The Fighter

By KodaSlade

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Cassidy Lockwood is the nerd of Bayview High. She's bullied by the 'popular' group at school but has a great... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Final Chapter

679 23 7
By KodaSlade

Lexa's POV

We stood across from Vlad and his minions. They had their guns trained on us, most of them had smirks but a few looked at us blankly.

Suddenly Vlad dragged Antonio forward. I felt Koda tense next to me as she stared at her friend, he had only shorts on. He was bleeding badly from a cut on his side, black and blue bruise covered his body and his face was swollen and covered in blood and bruises.

Vlad pointed his gun at Antonio's head and shook his head. "You should have just followed my request. Now I have to do this!"


Antonio fell forward with a bullet hole in his head. I watched Koda out of the corner of my eye, raise her hands to cover her mouth. She turned away.

Vlad smirked.

I heard multiple guns getting cocked around me as we stared at the people in front of us. Suddenly there were shots being fired from all directions.

We all moved to get behind trees and rocks, as bullets flew through the air.

I turned and aimed my gun at them and began shooting. Killing several of his minions and reloading.

There were bodies covering the ground. I turned as I heard footsteps approaching us, noticing it was our back-up. There were lots of our members heavily armed. They started to unload rounds on the opposing group.

Screams of pains were heard and then nothing. We slowly started to stop. There were very few of Vlad's minions left. Some of the members quickly dealt with them.

Walking forward I saw the corpses.

Quickly looking around I found Koda standing over Antonio's body. I made my way towards her and wrapped my arms around her. She rested her head on my chest, we stood like that for a short amount of time.

I noticed Vlad's body not far from us. I slowly let go of Koda and made my way towards my Dad.

"You ok?" He asked concerned as he rested his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and smiled.

"It's over," he said as he returned the smile.

I nodded again before repeating his words.

"It's over,"

Third Person's POV

Vlad slowly looked around. He glared at Lexa as she talked to her Dad before Vlad stood up. Nobody noticed until he cocked his gun. Koda's head shot to the side as she looked at him aim his gun at Lexa. Within seconds Koda had pushed Lexa out of the way and had taken the shots.


In the right shoulder.

She raised her hand and shot a bullet that hit him in the head but it was n't quick enough as he had already shot a second bullet.

Just next to her heart.

He dropped dead. She dropped in pain.

Lexa turned at the noise of the shots and ran towards her, she picked her up and pulled her into her lap. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Begging her to not close her eyes. Kenna and Blaine kept the pressure on her wounds as she bleeds. Koda raised her hand and rested it on Lexa's face, Lexa grabbed it and held it as she begged Koda to stay with her and told her how much she loved her.

Koda closed her eyes as the pain was too much for her to deal with. Soon the members arrived there and they ran to them. Cameron pulled Lexa off of Koda. She fought, Koda couldn't leave her. She promised.

She sobbed as they put Koda in the back of one of the SUVs and drove away.

The next 20 minutes were a blur to Lexa. The drove to the gang's hospital and walked inside to the members standing in duty and asked where Koda was. Surgery was the only word Lexa heard before she was led to another room. Soon the others arrived. Cassidy, Kenna, Blaine, Taylor, Tyler, Bree, Kia, Elizabeth and Koda's parents and siblings.

Cassidy hugged Lexa as she sobbed into her shoulder, soon everyone joined in. Cassidy was sobbing as well. Elizabeth and Cameron stood there watching, they were struggling to not cry as well. They had tears but they weren't falling.

In the operation

The doctor worked hard, he needed to save Koda. She was the Danto's daughter, they were a family friend. They had just got her back. They couldn't lose her again.

As everyone rushed around to help Koda they never noticed another person walking in the room. He had a mask covering his mouth. He was in a nurses uniform. Everyone was to busy to realise that he injected something into the drip. When he was done he put the needle back in his pocket before slipping out of the room again.

Everyone continued to work until the dreaded noise filled the room.


She was flatlining. They started CPR. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't.

20 minutes later

Time of death - 21:39

She was gone and there was nothing any of them could do.

Dr Shepard made his way out of the room and into the room where everyone was waiting. When they noticed the doctor they stood.

He looked at them all. Lexa and Cassidy were the worse red and puffy eyes. He opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry," he said then Cassidy dropped to her knees and began sobbing, Kenna followed down into her knees and wrapped her arms around Cassidy. Lexa turned and started punching the wall repeatedly. Cameron pulled her back, she struggled to try to get free.

Eventually, she gave up and started sobbing into her father's shoulder. Everyone else had tears rolling down their faces.

Nobody could believe it.

Koda was gone.

Lexa's POV

The Funeral

Today was the day we were burying the love of my life. The first girl to catch my interest. Since the moment I laid eyes on her.

I wiped my eyes as tears rolled down my face. I was wearing an all black suit. I grabbed my phone and sunglasses before heading down the stairs.

I could hear the rain. It was grey and dull. Much like everyone's mood. Nobody smiled anymore. Koda was the light in my darkness and now she's not here to make it better.

"Lex," Beau's small voice called as I reached the bottom, snapping me out of my depressing thoughts. She was wearing an all black sundress with black sandals. I picked her up and rested her on my hip. She had been crying, she had red puffy eyes.

We told her and Grayson about Koda. That she was in a better place. We had to tell Beau she wasn't coming back because she kept asking if we could visit or if she would come back.

Soon everyone arrived in all black clothes and we made our way to the cars.

Once we arrived it soon started.

Eventually, we were making our way towards the burial site. Koda's coffin was being carried by some of the gang's members.

She was being lowered into the ground. I looked around and saw everyone had tears in their eyes or were already sobbing. Cassidy has her face buried in Kenna's shoulder. Beau pointed at the coffin and asked if Koda was in it. I nodded stiffly as Beau asked to look inside. I shook my head. As she started wriggling and sobbing. She begged to let me see her and wake her up. But I couldn't. She needed to be at peace.

I watched as they shovelled dirt onto her coffin. I watched as they buried her. She was gone and I couldn't do anything about it.

She left me when she promised she wouldn't.

Third Person's POV

Not far from everyone there was two figures standing behind a tree in the shadows. You couldn't tell the genders but one was bigger built than the other. They were wearing all black so they could hide better. They were watching. They watched as people wiped their eyes. They watched as they sobbed. They watched as Beau shouted at Koda to wake up. They watched.

The bigger one tapped the smaller one and gestures to leave. As they begin to walk away the smaller stops and turns to stare.

"I will make this better," they whispered.

"I promise. This is one I will keep," they said as they turned and walked away with the other. Nobody would see them because they were in the shadows.

Word Count - 1503

So that's the end. There will be a book two but I don't know when it will be out but I will announce when it's up. So sorry.

Hoped you all enjoyed.

Comment what you thought.

By the way, I cried while writing this.

Thank you all so much. Like I can't express how thankful I am. I would never have thought this book would get over 100 reads so thank you all who have read this book and stayed with me through the whole process.

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