The boy who was given up

By Wasabi0_0Slytherin

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Harry Potter, a young wizard thrust into a world of death, evil and lies. In order to navigate through the fo... More

Chapter One: The Night Of Terror
Chapter two: The incident
Chapter three: Diagon Alley
Chapter four: Welcome to the gang
Chapter six: Class and confrontations
Chapter seven: The boggart and flying
Chapter eight: Weekends, God fathers and the strange man...
Chapter nine: New information, who is this dude?
Chapter ten: A disastrous end to year one...
Chapter eleven: Coming home and starting again
Chapter twelve: God fathers
Chapter thirteen: Parties and sleep overs
Chapter fourteen: The zoo
Chapter fifteen: Back to school
Chapter sixteen: First day detentions!?
Chapter seventeen: The voice
Chapter eighteen: McGonagall and Dueling classes.
Chapter nineteen: The diary...
Chapter twenty: Answers and secrets
Chapter Twenty-one: Stopping the basilisk and rage...
Chapter twenty- two: Inheritance...
Chapter twenty-three: Gringotts...
Chapter Twenty-Four: Training
Chapter twenty-five: Mastering and the holidays
Chapter twenty-six: Year three and secondary responses
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The inheritance...
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The scolding and the "incident"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Memories
Chapter Thirty: Questions and TEA...
Chapter Thirty-One: The first date
Chapter Thirty-Two: Hostage
Chapter Thirty-Three: The new era
Chapter Thirty-Four: Christmas Special
Chapter Thirty Five: The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter Thirty Six: The Triwizard tournament announcement
Chapter Thirty Seven: The silent war
Chapter Thirty-Eight: DADA? I think not
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Sleep Over Part One
Chapter Forty: The Sleepover Part Two
Chapter Forty-One: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part One
Chapter Forty-Two: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part Two
Chapter Forty-Three: Feeling light-headed?
Chapter Forty-Four: The Shadowland
Chapter Forty-Five: And the Champion is...
Chapter Forty-Six: Too Much
Chapter Forty-Seven: Getting out of it?
Chapter Forty-Eight: Helping Harry
Chapter Forty-Nine: The First Task
Chapter Fifty: The Clue
Chapter Fifty-One: The Garden
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Second Task
Chapter Fifty-Three: The Annoying Beetle
Chapter Fifty-Four: Ballroom dancing
Chapter Fifty-Five: Is that a promise?
Chapter Fifty-Six: The Final Task Part One
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Final Task Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Final Task Part Three
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Infirmary
Chapter Sixty: The Beginning Of Forever
Chapter Sixty-One: Here is to Forever
Chapter Sixty-Two: Not Even Death Could Part Us, My Love.

Chapter five: Sorting

26.2K 809 290
By Wasabi0_0Slytherin

The rest of the train ride was filled with friendly chatter. By the end of the train ride, we were all pumped and ready to go to Hogwarts. They had told me that they would all stand by me whenever I needed them. That made me happy and proud to have them as my friends.  

We walked out of the compartment and towards an extremely tall person. 

"Firs' years, firs' years over 'ere!" he yelled. We all walked over and got into the boats supplied. The water below us sparkled with a mischievous twinkle. Looking closer you could see the outlines of something swimming under us. I smiled at the creature and continued to look around. A huge castle swam into my vision. It was magnificent. I wished more than anything that Mom and Dud could be here to see this. The boats pulled up to the dock and everyone filed out. Everyone was silently taking in the sights before them. Well all but one, an obnoxious voice from the back was bragging about how he used to come here ALL the time. I rolled my eyes at his antics hoping he would leave me alone. We were escorted by the tall man into a foyer outside of great big doors. Only to be greeted by an old stern looking woman. 

"In a moment you will all be sorted into your respective houses, they will be your family for the time you will be here, there is Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin." She said before returning to the doors and telling us to wait. 

"I already know which house I am going to be in! Gryffindor just like my parents, the best house!" Evan boasted behind me. I rolled my eyes and said to Draco who stood to my left, 

"The boy who lived? More like the boy who wouldn't shut up!" I said and Draco snorted and there were a few gasps behind us. I turned to face a short red-haired boy. 

"What gives you the right to say that to him? He is our saviour!" I snorted at that, 

"I am surprised the wizarding world isn't already dead if they put all their faith in an obnoxious 11-year-old boy." The boy's face reddened. 

"Excuse me!" He demanded. 

"Your excused," I replied before turning around. There were a few laughs from around me as I heard the boy huff behind me.

 "You have NO right to s-" He erupted only to be stopped by an angry professor.

 "Mr Weasley if you would please remain from screaming on your FIRST day here." she scolded. 

I smirked and turned to Draco who had the same expression as me. I hope I am in the same house as them. We are escorted through the huge doors and before my sight is incredible. Candles are floating all around a beautiful night sky. I am speechless as I gawk around. We reach the front and stop before an old man with spectacles looking down at us. When his gaze reaches me he stops and stares for a moment before continuing. Seemingly surprised and confused as to why I am there. He continues his speech and I look around the tables everyone seems bored as though he says this speech every year. Which he probably does. My gaze returns back to the old man as he says 

"The third floor is strictly out of bounds to everyone unless they wish to die a slow and painful death." My brow furrows and I think 'What the f*ck kind of school is this?' I look at Draco and he seems to be thinking the same as I am. 

"Now with the formalities are done with let's get onto the sorting." He continued before the old woman walked briskly to a stool and grabbed an old hat off of it. The hat began to sing. 

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats are sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

Everyone burst into applause as the hat soaked it all in. The professor then began reading names. "Hannah Abbott." The shaking girl walked up to the stool and sat down. The hat was placed on her head and the hat began to do its job. After a few minutes, the hat cried "Hufflepuff!" There was a loud cheer from the other side of the room as the girl bounced over. The sorting continues like this and Pansy, Blaise and Draco all get Slytherin along with Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle and Andrew. Soon enough, "Harry Potter." Was called and there were murmurs all around the room. I almost laughed at the look on Evan's face as I was called first I smirked and walked up to the stool and sat. 

"Well well, Mr Potter you do have a good mind." The hat spoke aloud much to my disdain. The hat continued 

"You have bravery, loyalty, ambition and intellect, hmm where to put you." 'Somewhere where I will make friends and do well.' I supplied helpfully. 

"Well, then Mr Potter if that is what you want I find it fitting to put you in... Slytherin!" There was a boom from the left and I looked over to see Pansy, Blasie and Draco clapping loudly whilst the rest of the house clapped politely with surprised looks on their faces. I walked over to join them with a smirk on my face aimed at my 'parents'. I went and sat beside Draco. The sorting continued and the feast began. I talked with my house and altogether everyone was nice and I was happy with the hat's decision. In the end, I followed my prefects to the dungeons and was met with a portrait. 

"The password is nobility, the password changes every week so look on the notice board on Mondays for the new password but if you forget just ask a member of the house and we will always help." 

When he said nobility the portrait opened up and we all walked through to the common room. Standing in the centre was a professor, dressed all in black with a daring look on his face. I noticed who he was instant. Mom had gotten me a book on potions in my early years and he was featured,  as the youngest potions master ever. The fact that I can ask him questions anytime I liked. I was over the moon. 

"This house is a noble and successful house, we have the brains of any Ravenclaw but we don't fight our own for the scores, we have to always have a united front, so if you ever have any quarrels with another student from this house come to me and I will set up the necessary duel or test that will solve it, never act rashly, we have the Gryffindors for, that." There were a few nodding murmurs around the room. 

"Outside of this room the school thinks of you to be dark, do not let that put you down, we will be united to all eyes and you stick together because you can only ever truly trust each other." He spoke with a demand which made everyone instantly compile or agree. He looked around the room before his eyes stopped on me. 

"Mr Potter your family is known to be trouble makers so I want none of that in my house." He stated plainly and my face darkened.

"They are not my family so we have no issues there, Professor." He looked quite surprised by my words but otherwise shook them off. 

"Good, now girls dormitories on the right, boys on the left, never go through the opposite genders wings, I will know, The roommates will be written above the rooms, Mr Potter once you are done unpacking come down here we have some matters to discuss."

I nodded and everyone went to their rooms. I walked down the corridor and stopped at a room at the very end. There were no name tags on this door. I opened it and saw a cozy room with colours green black and white. There was a king-sized bed and a set of drawers to one side. On the other side was a couch, a desk and a bookshelf. This seems more like the room for me. As I stepped in the was a powerful gust of dark magic. Meant to frighten people away but for me, it seemed to calm me down significantly. 

'Hmm, that's odd I mentally thought.'

I walked in and unpacked everything and made the bed. Once I was finished I walked out and saw Draco gaping at me from the other side of the corridor. "What?" I asked. 

"Did you just come out of that room?!" Draco stumbled. 

"Yeah, why?" He looked panicked. 

"That was the dark Lord's room when he was here. No one else has ever had the nerve to go in. 

"Pshh doesn't be such a scaredy cat Draco it's just a room and it's quite cozy," I stated. 

"Harry why don't you just come and stay in my room, it's where you were placed anyway, Blaise and Anthony are there too." Draco pleaded.

"No sorry Draco I like my room with my own space, anyway I must go see Professor Snape now." Draco looked slightly worried but agreed as long as I promised to go see him after. Once I reached the common room Snape said "Good of you to join me, Dumbledore wants to see you." I nodded and I followed Snape down the corridor. I was trying desperately not to fan girl and ask lots of questions but I couldn't help myself. 

"What gave you the idea to combine goat's snott and mermaid tears into the potion of pain relief to make it 10 times more effective?" I blurted out quickly. 

He looked down at me surprised. "I looked at the properties of both ingredients and studied how they could be included and went from there, how did you know that?" He answered.

 "I did a little reading before coming," I answered honestly. 

"Didn't you grow up with muggles?" He asked. 

"Yes but Mom is much better than either of my biological parents combined," I answered with distaste, 

"She got me books and - wait how did you know that?" I asked. 

"I am friends with your Godparents, they severed all ties with Lilly and James after they found out what they did to you." I looked surprised, 

"Huh oh I should meet them sometime, I didn't even know I had godparents." He nodded and we reached a Statue of a Gargoyle. Snape muttered something under his breath and the statue moved and revealed stairs. We walked up to them and Snape opened the door,

 "What did you want Professor - Lilly, James," Snape said bitterly. 

"Come now Snape we just want to talk, Hello Harry," Dumbledore spoke calmly.

I nodded to him acknowledging his presence. 

He continued, "Harry, I hope you haven't unpacked too much because we would like to re-sort you," Dumbledore added with a smile on his face. 

My face darkened and I spat "No thank you, Professor, I am quite comfortable in Slytherin." 

His smile faltered. 

"Harry comes on son, no Potter can be in Slytherin," James argued. 

"Is there something wrong with Slytherin?" Snape said challengingly. 

"Come now we are all civil we just want to make sure the hat was correct," Dumbledore stated. I looked over to Lilly who looked quite uncomfortable. 

"Fine, but you will get a no different answer," I stated and walked over to Lilly who was holding the hat. She placed it onto my head and the hat asked me 'do you want to change' no I replied in my head,

 "The place for this young man is Slytherin!" The hat demanded. I smirked and took the hat off and gave it to Lilly. 

"If that was all Professor." 

He nodded cautiously. Snape and I walked out and once on our way back Snape said, "Sorry about that if I had known it was just for that I wouldn't have dragged you there." I waved off the apology. 

"It's okay Professor, anything to piss them off is worth it." A small smile played on his lips before we reached the portrait and bid our farewells. I walked to Draco's room and was bombarded by questions. Once everything was cleared up we all talked for while before deciding we should go to bed. I said goodbye to everyone and they reluctantly let me go. I don't know what it is about my room that makes everyone so scared. But to me it kind of comforts me. It's like I belong there. I lie down in bed absorbing the calming magic around the room.


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