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Yemen Airport

The sky was painted with colours of soft pinks and yellows. Nate and Sully walk, calmly towards the plane, carrying their bags. (Y/N) stands with Elena, saying last minute goodbyes and looks over to see the pair stop, talking between them.

Elena nudges her. ''You and Nate deserve a break. Take it whilst you got it.'' She tells her, holding up her left hand. "Besides, this is looking a bit bare, don't you think?''

Scoffing, (Y/N) pulls her hand away and Elena laughs, erupting into another conversation.

Across the way, Sully makes Nate stop. "You okay?'' Nate asks, frowning as he places his bag down.

''Yeah. Yeah, I just got something needs saying, that's all.'' He replies and Nate nods, also placing his bag down. ''All right. What is it?''

''Look, I, uh, I had a lousy father. Lousy childhood. I hit forty, I figured I was never gonna have a kid of my own. Hell, I never wanted one. What the hell do I know about raising a kid?'' Nate smiles at his words. ''Then firstly (Y/N) comes into my life and then you, you came barrelling into my life too.''

''Look, you don't have to...'' Nate begins but Sully cuts him off, playing with something in his hand. ''No, listen, I do. I have made a lot of mistakes, kid. A lot. And, ah... well, I'm not a perfect man.'' He stops, holding up a ring and Nate's eyes widen, but he covers it up.

''You're not proposing, are you, Sully?'' He jokes. ''I mean, I love you, but - ''

''Stop.'' Sully says, staying serious and he sighs. ''Just stop being a wise-ass for one second.''

''How long you been carrying that around?'' Nate asks, eyeing it wearily, as if it might attack him at any moment.

''Too long.'' Sully answers, holding in forward and passing it to him. He then reaches into his back pocket and pulls out another one.

Nate takes both from him, holding them in his hands and just stares at them, feeling more emotional. ''Thought I'd lost it.''

''Here's the thing, kid. We don't get to choose how we start in life. Real 'greatness' is what you do with the hand you're dealt.''

Sully motions behind him and he turns, looking over at (Y/N) hugging Elena and then she pulls away, watching the journalist walk back into the city. Looking back to Sully, he gives him a reassuring smile and Nate nods, making his way over to her.

Picking up her bag off the floor, (Y/N) grins at Nate walking over. ''Hey.''

''Hey.'' He replies, a nervous tone to his voice.

''Everything okay?'' She asks and he nods, smiling. Returning it, she places her hand on his chest, tapping where Sir Francis Drake's ring should sit. ''It's a shame about the ring. You've had that forever.'' She sighs.

''It's all right. I swapped it for something better.'' He replies, grabbing her hand with his.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen at the ring sitting on his wedding ring finger and she pulls back, dropping the bag.

''I know that last time we tried this it wasn't the right time, but, all of that danger it's gone now.'' Nate explains, holding up another one.

Her one.

Tears build and she gently takes it from him, turning it over in her hands before slipping it on her finger. (Y/N)'s lips curl into another smile. ''Yeah.''

''Yeah?'' He repeats and she nods, looking up at him. ''Yes.''

Laughing, he hugs her, tightly, never wanting to let go and she returns it, burying her head into his shoulder. He then pulls away, his hand on the back of her neck and the other on her waist. ''Let's get out of here.'' He mumbles.

(Y/N) nods, placing her hands on either side of his face and kissing him, sweetly.

Picking her bag back up, he takes her hand, interlocking their fingers and they walk towards Sully. He stands with a smirk and a cigar in his mouth before he chuckles, handing Nate his bag. The two start walking towards the plane, but Sully stops them. ''C'mon, we're this way.''

''But -'' Nate points to the plane, wanting to do something normal for once.

''Come on.'' Sully says and (Y/N) shrugs. ''Trust me.'' He adds, patting Nate on the back.

''What are you up to?'' She asks, the three walking and he doesn't say a word, but has that familiar glint in his eye. Sully points and the two look, breaking out into a laugh. ''No way.''

A blue seaplane sat there, bringing back a lot of memories. ''Eh, it's not as nice as the one you two, with Elena, wrecked four years ago, but it'll do.'' He says.

Nate turns to (Y/N) with a shocked, but happy look and chuckles, throwing his arm around her and she wraps hers around his torso.

''C'mon. Let's see if I can remember how to fly the goddam thing.'' Sully states, leading them towards it.

''This thing has parachutes, right?'' (Y/N) asks, referring to the time before.

''Oh, yeah.''


''Eh, more or less.''

Nate shakes his head, turning quick to capture (Y/N)'s lips in another kiss and she sighs in content.

''I love you, (Y/N). This is it now, no more near-death experiences.'' He promises.

''I love you too, cowboy. And tomorrow, we start our normal life.'' She breathes and he makes a face. ''Well, maybe the day after.'' He jokes and she rolls her eyes.

The three board Sully's seaplane, feeling more happy than what they had been. This time, with the sun setting behind them, they were ready for anything.

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