Fifth Light (Sebastian Vettel)

By lacellak

599K 16K 3.5K

Set in the 2014 Formula 1 season, this story follows Casey Larsen as she takes on her first year as a member... More

Chapter 1: How It Began
Chapter 2: Australia
Chapter 3: Travel
Chapter 4: Malaysia
Chapter 5: Thief
Chapter 6: Podium
Chapter 7: Kind-of Confession
Chapter 8: Bahrain
Chapter 9: Media Attention
Chapter 10: China
Chapter 11: Jealousy
Chapter 12: 3am
Chapter 13: Headquarters
Chapter 14: Movies
Chapter 15: Spain
Chapter 16: Perfect Fit
Chapter 17: Double Podium
Chapter 18: Celebrations
Chapter 19: Closer
Chapter 20: Admission
Chapter 21: Monaco
Chapter 22: Catching Up
Chapter 23: Revelations
Chapter 24: Decision
Chapter 25: Kimi
Chapter 26: New Friends
Chapter 28: Cut Off
Chapter 29: Flight
Chapter 30: Public
Chapter 31: Girlfriend
Chapter 32: Fans
Chapter 33: The Fight
Chapter 34: First Aid
Chapter 35: Ghost
Chapter 36: Girl Talk
Chapter 37: Germany
Chapter 38: The Veyron
Chapter 39: His Birthday
Chapter 40: Parents
Chapter 41: Sickness
Chapter 42: Overheard
Chapter 43: Win
Chapter 44: Anger
Chapter 45: Gone
Chapter 46: Sorry, Not Sorry
Chapter 47: Home Again
Chapter 48: Time's Up
Chapter 49: Change
Chapter 50: Prancing Horses
Chapter 51: New Beginnings
Chapter 52: Working Late
Chapter 53: Letting Go
Chapter 54: Thinking of You
Chapter 55: Ice Bucket Challenge
Chapter 56: Extraction
Chapter 57: Talking
Chapter 58: Suprises
Chapter 59: The Maserati
Chapter 60: Repairing
Chapter 61: Tricks
Chapter 62: Regret
Chapter 63: Loose Ends
Chapter 64: How It Ended
Chapter 65: Christmas Special

Chapter 27: Case of the Ex

9.4K 248 90
By lacellak

Seb looked around the table dubiously, "Okay, what? I swear every time I sit at this table something weird is going on."

"Nope. Nothing at all," Brand stated unconvincingly, mostly due to the stupid smirk on his face.

"Then what's wrong with this one?" Seb pressed, nudging an unresponsive Casey with this elbow.

"Oh. She's sick. Was sick all night too apparently," Kyle said.

"How about you Seb? Feeling better? Weren't you sick too?" Brand exclaimed sarcastically.

Evan watched Seb's expression with great interest, watching the cog wheels turning.

Harry reached across the table and grabbed one of Casey's hands, stroking it with his thumb, "Do you want me to take you back to the hotel?" he said in his best seductive voice.

"Ugh!" Casey's head jerked up and she ripped her hand away, glaring at Harry as his eyes glinted mischievously. Brand was next to him trying to contain himself. What a pack of idiots.

"I'm feeling miraculously better, actually," she stated, avoiding looking anywhere near the driver at her side.

Seb sniggered. He wasn't born yesterday. They knew. Or at least, they strongly suspected. He could play this game too.

"I've been hearing rumours about Casey, actually," he said with a playful smile.

She finally turned to look at him in confusion, "You what?"

"I might have a source in the Ferrari garage who mentioned it," he continued casually.

Brand, Harry, Kyle and Elliott were all completely focused on Seb now.

"And?" she stuttered.

"He said something about you and one of their engineers... is it... Blake, something?"

Her mouth dropped open momentarily before she looked back at the others, who'd all lost their smug expressions entirely, only to be replaced with confusion.

By the look on Casey's face, Seb knew he'd correctly remembered the name of the guy she and Jacob had been talking about in the garage last week.

"Who knew Formula 1 drivers spent all their spare time gossiping about the love lives of their crew?" Casey muttered, playing along and yawning towards the end of her sentence.

"Well, it looks like someone kept you up all night anyway," Seb continued with a cunning smile.

"Okay, I think we've talked about me enough for today," she said with a weary expression.

"Hang the fuck on," Brand interjected, "Who are we talking about?"

"A Ferrari mechanic," Jacob replied, a mischievous expression set on his face.

"It's the Italian accent isn't it?" Evan asked, grinning over at Casey.

"Among other things," she smirked.

Brand, Kyle and Harry all looked thoroughly deflated as their suspicions were suddenly cast in doubt. Turned out Blake was useful for something after all.

"You can't fraternise with the enemy!" Kyle blurted out.

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer isn't it?" Casey asked smoothly.


The next day, Casey, Jacob and Evan boarded a plane to Canada. Again, they would have four days off before going back to work on Monday for 7 straight days. Thankfully, Casey was used to the sometimes gruelling routine by now and the 7 working days in a row always flew by anyway.

On the Sunday morning of the race, she found herself even more targeted than usual by the cameras as she kneeled on the garage floor. Evan was helping her repair a bolt that had lost its grip.

"Is it just me or is there more of them today?" she whispered to him, jerking her chin towards the front of the garage.

"There's definitely more," he replied without even needing to look.

"Why?" she muttered, more to herself than Evan.

"The rumour is that Hayley has been spotted in the paddock today," he said stiffly.


"Hayley Bauer, uhh, Seb's ex," he mumbled, finally stopping to give her a weird look.

She stared back at him blankly, "Didn't they break up like 2 years ago?"

Casey thought back to her first year working in the factory for Red Bull Racing. She was sure she'd heard something about it at one point.

"Something like that. But they were sort of on and off. Nobody really knew when it stopped, it just did," Evan recounted conspiratorially.

Casey looked back to his hands, watching him work expertly.

"So she's here?" she asked after another moment.

He chuckled, "I don't think it's anything to worry about."

"I'm just curious," she replied, biting her lip to hide a grin.

"Mmhmm," Evan replied, throwing her a lop-sided smirk.

Seb arrived in the garage later that afternoon after an already busy day of meet and greets and interviews. When he saw the heightened media presence outside the garage he sighed heavily.

"Hey," he said, dropping his hand on Evan's shoulder.

The blonde turned around curiously.

"Can you get Case for me? I'll be in the back."

Evan nodded, "Sure."

Seb turned on his heel and made his way toward the back room, shutting himself in and relishing the quiet, private space. A minute or so later the door opened slightly and Casey slipped through, looking over her shoulder warily as she shut the door again.

"Hey!" she said as she finally turned towards him and smiled happily.

Seb felt his chest flutter as he looked at her. He loved it when she smiled at him like that.

He held his arms towards her and she stepped into them, sliding her hands around his neck and leaning in to kiss him gently. He placed a hand behind her head, pulling her in closer and deepening the kiss. He'd been waiting to do that all day.

After a minute, Casey pulled away to catch her breath.

"Seb. Did you pull me in here just for a make out session?" she whispered against his lips, giggling slightly.

He grinned back at her, stealing another kiss before releasing her.

"No, sadly not. Uhh..." he tried to figure out how to raise the subject.

"What is it?" she interrupted, frowning slightly.

"There's a woman here today, maybe you've already heard about it. We used to be together," he stammered.

"Hayley," Casey replied with a quick nod.

"Yes. I don't know why she's here, she was friends with some of the other girlfriends and wives in the paddock, so maybe she's here with them. She hasn't contacted me. But uhh, just so you know, there will be talk."

"When did you two end it?" she asked casually, running her fingers down his chest. Play it cool, Case.

"The last time I saw her was before the 2013 season started. We kept in touch for awhile though. But I stopped talking to her entirely earlier this year."

He observed her expression carefully, though she didn't seem particularly phased to hear this.

"Okay. So I should expect a lot of shit-talk today, but I should ignore it. That's what you're getting at," she grinned.

"Perfect," he laughed quietly before pushing a lock of hair back from her face, "And on another note, I've missed you so much this week."

His schedule had been so tight since he'd landed in Canada that she'd had only been able to see him at work. He'd been getting back to his hotel late every night and going straight to sleep out of sheer exhaustion.

"We're still on for tonight though right?" she asked.

"Definitely," he replied, kissing her forehead as he pulled her in for one last hug.

They had planned to spend the night together after the Grand Prix after-party. Casey had even taken the following day off work so they wouldn't have to go anywhere.

"Drive safe," she whispered, her lips lingering against his neck before reluctantly pulling away from him and stepping back out of the room. Seb sighed quietly as he watched her leave.


The boys were sadly no match once again for the fast Mercedes-engined cars throughout the race. Daniel was able to secure 4th, only just, while Seb trailed back in 7th. The team hadn't been expecting miracles , especially considering the track they were at. Even so, everyone still finished up work as quickly as possible that afternoon so that they could get out into the city.

Later that evening, Casey entered the bar arm in arm with Jacob. Evan wandered along next to them, taking in the scenery. He gasped suddenly and poked his head between them.

"That's her!" he whispered.

Jacob and Casey both turned to look at him in confusion before following his steady gaze to a small, blonde-haired woman out on the dance floor.

"Hayley?" Casey whispered.

Evan nodded and ducked away again, re-appearing on her other side.

"Why would she be here?" she asked with just a hint of uncertainty. She would be lying to herself if the sudden presence of Sebastian's ex-girlfriend didn't have her feeling a bit off.

"Maybe she knows this is where the team usually celebrates from being here with him in the past," Jacob suggested, urging Casey to follow him to a table. She allowed him to lead her away and they took a table near the rest of the team.

Casey couldn't help but curiously peer over at Hayley every so often, though Evan would scold her every time he caught her doing it. She wondered what their relationship had really been like. Seb was such an intense person. He seemed so all or nothing. It was hard to imagine him being on and off with someone for any prolonged period of time.


Seb walked into the bar a bit late as they'd been held up in traffic after the media circle that afternoon. He quickly found the majority of the crew in the lounge area of the bar, sitting around tables and drinking together happily. He looked around, not immediately spotting Casey, and decided she was probably up dancing with Jacob as they so often did.

He made his way to the bar, deciding to grab a drink before he went to find them.

"Seb," a smooth, familiar voice called as a hand touched down on his shoulder. He leaned against the bar and looked back to find Hayley standing there, smiling at him serenely.

"Hayley!" he exclaimed, though his voice sounded put out, even to himself.

"How are you?" she gushed, pressing herself into him. Her head only reached the top of his chest. It felt so familiar, but still strange. He had become used to Casey, who was just a little taller than Hayley, burying her head against his neck.

"I'm... I'm fine, how are you? What are you doing here?" he replied, trying not to seem too uncomfortable.

She laughed and leaned back, keeping her hands resting on his shoulders. His eyes flicked around the room uncertainly before they landed back on her face.

"I was here on vacation. Jen invited me to the Grand Prix since I was nearby and I thought... why not? I hadn't seen you in so long. I thought I would try to say hi," she explained with a bashful smile.

"Oh," Seb didn't really know what to say. This was all rather unexpected and awkward.

"I've really missed you," she continued, biting her lip and shaking her head to herself.

He smiled down at her and raised his brow, again not really sure how to react.

"Anyway, sit!" she said suddenly, pointing at the bar stool beside him. The bar seemed quiet enough at their end so he obliged, slipping on to the seat.

"Catch me up on what's been going on in the life of Sebastian Vettel," she smiled brightly.

Seb sat with Hayley for little awhile, talking about the recent races and hearing what's she'd been doing back at home. His mind was elsewhere though, wondering who was watching him and what they would think. He didn't know how long he needed to stay with her before it would be polite to excuse himself.

"So are you with someone?" Hayley asked, her tone suddenly turning more serious.

He once again didn't know how to reply. Hayley wasn't exactly someone he wanted to arm with any knowledge about his current private life. He had to protect Casey as much as himself.

"Ah, no," he lied, "Too busy, of course," he added.

"I see," Hayley replied, smiling gently.


"What's happening?" Casey asked quietly as she watched Jacob and Evan's focused expressions. She had her back to the bar and the two boys were straining their eyes to see into the far corner of the room where they'd spotted Seb and Hayley talking.

"Just more talking..." Jacob mumbled, glancing across casually.

Evan nodded in agreement, though unlike Jacob, his gaze didn't waver even for a moment.

"Is there any chance you can be more subtle, Ev?" Casey hissed with a quiet laugh.


"There were a lot of photos online of you with a new girl," Hayley said playfully, forcing a smile and slapping her hand on his knee lightly.

"You know for yourself what the media is like," Seb replied with a grimace.

"So it wasn't true?"

Seb shook his head vaguely, really not wanting to be talking about this.

Hayley ordered them both another drink and he tried to relax and forget the awkwardness of it all.

"Can I be honest with you?" she said earnestly.

He frowned slightly, "Of course?"

"I just, I really hate how we ended things. I should have supported you more... had more patience. I was selfish."

He was taken-aback, "Oh. It's... okay, what happened, happened. It wasn't easy on either of us."

She reached forward and took his hand in both of hers, "I'm sorry. And I'm sorry I'm keeping you away from your friends tonight, I just, I've really missed you and seeing you again has kind of hit me hard."

Seb's gut twisted as he saw a rogue tear fall down her cheek before she quickly flicked it away and laughed at herself.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. It's all in the past now," he tried to comfort her, though his heart just wasn't in it. All he wanted to do was find Casey at this point.

Hayley looked back up and met his eyes thoughtfully.


"She's grabbed his hand," Evan whispered.

Casey's eyes widened a little but she stayed otherwise composed. That was a normal thing to do. She held Jake and Evan's hands all the time. No problem.

She took another sip at her drink and sighed, "So, this is what our night has come to."

"Would you prefer not to know what's happening?" Jacob tore his eyes away from Seb and Hayley to shoot a sly smile at her.

She bit her lip, trying to hide a guilty grin as she took another sip.


Hayley didn't know what she was doing. She couldn't help it, maybe she'd had too much to drink. Everything had come rushing back to her and seeing Seb again in the flesh had been overwhelming. He looked so good; as perfect as she remembered.

In one swift movement she slid off her stool and stepped between his knees. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his, slipping her hands around the back of his neck and pulling him in closer.


"Oh fuck me," Evan suddenly breathed. Jacob's eyes snapped back up to Seb and Hayley and his mouth dropped open a little.

Casey's heart thumped and she finally looked over her shoulder.

"Case, no," Evan hissed urgently, but it was too late.

Her eyes fell instantly on the blonde, whose arms were wrapped firmly around Seb's neck as they locked themselves in a heated kiss.

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