37: Something Important

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A day Before Lunar kidnapped them

Shen Yue's POV

I had woken up the next morning extra tired despite the amount of sleep I had gotten.

I had felt this way for few days since Dylan left but thought it had been normal.

Every night he waited for his dad to come.

Tonight was another night he waited by the window of his room.

As I was checking Jay to go to sleep I hear a conversation he was having with River.

"Auntie River, How is my cousin doing today?", Jay asks as he puts his small hand onto River's belly.

River smiles warmly. "He's doing well Kido , how are you doing?"

Jay cries fills the room. "I miss my dad, Auntie River, it hurts being apart , I don't imagine my life without him anymore"

"Don't cry baby, it hurts me to see my nephew cry", River says to Jay.

"He's working on settling the peace, did you know your dad is so important, he's a warrior and he'll come back home to you and your mom"

I smile at River's words and then leave to my room.

Today had been another day I had been feeling sick to my stomach and I just needed to know what it was.

I knew in my heart I never just got sick for nothing..

My period was late and and I was sexually active at the moment.

I smile.. I was pregnant.

But I only needed to confirm it by taking a pregnancy test or two.

I open the bag which contained two pregnancy test and take a deep breathe.

"So you could be pregnant?", a voice from behind me says which causes me to jump.

I turn around and see River standing there.

"I don't know yet, I doubt it", I say nervously.

River rubs my shoulder. "You know it wouldn't be a bad thing if you were pregnant, my brother would love it, he already love Jay.. I bet he'd be happy to have a growing family"

"You think so?, this pregnancy, I'm not as scared as I was the first time given I was only eighteen"

"You'll be fine, I'll be in your room, take them", River leaves the restroom.

I'm left alone.

I take the first pregnancy test and then the second one.

It was said on the box I had to wait a couple minutes before it told me anything.

I put a timer on my phone.

I take a deep breathe and wait for the time to go by.

I'm deep in my thoughts thinking about everything.

Thinking about how Dylan was and if he was okay...

Thinking if the timing was right to us to be having a baby.

Runaway (Diyue AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora