Dark Woods Circus: Kaito x re...

Von HappyEmojiz

2.5K 44 97

You and your father were going to this new circus in town. As you two gazed in amusement at the performers an... Mehr

Going Back
!!!!!It's Time for the Show!!!!!
Staff Only
The Curtains Opened
A message from Kaito
🚨Sanity and Sirens 🚨
🧸💕Freedom is with You 💕🧸


158 2 5
Von HappyEmojiz

Author's note: I'm so so sorry readers!!!

I've had to take a break from some social media because I had to heal from a breakup, school came back, and then I had to find myself. So I need a break to talk with family, friends, and even go on a trip to discover who I am and what I want in life. I'm all better now.

And I'm now happy to say that this one took awhile because I'm in an advanced english class where I can learn to be a better writer. I've been learning so many new things that will help make this so much better as well as make some small changes to previous chapters.

I'm gonna try my best to update, but I'm sorry to say that I can't keep any promises.

But this is a gift for 378 reads!?!?



Ever since (y/n) left the circus that afternoon, the circus managed quite fine. The Ringmaster wasn't even concerned with the fact that they lost their only mime. He instead ran things with his iron fist, and continued to keep things under control...for the most part.

Kaito was in his cage with a new (f/c..favorite color) straight jacket, his light blue eyes had dark circles underneath and were red from sobbing, his mouth stained with the blood from the dead corpses, his hair now looking like a lion's mane was no longer soft and combed. He stared at his legs that were chained to the ground as his mind replayed the scene of where he acted like an actual beast. The children and their parents screaming as they dashed towards the exit. And the fact that the security guards had to use a stun gun to apprehend him, it only made Kaito return to the reality now haunting him.

Small tears rolled down his cheeks as he grabs the blue bunny with his teeth. Using his neck and shoulder to hug it tightly, he cries as his thoughts returned to (y/n) and how scared or mortified she must've been. How could she even face him after that? He doesn't want to know the answer or the possibilities...He wished that he would've gained more self control, he blamed himself...because he knew that he had the power to stop himself..but didn't...

It's my fault...I could've done something but I didn't...Now....I might never see her again...

But in the distance as Kaito is drowning in his own dark thoughts, The Ringmaster was leaning against a tent smirking to himself as he sharpened his pocket knife. He heard his beast's whimpering but did nothing but chuckle and walked away, laughing more and more.

The ringmaster cackled until he reached the his personal tent. Where it held a small area with a simple bed made of hay, a mirror with light bulbs, and a dresser. He sat in front of the mirror, grabbed a cloth from a bucket of water, and wiped the make up from his face. His complexion was clean with pale skin, dark navy blue eyes, and a burn mark on his forehead was revealed. He took off his top hat that revealed a medium length of black, messy hair. He sighed in relief and walked towards his dresser.

The dresser was a tall one, made of redwood, and decorated with gold lions on the huge doors. But inside revealed a small hidden hatch. He opened it, inside was a medical box with three different vials. One black, one purple, and one the had an odd opal effect if held in the light. The labels on each vial was en scripted with different languages: Arabic, Egyptian, and Latin. These are the three languages aside from English and Japanese that the Ringmaster knew. He grabbed all three vials and set them on his desk where the mirror was.

He sat on the small chair, grabbed his black gloves, and obtained a gas mask. He than grabbed his medical bag from the left side of the desk, pulling out beakers and other scientific equipment. Across the room on the bed of hay, a tiny mouse caught in a trap was scurrying and squeaking for concern. But the Ringmaster was only concerned with his own work. He pulled out syringes and needles of different lengths and sizes.

As he laid out his tools for this specific experiment, The Ringmaster began to sing a song that reminded him of his mental Hospital days before meeting Dr.Jeager. His raspy and deep voice singing like...a certain someone's....

(A/n: same as the last time, but I'll say the times of what the Ringmaster is doing. Meaning if he's grabbing the mouse, for example, it would be at idk..1:22..Just like that. Hopefully this helps a little of what I'm trying to show you guys! Please continue!)

He begins with the black vial, swirling it around. Then filling a small beaker with water, he uses a droplet and fills it with the black substance in the vial, along with the other two. Then he drops the black liquid in the water and mixes the opal one after. (0:00 to 1:16)

The liquids infused making the substance bubble and glow. Inside the beaker, the black and opal were like a shadow and light dancing, but fighting for dominance. But the black continued to fight back because of the Ringmaster's voice. The darkness began to take over..(1:16 to 1:30).

As this happens the ringmaster grabs the trap that held the tiny mouse as a prisoner. He carefully places the other dropper containing the purple liquid, the purple then making this...something glow. The Ringmaster smiles softly as he then slices his left hand with his pocket knife. Small amounts of blood were flowing from the cut. He made a fist to let the blood drip into the beaker. Making it swirl faster and faster. The black liquid from before was now mixing with his blood, making it look like small spirits or ghosts were screaming as the fusion began. (1:30 to 1:59)

His singing became louder as the beaker glowed a dark red and and violently shook the desk. The Ringmaster's eyes changed from the beautiful blue to black, with small red veins showing at the sides of his eyes. His expression showed a powerful but insane look. He grabbed the empty syringe and plunged it into the beaker. Where he pulled the plug, it filled with the black substance that gave a red glow. (1:59 to 2:12)

Once it was filled, he grabbed the innocent mouse and stabbed the back of it's head with this diabolical concoction. The tiny creature squeaked and yelped in pain as it felt the substance flowing in it's veins. The mouse's eyes glowed a dark red but then gave it's last breathe....The Ringmaster then grabbed another syringe and did the same technique to himself, but on his arm. The injection sight was blistered with black and red, his veins showed and his eyes glowed a more darker shade of red. He smiled twistly as he stepped back and hit the dresser. He laughed and laughed insanely. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. Where he then passed out with a smile on his face. (2:12 to 3:30)

And on his desk...was a picture of himself...and his younger brother...Kaito......


It was the final night of the Dark Woods Circus.

The busiest night for everyone at the circus, even the animals kept there were at their limit for tricks and shows. Kaito was distant from everyone including Russell, he even ate the dead corpses from the Ringmaster. He was accepting the fact that he was a monster, and decided to embrace it. His heart hardened, he no longer wants to see (y/n) because he doesn't want her to see him for what he became.

Kaito was in his cage when the sun was setting over the circus. The Ringmaster walked towards the cage with a bucket of lifeless arms with bones sticking out. He tapped the rusted iron bars with his cane.

"OOOOOOoHhhhhhh BEeeAASSTYYYYYyyyyy!!!! Din DIn!!!!"

He growled and snarled at the Ringmaster, after all, it was his fault that he was like this. If he hadn't separated him from (y/n)...none of this would happen. Kaito then backed into a corner showing his teeth and authority. But the Ringmaster laughed and tried to cooed him to get closer. Kaito didn't budge one bit.

He growled as the Ringmaster snapped his fingers and the security guards snatched him from his hair and shoved him into another smaller cage. Kaito screamed, his pupils turned into slits, and he growled, ramming himself into the sides of the cage. He screamed with rage and anxiety. He hated small places ever since that day, everything was out to get him, he hated everyone and his rage only continued to grow as the cage was dragged towards the giant newly painted tent.

The giant tent was painted black with splashes of neon paint. Some had hand prints, others had desgins that were curves looking like souls or spirits, and the giant sign said: Dark Woods Circus! Bring the Kiddies!!

'''Kaito's POV ''''

Where am I?!?!


"RWAAAAHHHHH!!" I screamed.

Those clowns dragged me into the giant tent with just Satan and his throne. There was a small desk with something that I didn't bother to see. He smiled as those bozos stopped my cage underneath the spotlight. I growled, my eyes darted everywhere, I can tell there was some people there. I can see their beady eyes staring at me during all of this.


"OOOHH, Beasty...beasty..."

He slowly walked towards me, his cane in one hand while the other behind his back. I was scare but hid it with snarls and more growls. I really felt like a wild animal at this moment. As his steps got louder, he got closer, my heart was pounding. He finally made it to my cage, but his eyes...changed to black. He circled me with that stupid grin. I watched him like I was prey and he was the beast.

Then he reached into his jacket and pulled out a small bottle with a small chain connected to his jacket. He unscrewed the top, drank the whole thing, and he grunted as his face showed veins that glowed red. Then he looked directly at me, making me back up the end of the cage. But as soon as I did: I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck. I quickly turned around and see that it was...another one of him!?!?

But he cackled and disappeared. I looked at him quickly but felt really warm, my spine hurt a lot! I screamed because my head felt like it was going to explode! I crouched down with my hands holding onto my head, I was shaking. My teeth felt more sharp! I was in so much pain I screamed so much!


Third person mode

Kaito's body began to change dramatically. His spine grew spikes, his fingernails grew into claws, and his face shifted into a beast like structure. He began to stand on all fours with black fur all over his body, his eyes now a white color, his head grew horns. He's out of the cage, blood running down his mouth, back and head. The Ringmaster smirked as Kaito's new form growled and ran around the stage area, he grabbed his whip and it cracked in the air.

The sound made Kaito run in circles with snarls, some of the guards tried to stop him but Kaito killed them all by using his new horns to pierce their chests. They screamed when the sharp horn crushed the rib cages and blood was decorating the ground. Some tried to run away, but Kaito was fast.His claws sliced their abdomens in half, he even bit a head off. The Ringmaster only laughed while using his whip. No one heard these sounds, not even the staff that walked past the tent. Everyone continued as if nothing happened.


The Ringmaster whipped Kaito, getting closer as Kaito then bowed like an obedient dog. He was on the ground still growling, snarling, showing his new bloody fangs. He panted like a dog, his mind was too tired from the rage to know what he even did. RM(A/n: I'm tired of saying 'The', so let's go with RM) then yanked Kaito's head to make him look at his now normal eyes. The insanity still shown in his eyes....He leaned in and whispered in his ear:

"Now....you know.....what.it feels....to be broken....to be.....like me....."

Kaito growled lowly, "c-c...cow...wardd....."

"You do speak?.....well..that's..good for show...don't you think?"

Kaito growled angrily at RM. But he was already too tired, both mentally and physically. He fought against the urge to sleep, in fact: he wanted to rip RM's head off on the spot with no hesitation. His eyelids got heavier, his body suddenly felt too heavy, he fainted on the ground still in this new form. As the darkness began to fill his mind, RM said the words that he never thought he would hear....

"Time to sing...princess" RM whispered darkly at the beast.

N-no...I thought...

And his whole world went black...

Another time skip

The stage was set with beautiful and glowing lights. The area where Kaito and RM was, surprisingly got cleaned up as if nothing happened. Everyone that was there gathered to the giant tent, taking their seats. Children were excited as they gazed at the stage that was small. Then the lights got dim....

Out jumped two little twins dressed in lion one-sises, one had a white bow on the mane and the other was a bow tie around the neck. The audience squealed at the adorable lions, they smiled big as they received the applause. The one with a bowtie: Len was handed the microphone first. He took a deep breathe, getting prepared for the speech he was forced to practice.

"H-Hello everyone! *auedince is clapping louder than before* W-whoa...Um...W-welcome to the Dark Woods Circus...Uuh-RIN!"

"Don't mind him folks! LET'S GET THIS STARTED!!! Me and my dear brother will preform just for you! Then we have very good friends with other cool stuff too! Just sit back and finish the popcorn pwease?! Thank you!!"

Hmph, Rin...always stealing the spotlight...

Hey! You were too slow!

Shut up! And stop mind linking! We gotta preform!

Right! But....Leave the speeches to me!

Len and Rin both did a cartwheel to the sides, landing on the side mini-trampolines, flying through the air and giving each other a high hive while in air. When they both landed: the lights were switched off, then this electronic music began to play, with Rin underneath it. She was in a completely new outfit and began to sing like an angel.

(Not gonna go with this..unless....Three votes for this chapter and I MIGHT consider it)

After their performance, the twins took a bow, holding hands and left with big smiles on their faces...well, one of them did. Len frowned as Rin let go of his hand to join with Rm who gave her a head pat. He clenched his fist and looked away.... But soon he got out of the way for the next performer:

She had a black and white Japanese school uniform, with 6 arms (three on each) and had an old style TV for a head. She stumbled to get on stage because of the weight of the TV, some back up dancers with more colorful clothes, and normal heads. They got to their places and this performer got the microphone from Rin. Her screen showed a smile and began to sing.

Soon there were many more performances: Like acrobats swinging and flying in the air, magicans doing actual tricks and stunts, even the fortune teller gave some people what they wanted to hear, but before the show ends. RM had one more trick up his sleeve. He drank a glass of water, no: makeup, top hat, or even weapons. He even gelled his hair back, wear yellow contacts, and wore a scarlet red tux with white gloves, and black dress shoes. He sighed in relief from that persona look and step out onto the stage.

"Well people...I'm the RM of this beautiful and special place. Everyone here...was rejected, broken, or just lost in life. But I wanted to give them a place to feel wanted and loved. So on this final night..I'm gonna sing a special song that means...the whole world to me..Please, enjoy."

As the R.M finished the last performance for the circus, the room was quiet...too quiet. But Kaito was towering over the R.M, blood was dripping from his fangs and his horns, one being broken that is. His eyes glowing from blue to a black with red radiating. A child screamed followed by crying, the parents getting up from their seats and about to leave. When the R.M felt a drop of blood fell from Kaito's mouth to the shoulder pad of his new suit...He only smiled widely and turned to face him.

    "SO...Beasty wants to play..."

    He grabbed his whip from his jacket, this whip had sharp pieces of metal at the end of it. This one can be customized to make it more horrendous and painful if ever used, whether for an act...or for discipline. With the whip in sight: Kaito lunged himself at R.M nearly hitting the audience if they hadn't backed away. They ran tried to run away and call the police. But they were blocked by the other performers who also had glowing eyes and creepy smiles.

The lights went out, everything was dark. The only light source was the eyes of the performers...and the music that played was static...replaced by the screams of children...

To be Continued


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