Uncharted||His Love [Book 3]

By TwistTheKaleidoscope

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r e a l g r e a t n e s s i s w h a t y o u d o w i t h t h e h a n d y o u ' r e d e a l t I DO NO... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting
Chapter 2 - This One's On Me
Chapter 3 - 20 Years Earlier
Chapter 4 - Have We Met?
Chapter 5 - Cold?
Chapter 6 - Underground
Chapter 7 - Shut Up
Chapter 8 - I Love You
Chapter 9 - France
Chapter 10 - Laboratory
Chapter 11 - Burn
Chapter 12 - Syria
Chapter 13 - The Middle Way
Chapter 14 - Cutter And The Escape
Chapter 15 - Yemen
Chapter 16 - Well, Well, Well
Chapter 17 - Separated
Chapter 19 - Plane To Catch
Chapter 20 - Desert
Chapter 21 - Chase
Chapter 22 - The Atlantis Of The Sands
Chapter 23 - Once And For All

Chapter 18 - Pirates

1.8K 65 31
By TwistTheKaleidoscope

Waking up, (Y/N) groans in pain and squints at the sudden bright light.

"So our princess awakes." A voice sounds, their accent thick.

Trying to bring her hands up, she begins to panic at not being able to move them and the mysterious person laughs. "Don't worry. Your hands are just a bit tied at the moment."

More laughs are heard and she opens her eyes wider, beginning to take in her surroundings. It was the interior of a ship, swaying on a seemingly calm ocean. Boxes of crates were stacked up to the side and (Y/N) looks down, her hands tied behind her and her feet strapped to the legs of a wooden chair.

In front of (Y/N) was a man. He was dressed like that of a pirate, ammo strapped to his waist and a hat sat, lopsided, on his head. "Rameses is expecting you awake. He'll be joining us shortly." 

"Well, we wanna make sure I look my best. Got a bathroom anyway?" (Y/N) asks and he chuckles. "I don't think so. You're not moving out of that chair unless he gives you permission to do so."

Nodding, she looks around at various members of the crew stood positioned and she laughs. "Do you need this many backup? Afraid of a little woman?" She mocks.

"It's just precaution. I know what your type is like."

"Oh yeah? Enlighten me."

(Y/N) continues to distract him with the conversation, her hands moving slowly and the rope loosening against her wrists.

"A thief. A no-good treasure hunter, only looking out for themselves." He says and the crew nod.

"You have no idea." She whispers, feeling the rope come off entirely. "I'm only a thief if there's something worth thieving." She adds and he frowns. "I'd like to say I'm also a very good talker and you're not very attentive."

(Y/N) reveals her now free hands and the man's eyes widen, springing into action. She reacts quicker, punching him and sending him sprawling to the floor. The rest jump forward and she's quick to untie the ropes bounding her legs, kicking one man away and standing up.

Grabbing the chair, (Y/N) hits two with it, both falling unconscious and proceeds to take out the rest.

The leader, who was the one talking, lies on the floor with a bloody nose and mouth, his eyes barely staying open. Crouching down next to him, (Y/N) sighs, digging a hand through his pockets and taking anything worth of value.

"You're right about me being a thief. And about the backup... Could've done with more." She shrugs, patting his cheek and standing back up.

Running out of the room, she notices how the movement had become more violent, the calmness changed to rough seas. (Y/N) makes her way out onto deck. The wind violently attacks, the sea flowing overboard and the rain pouring heavily.

Finally, she realises she's on top deck, and makes her way past various crates and surprisingly, a few dead bodies. "That's gotta be Nate..." She breathes, although uncertain.

The red sliding door had already been pulled open, and cautiously she makes her way inside to the exposed ballroom. More bodies litters the floor and she moves her way over to one, kneeling down.

(Y/N)'s fingers brush the gun next to him, but before she gets a chance to grab a hold of it, a hand grabs her hair, pulling her back. "You thought you could get away?" The man from before spits, the blood dried on his face.

"Let me go!" She screams, struggling in his grip, but he still manages to pull her up by the hair.

"Hadha yakfi!" A voice orders. [Arabic for that's enough.]

(Y/N) presumes him to be Rameses, as all the men seem to take his orders, following him and standing guard.

"Amira, you are not supposed to run. You're my leverage against Drake." He tuts. [Princess]

"Drake isn't stupid. I know he looks it, but give the guy credit." She mutters, her hands grabbing the man holding her hair.

"You make jokes in situations like these?" He questions, but his voice is quieter than before and she frowns, deciding to just shrug in a response.

"If it's any consolation, Drake's escaped too. He's looking for you and Sullivan, maybe we should pay him a visit?" Rameses says.

Two others grab (Y/N), dragging her along behind their captain and out of the ballroom, down the deck toward the hold. The crew take her through different rooms, down some stairs until they eventually end up at the hold.

Just below (Y/N) stood Nate, in front of a fake model of Sully, used as a decoy. They all load their guns and Rameses grabs her arm as Nate lifts his hands up in a surrender. Two stay with her and Rameses, the rest leaving to hide.

"Nathan!" Rameses says and he slowly turns around, his eyes immediately meeting his girlfriend's in a sign of relief and worry. "You have given me so much trouble. I promise you, we're gonna end it now."

"You never had him, did ya? And you can let her go, she's done nothing." Nate says, his voice commanding.

"Of course not. I lied. Remember? I'm a pirate." Rameses reminds him, turning to his men and speaking Arabic.

A man in an orange jacket enters, heading towards Nate and laughing. (Y/N) watches, an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

Nate suddenly grabs the man and headbutts him, throwing a grenade and using his gun to shoot Rameses in one quick motion. Rameses stumbles back, and (Y/N) pushes him away, in shock at what just took place. She makes her way down to Nate and collides into him in an embrace. "Are you okay?" He breathes, holding her back to scan her.

"I'm fine, c'mon!" (Y/N) shouts, grabbing his hand and pulling him behind a wooden box. The grenade explodes, letting water pour in through the damage. The ship tips to the side, the water gushing in and all objects sliding.

"That's not good." Nate states.

The two proceed to take out the pirates and as they finish doing so, the entirety of the ship tips over, sending both falling into the water.

(Y/N) swims to the surface, spluttering. "Nate!" She shouts and his head pops up next to her. "We gotta get outta here!" She breathes, swimming over to the exit.

Pulling herself up, she takes off running, the red lights not a good sign. Nate is the first the fall down through a door, landing on another with a groan. By accident, she falls on top of him and the door cracks, sending water flying up and adding problems.

(Y/N) rolls off of him, helping pull him up and vaulting her way over a fence. More water bursts through the floors and Nate steadies her, looking up at the sound of creaking.

He pushes her out of the way just as a locker comes crashing down upon him. It pins him down and he takes a deep breath, the water reaching over him. (Y/N) does the same, diving under and swimming down towards him. She pushes the locker and he helps, making it easier to get it off of him.

The two then swim back up and press themselves against the ceiling, the water almost drowning them.

Taking yet another deep breath, (Y/N) makes her way back under and swims towards a grate, quickly pulling it off. Swimming through, she spies a hole just above and pulls herself out, coughing as Nate joins her.

He helps her to stand, the two regaining their breath just as a creaking sound is heard from behind. "Oh, no, no." He mutters, pushing his girlfriend forward at the wall breaking, a cascade of water rushing towards them.

(Y/N) jumps over a small gap, holding on and allowing the water to brush over her and fall down. This happens in front of her too and she notices a red rope hanging down the side of the wall and decide it to be the only option.

Climbing up the doors, one of them falls open and she takes her chances in going into the room.

"Which way is up?" Nate asks, noticing how they were walking on what should be the walls. The water had made her ears worse and she faces him. He repeats himself, placing a hand on her cheek.

"The door. Go that way." (Y/N) points out and he does so, entering the room and using the bookcase.

"Okay, this way." He says, kicking open another door.

They make their way out, running down the wall of the deck as the ship had been completely tipped onto its side. Nate leads (Y/N), edging their way along and into an elevator and he presses the button and breathes heavily. "Finally something went right." He mutters, the doors closing.

It begins to move and (Y/N) grab ahold of him, not liking how it begins to shake.  "Oh shit. No, no, no!" He pleads, the glass beneath them beginning to crack.

The elevator rumbles to a stop, and the glass shatters beneath, sending the pair falling to the chandelier below.

The window in front of them was already breaking. The waves violently pressing against it.

"Shit, Nate!" (Y/N) screams, not really believing this was happening.

"Can't get much worse than this." He points out.

(Y/N) grabs hold of the cord and makes her way down, but it breaks and they fall and the bottom part swings and shatters against the window.

"Yes it can." Nate chuckles.

From the impact, water shoots through the cracks in the glass and (Y/N) jumps her way across the broken bottom part of the chandelier. Nate joins her and under their weight, it falls, crashing to the ground.

Stumbling, they run away from it as it comes rolling towards them, but tired, they both collapse and Nate protectively shields her.

The ring falls over them, the hole in the middle allowing the two to pass through and (Y/N) laughs. "How about that?" She questions and he chuckles, letting go of her, but not before a kiss on the forehead.

Nate then grabs her hand and the two make a run for the door. "Let's get out of this aquarium."

A shot rings out, narrowly missing the pair and they turn to see a wounded Rameses, yelling in Arabic. "See you in hell, habibi, amira!" He aims his gun at the massive window and shoots.

"Crazy son-of-a-bitch!" Nate shouts, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand and running with her out and away from the ocean that had come spilling in.

They keep on running, their hands not disconnecting and they come to the end of the ship, jumping out into the icy ocean below.


"Oh my God, (Y/N)!" Elena shouts and (Y/N) rushes out of the bathroom. She had been picked up by an elderly couple, who had managed to translate what she was saying in order to find the journalist. 

"Nate." (Y/N) breathes, seeing his bruised state leaning in the middle of the doorway. Running over, she hugs him tightly. "I thought this was frowned upon?" He jokes, referring to Elena's statement.

"Shut up." (Y/N) replies and he chuckles as she pulls away, Elena leaving the room.

"We were on the same ship. How are you here?" Nate asks.

"I was found washed up on the shore. I mean I've only just woken up a few minutes prior, seems like we got separated." She answers and places her hand on his cheek. "Are you okay?"

"Are you? When I woke up I got worried you weren't there with me, holding my hand." He says and (Y/N) places a gentle kiss on his lips and he smiles, before frowning again.

"Is Sully..."

"Elena says he's alive. But they've got him."

"What? Where?"

"She says they're in a convoy, heading into the desert." (Y/N) repeats Elena's words that she had told her a few minutes before.

"We gotta go." Nate says, going for the door.

"Woah, woah, woah. No." She pushes him back. "No, it's not, that simple." She states, guiding him towards the sofa, letting him fall on it. "They've got at least two days' head start on us. So, we'll never catch up." She informs him, closing the door.

"We gotta try." He mumbles and (Y/N) sits down beside him.

"Listen, Elena has a plan. But we're only gonna get one shot at this. They're loading up a cargo plane at the airport. They're gonna make a supply drop to the convoy." She explains.

"We gotta be on that plane." Nate says. "You do realise that means parachuting in, right?" He adds and she chuckles. "We've done it before. Technically, not well, but we know what we're doing."

"I could really use a glass of water and then we oughta get going."

"Elena has a contact and they've said it's not taking off until dawn." She says, having not heard what he said clearly.

Nate is hesitant, but he slowly lies down, his head resting on (Y/N)'s lap and she runs her hand through his hair. His head shifts so he's looking at her left hand and she notices how he stares at her wedding ring finger.

"Nate..." (Y/N) begins, but he doesn't say anything.  Instead, his hand slowly creeps towards hers, grasping it and linking fingers, never wanting to let go. Her other hand plays with his hair and he sighs in content.

"I was scared, y'know." Nate's voice is gentle. Soft. "Being told that you were being held captive just because I wouldn't tell Rameses what he wanted."

"I never wanted you to be hurt in this, (Y/N). I just can't deal with the thought of a life without you." He admits and her heart breaks at the pain in his voice and she grips his hand tighter.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

"I know you just wanted to protect me, but this is my life, Nate. I've been doing this long enough." (Y/N) reminds him. She hadn't realised he had apologised. 

"I know."

Nate's thumb delicately rubs where her wedding ring should be. "I've always wanted you to call you that. Ever since I fell for you." He states.

"Call me what?" She queries, leaning her head back in content.

"My wife."

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