I turned around and looked at him

" This is the California of my childhood

The walls were an artist loved his model wife

Where twins laughed together

This is the California of my childhood" I said quietly. I looked around

" So what happened" He said confused and walking around the room

" I don't know. My uncles couldn't bring themselves to tell us" I said shrugging. I saw a rose pen. I picked it up and looked at it

" Pinetree. Doctor masks" Bill said scared. He lifted it and I looked at it and then back at him.

" Plague" He said sadly. My eyes widen and I looked backed. The scenery played in my mind

" You must leave before you get it too" Said a doctor

" What. You cant give them medicine to help them" someone said angry at the doctor. But he kept walking

" Stanlee please take the twins. Keep care of them. Leave fast before it takes them" Said a lady. I looked at the two babies crying in their bed.

" Please stanlee" Said the woman reaching her hands out. he didn't grab it. He had tears in his eyes

" Okay" He said tears slowly falling. He carried both the twins and left the room.

Tears fell down my face. My mom

She was telling stan to take us away

She was trying to keep us safe

before the scene left my vision I saw and older man. His back was facing me and I couldn't tell if he was still alive or not.

" Pinetree im so sorry" Bill said quietly. I looked at the ground. trying to not have tears fall but I failed

"Bill lets go h-home" I said tears falling. I couldn't stop. Bill hugged me and I hugged back

He let go of the hug and we were back at the library in the castle. I wiped my tears away.

" Soo~ this is home to you" Bill said grinning at me.

" Shut up" I said smiling. He started laughing. I just joined him.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out.

~~time Skip~~~

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~




" Wolf please help me here. I didn't know he would say yes" I said freaking out

" What happened exactly" She said raising an eyebrow

" Well me and Pinetree were outside on the balcony and I though it was lovely and I just said whatever" I said still freaking out

" What did you say" She said

" I just said what popped into my head, ' hey pinetree would you like to join me in the ballroom later tonight' I just said it to be stupid but he said yes I didn't know he would say that" I said walking in circles

" I don't see the big deal. You two are just going to dance whats the big deal" She said confused at my situation

" I BASICALLY ASKED HIM OUT ON A DATE WOLF. ITS A BIG DEAL.  Ugh stupid, stupid, stupid" I said while hitting myself for my stupid decision

" Well don't be a dumbass and not go on that date then. Charm him. It will get us closer to the two of you falling in love and getting this curse lifted" She said excited

" Im going to mess up" I said crossing my arms and slightly glaring at her

" Don't think that way. Come on me and Blue will get him ready while Will helps you get ready. It will be great. promise" She said holding her pinkie out. I pinkie promised with her and she pushed me to the direction to my room.

" Ill call Will to come over" She said as I entered my room

This is going to end bad

Wolfs POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

" WIL" I yelled. I heard footsteps running. Soon I saw him.

" Y-yes W-wol-f" He said out of breath

" Catch your breath first. Anyways I need you to help Bill get ready for his date with Dipper" I said smiling

" Wait. Date?" He said confused

" Yes. Now go help him. Hes freaking out about it. Maybe calm him down before he leave that room" I said pointing at his room. Will nodded and made his way inside. I left to find Dipper.

I walked around the castle but I couldn't find him.

" Dipper. Dear where are you" I said walking in almost every room. Some rooms no one can open.

I knocked on his door

" Come in" He said quietly. I opened the door slowly. Once I had a perfect view of the room I saw him in the corner sitting down and hugging his knees

" Oh love are you okay" I said closing the door behind me and walking up to him

" Umm yes" He said very quietly

" Really" I said raising an eyebrow

" No" He said looking at the ground

" Bill asked me to join him at the ballroom. I said yes because I was just in the moment. But I don't think I can do it. Besides im not really good at dancing" He said the last part quietly

" Hmm well come on love. Lets get you ready. Im here to help don't worry. I also called Blue to help me you will be fine" I said grabbing his arm and pulled him up. He wiped his dears and nodded

" Come now. We need to see what you are going to wear" I said dragging him to the mirror. he stood in front of it and soon Blue appeared

" Oo~ dress up" She said excited. She ran up to Dipper

" Hmm lets see. Whats Bill wearing. You two need to match somehow" She said walking around Dipper and thinking

" Well I could" I said. I made a small portal

" Hey Will whats Bill wearing" I said looking in the small portal in my hands

" Oh Hi Wolf. Well I planned for him to wear a Yellow suit" He said quietly

" thanks" I said quietly. I closed the portal and looked Blue

" yellow" I just said

" OMG what if you wore " She said now standing next to the mirror. She snapped her fingers and he was now in a dress

" No" He said covering his face with his hands.

" But love you look so adorable" I said walking next to him

" Yeah plus you kinda look feminine with it" Blue said grinning

" That's not helping" He said still covering his face

" What if you wore this" I said snapping my fingers. This time he wore a ballgown that was blue.

" I don't think me wearing a dress is a good idea" He said scratching the back of his neck.

" WHAT! Of course it is. Bill would love to see you in a dress. Besides this ones a good look on you Dipper" Blue said giving him a side hug and looking in the mirror. She smiled sweetly at him

" Are you sure" He said confused and scared. He looked at both of us

" Of course im sure" Blue said smiling at him

I just nodded 'yes' and gave him a smile

" But theres something missing" Blue said looking at the dress

" I think so too" I said. I looked up and so did Blue

" OF COURSE" she yelled. Gold fell from the ceiling. I smiled and directed the gold. Soon he had gold designs on his dress.

" Wow" he said looking in the mirror

" You love it that's great" Blue said now hugging him. He hugged back

" Lets fix your hair a bit" I said and soon me and Blue were fixing it slightly.

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I looked at the girls fixing my hair I couldn't help but question things.

Do I really enjoy being here

Well its better than being in the town

Why do they treat me so well. I don't deserve this. What about my family. Are they looking for me. I forgotten about them since ive gotten attached to everyone here. I feel loved here. and respected.

" Love are you okay" Wolf said placing her hand on my shoulder.

" Yeah im fine. Just thinking" I said quietly

" Hope your not thinking about leaving before having a dance" Blue said smiling

" Of course not" I said smiling.

" Haha okay" She said still giggling

" Come now Bill must be waiting" Wolf said grabbing my arm. I followed them to the stairs.

Once we made it to the top of the stairs I saw Bill. I felt my face heat up. Now im nervous.

" Go on have fun" Wolf said smiling

" Ok" I said smiling back.

I walked down the stairs and met Bill in the platform before going down the other pair of stairs

" Woah Pinetree, I didn't expect you to wear a dress" He said smiling

" I didn't plan to until Blue" I said smiling.

" You look amazing. Shall we" He said holding his arm out. I giggled

" We shall" I said smiling. I grabbed his arm and we made our way to the ballroom.

I looked around and it was amazing. I saw Will on the piano and Wolf standing next to him. Once we made it to the middle of the ballroom we stood in front of each other and soon the song began.

**play song if you want***

Tale as old as time~

True as it can be

Barely even friends

Then somebody bends


Just a little change

Small to say the least

Both a little scared

Neither one prepared

Beauty and the beast

Ever just the same

Ever a surprise

Ever as before

Ever just as sure

As the sun will rise~

Tale as old as time

Tune as old as song

Bittersweet and strange

Finding you can change

Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun

Rising in the east

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the beast~

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the beast~

The song was amazing. By the end of our dance Bill kissed my hand and it only made me blush more.

" Wanna dance some more" He said. I saw a hint of blush on his cheeks. I only giggled.

" Sure" I said.

We danced for a while longer. Once we got tired we walked out on the balcony. We placed our hands on the rails and faced the front of the castle. We stayed in silence but it wasn't awkward silence it was comfortable.

" Pinetree can I be honest with you" He said still facing the front of the castle

" Sure what is it" I said looking at him. He faced me

" I didn't expect you to say yes to my invite" He said smiling and rubbing the back of his head

" Oh well I thought it was sweet of you to invite me" I said. I felt my face heating up. I looked towards the castle gates.

" Pinetree do you like being here" He said looking at me. I thought about it.

Do I like being here? Well yeah. I don't really like the town that thinks im weird. But I do miss my family

" I do like it here. Heck I would love to stay and live here with you guys" I said smiling at the thought

" Well then stay here. Im sure everyone would love for you to stay" He said excited. he grabbed my hands and held them. I looked at him with a smile because I loved that I idea but I thought about it more and i knew my face looked sad.

" Pinetree is everything ok" He said confused

" Bill. I-i would love to stay here but, its just i miss my family back at the town. I just don't know if they are okay or not. I just want to see them one last time" I said putting my hands down and holding my sides. I looked at the ground sad as memories came back to me.

" Well you can" He said happily. I only raised my eyebrow.

" Here follow me" He said. I followed him to a room. He walked up and picked up a hand mirror

" here just say the name of the person you want to see" He said handing me the mirror. I looked at it.

" Mabel" I said confused. Soon an image of her appeared. She was in the town with a scared looked.

" Stan" I said. Soon another image appeared. He was in the town as well and he had his fist in the air and telling the townsfolk something.

" Ford" I said now confused. Another image appeared. He was being forced to enter one of those insane asylum carriages. I looked at the image more confused.

" Oh no. Whats going on there" I said holding the mirror more tightly.

" Pinetree" Bill said confused. He looked in the mirror and saw the image. I felt tears in my eyes. Threatening to fall.

" Pinetree you must go" Bill said sad

" what" I said quietly

" Go. Save your uncle" He said looking at the ground

" but what about not leaving the castle" I said confused.

" I end this deal. You need to go save him so just go" He said sad.

" ok. Here" I said giving back the mirror

" No keep it. Something to remember me. Or if you ever wanted to see me" He said pushing the mirror to me

" Ill be back" I said quietly. I hugged him and ran out the castle

Ford im coming


That's the end of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. See you guys next chapter

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