Runaway (Diyue AU)

Autorstwa ella-holland98

27.1K 1.3K 317

(This was my first fic and I am aware it gets cringey and kinda goes way to fast, but I will revise it and ed... Więcej

1: It Doesn't Feel Right
2: Engagment Celebration
3: Leaving Home For Now
4: Crash Landing In The Unknown
5:Excuse Me... You're From Where Again?
6: Don't Need To Be Involved
6: The Truth
7: A Call From Home
9: Really Bad Insomnia
10: Not Again
11: Moon Shen , You deserve to be celebrated
12: Unexpected
13: Birthday Present
14: What That Hell Do You Think You're Doing Here !?!
15: My Past Came Back To Haunt Me ,Dylan
16: Secret Date
17: Perfect Date
18: Oblivion
19: Kidnapped
20: Full Potential
21: Right On Time
22: Bad Vision
23: News From Home
24: Anxiety And Nightmares
25: Art Gallery Date
26: Arcade
27: 我爱你
28: My Favorite Person
29: Girl Time/Boy Time
30: "dad"
31: Arrival
32: Believe In You
34:Learning The Truth(1/2)
35:Learning The Truth Part (2/2)
36: Powers
37: Something Important
38: Sacrifice
39: Safe
40: War Has Begin
41: War Has Begin (2/2)
42: Second Chance
43:Little Bit Of Heaven
44: Wu Wedding
45: Astions?!
46: A Day With Jay
47: Give It To Me
48: Something Good
49: Memorable
52: Take Care
53: Wang Myung Shen Jay
54:Coronation Day

33:Oldest Sorceress

388 28 16
Autorstwa ella-holland98

So I said witch two chapters ago but I meant sorceress

I apologize in advance, but I'll be saying sorceress not witch in case y'all get confused

Dylan's POV

I land right in the valley forest like I should've in very hidden forest not many people no about here in Keshinda.

I had forgotten how different the environment was and the sky here and how the sky wasn't blue like in earth but it was purple all the time.

The Sun was pink and the Moon was teal.

I know, weird.

When I got to earth I got use to it quick because it seemed to make sense to me, that things here were sometimes a little strange.

I get out off the pod grabbing my small backpack and put it on.

I take my device and Call Caesar.

"Hai", Caesar says.

"Ia laanded aat tahe faorest", I say.

He nods. "Gaood, I'all bae tahere tamorrow , Lunar Ias caoming taomorrow naight"

"Saee yaou saoon", I wave goodbye and then he hangs up.

I put the device back in my backpack.

Time to I walk until I find the sorceress I guess.

It had been a long flight and I was ready to find this sorceress.

Deep in the forest?

But how deep?

I walk for what seemed like miles until I trip over something and fall back into a hidden entrance.

I roll for what seemed like forever until I'm in front of a small little house.

I get up and dust myself off.

"Was this it?", I ask myself.

"Indeed it is , you're right where you need to be , Dylan Wang", I jump at unfamiliar voice and then turn around and see a middle aged woman.

I thought she'd be older , if she was the oldest and last sorceress... why did she look middle aged?

I feel a smack on my head.

"I can I hear your thoughts you big stupid careless kid, did they teach you nothing, respect your elders boy", she scolds me and I rub my head.

She could hear my thoughts?

"How do you know my name? And how do you speak English?" ,I ask her.

"I know a lot and yes I can hear your thoughts, I know everything about you and that Lunar Chen, but that comes later, I also know that you'd come looking for me one day, Dylan, but right now us talking about your truth and who you really isn't really important to me, first I want to tell you about the powers , and how strong and how much potential you have , kid and speaking English is easier than Keshindan"

My eyes widen.

"Me?", I ask.

It only earns me another smack to the head.

"Gosh darn it boy, you still doubt it after how many people told you they believe in you!"

"Let's go inside my hut and we'll chat about this and I'll make you raspberry zinger tea",she gestured me to follow.

I hadn't had raspberry zinger tea since Moon made me some.. the thought of tea alone made me miss her.


"Boy, you need to marry that girl , when you come back from this war", the sorceress says as she hands me the tea.

"Marry her?"

She nods.

"Love is never mentioned by time and why wait if you know you love her", she points the obvious.

"So I clearly forget to introduce myself , I am Moonlight Chen, last sorceress of my kind"


Was she related to... Lunar Chen?

"But why are you considered a sorceress, if we both have powers?"

"... because we're different, your born with just one power or the other as royal, and I do spells , you don't do spells , and to answer you I am related to Lunar Chen, but we're not here about him, anyway.."

She takes a sip of her tea before continuing. "What powers do you have , kid?, I only predicted you'd have these but I wasn't sure, So channel your true potential"

I stand up and take a breathe.

What could channel my full potential to come out?

I begin thinking of Moon when was kidnapped and taken how scared I was.. and how I'd do anything to have her with me safe and sound.

I open my eyes and the look at myself at the mirror she had.

My purple hair had turned teal along with my eyes.

( what Didi looks like at full potential in case y'all forgot)

"You're as... you're as powerful... you're as powerful as her", Moonlight says.

Her eyes widen. "Who's her?"

"Boy, I don't think I can hold the truth any longer from you, you have to know who you are, in order for you to win this war , you have to believe in yourself, before we train , you must know who you are"

"Why does everyone keep saying who I really am?"

"You aren't from this time period , Dylan Wang, you were born years ago, centuries ago", Moonlight begins saying.

I begin laughing and shake my head.

"You got me good, if I were that old I'd be dead, are you on something?"

She smacks me in the arm.

"You're so naive , you and Lunar, me!, were related"

What did he does that mean?

I was ever more confused than before.

So I am double updating because I'm trying to write the rest of the chapters and publish them and finish the story already and update the rest of the book at the same time for y'all.

As for Mr.Basketball Player I'll be taking hiatus for bit until I finish up this story.

That is all , thank you.

All the love , Ella xx

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