2: Engagment Celebration

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The new of the engagement spread eventually and everyone in Keshinda was gossiping about Caesar Wu being engaged to River Wang.

It was a mixture of good and bad. Some saying it was too early to think about getting married and other were spreading rumors that he only did it because River was with child.

All pure gossip and didn't bother or faze Caesar one bit. All truly cared about was that he was going to marry the love of his life, River Wang.

His soulmate ... soulmate when would I find mine ?

I heard that it only happened once in a million that most beings ended up marrying whoever because they had given up on finding their soulmate...

But they always ended up miserable..

King Wang was very happy for his eldest daughter and only daughter in fact and decided to organize a last minute engagement celebration.

Inside the kingdom was Dylan getting ready for his older sister's engagement party. She would be allowed happiness while Dylan wouldn't be allowed.

Dylan was happy for her but also felt a pang of jealousy because the Wang woman were never allowed to carry these kinds of burdens.

That was the job of Wang men. Dylan finished getting ready and with a deep breathe decided to join the party.

He wore a small smile despite how he felt. "Dylan, I'am eangaged !!!", his sister shows Dylan the ring he recognized already.(I'm engaged)

Dylan smiles and pulls his older sister into a hug. "I'am Sao Haappy faor yaou aand Caesar"
(I'm so happy for you and Caesar )

He hugs her tighter and a few tears fall and he quickly wipes them away before he pulls away and smiles weakly.

River frowned at how her little brother was acting. She knew him too well and knew something was up with him.

River without thinking twice about grabs his hand and then motions for Caesar to Follow them and Caesar nods.

They end up in River's chambers of the kingdom. "Wahat tahat haell ias gaoing oan?", she asks them as she looks as both of them wanting an answer.

Dylan shakes his head. "Daon't Waorry aabout iat ,big sister"

Dylan begins walking away to exit River's main room.. but River's power put a stop and moved him back to where she and Caesar were.

River a woman who had telekinesis powers and regeneration, what every royal blood child had... only the royals had powers no one ordinary didn't have them.

"Faather ias faorcing mae tao maarry aa ... aa Gallieon", Dylan finally says.(father is forcing me to marry a Gallieon)

River eyes widen. "Hae raeally laet tahe Gallieons tarick haim tahat waay" (he really let the Gallieons trick him that way)

Caesar and Dylan nod in sync. " Ia Caan't maarry oane oaf tahem .. easpecially aafter tahey salaughtered oaur oawn.." (I cant marry one of them.. especially after they slaughtered our own)

"Yaou maust gaet aaway,naow", River says to to them. (You must get away ,now)

And that was how they started planning Dylan fleeing his home planet

(A/n: short but I just wanna get to the part where Dylan meets Shen Yue 🥰)

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