The Photographer [Taejin]

By xjinminisrealx

110K 8.5K 4.2K

Kim Seokjin is a rising model from South Korea. His last photographer suddenly disappeared and is now searchi... More

¤ Characters ¤
< Synopsis >
1 》 없어지다 (Vanish)
2 어디에 있어? (where are you?)
3 경찰서 (police station)
4 경찰 수사 (police investigation)
¤ Characters ▪ 2 ¤
5 기억 (Memory)
6 히어로 (hero)
7 토끼와 빛 (the rabbit and the sunshine)
8 시끄러움 (loudness)
9 메시지를 받았다 (you have received a sms)
¤ Characters ▪ 3 ¤
10 민 윤기 (Min Yoongi)
11 미지수 (Unknown)
12 이 전화가 누구야? (Who owns this phone?)
13 Ghost (귀신)
14 Sorry (미안해)
15 Angry Monster (화가난 몬스터)
16 사람들이 나를 싫어해 (People hate me)
¤ Characters ▪ 4 ¤
18 조심해 (Watch out)
19 The dorm (기숙사)
20 다시 만나요 (We met again)
I want to know about your opinion:
21 다시 함께 (together, again)
22 왕잭슨의 감정 (Jackson's feelings)
23 혼란스러운 사람 (Someone confusing)
24 똑똑(Knock Knock)
25 귀엽당 (Cute)
26 키가 큰 사람들은 성가시다 (Tall people are annoying)
27 정국의 친구 (Jungkook's friend)
28 빨간 방 (The red room)
29 그들을 알게 되나요? (Meet The Contestants)
30 불이 많았어? (Was there a lot of fire?)
31 친구 (Friend)
32 첫밤 (First Night)
33 뉴스 (News)
34 밤 시간 회담 (Night Time Talks)
35 혼자 (Alone)
36 힌트 (The Clue)
37 좋은 의사 (Good Doctor)
38 찌니 (Jinnie)
39 왜 여기에 있어? (Why Are You Here?)
40 (데이트) The Date
41 (사람들이 다 죽다) Everyone Ends Up Dead
42 이유가 뭐예요? (What's The Reason?)
43 바 (Bar?)
44 잃어버리다 (Missing)
Your thoughts:
45 당황 (Confusion)
46 너? (You?)
47 전하지 못한 진심 (Truth Untold)
Characters (5)
48 짐승과 동맹 (Allied With A Beast)
this story is not dead
49 Tomorrow Is A Good Day To Start Investigating
Thank you so much for waiting

17 지수 (Ji-soo)

1.7K 185 129
By xjinminisrealx

A/N ~

Make sure to have read the previous chapter, as today I published two chapters 16 and 17!


Kim Daesung patted Tae's head until the boy fell sleep, feeling his breath on his skin due the open bottoms of his dark pyjama. Observing the ups and downs of his breath in and outs.

Kim Taehyung was one of the most beautiful childs.

So like his mother, who rests in pace because of an accident, two year's ago.

His features were soft and chiseled, hints of a would-be handsome teenager starting to get noticed. Slim lips, cute moles and furrowed eyebrows. His kid was a shorty with scrawny limbs, and it was concerning because Kim Taehyung grows more slowly than his peers.

He was an adorable cutie pie.

Because of that, it was so unnerving to see that apparently innocent and cute little one sharing a body with something dark and unforgiving, living inside of him.

He noticed the so called 'entity' called V when Taehyung started to act differently, most of the time while calling himself that name.

Surely, it was unnerving to watch your son act way mature that his age when he was just four year's old.

Then, when Taehyung was innocent, good and all warm, V was cold, smart and narcissistic.

They were like the both sides of a coin.

Light and darkness residing inside of one body.

He was just four year's old when his wife found a journal hidden between Tae's toys. It was a baby blue journal with Doraemon painted on it that made their hair stand on end.

The so called V made a whole entire book about how to hurt and kept people who hurt him and hated him.

Not kill, but hurt.

Also, it was shocking that a four year's old kid could draw as perfectly detailed as the drawings on that journal. Perfectly made children, perfectly drawn ropes and unbelievable drawn boy who looked like an anime, all beautiful with dark hair and cute smile under the name of 'My prince'.

They found out that Taehyung draw what he thought to be the most beautiful imaginary kid. He cried sometimes to sleep talking about how he wanted his prince to be real and to play with.

So both parents talked and decided to take his son to a psychiatrist.

Well, many psychiatrists. They assured that Taehyung would grow out of it, they said the problem was merely delayed empathy.

But V started to appear more and more. He never hurt anyone but had the potential to do it.

And the bullying started. Kids didn't understand why sweet Taehyung called himself V and made fun of him. Cruel children insults were one of the incentives for the other personality to come to the surface.

So they changed their childs doctor.

Kim Ji-soo. A pediatrician who was also a psychiatrist specialized on narcissism and psychotic tendencies.

There, Kim Daesung discovered that his son met all his cognitive, emotional, and physical milestones. He had no learning disabilities, nor emotional scars, no signs of ADHD or autism. That his son was really smart, even for his age.

But lacked something.

And had too many of other things.

His child got diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, two main personalities living on his body.

One, Kim Taehyung was a normal healthy child. The other, called V, was a narcissist who lacked empathy and presumably, a genius.

V had conduct disorder with callous and unemotional traits.  In other words, he had all the characteristics of a budding psychopath.

The family was shocked while his son played around on a table, drawing square houses with no roof, grass gardens and cute pomeranian.

The doctor said that psychopathic traits were normal in small doses. For example, a surgeon dispassion, the tunnel vision of an athlete, the ambitious narcissism of politicians or the capacity of actors to act like them.

Then, she said:

"But when these traits form a wrong combination or appear in extreme forms, they can construct a dangerously antisocial individual, or even a cold-blooded killer" She paused and looked at Taehyung. "Your child has two main personalities and one of them has some of these traits, yet... you can't suppress him"

"What?" Kim Daesung retorted, biting his nails.

"Psychopath are like suppressed water on a reservoir; if you compress it, they might snap and destroy everything" She took a water bottle and squeezed. "If you let it go little by little, you can control it and can avoid many problems and damage".

So the doctor made a treatment: for them to control him.

"He is still a child" Said Ji-soo. "V is learning still, he can mature into a better man"

"How?" asked Tae's mother.

"Narcisist lack empathy until finding their equal, then, they start to feel emotions based on that persona" she replied. "You just have to find Taehyung and equal and something to canalize his emotions" she paused and looked at the beautiful family, yet tragic one. "Also, you will need the help of Taehyung, as the main personality has a big influence on the secondary one"

Both of them blanched.

"You say for us to find him an equal?" They said in unison. "Would he not want to hurt him too?"

The medic shaked his head.

"Both personalities have to have the same equal, if Taehyung doesn't want him hurt, V is going to protect him instead of injure him" she replied again, picking some papers and putting them on a folder. "The question here... what does V like?"

And both parents knew about the answer, having seen all these flowers and cute fluffy teddies perfectly ordered in Taehyung messy bed.

"Taehyung likes beautiful and cute things" They said in unison, looking at each other.

The doctor smiled.

"Then, find him a beautiful human being" stated Ji-soo, eyes watching Taehyung taking a megazine and eyeing the beautiful photos and drawings about kids cartoons and clothes brands. His mouth cutely open and eyes big and smartly observing.

He turned a page and petrified.

His eyes were focused on a page, it had a beautiful photo of a kids clothes brand called 'Dico'.

Taehyung stood from his chair and run to their parents, eyes warm and shinny.

He put both of his hands on his mother's lap and stared at her, praying for her to pick him up into her lap.

Kim Ji Woo took his baby into her arms and sat him on her legs, hugging him.

Taehyung signaled the photo, strangely, the photographed boy resembled his sons drawing of 'his prince'.

"What is it?" Asked Ji Woo, putting her chin into her baby small shoulders.

Taehyung looked at his day, expecting.

"Daddy, what ish it?"

"What is what?" Smiled Daesung, looking at his pouty baby.

The boy signaled the photo again.

"Ah" Daesung understood. "This is a photograph, baby"

Taehyung eyes widely opened.

"How ish thish madwe?" Asked their baby.

Ji Woo smiled as Ji-soo eyes widened, a plan forming into the medic's head.

"It's made by a camera" Replied Tae's mother, caressing his soft baby hair.

Then, Taehyung signaled at the beautiful kid, seemingly older than him, but not much older. Maybe three years older.

"My prince" Tae cutely said, a warm smile into his thin lips.

The doctor smiled, stood up and walked near Taehyung.

"The model is called Jinnie" Read aloud.

Taehyung eyes looked at her movements as she took the megazine (his) and her hands, she ripped the photo from the magazine. She gave the photo to Taehyung, who's eyes were shinning even brightly.

The doctor then looked at his parents, smiling.

"Taehyung-ah, isn't he beautiful?" Asked the doctor, attentively watching the kid.

Then, Taehyung eyes met her eyes and changed, turning cold yet warm.

"He is" Said V, marvelously staring at his and his counterpart's prince. He decided, right then, what would be the answer both of his parents were waiting for, who would be his equal and how would he channel all of his emotions with.

He looked at his dad. It was strange how could a lively and childish kid could turn this serious.

"Dad" said V, not even a hint of childlike voice. "I want to become a photographer"

Ji-soo smiled, satisfied.

A week later, the family bought a kids camera for his son and Ji woo passed away on a car accident.

Years after, Jinnie disappeared from the kids modeling world and mysterious stopped his career.

Taehyung, who now is ten years old,  bowed to find him.

He and V wanted to go into a quest to find his prince and show him his new camera, so he can take and keep a lot of beautiful photos.

Kim Daesung sighed, as he followed all of the 'Jinnie' disappearance case with nerves palpitating into his skin. Fearing for the so called 'equal of his son' to be dead.

He still cried for his wife, his house full of her photos.

Taehyung got better once they've found Jinnie, always talking about his prince.

Ji-soo (his psychiatrist) proud of him and motivating his child career as a photographer as a way for him to learn to love and all the other emotions that he was lacking.

Days later, an old and crumbled newspaper informed that 'Kim Seokjin has been found and is alive'.

The important thing was that Kim Seokjin was found.

He was safe.

They police had found him.

They still had hope.

And years later, Taehyung went to live to Seoul and found him, and stigma was born.


Thank you all for reading it ~

I hope for all of this to make sense, investigated a little bit about psychology to write this and invented other things!

Well, vote and comment if you liked it and, wait for the next chapter, okay?

Love you all,

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