Chapter 19 - Plane To Catch

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Nate sits in the passenger sit of the jeep and Elena drives the three towards the airport. Sitting in the back, (Y/N) yawns, stretching back and letting the cool air wash over her. The crack of dawn was just appearing.

"There it is." Elena says, making (Y/N) lean forward and take a look at the plane.

She stops them just outside the gate and (Y/N) passes her forward a silenced pistol, also handing one to Nate. "Man... I don't want to have to use this." Elena mutters, getting out.

(Y/N) clambers out the back and joins the two at the front of the jeep.

"I know, but we have to do this quietly." Nate tells her. "They catch us sneaking onto that plane, we're dead."

The roller shutter door of the building next to them was slightly open and Elena points to it. "We can cut through the building." The three lift it open, (Y/N) and Elena going under first and allowing Nate to join, lowering it behind.

He leads the other two over a few stacks of boxes and crates. "Looks like there's a way out on the other side." He climbs his way up onto a wooden ledge, balancing a crate. Once on it, the crate tilts forward, sending them falling to the other side.

"Are you okay?" (Y/N) whisper-shouts.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm great." He responds.

Two loading doors sit in front of them, closed and Elena points up at an open window, saying that they could get through there. "But we need a way up." Nate points out.

(Y/N) walks over to a dark green jeep and opens up the door. "If I put it in neutral, I think we can push this. Here, Elena you steer and Nate and I'll push."

Elena takes her place and (Y/N) goes with Nate behind, helping him to push it forward. Turning the corner, they head up the small ramp towards the bottom of the window. "How much further." She grumbles.

"Not far. Keep going." Elena mutters back.

"Did you bother to look for keys?" Nate adds, the pair struggling under the weight of the car. "All right, hold it steady, I'm gonna climb on top." He then instructs, once underneath the window.

"Hurry, it's slipping." (Y/N) warns as soon as he lets go.

Nate climbs onto the jeep and disappears out the other side of the window. She lets go of the vehicle and so does Elena, letting it slide back down and hit into the wall. The two sit outside the loading door, waiting for a sign of Nate on the other side of it. 

There's a soft thump and they stand. "Nate, open the door." (Y/N) whispers and there's a sound of three padlocks being broken and then the door slides up. Nate stands there, a smile on his face and she chuckles. "Thanks."

"Oh, shit, get down! Behind you!" Elena points out, spotting men get out of a jeep. The three easily take them out. "You okay?" Nate asks.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah, great."

"Same thing?" Elena questions, already at the jeep.

"Yeah, think we can do the same thing."

They do the exact same thing as before, but this time, they misjudge the small hill that they needed to get it down. "It's slipping!" Elena says through gritted teeth.

"I'm losing it!" The jeep slips out of their grip, slamming into the gates and breaking them open.

"Oh, crap. That's bad. That's really, really bad." Nate says.

"Get down!" (Y/N) mutters, watching a few more men inspect the jeep, which they don't stealthily take out.

(Y/N) walks her way in, climbing onto the ventilation box and through the window, dropping down into another storage unit. This time, the area in front of them was littered with Rameses' men.

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