Chapter 7 - Shut Up

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The three walk through the newest underground place and Nate walks along metal poles above them. "Oh shit, get down." He warns, noticing the sweep of a light and they take out the guards patrolling.

"Good eye, thanks for having our backs." Cutter says. "From here on, no more guns."

Walking on, they notice how they are in what now looked like an underground station, and (Y/N) frowns at the site. She goes to say something when a door to the side opens and a man exits, his gun raised. "Hands up!"

"Oh, hello, mate, we must've taken a wrong turn somewhere." Cutter jokes, the trio holding up their hands.

"Yeah, is this King's Cross?" Sully adds, looking at part of a train next to him.

"Don't move."

"Hey, Hey, you got us all wrong. We're from Cleveland." (Y/N) says with a shrug when Nate comes up from behind the guy and stealthily takes him out.

He joins them and they carry on, walking past the trains and towards Marlowe's car, taking in the surroundings. "What the hell kind of place is this?" Sully exclaims.

"I've never seen anything like this." Cutter says.

"Some sort of train station or something." (Y/N) states. "Yeah, yeah, but it's gotta be almost 200 years old." Cutter replies, walking to the side of her and Nate takes a glance at them, walking ahead.

"Jesus, just when you think things can't get any weirder." Sully mumbles.

Making their way up the steps and towards the hall in the wall, Nate pulls (Y/N) back behind cover.

"Take them out, quietly." Cutter instructs, him and Sully staying a bit back. Nate and his girlfriend do so, each taking one of the guards out.

"Nicely done, kids." Sully congratulates.

"Come on. They must've gone through here." Nate says, leading the way through the built tunnel.

"And it gets weirder." Sully says in relation to his previous statement. At the end of the tunnel, was the inside of a building that caught them all by surprise.

"Woah, this stonework." Cutter breathes out. "Looks like Tudor. 16th Century." Nate studies, leading up some stairs.

"Quietly, Nate." (Y/N) whispers, following behind him and silently thanking herself that she wore flats.

They walk out past different cabinets holding various valuable items and they all turn their flashlights off.

"No, no, no, seriously, who are these people?" Charlie questions.

"-I'm not interested in your excuses." (Y/N) recognises the voice instantly to be Marlowe's. She pulls Nate down behind the barrier, looking down over the edge to see the woman, Talbot and a few men.

"He was a loose cannon and you should have known."

"Yes, it is regrettable." Is Talbot's reply, carrying a wooden box of sorts.

"Not regrettable. Sloppy." Marlowe cuts him off, the two facing each other across the table and she takes the box from him. "Your poor judgement could have cost us everything." Opening the box, she takes out the golden cipher disk that we needed. "Four hundred years of searching." Marlowe takes out the ring. "Finally. Drake's secret will be revealed."

The group watch as she tries to put the ring where it's supposed to go, but fails to do so, the ring not fitting. "What is this?" She exclaims, holding the ring up.

"I don't understand..." Talbot says, confused.

Marlowe pulls over the magnifying glass and investigates the ring, Nate giving (Y/N) his smirk.

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