Once in a Lifetime (A Niall H...

De ladybugs_

10.2K 130 45

Abby Sullivan just graduated high school and is on an annual roadtrip to visit her grandparents. On a stop at... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Another update
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 11

532 7 10
De ladybugs_

OKAY, before I start this chapter I just want to thank y'all for reading my story and all the votes! Over 700 reads is like woah! Haha, and I'm sorry it's been so long, school :( But yeah, I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to leave feedback! I love you guys!


~*Abby's POV*~

I sat on the plane awkwardly next to Niall, I felt like I was a bad person. Not only was I a bad person for kissing Louis, but I was a bad person for pretending like it didn't happen, and I was an even worse person for keeping it from Niall. I felt like I was stuck, I could either tell Niall and risk our relationship, or keep it to myself and risk Louis telling everyone, and neither choices were so great. I lifted my head to look around the plane and instantly my eyes met Louis'.

He smiled at me and I looked away as quickly as I could, trying my best to avoid him at all costs. He was so close to me that it was hard not to meet his eyes, the only thing separating us was the small isle between our seats. "We'll be landing soon, please fasten your seat belts and turn off all devices that may interfere." the pilot said over the loud speaker, causing Zayn to jerk out of his sleep. After the plane landed and we were all off, we headed to baggage claim.

Since I would be living in England for a while before settling in Ireland, I had the most luggage. I pulled my bags off of the belt and struggled to carry all of them, there were six all together, and Niall grabbed three. We walked out of the airport and I was still struggling, even with only three bags. Suddenly, Louis came up beside me and took two, smiling sweetly at me in the process. I shot my head down and began walking as quickly as I could to catch up to Niall, rubbing his back lightly as soon as I did.

The car ride to the boys' complex was quiet, and the silence was making my mind go over capacity. I knew I'd have to tell Niall eventually, but I was nervous. Maybe I should just tell Niall what happened, I mean, he seems like he'd understand that it was a mistake. But what if he didn't? What of he hated me? What if he kept a grudge on Louis? I'd be responsible for causing tension between the two, and I'm not prepared for that. When we finally got to the boys' complex I fled into Niall's and found the bathroom as quickly as possible.

I locked the door and crawled into the bathtub. I didn't want to have to be alone with Niall, I wouldn't be able to be near him knowing that I was lying to his face. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I sort of figured he'd find me, but I didn't think it'd be so soon. "Yes?" I asked, curled up in the bathtub. "Are you alright, you've been acting strange since we left your mom's house." Niall asked through the door. My heart was breaking every second, he was always worrying about me and taking care of me.

"I'm actually not feeling too well." I said, trying not to raise suspicion. It was true, I wasn't feeling well. I mean, maybe I was physically fine, but mentally I was screwed up. "Is it your stomach? Maybe the babies?" He asked. I sighed to myself, I didn't like lying to Niall, but I kept doing it anyway. "Probably." I said, just loud enough for him to hear me. "Alright, I'll go out and pick up something for you." he said and I heard him walk into the living room, grab his keys and leave.

I waited for about two minutes and sat up in the bathtub. I sighed and pulled out my phone, if I was gonna talk to anyone, I had to talk to Louis first. I looked through my contacts quickly and hit Louis' name. I only had to wait for the phone to ring twice before he picked up. "Hello lovely." he answered. I shuddered to myself, somehow Louis had gotten the idea that something would happen again, but it wouldn't. Ever. "Louis please don't call me that. I just called to talk to you." I said and rubbed my face.

"Oh yeah I know, I just think you're lovely." he said smoothly into the phone. "Alright, I'm just gonna cut the crap. I don't want to be with you, that thing that happened the other day was the first and last time. I'm in love with Niall and that will never change, okay?" I snapped. Louis was silent on the other line. "I know." he said. He knows? I didn't respond. "Abby I know you love Niall, I know you're having his child, I know you don't and won't love me, but I think I'm falling in love with you." he mumbled plainly into the phone.

I still didn't know what to say. "I just want you to know that I'm always here for you okay, and that I love you." he said, his voice was getting quieter with each word. "I love you too." I said, and I meant it. Maybe I didn't mean it in a romantic way, but I definitely meant it. He gasped subtly into the phone and ended the call. I felt 10 times better than I did before I called. I wanted to hate Louis for putting me in this situation, but I knew that he didn't, I did.

Maybe I could trust Louis not to tell, maybe it would just be one secret that Niall didn't need to know. I mean, it was only once and it's not like it'd ever happen again. I let out another sigh and got out of the bathtub, as soon as I opened the door I saw Niall walking down the hall. "Hey babe! I didn't know if the medicine would be okay for the babies so I bought some chocolate instead." he said and smiled. I couldn't calm myself, I busted out laughing and Niall put the bag back down to his sides.

"What? You don't like chocolate?" he asked sadly. "No, I love chocolate, it's just... You're so cute!" I said between breaths. Niall smiled at me again and handed me the chocolate. He really was adorable, and I could tell that he was trying with everything he had to take care of me. That was it, I didn't need to think any more. I didn't even have to consider Louis as a factor, I had no doubt that I wanted to be with Niall.

I took the bag and pulled him into a tight hug, and that's when I realized that what happened with Louis wasn't out of love. It was out of lust and because it felt good. What I was sharing with Niall at that moment was real love, and we were just hugging. "Niall, I love you so much. All you do is take care of me and I really appreciate it." I whispered into his ear and kissed his cheek. "I love you too, Abby. That was random!" he said and smiled at me. I giggled, "Yeah, I know." I smiled and let go of him.

~*Louis' POV*~

I hung up the phone quickly and slammed my face back into my pillow. It's hard being so close to the girl you love but knowing that she'll never love you. And it's even worse when she's in love with one of your best friends. As bad as I wanted to say 'Just forget about Niall, I can treat you so much better!' I knew that I couldn't. I don't just like Abby, I LOVE her, but I can't do Niall like that! I sighed and opened the door then walked down a few stairs to Niall's complex.

If I can't be with her, I want to be around her. I knocked on his door and he opened up right away and let me in. Abby was on the sofa watching tv and immediately looked away when she saw me walk in. "I just wanted to hang out." I said to Niall and he let me into the living room. I sat down next to Abby on the couch and surprisingly she didn't move away. It felt pretty nice just being close to her and having her near me, but the fact that she wasn't going to let that kiss effect our relationship made it better.

"So... Do you guys wanna play UNO?" Niall asked, breaking the pleasant silence. "UNO? What are we eight?" I blurted without thinking. Niall sighed and wrapped his arm around Abby. I wanted to vomit. "Sorry, I just thought since you're here we might as well..." he said and grabbed the deck of cards. "Fine." I said and turned so that I was now facing both Abby and Niall. Niall passed out our cards and set them on the coffee table. We played for about 15 minutes before we all had about 3 cards left, except for Abby who was failing miserably.

"Louis you can't do that! If you don't have the right number or a red, you have to draw a card!" Niall nagged. "I don't have to! I can use yellow can't I?" I yelled, even though I knew I couldn't. Niall rubbed his face and sighed. "Louis, just draw from the deck." he said angrily. I threw my cards down jokingly and stood up. "Screw this." I said and ruffled around everyone's cards. Niall went off and I felt bad for messing up his game. I didn't want Niall to be mad at me, I was just messing around!

"LOUIS WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" he yelled at the top of his lungs, causing Abby to jump a bit. "I'm sorry-" I started, but was cut off. "YOU'RE ALWAYS SORRY LOU, SOMETIMES SORRY WON'T CUT IT!" he snapped. I was starting to get mad, why was he getting so mad over a stupid game? "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked and crossed my arms. Niall stood up and got closer to me. "What it means, Mr. I-Think-Everyone-Is-Scared-Of-Me, is that you always screw up and say sorry and it's over." he said, more calm this time.

My blood was boiling, who does he think he is? Maybe I should show him, maybe I should tell him that he's not as great as he thinks he is. "You're just jealous!" I barked. Abby's head snapped up and Niall gave me a strange look. "Jealous of what?" he asked. If looks could kill, Abby would be a murderer and I'd be dead. She wouldn't stop staring at me, but I ignored it. "You're just jealous because Abby thinks more about me than she does about you!" I yelled and wanted to take it back as soon as I did.

"What?" he asked and looked at Abby. "It's nothing, just stop guys. This is stupid." she mumbled. Niall looked back at me with an extremely confused look on his face. "No, Louis. Tell me." I shook my head in a 'Nevermind' manner but Niall wasn't having that. "Just tell me!" he demanded. My lips were zipped, I could ruin everything for not only my own, but Abby's relationship with Niall. "I kissed Louis a few days ago." she blurted out and tears were rolling down her face.

Niall's jaw dropped and he looked back and forth between Abby and I. "Is this true?" he asked. I nodded feeling extremely guilty and Niall snapped back around to look at Abby. "So this is what you do for me?" he said loudly. Abby shrunk into the couch and began crying more. "Niall I'm so sorry!" she cried. Niall threw the whole deck of cards. "I don't even know what to believe from you anymore Abby! You tell me one thing and do the other! I thought you didn't sleep around! Remember when you said that? Or was that a lie too?" he yelled.

Abby stood her ground this time, and now she was right in front of Niall's face. "I didn't sleep with anyone!" she spat. Niall laughed sarcastically. "You may as well have! I can't believe this, I believed every word you said and you repay me by making out with him?" he said and pointed to me. "Niall it was only once, I told him it would never happen again!" she yelled and looked over at me. "It shouldn't have even happened once! You know what Abby, I'm done with you." Abby looked shocked and put her hands on her hips.

"You're done with me? I'm not some sponge that you throw away when it gets old, I'm the mother of both of your kids!" she said and poked his chest. Niall was silent for a few seconds, then he crossed his arms. "My kids? Are you sure about that?" he said calmly. Abby's eyes pooled with tears. "Niall, I told you what happened." she forced out. Niall's eyes softened and he uncrossed his arms. "Abby... I'm sorr-" Abby pushed Niall out of the way and grabbed the keys from the entertainment center.

"No you're not Niall, you wouldn't have said anything about it in the first place. I don't want anything to do with you anymore." she yelled and slammed the front door. I just stood there and watched Niall break down in tears. What did I just do? I sat there and watched their relationship crumble right in front of me and Abby got blamed for everything. It was my fault. I brought her into the bathroom, I came over, I ruined the game, I started the argument, and I brought it up.

I felt awful and I wanted to comfort Niall but I knew he was angry at me. Niall looked up at me and frowned. "Go away Louis, get out!" he yelled and pointed toward the door. I left as quickly as I could and went to find Abby. I popped out my phone and dialed her number, hoping she'd answer. "Hello?" she answered, which surprised me because she never answered her phone when she was upset. "Abby where are you?" I asked. She sniffled into the phone and sighed. "I'm in the car." she said, and I could tell that she was crying.

I ran out to her car and knocked on the window waiting for her to unlock the doors and let me in. I hopped in and closed the door. Her head was on the wheel and she was bawling her eyes out. "Abby, if you want you can stay with me until you work things out with Niall, I know you probably hate me but..." I whispered comfortingly and rubbed her back. "Louis I don't hate you, this isn't your fault okay?" she said. Isn't my fault? It was all my fault! "Abby, I'm sure everything will work out, he was just mad. Of course the twins are his!" I said and continued rubbing her back.

Her crying got louder and harder and I wondered what I'd said. "Louis we don't know if it's Niall's baby." she said in between tears. How could she not know? Had she cheated on Niall? "What?" I asked, because that's all I could ask. "Louis, I was raped." she choked. Everything that had went on in there went from making no sense, to making perfect sense and I understood. "Abby, I'm SO sorry." I said and hugged her. After a few minutes of just sitting there I swapped seats with her and started driving.

"Can you just drop me off at a hotel?" she cried. There was no way I was gonna let Abby spend a night alone in a hotel, especially not in her state. "How about I stay in with you?" I suggested and took the exit back into town. "Okay." she sniffed. We pulled up to the nicest hotel I could find and I got the key to our room. We didn't have any luggage or bags, just ourselves, but this is what Abby wanted, so this is what she'd get. As soon as we got to our room Abby crawled into bed and balled herself up under the blankets.

I lied next to her and she scooted closer as soon as I did. I didn't wrap my arms around her, I didn't rest my head on hers, nothing. I didn't want to do anything Niall wouldn't like. "Louis, do you think you could just hold me?" She asked, absolutely still. She wanted me to hold her? I knew that I was just her shoulder to cry on, but for once I felt like she wanted to be near me how I wanted to be near her. "Of course." I said and wrapped my arm across her.

Her small body near mine made my heart want to explode, but I tried to stay calm. "Lou?" she asked quietly. I rubbed her arm with my thumb. "Yes?" I replied quietly. "Can I try something?" she asked. Try something? Try what? "Okay I guess." I said plainly. Abby flipped around quickly and gave me a quick but still passionate kiss. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before, and I felt like I had so many emotions inside of me that I felt like I could blow at any second.

Abby pulled away and flipped back around. "What was that?" I asked. Abby sighed and I could feel her trying to get comfortable next to me. "I wanted to see if I felt the fireworks." she said plainly. Wait... She was testing for fireworks? That meant she was actually thinking about me. I wanted to know if she felt it, I had to know. "Well did you?" I asked curiously. Abby was silent for a good four seconds. "Goodnight Louis." she said, which made me want to shoot myself in the foot.

I needed to know if she felt the fireworks, I did. "Goodnight Abby." I replied and closed my eyes, and even though my eyes closed my thoughts didn't stop. Could Abby actually have feelings for me? Could we be something more than friends? What about Niall? I sighed to myself one more time before drifting into sleep.

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