The True Gods (Highschool DxD...

By TrueRisingFTW

407K 4.4K 2.3K

Great Red and Ophis are known as the strongest of the strong, but what if I were to tell you that there are t... More

Kuoh Observation
Who are you?
A Little Trip To The Next World
Black Magic and Times Anger
Alpha Origin
Arrival in Crocus
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 (Part 1)
Day 3 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Part 1)
Day 4 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Final)
Split Up Time
Two Unknown Powers
New Worlds Within Mischief
Mischief and Despair
The Bridge to Freedom
Supersonics and A Crystalline Beast
Display of Power
Return to Destruction
One's True Ruler
Clash of Titans
Next World Vote [Closed]
A Fairy Goodbye
A Relaxing Day?
World of the Gifts
A Festival In Digit Five
Prophecy of Death
The Game of Death Starts
Cloaks Revealed
Life and Death
Battle In Space
A True Battle Of Life And Death
Next World Vote 2 [Closed]
Two Worlds Collide

The Warning and Purification

17.3K 187 89
By TrueRisingFTW

Dialga glared at the group with a huge amount of malice, they were quiet for over a minute now. If he didn't get his answer soon...

"Answer me! If you don't in the next thirty seconds, every single one of you will be destroyed in a second!" Dialga roared.

They all stepped back in fear as a denser aura surrounded Dialga's body, Sirzechs, aong with the other leaders gathered the courage and stepped forth.

"W-We apologise, mu name is Sirzechs Lucifer, and these are the leaders of the Fallen Angels and Angels, Azazel and Michael." Sirzechs stuttered.

Dialga's glare didn't stop though, it obviously showed he didn't give a crap about who they were. They gulped in nervousness and fear.

"Okay, now answer my question.... who was the cause!" This time much louder, he was obviously losing his patience and was about to go on a rampage.

They were shocked as his loud voice sent a shockwave through the area that cracked the ground and shattered the windows.

"I-If you mean the time stop, then the cause was..." Sirzechs was about to answer, that was when Rias walked up along with Issei.

"If you want to know, tell us your reason!" Rias demanded.

"That's right, we're not telling you anything if you don't tell us why you want to know!" Issei agreed.

Dialga's eyes just began to glow even brighter as his anger was showing itself clearly, they were all surprised and scared as rocks began to float in the air and the space around them began to rot away.

"Quiet!" Sirzechs shouted. Rias and Issei were surprised to hear the alarm in the devil kings voice, when they turned to see that all of the leaders were also showing nervous expressions, they were worried.


"No! Stand down!" Rias and Issei flinched along with the others at Sirzechs order. But nonetheless, they backed down.

"Now, continue..." Dialga scowled.

"A-As I was saying, the cause would be the bishop of my little sister's peerage." Sirzechs stated. Dialga scanned his eyes over the group before landing on a boy which had blonde hair but was strangely wearing a girls outfit.

He searched through the persons energy and sensed something that made him scowl. "I see, that fool you call a God created something like this, even without my permission."

They all could easily tell that he was speaking of the Biblical God, the angels and some of the others were annoyed by how Dialga called him a fool but did nothing.

"He has broken multiple Omniversal rules, so I day his death was well earned." They all ignored the last part but were shocked at the first.

Whoever this person was, they had A hint of him being high enough on the list to have knowledge of something like the Omniverse.

"Now, tell me this. Why did he manipulate time as he did?" Dialga demanded. His voice slightly calmer than before, but still angry.

"He had no control, the gear was too powerful and it was also fault to the magicians that attacked. They forced him to lose control and cause all of it to occur." It was Michael who answered this.

"I understand. But let me tell you, manipulating time and even more so going into the past and future is an extreme crime for those who aren't given permission."

"W-Wah?" Was all of them.

"The only people who are permitted to such a thing are True Gods, but they have to get permission from me first as well."

"U-Understood." The leaders replied. The others didn't know what to say as they just stayed quiet.

"I'll let it slide this time, but if it happens again..." Dialga sharpened his eyes before saying. "I won't hesitate to destroy you all."

"Y-Yes." All of the leaders answered. The others just watched in shock as Dialga just turned before starting to walk away.

"And you two, the same goes to you." Dialga stated seriously. He was glancing at Katerea and Vali before he continued walking.

Vali was looking at him with a smile under his helmet, he didn't even seem to care that he was being threatened as he felt big excitement for a fight after seeing the display of power.

Katerea wasn't similar though, she gritted her teeth as she looked at Dialga in anger. "Hold it! Who the hell do you think you are?!"

Dialga just dismissed her like some small bug, he continued walking as if she wasn't even there. This angered her even more, and dod something she would regret...




She attacked him.

She created an orange magic circle which she held out arms forwards and fired a black and orange beam of demonic energy at him.

The beam looked to be hundreds of times bigger than Dialga's human body was, Dialga just stopped and turned towards the blast with shadowed eyes.

They were all shocked when he lifted his arm and held a finger out, the blast had completely stopped when it made contact before slowing dispersing.

"W-What! You should be dead, no human can survive that!" Katerea shouted. Dialga didn't say anything but they all blinked when he disappeared.

"You should learn your place, and I'm not human" Dialga's voice was heard, Katerea was frozen in shock as Dialga was standing behind her with his arm gripped on the back of her neck.

"Let go!" She demanded. she was struggling as he didn't listen, the devils along with the other faction members watched in horror as a terrifying spectacle occurred.

Dialga's hand glowed blue as Katerea went silent, they watched as her body began to wrinkle and her skin start to turn really thin as it showed her bones.

It was over in an instant as her entire body became dust that ended up spilling on the ground. He snorted as he looked at the pile of dust that littered the floor.

Many of the beings that were watching went pale as they looked at his work. Even Ddraig and Albion were silent...

"She should have watched her tongue, just take this as what will happen to you all of you if you decide to something unintelligent."

"I-If I may ask...?" Dialga turned his head to see it was Azazel who was asking. "Did you t-take away her life force?"

"Yes and No." Dialga answered. "I merely just rapidly aged her, a second was hundreds of her years."

"Just who are you...?" They all muttered. Though he could still hear them even if it was really quiet.

"Just so you know your place, my true name is Dialga. That is all I'll say."

With that, he walked off...


"May I ask where we are going?" Zeref asked. He was currently riding atop the back of Palkia who was now in his true form.

When Palkia had shown him, Zeref was more shocked and in awe at his appearance. He was by far the biggest creature he had ever laid eyes on.

Not only did he feel immense power, but his overall size outclassed Acnologia greatly.

"I'm bringing you to see father, he'll be the one who'll be releasing you of your curse. But first, we'll be meeting up with Dialga, he'a finished with his work, he had just informed me."

Zeref was surprised at this, he was going see the ruler of time and also the creator of everything. He was speechless.

"Speak of the devil..." Palkia mused. Zeref brought his eyes up and looked at a portal which opened and out came Dialga.

Zeref was awed, he was just as big as Palkia was and was on all fours. He gave off an immense pressure and you could tell he was just powerful.

"So, this is the one with the curse you told me about?" Dialga asked. Palkia nodded his head at this, Dialga took a glance at Zeref who stiffened at the gaze.

"M-My name is Zeref, It's a pleasure Dragon God of Time." Zeref introduced. He bowed towards the dragon who nodded.

"It's a pleasure. So, it does seem as though he was cursed for longer than the limit allows, we'll deal with Ankhseram later, let's get Zeref to father first."

"Alright." Palkia replied. He then looked at Zeref. "We can't go through the usual means as of the portal since he wouldn't survive it despite his immortality, so we'll have to bring him the old fashion way."

Zeref blinked at this, he didn't know what they were talking about, but he just followed. He watched in amazement as Palkia created a portal that they ended up passing into.


When they exited the portal, the gods and Zeref landed onto the ground. Zeref looked around st the area and was confused.

It looked to be somewhere very high up, the place looked like an ancient ruin with multiple pillars sticking upwards but looked destroyed.

The material looked to be some kind of stone brick and was carefully done. He also felt it was a bit hard to breathe as they were really high up.

"Where are we?" Zeref wondered. He had gotten off of Palkia's back and looking around.

"This is Spear Pillar, a place at the very peak of Mt. Coronet. You wouldn't known of it as it isn't a part of your world." Dialga explained. Zeref nodded his head at this.

"To meet with father, we'll have to summon forth the stairway that will lead us up to the Hall of Origins, where father resides."

"How do we do so?" Zeref asked. They smiled before Dialga changed back into his human form as Zeref watched as he stepped up.

He saw Dialga pull out a strangely designed flute which he began to play a tune on it. Zeref was hearing it as he felt something incredible about the tune.

"That flute, such a strange instrument..." Zeref muttered. Palkia gave a chuckle as the dark mage turned to him.

"That is known as the Azure Flute, the only method of calling father without going through the portal like we usually do."

Zeref listened as Dialga finished before transforming back into his true form. They watched in silence as Zeref was surprised when everything began to shake.

He widened his eyes as a staircase reaching high above the clouds formed, he saw a glow at the end and was entranced by it.

"Follow us, father should be waiting at the top." Palkia stated. The three of them began to climb up the staircase.

Zeref had a drop of sweat run down his cheek, he was certainly nervous. He was about to meet the creator of the entire Omniverse.

He had been told of their father Arceus by Palkia, he knew that he should behave his best and make sure not to do anything bad, not like he would.

As they reached the top of the stairway, Zeref looked around in awe as they were surrounded by clouds and the platform they were standing on looked to be made entirely of ethereal light.

They were now walking forward on the flat ethereal platform as Zeref couldn't stop staring in awe. He was slightly behind Dialga and Palkia who were walking in front.

Zeref stopped as he saw both of the dragons had stopped their movement, he didn't say anything but watched in astonishment as his eyes were brought to the form of a glowing being.

He watched as as the light stopped, revealing Arceus in all of his glory. Zeref was speechless, the creature in front of him was a breathtaking sight to behold.

The way the god stood tall and had the eyes that just clearly showed its power, while they looked calm, you could tell their was immense power behind it.

"Welcome, child." Arceus stated. He was referring to Zeref who was still speechless. "It's nice to meet you, my name is Arceus."

Zeref shook his head and got rid of his shock before quickly getting on both knees and bowing in front of the god. "N-No, it's my pleasure, Lord Arceus!"

"Haha~, there's no need for you to feel nervous. Feel at ease." Arceus calm and gentle glow calmed Zeref down as he smiled before nodding. "I've heard about your condition, it's healing you wish for?"

"Yes, if you may, Lord Arceus." Zeref requested. Arceus looked at him and nodded.

"Very well. Step forward." Arceus instructed. Zeref was nervous as he looked ahead, he looked at the time and space dragons to see them smiling and nodding.

This gave Zeref some confidence as he walked forwards and stood in front of Arceus who was towering over him by a a lot, upon closer inspection.

Zeref was shocked to see that Arceus was probably twice as big ad Dialga and Palkia.

"Close your eyes and relax." Arceus stated. Zeref did as told as Arceus then raised one of his front legs and held it on the forehead of Zeref.

'This calm feeling... it's so peaceful.' Zeref thought. He felt a calm and soothing golden light surround his body which after a couple seconds, disappeared.

"You may open your eyes." Zeref did so and looked at himself, he didn't look any different before looking at Arceus. "Palkia, if you would."

"Of course." Palkia created a portal which he pulled out a flower which seemed completely healthy. He looked at Zeref and nodded.

Arceus and Dialga also gave a nod as he gulped before walking up to the plant, he touched it before holding it. He was shocked to see that it stayed as heathy as always, it didn't die.

Zeref was staring with wide eyes at the plant as small tears formed at the corner of his eyes which began to drip down onto the platform.

"I-I'm cured..." Zeref muttered. He smiled with tears still dropping as he clutched the plant. "Lord Arceus, I can't thank you enough..."

"There's no need to, you were suffering for far longer than you should have when having the curse, I'll have a talk with Ankhseram later on. You still have your magic abilities, but you aren't haunted by the Curse of Contradictions no longer." Zeref gave a hard nod as he wiped the tears away. "You'll age the same as a normal human from this day forth and be at peace at last. You'll now return to your world and live on, farewell."

"Thank you." Zeref gave thanks as he bowed to all three of them. Palkia created a portal as Zeref walked through.

"Now..." Arceus started. Dialga and Palkia then turned was  to him confused. "There are some things we need to discuss."


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