His Mischievous Mate

By jlhen_23

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Berlyn is just a typical girl for a human coz she's hiding her true identity. And to cover up, she always g... More

Chapter 1 ( The Beginning)
Chapter 2 ( His Mate)
Chapter 3 ( Operation "Ignore Him".)
Chapter 4 (Getting to Know Her)
Chapter 5 ( Getting To Know Her Part 2)
Chapter 6 ( Unwanted Guest, Undeniable Truth)
Chapter 7 ( The Hybrid )
Chapter 8 ( Berlyn Somer )
Chapter 9 ( His Decision )
Chapter 10 ( Runaway )
Chapter 11 ( Moving On )
Chapter 12 ( V - Bar Incident )
Chapter 13 ( Rewrite The Stars )
Chapter 14 ( The Attack )
Chapter 15 ( Falling Apart )
Chapter 16 ( Mistaken Identity )
Chapter 17 ( Double Date )
Chapter 18 ( Bitch on the Beach )
Chapter 19 ( Jealousy Part 1 )
Chapter 20 ( Jealousy Part 2 )
Chapter 21 ( Perfect Getaway )
Chapter 22 ( It's Just A Dream )
Chapter 23 ( Knight's In Shinning Armor )
Chapter 24 ( Meet Again )
Chapter 25 ( Eerie )
Chapter 26 ( Reversed )
Chapter 28 ( Revealed )
Chapter 29 ( Creepy )
Chapter 30 ( Teardrops )
Chapter 31 ( The Proposal )
Chapter 32 ( Bet )
Chapter 33 ( Missing Piece )
Chapter 34 ( Phenomenal Disaster )
Chapter 35 ( Lover's Quarell )
Chapter 36 ( Fight Song )
Chapter 37 ( The Hybrid Next Door )
Chapter 38 ( Heart to Heart Talk )
Chapter 39 ( First Time )
Chapter 40 ( Trust Issues )
Chapter 41 ( He Left )
Chapter 42 ( Chasing Vlad )
Chapter 43 ( Intruders )
Chapter 44 ( Pregnancy Issues )
Chapter 45 ( Changes )
Chapter 46 ( Sick and Tired )
Chapter 47 ( Atlast! )
Chapter 48 ( Fabulous and Pretty)
Chapter 49 ( Start of Something New )
Chapter 50 ( The Finale )
Sneak Peek Part 1
Sneak Peek Part 2

Chapter 27 ( Hot and Cold )

39 3 0
By jlhen_23

Berlyn's Pov:

It's been a month since that incident in Forks Cemetery happened. I still remember what happened exactly. You know, when I find out that Abby's behind those attacked, that killed the guard and that woman for her own selfish reason. 

How she attacked my friends and I. How she made up a reversed story and make us the one whose behind those attacked. The way Cley and his friends believed her. How Cley fasten me on that silver chain and dragged me to the dungeon.

Well, I'll stay there for almost a week together with Leslie and Roseshell. Roseshell's dad was so furious for what she did. And of, we can't even defend ourselves that time. All of them considered me as the master mind of that attack and we didn't have a chance to correct it.

I'm just thankful that mom and dad able to make a settlement to Alpha Wyne, that's why they set us free. I don't know what's their agreement all about. I don't care too. I've been grounded since then. Mom didn't allowed me to go somewhere if it's not important or without her.

I've been staying on my room the whole day. I'm not even allowed to talked to Roseshell and Leslie coz they were thinking that were going to maked stupid things again which we didn't even done! Of course, they really believed that Abby. That psychotic vampire!

Since that happened, I don't know what to feel exactly. I'm mad. I hate them all! I know that Roseshell and Leslie feel the same way too. I'm worried about Leslie. I'm sure she's serious when she swear that she's going to reject the bond between her and Andrei. And I don't know what should I feel about Cley.

I know there's something between us that I can't denied just like on my dreams, but with what happened that night on Forks Cemetery, I don't know if I'll be able to looked at him again without feeling hatred and animosity. I don't want to see him again. I don't want to get hurt again.

I've already decided to forget all about him. About that dream of mine. I'm going to forget everything as if he didn't exist in my life. I want to start something new. My heart already suffered too much, and that's enough for me to stop this nonsense feelings towards him.

It's better to end it now, when there's nothing to be broken apart much, than to continuously hoping that someday, everything will be ended perfectly, when I know that it's impossible to happen. We are really impossible to be together here in real life. I'm sure about it.

And I'm sure he didn't feel the same way. I'm the only one whose holding on to that dream. So, I'd better stop now. I have to stop now...

"Berlyn, wake up. It's Monday. You need to attend your classes." Mom said when she entered my room.

Yeah, it's my first day in DVU as a senior high now. I'm not excited at all. Just thinking that I'll be able to see him there? And then Abby? At this moment, I've already imagined how bored am I this whole school year.

"What's wrong, Berlyn? Somethings bothering you?" Mom asked.

"Nothing, mom. I'll just take a shower." I said plainly.

"If you have a problem, you can tell me. I'm here to listen." She said again.

Really mom? Are you really there for me to listen? But why you didn't listen to me that time? That time when I needed you most? That hurts, you know. That you choosed to believed that Cley and Abby instead of me.

I feel like I've been left out. I'm on that situation because I want to change my parents fate. I don't want them to die. I've already lost them on my dreams. And I don't want to lose them again in real life. I'm just glad that I made a right decision that time.

Coz I find out after I've been freed from the dungeon that after mom and dad leaved our house, the rogues came but they didn't find us. They only ransacked our home, thats all. And I hope they didn't came back again.

"No need mom. I can take care of myself. I'd rather be silent than to be judged again." I said.

"You're still mad about what happened before?" She asked.

"Nope. I'm going to prepared now, mom. I don't want to be late on school." I said before I walked to the bathroom.

After I taked a shower and wear my uniform, I go to our garage. I didn't even bother to eat breakfast. After what happened that night, I can feel that I've started to have this cold feelings. Cold feelings towards my parents and everyone that surrounds me.

As if I don't want to trust anyone now. I want to be alone all the time. I feel lifeless. Until I came to the point that I'am already questioning myself what would be my purposed here.

When I decided to forget about my dreams, since then, I don't know my existence at all. As if I don't have any direction to taked now. I'll get my bicycle and headed towards DVU. It only takes 10 minutes before I reach the campus using my bicycle.

After I parked the bicycle, I walked towards the main gate. I sighed. This is it! I need to graduate senior high for me to study in college. I just need to attend classes then go home after that. That is going to be my routine starting today. That's what I need to do.

I walked towards our classroom. I don't know if Roseshell and Leslie was already there. I don't have any contacts with them for a month. I just hope that their doing fine. I missed that two already! I was about to enter our classroom when Abby blocked the door. I looked at her coldly. What is she wanted this time? 

"Oh, looked whose here! How's your vacation, Berlyn? I'm sure you really enjoyed staying on that dungeon, right?" She said sarcastically.

I didn't respond. I don't want to talked to her. Or argue with her. I just hoped that she leaved me alone. But I think it's in her vocabulary to pissed me off all the time. But I won't allowed her to affect me again. She's just going to ruined me again, for sure. But I won't let that happened.

"Berlyn! Oh my gosh! You're here! I missed you, bestie!" Leslie said.

Tss. Here she go again! Well, she really looked fine. Congratulations then. Atleast she didn't suffered that much like me.

"Where's Roseshell?" I asked.

"She's on the way now. Let's wait for her inside."

She said while holding my hands and said "Excuse me" to Abby. I'm being saved from Abby now, I think. I choosed to sit along the window while Leslie sorted beside me on the front row. Since the seats was three every layer,  Roseshell will be seated beside Leslie. Maybe this is our sitting arrangement the whole year.

"How are you, Berlyn?" Leslie asked.

"Fine. You?" I said.

"I'm trying to be fine. You know, I don't want to be miserable my whole life just because of that weird guy." She said.

"Did ylu rejected him already?" I asked.

"Not literally. We didn't talked since that incident happened. I don't want to talked to him also. You know how much I hated him that time, right? Well, who wouldn't? He just dragged me to that dungeon and imprisoned us for a week without food and proper hygiene. And what's their reason again? Oh– that we are the attacker of course! Tss. That Abby bitch!"

She's really angry now– just liked me.And I'm sure, Roseshell too. After a minute, Roseshell arrived. Just like us, her expression was not pleasant too. She looked haggard and gloomed. Oh, what's wrong with us! Were supposed to enjoy our last year in DVU, right? But I think it never gonna happened. Were going to be bored and lifeless this whole year! I swear!

"Oh my! Here they are! They are totally gorgeous! Look at Cley! He's so hot and attractive!"

Maybe after five minutes, I heared all our girl classmates murmuring something about that bastard. They keep on talking praises about them.

Tss. Here comes the devil! I've acted as if I didn't hear those girls. Why does even far away, his scent always torturing me? Tsk. I just ignored it. I don't care, okay.

I didn't even bother to look at their direction. So as Leslie and Roseshell. Well, were just awkwardly sitting on our chair trying to be cool here right now.

This is the least that we can do, I think. To ignore their presence so that there wouldn't be a problem. Just stay away from us and we don't have a problem with that. It's better to stay away from him coz if don't, I'm sure any moment I'm going to explode. And I don't want to make a scene here. It's only our first day in senior high for pitty sake!

"Cley, Vlad, Andrei. I prepared a seats for you." I heared Abby said that.

Well, that's what I expected. I wouldn't be surprised if one day I'll be informed that they are already Abby's minions! Well, she already had a squad. You know, Natalie, Ashley and Trixie. So, I think they suited to be Abby's minions. I'm aware that Abby really like Cley. Well, they look good together! Promise!

I closed my eyes and snuggle up to my chair. I want to take a nap for a while since our adviser wasn't around yet. I don't want to be pre occupied again by that bastard. He didn't deserved to get any attention from me, and he don't have any rights to stay on my thoughts. It's not helping me at all!

"Wow! I think I'm gonna enjoy this year with you guys!" I heared Abby said that.

"Same here." Cley said.

Of course his going to enjoy Abby's company. If I know he's also a flirt like Abby! Tss. Whatever! I bring out my headset and put it on my ears.

I don't want to hear any conversation from him and Abby. It's just make me feel irritated. It's okay for me to listen to the song than to hear their sweet conversation!

We were both young
When I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air.

Oh. I really liked this song! I really loved Taylor Swift! With her songs, I can relate so easily. You know, it's always felt so real. I need this song right now. I want to stay motivated for a while. I don't want any negativities captured my mind. And with song, k think I can hold on for a while. No hate, just love. Young loved was really great! First love! Romeo and Juliet story was lingering on my mind while hearing this song.

Cause you were Romeo
I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said
"Stay away from Juliet"
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go.

Yeah. He's like Romeo and I was Juliet. We are really impossible to be together. Everytime we tried to stay with each other, there's always another way to make us fall apart. There's always hindrances between us. A barriers that I'm not going to overpassed no matter how hard I try. Shit! I'm thinking about that dreams again!

And I said, Romeo take me
Somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting
All there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince, and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say, yes.

Can I really take him somewhere we can be alone? You know, just the two of us. Talking nonsense. Just be with him even for a while. Can i do that? I just want to know his thoughts. What is he thinking. Did I ever crossed his mind even once? Did he really loved me the way he is on my dream!? What the heck! Wake up, Berlyn. You're thinking about your stupid dreams again!

"Berlyn." What is it? Did I hear my name calling by someone?

"Berlyn Somer." I heared it again.

It's my full name now. I open my eyes when I feel someone tap my shoulder. It's Leslie. I looked at her and then I realized that all my classmates was staring at me, while Mr. Lavigne, our class adviser was in front of me already. Oh– oh. What's happening now?

"So, you're Ms. Berlyn Somer, right?" Prof. Lavigne said.

"Yes sir." I said while removing the headset on my ears.

"What exactly are you doing?" He asked me. Isn't it obvious? I'm listening to the song when he interrupted me!

"Listening to a music, sir." I said hesitantly.

"Okay. What song?" He asked again. Tss. Now, he's interested about my taste in music, huh?

"Love Story by Taylor Swift?" I replied.

"Oh, you're in loved Ms. Somer?" He said.

Me? In loved? Tss. You're wrong sir! I'm broken hearted here, okay. So, don't messed with me if you want me to spare your life!

"No, sir! Honestly, I'm broken hearted. So, since you're our adviser here, can you give me some advised? You know, how to mend a broken heart. Or how to fixed it, I think." I said sarcastically.

"I'm broken hearted too, Ms. Somer. I'm afraid I won't be able to helped you about that." He replied.

What the heck! Don't tell me he taked that seriously? I'm just kidding here, okay! Tss.

"It's okay sir. Atleast, I'm not the only one, right? I mean, were even." I replied. Prof. Lavigne laughed.

"You're funny, Ms. Somer. I liked your attitude. Now, let's go back to the topic. Stand up and answer my question." He said and started to walked towards his table in the middle.

What!? What about the topic and what am I supposed to answer? I didn't heared him asking me a question, okay. I stand up hesitantly and started to think what he's questions all about. I don't remember at all. I looked to Leslie and Roseshell asking for helped.

"No coaching! Ms. Somer, I'm waiting for your answer." He said.

How can I answer him if I don't really know the question? Should I guess then? Should I tell prof. Lavigne that I didn't heared his question? Well, that's the only way, right?

"He was asking your definition about Literature in your own opinion, nerd." I heared Cley's voice through link.

How dare him call me nerd? Tss. Well, that's true. I really looked like a nerd right now with my eyeglasses on.

"I don't need your help, okay. Just shut up, bastard!" I replied.

Why does Mr. Lavigne was asking me that? What should I know about Literature? I closed my eyes and think properly. Then, I answered Mr. Lavigne question.

"Literature, most generically is any body of written works. Most restrictively, literature refers to writing considered to be an art form or any single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value, often due to deploying language in ways that differ from ordinary usage." I said confidently beautiful with a heart! And I – thank you!

I heared Mr. Lavigne and all my classmates laughed, most specially Cley! What the heck! What did I said this time? I'm just answering Prof. Lavigne question, right? Wait a minute! Don't tell me that it's not the question? But Cley said–. Shit! Why did I ever listened to that bastard!

"I will kill you!" I said through links.

"I'm scared now." He said sarcastically. I gritted my teeth. I saw him smirked.

"You should! I'm serious!" I said again.

"I'm dying to wait that moment! In what ways you're going to kill me? Just like what you did to that poor humans? Can I suggest, then? I want to die in pleasure not in brutality." He said through link.

I clenched my fist. That lunatic maniac! I closed my eyes to keep myself calm. Breath, Berlyn. Don't mind him! You're just going to be annoyed.

"I'm impressed with your answer, Ms. Somer. But– that's not what I'm asking you. I'm asking you to share with us your summer vacation experience."

Oh- oh. Tss. That bastard! Just wait for me and I will kill you right away! Summer vacation? Well, there's nothing to be shared about it. Last summer vacation was the worst vacation ever for me. But because I saw that professor Lavigne was waiting for my answer,  I've decided to answer his question.

"There's so many things that happened to me this summer vacation. I have this birthday party of mine that was supposed to be the happiest memory in my life coz I've already turned eighteen but it turns out to be the worst birthday ever."

"I met someone whom I almost considered as my knight in shinning armour at first, but it turns out to be my greatest enemy. I just want to change everything and make things right, but I've been dragged forcelly on that dungeon like I was an animal and imprisoned for a week without food and proper hygiene."

My parents wouldn't believed on me because of that lunatic bitch lies! And until now, I don't know what to feel about it. I don't want to feel anything again. Coz the more I involved my own feelings, the more it hurts inside. Is that what you want to hear, Prof. Lavigne? To make it simple, lets just say that my summer vacation is a messed and I want to forget all about it– now." I said and sit back to my chair.

I'm just telling the truth here, okay. That was exactly happened on my entire vacation this summer break.

"I'm sorry about that, Ms. Somer." He said.

"It's okay, sir. Life really sucked sometimes. Atleast I've already learned my lesson now." I said.

Prof Lavigne nodded and continued to discussed our topic. I'm just listening but my mind didn't function well. I just hoped that time traversed fast so that I can go home. All I want to do is lay on my bed and rest, so that all the bad memories will washed away. I need to rest. Coz if I'm not, I'm sure I'm going to breakdown soon...

Author's Note:

Okay guys. That's all for this chapter. You better check out the next chapter coz atlast, it's Cley's Pov! Hahaha.

I know all of you was waiting for Cley's Pov, right? I'm dying to know his side too. Hahaha. I mean what is he thinking about all of this! Hahaha. "I just want to know his thought" just what liked Berlyn said. Haha.

Okay. Just sit back and read. I'm going to update Chapter 28 this day. Okay. Stay tuned!!

Don't forget to vote and comment guys! Thank you... Love lots!

It's me,



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