Two Can Play At This Game (A...

Av 1Dnialler

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Harry and Liberty were childhood sweethearts until Harry became part of a world famous boy band One Direction... Mer

Two Can Play At This Game (A Harry Styles Love Story)


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Av 1Dnialler

‘I'll pick you up at 8, dress warmly!xxx’ is the text I just got from Harry, does this mean he is taking me out on a date or something? Its Sunday, my hangover headache has only just disappeared, I still hardly remember anything from Friday, but I guess Harry done a good job of looking after me because I'm not in the newspapers.

Yesterday Louis wanted to take Harry out to do some shopping or whatever, so I spent the day with Niall, as Zayn and Liam went to see Perrie and Danielle. The day with Niall involved sitting on the sofa eating countless amounts of sweets, pizza, crisps, chocolate and coke.

We spent a hole 8 hours just watching films yesterday and talking, it turns out that the boys don't go on tour properly until February and that’s around the UK, but the boys do go to America and do a couple of concerts at the end of November and the start of December.

I know that Harry and I aren’t serious or anything, but what happens if it does get serious, where will I stand when he goes off months on end on tour and I wont see him? I know that Danielle, Perrie and Eleanor visit them once in a while. But they have jobs, Perries a singer in Little Mixs, Eleanor goes to University and works in Hollister and Danielle is a professional dancer.

They all have things to do and preoccupy them, but I will be going to college an hour a day and then I'm doing nothing for the rest of the day. I could try and get a job? Where to though, I mean I want to be a music producer. How can I get a job in that at such a young age and when I'm only in my first month or so of college?

Maybe I should talk to Harry about it, it’s a relationship right? No worries hidden and we tell each other everything. I still can't believe what has happened between Harry and I, I still can't get my head around the fact one moment I despised him and the next I like him... a lot.

Is that even physically possible? Just to snap the feeling and all of a sudden like him, they do say hate is the closest emotion to love? Maybe that’s why, I hated him so much I reached the boundary and I like him now?

I don't know, but I know one thing, Harry has changed yes... he isn’t what the papers make him out to be though. They make him look like he is the sort of the boy that sleeps with loads of different girls, goes out and gets drunk, flirts with everyone and doesn’t care what people think.

Well whilst I have been with him, we hasn’t got drunk he hasn’t slept with a girl that I know off... he doesn’t flirt with anyone apart from me and he cares about what people think about him.

‘Is this a date or are you pranking me here?’ I reply, I stayed at the boys house last night, but I left early this morning, I slept on the sofa which believe me is more comfy then my bed. Of course all the boys objected to it, but I ignored them and just feel asleep with my head on Harry's lap and my feet on Liam’s.

‘Whatever you want it to be;)’ what the hell does that mean? Is he actually going to be pranking me or is he winding me up? ‘I can't make it tonight...’ I can make it tonight... but I don’t want to be caught in a prank or something like that! ‘NOOOO I'm joking princess, I'm not pranking you and yes it’s a date xxx.  Princess, whenever I hear or see Harry calling me that it warms my stomach.

I never would have thought Harry would be the sort to call me a sappy nickname like princess, but I guess he likes it. Every boy knows that a girl dreams to have those dream relationship where she gets treated like royalty and gets called pretty and beautiful. When they walk down the streets holding hands and the boy would just kiss the girl and holds her tightly walking down the streets. The relationship where when you wake up you have a text saying ‘good morning beautiful’ and just before you fall asleep having the texts saying ‘sweet dreams’.

Maybe Harry knows I have always dreamt of having a relationship like that, when we dated before it was sweet. Harry was romantic but he wasn’t outgoing, but fair enough he was 16 what boy in their right mind is romantic at 16.

‘Ok I'll see you at 8 xxx’ its 7pm at the moment so I have an hours, do I have to eat? ‘Don’t eat I have the food:)xxx’. Is Harry reading my mind or something? I don't know what to wear... he said dress warmly so does that mean I can't wear shorts?

I get brought out of my reveries by my phone ringing, with Dave’s caller ID showing up,

“Hey you,” I smile to myself as I hear Dave croaking down the mic.

“Hey! You ok?” he almost shouts down the phone, I think I am on speakerphone,

“I’m ok, you?”

“I'm cool, what you up to today?”

“Erm nothing until later going out with Harry, you?”

“I'm have been with Melanie for the day,” Dave mumbles slightly,

“So why are you calling me and not with Melanie?” I frown and look down at the pine coffee table as I rest my feet against it.

“Well... you know I liked her?” Dave starts,

“Liked? I thought you like her?” I butt in,

“I liked her Libby, and I don't know what to do because she isn’t anything that I thought she would be like, and I don't like her now. I don't want to hurt her but I don't want to date her anymore, help me? What should I do!” Dave exclaims down the phone in a hushed voice.

“Tell her the truth Dave, just say that you don't think it would work because she isn’t what you’re looking for,” I help him out and bite against my nails, tasting the disgusting bitterness of the non biting treatment I have on my nails.

“ok, but I don't want to hurt her Libby,” Dave almost cries, sighing really loudly and a crack in his voice,

“But you’re going to hurt her more if you stay with her and then she finds out you don't like her and just staying with her because you are sympathizing her?” I point out, hanging out my tongue after every breathe to try and get rid of the disgusting taste staining my taste buds.

“Yeah good point, well I'm going to go face the music,” he sighs, I hear Dave throw his head back in annoyance and his neck clicking.

“Ok, well let me know how it goes and text me if you need me, kay?”

“Yeah bye Libby,” and with that Dave hangs up.

I have an hour to get ready? I don't need to shower because I had one earlier after I came back from a walk, all I need to do is chose what I'm wearing, and knowing Harry he will be here early. Letting out a deep sigh I heave myself up from the sofa and walk over to the stairs and slowly take a step at a time up the stairs.

Walking into my room the harsh cold air, from where I have had the window open in my room all day, hits me in the face and instantly sends shivers down my spine. Wrapping my arms tightly around my body and hugging myself I walk over to my wardrobe and go in search in what to wear.

I decide on dark green background pink flower floral jeans with a purple sleeveless baggy top tucked in. I roll the bottom of the jeans up a little and then wear purple pumps; I leave my hair like I usually do with the two sections brought to the front, with the pink and purple dyed ends on show.

Walking over to my vanity table, I take off all my make up and reapply it, putting on a eyelined tick on the outer corner of my eyes and apply a light amount of mascara. I place purple, green and pink beaded and leather bracelets on each other my arms and then grab my light-ish green hoodie from my drawer.

I slide my phone into the jean pocket and grab my purse and shut the window close, then walk down the stairs. Its 10 to 8 which means Harry is going to be here soon.

The kitchen is tidy for once, I went all out and decided to clean it today to pass them time, I sigh and take out a glass and fill it with coke, then gulp it down to quench my thirst. The taste of the disgusting nail treatment from my fingers is still stained in my mouth and is starting to make me feel sick, so I pop a tablet of gum into my mouth.

Sitting down on the stool and resting my elbows against the marble counter and my head in my hands I breathe in a deep sigh and let it out. I don't know what it is but I feel so stressed? Every time I walk around this house I think these people my parent owe money too is going to come in and attack me.

I think my parents are going to come in and tell me to get out because they have sold the house, which would leave me homeless. I know I’m probably being crazy and everything but I can't help but think it.

“Hey beautiful,” Harry's voice softly whispers into my ear, I smile to myself because I know I’m imaging his voice and his presence. I take in another deep breathe, but I breathe in Harry's scent of CK 2U, his aftershave he uses.

“Liberty?” his voice whispers into my ear again but the warmth of a make believe breathe against my ear and the hand on my shoulder feels so real. I open my eyes and turn my head to look to the right to see Harry standing beside my slightly crouched to my height with a worried expression.

“Hey sorry I was day dreaming,” I smile standing from the stool and reaching up on my tip toes tp peck my lips on Harry's,

“You ok?” he frowns wrapping his arms around my waist and tightly holding my against his body.

“Yeah I'm fine,” I whisper wrapping my arms around his neck still on tip toes and hugging Harry's chest, he kisses the top of my head and smiles against it.

“Good, you ready to go?” Harry asks tracing the circles into the small of my back like he normally does in a comforting way, I nod my head and release my arms from his neck.

Harry releases one arm from my waist but leaves the other one wrapped around me and grips onto my hip tightly but comfortingly. He walks me out of the kitchen through the living room and out the front door, then takes the keys from my hands and locks the door himself.

He turns around and smiles at me then continues to walk down the drive with his arms still tightly around my waist. I smile to myself and rest my head against the top part of Harry's arm against the toned muscles.

We get to his car and Harry instantly opens the passenger door for me and helps me, kissing my check once I'm sat in the seat. He then closes the door lightly so it doesn’t make a loud bang with the impact, then jogs around the front of the car and opens the driver’s door and gets in.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Harry asks me again starting the engine and pulling out of my drive and down the road then turning left.

“Yeah I'm just thinking,” I smile then lean over and peck Harry's cheek whilst we wait at the traffic lights.

“About what?” he inquires leaning his face into my lips when the come into contact with his skin, I smile at that then lean back into my seat.

“Just things, my parents, the house stuff like that,” I tell him, partly telling him the truth and leaving out the ‘us’ category. Its not that I'm not going to tell him but I'm not just yet I will later on.

“Don't worry about it, I wont let them hurt you I promise,” he promises me, then slips his hand onto my thigh and squeezing it lightly, I smile and place my hand on top of his hand as it rests on my leg.

Harry moves his fingers around and some how manages to get my fingers to slip through the space in-between his fingers and then locks his fingers over mine and keeps them securely in place.

“So where are we going?” I ask him as he pushes his foot down on the gas and speeds down the road at 50 mph.

“It’s a secret,” he tells me smirking,

“This is going to be a prank isn’t it? You’re going to tip water on me or something?”I exclaim hanging my mouth open and letting it form a ‘o’ shape.

“No I'm not,” he shakes his head then chuckles to himself, “ I just don't want you knowing that’s all,” he shrugs.

I don't reply and we settle into a comfortable silence as Harry concentrates on the road and I concentrate on the passing objects which zoom pas the car window. We haven’t made it official, Harry and I that is, I mean yes between us we have but we have to everyone else.

It’s probably around the internet that I was at the concert on Friday, and that Harry and I have been seen a lot together. So everyone that cares knows that something is going on between us, but I don't know if they have clicked on. Maybe they have, maybe they haven’t.

“We are here,” Harry shakes my leg lightly and frees my from my thoughts, I look around the place and that the car is parked in and take in the view. They place looks familiar, there is a lake-pond and bushes circling the place, there is a tree to the left slightly of the lake-pond. The ground is covered in a healthy colour of green and the same with the tree and bushes.

“Remember this place?” Harry asks me as he opens the door and offers me his hand to help me out the car. I do what I done last time and let Harry pull all my weight up out of the car, once I'm to my feet I fall a little because my shoes aren’t on properly.

 Which means I fall into Harry's chest, he chuckles and kisses my lips as I pull myself away from his warm body. I pause and don't kiss back because of the sudden surprise, but Harry bites down on my lip gently which gets me to kiss back. His hands stay in the same position he caught me in, one on the top of my back and the other half on my bum half on my waist.

I lean in against his body and rest my hands on his toned chest, I let Harry slip his tongue into my mouth and then let our tongues touch and dance together at a perfect rhythm. Harry's hand which is half on my bum half on my waist slips down lower so it is place on my bum, he presses down against my bum as if he is trying to push me into his body, but instead is getting a feel of it.

I roll my eyes under my eye lids and slip my hands down from his chest to the bottom of his shirt and play with the belt loop on his jeans. Harry groans against my mouth and I chuckle into the kiss, I then slide my hand up his shirt and rest it against Harry's toned abs, I feel his shiver under my touch which makes me chuckle again.

Harry's other hand goes from the top of my back to my bum as well and does the same as his other hand so our pelvises are presses against each others. Harry slips his hands down to the bottom of my bum top of my thighs and pulls my legs up and makes me wrap them around his waist. He then walks us both other to the bonnet of his car where he sits me down on it, I go to unravel my legs from his waist but Harry's force make my legs stay there.

I stop kissing Harry and look into his eyes for a moment, they have the same look in them, lust and passion and I bet you mine say the same. I break the eye contact and slip my lips down from his lips to his cheek to his jaw line, down to his neck. Where I leave rough kisses and love bites on his sensitive spot just underneath his jaw line in the centre.

Harry lets out deep breathes as he tries to stop himself from letting out moans, his hands go back to feeling up my bum and squeezing it lightly which makes me want to let out a moan. I continue to kiss and suck on Harry's skin a leave a love bite on his sensitive spot; I kiss on the bruised skin and then pull back from Harry's neck.

“You didn’t just leave me a love bite,” he fake gasps as he moves his fingers over the bruised skin I just left on him.

“You didn’t just feel my ass up?” I point out and smirk as Harry shrugs his shoulders,

“I'm a boy I have needs,” he smirks and winks at me, I roll my eyes.

“Mhmm whatever,” I whisper against his lips as I lean forwards stay there and then slide off the car bonnet.

I take another look around this place again; it looks us familiar I have been here with Harry before. He took me here; we sat on the grass and ate a picnic then watched the moon up in the sky. That was when Harry told me he loved me when I was playing him?

“You remember this place huh?” Harry whispers against my neck as he stands behind me and wraps his arms around me and rest his hand on my stomach, his head resting on my left shoulder.

“Mhmm,” I hum and nod my head then turn my head to look left and kiss Harry on the cheek. Harry starts to walk forwards and with his arms wrapped around me and his head resting on my shoulder, and basically me being in front of him makes me walk forwards to.

So we walk forwards with Harry directing where I walk, then we walk into a forest like place as we walk through a cut way. Then Harry leans me up against a tree, the same tree where we were last time when he told me he loved me.

He isn’t going to tell me he loves me is he? We have been dating two weeks? I think Harry sees my confusion and reads my minds slightly; he then shakes his head and takes a step closer to me. So he is towering over me, Harry looking down and I look up, his hands holding my hips tightly and mine holding the upper part of his arms.

“I'm not going to tell you I love you like I did the last time I brought you here, I don't want to hurt you when I say this, but I did fall for you and I did fall in love with you and that was after two weeks of dating. Then when you hurt me like that I still loved you, then eventually I realised that I pushed my feelings to much. Like I almost forced them, I'm not saying I don't like you, or I don't find you attractive because I do, but what I'm saying is I don't love you...” Harry trails off, and for some reason I find my eyes starting to water. He finds me attractive but he doesn’t love me? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Is he going to split up with me?

“What are yo-” I start to reply but Harry interrupts me by placing his long slender fingers to my lips and silences me.

“You haven’t let me finish,” he whispers and then gives me a reassuring look, I roll my lips into my mouth and wait for Harry to finish.

“I don't love you... yet, but I'm falling for you. It’s crazy I know, I mean people say that it takes months to realise that you love someone. But its just you drive me crazy, you’re on my mind twenty four seven, when I'm with you my heart wont stop pounding and I get butterflies. I can find myself talking to you for hours on end and never get bored of you, you’re amazingly beautiful and pretty and it’s crazy to even think you have taken me back after what I did to you. But you did and you have no idea how grateful I am for it, because the truth is even when I left you I didn’t stop liking you, I admit it when we dated before, I didn’t have the feeling like I do now, I thought I loved you then but I know that the feelings I had for you back then is only a tiny percentage of what I'm starting to feel for you and what I will feel for you in the future. I said I don't love you yet, but I know for a fact that maybe by the end of tonight... tomorrow, the day after that, by the end of the week or next week. I will be in love with you.  What I'm trying to say is that I'm falling for you pretty badly, no I'm not splitting up with you, but I want you to know how I feel about you. You might not feel the same or you might, I don't know. But a relationship is about honesty and I'm being honest with you.”

I don't speak, I don't breathe I don't do anything, Harry just balled his feelings out to me, he is falling for me, he saying he will fall in love with me but he doesn’t know then. I open my mouth to speak but a lump in my throat stops me.

“Say something,” Harry half whimpers half whispers to me with a worried tone, I can't speak its impossible. So I do the next best thing to speaking and smack my lips onto his, I wrap my arms under his arm pits and hold his back and pull Harry closer to me, I lean my back up against the tree and slide upward to try and get higher. Harry's arms wrap around my body as if he is hugging me, his hands touching the other arms elbow.

The kiss isn’t one of those passionate kisses, but a sort of kiss where you just hold one single kiss for a long period of time, like you never want to let go. But with me having a terrible problem of not being able to hold my breathe I have to separate my lips from Harry's.

I lean my head against the trunk of the tree and tilt it back so I'm looking up at the branches a leaves. The sky is orange where the sun is starting to set, so the leaves are starting to turn an orange tinted colour with the reflection, the brown dirt and old leaved path now turning orange to.

Harry places either one of his hands either side of my head next to my ears on the tree as I continue to look up and catch my breathe. His lips come into contact with front of my throat and kisses down to my voice box area. His warm breath and lips making my skin produce goose bumps.

“I'm falling for you too,” I whisper as I continue to look up at the leaves and Harry continues to kiss my neck. He stops kissing me and looks at me; I look down and look back at him. His eyes are still in the trance of lust and passion but relief and happiness also tint his eyes.

“What was that?” he asks me, raising an eyebrow,

“I said, I'm falling for you too,” I whisper looking straight into his eyes, he smiles and kisses my lips again,

“Good,” is all he replies then takes my hand and leads me back over to the lake-pond bit of this place.


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