Dipper and the Dream Demon

By _Winter-Wolf_

6.1K 292 64

Billdip Beauty and the Beast Au. Bill was cursed by a witch along with his curse everyone who lived in the c... More

The Weird Twins
Castle in the Forest?!?
Dinner Fail
Plan to Save Dipper
West Wing
Ballroom Date
Kill The Demon
Finding Loved Ones and Old Friends
Our Ending

New Library

456 26 3
By _Winter-Wolf_

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and looked around the room I have been staying at.

This place is so amazing. Why does nobody talk about this place. Or why its not on any maps?

As I looked around the room I spotted a note on one of the drawers. I got up and read it.

Dear Pinetree,

I know we aren't technically in good terms. At least I think so im so sure at the moment. Anyways I left you a few cloths in the drawer so Wolf or Blue don't have to keep sending you a new pair everyday.

From Bill

hmm. Well cool. Im glad I can somewhat choose my own clothing now.

I picked an outfit and got changed. I grabbed my bag I had brought with me when my inicial though was to save Ford. I left the room and made my way to Bill's. I wanted to make sure he got better or is at least actually sleeping anyways.

As I made my way inside his room I got a chair and placed it next to his bed. I took his towel he had on his head and changed it to a warmer one. I placed it back on his head and sat down on the chair. I pulled out one of my favorite books from my bag that I had brought with me and started reading.

Bill's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" Dream Demons are demons from the nightmare realm that invade mortal dreams and make them dream of one's fear in order to gain power" I heard a sweet, delicate voice say.

" Some create deals with mortals who are desperate for chance or a chance at something they cant reach" Continued the voice

" Most often they create a system where they get more from their side of the deal rather than the mortal" I got up and spoke

" So is that what us Dream Demons are known for in the mortal world" I said looking to left to seeing pinetree. I laughed a bit because of how stupid it sounded. But then again its not wrong.

" Oh your awake. Sorry if i woke you up with my reading i didn't know i was too loud" He said scratching the back of his neck and looking down. I saw a faint blush appear on his cheeks. Cute~ Ugh what am i saying shut up brain.

" Its alright i don't really care" I said shrugging

" Anyways what are you reading. It sounds boring" I said now sitting at the edge of my bed. I had bandages around my stomach and another around my right arm.

" Its a book about the different types of demons. Its not boring, i think its interesting. Better than rereading a book about learning how to read ciphers" He said smiling before looking away in the end

" But they are so many other types of books that you can read instead of wasting your time rereading those books" I said in a 'isn't it obvious' tone.

" Really like what exactly" He said confused but also interested.

" Hmm how about i surprise you" I said thinking of where im going to take him in the castle.

" I don't know" He said kind of scared

" Don't worry pinetree you will be fine" I said reassuring. Not like im going to kill you and send you to book heaven.

" Fine" He said in a tired tone

" GREAT, because i wouldn't have taken a no for an answer anyways" I said getting up. i snapped my fingers and i had a yellow t-shirt and black pants on. I grabbed pinetree by the hand and made my way to the library.

He asked me questions about random things as we made our way to the library. Once we made it to the hall that leads to the library i told him to close his eyes

" Why" he said a bit annoyed

" Because this is a surprise duh why else"

" UGH fine" he said as he shut his eyes closed. I grabbed his hands and walked backwards to the doors. Once i was there i let go of his hands and told him to wait. I opended the door of the library and helped him walk in.

" Ok and stop" I said with a smile. Once he stopped i closed the doors and stood in front of him

" Now open them" I said and I saw him look at the room confused but then amazed

" woah. Have you read all of them" He said walking around. I walked to one side of the library

" Uh yea kind of some are in ciphers" I said looking around the library

" Are you serious. Are you making jokes now" He said with a 'really' tone.

" Maybe" I said quietly and walking away with a smile. As I looked for a few books I spoke to him again

" If you really like it so much then the whole library is yours" I said as I took a few books from the shelves.

" Really" He said quietly. I turned around to see his eyes widen in amazement. Like a million stars were in them.

" Here" I said passing a few books to him. He looked at a few and picked one.

We were walking outside as I listened to him read the book

" With much love as so much to offer one another

They fall for each other

But everyone warning them to not fall in love

For falling leads to something breaking

And if falling in love means something breaking

Ones heart will shatter while the other is proected by the others love they still have" He said as we stopped at one of the bridges outside the castle. I looked out to the solid ice lake for what feels like the first time

" Has this really been here the whole time" I said confused but amazed. Pinetree stood next to me watching where I was looking at. I got my train of thought back.

" Is there more" I said looking at him amused

" Oh yeah" He said a bit flustered. He got back to reading the next page. I feel like I can listen to this kid for days.

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We continued walking around outside. We made our way back to the castle. Bill tried petting the horse. I laughed a little at his attempt.

" Shh calm down. Its okay" I said petting the horse. I held my hand out for bill. I grabbed his hand and helped him pet the horse. I soon let go and he stayed petting it. I walked up the stairs.

" How could I not see what I see now before?" I said quietly. I created a small snowball from the snow in the rails. I threw it and it hit Bill in the face.

" Haha" I started laughing. I soon saw him grab snow from the ground. It was a much bigger snowball he threw it and I ducked down. It almost hit me. Soon a snowball fight began.

We kept laughing and soon Blue, Wolf, and Will came to join us in the snowball war. It was fun.

After a while we went inside to warm up. It was great. We spent most of the day outside. I only realized once we got inside.

" Yay Dipper we won. Ha you guys are loser" Blue said holding an L on her forehead and looking at everyone else.

" Yea but you guys only won because you used your powers" Wolf said but still smiling.

" Not my fault Bill used his powers too" She said pointing at Bill

" Hey I only used mine to make more snowballs faster. Unlike you. You used your power to make and throw them. I think I used my powers fairly" Bill said protesting his side. I only laughed at the two

" *sigh* okay lets just get inside and get warm by the fire" Wolf said stopping the twos argument. We all agreed and spent the rest of the day talking about random things. Everyone else joined us as well

They are all so sweet. They all act like one big family. I love it


That's the end of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. See you next chapter!

sorry for slow updates. I have a different story that I tend to put more time on. My bad. Also sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

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