Where It Went Wrong » Larry

By jasminesx

49.5K 1.5K 349

Louis Tomlinson has everything he could want: a loving family, a good group of friends and he just released h... More

Where It Went Wrong » Larry
1 - The Fame Life
2 - Reunion and Declarations
3 - Welcome To My New Life
4 - It's Different Now
5 - Let's Forget Everything
6 - All The Support
7 - It's A Party
8 - Downfall
9 - Maybe I'm Not Enough
10 - Play The Game
11 - Loved You First
12 - In The Moment
13 - Tell Me A Story
14 - Maybe A Way Forward
15 - Kiss Me Like You Mean It
16 - It's Like Magic
17 - Baby We Were Fireproof
18 - It's Been So Long
19 - Can You Take Me Faraway?
20 - Attempts
21 - Explain It All
22 - Push Me To The Limits
23 - Too Damn Sober
24 - Come Back Home
26 - So Happily
27 - Say Hello To A New Beginning
28 - I Wanna Grow Old With You / Epilogue

25 - Get Up Now

1.4K 41 12
By jasminesx



Louis glanced around his second home. It was decorated to perfection, banners and balloons stretched around all the wide rooms and it was all down to Niall. Niall was the king when it came to party, knowing exactly how to have a good time and showing off the place just perfectly. Louis felt like a toddler, like this was a small child's birthday party with all the weak, children decorations. But, it felt right and he just felt at ease as he looked around the house.

Harry was tucked safely around his side, Louis's arm snaked around his waist and holding him tightly and closely. "This was Niall's idea, right?" Harry asked, chuckling.

Louis nodded. "That Irish lad wanted to throw me a pre-release party, wanted to invite all family and friends and celebrate the album."

"Soul...." Harry said the name, like it had a deeper meaning behind it and sighed. "It just... it's so sentimental."

"How so?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrows. "I literally chose it within a few minutes, it made sense-- been making music from my heart, from my soul.."

"No..." He shook his head, disagreeing. "Soul that has gone through, suffering put into an album that's going to be massive. It's going to be big, and everyone's going to love it and you're going to kill every other artist out there. And you know it."

Louis blushed, not being able to resist it from the sincere words Harry was showering him. Recently, Harry was always saying something nice--even if it didn't make sense. And Louis was loving it, soaking up the attention he was getting and reminding himself the words every morning. Everytime he found himself in a situation, he replayed the same words and got through it.

"You softie," Louis muttered, running a hand through Harry's hair. "Getting me good, aren't you?"

"God, I haven't partied in so long..."

Louis knew exactly why; he wasn't allowed to. It was gutting that Harry was cut off from some of the basic things in life because he simply wasn't allowed to do it. Despite the fact he was 21, he was stopped from making adult choices for himself because Dalton held so much power over his life. It was sad that even though, Dalton no longer remained in Harry's life, it was still brought up and thought about everyday.

"You'll party like no other today, okay?" Louis smiled. He just wanted Harry to have a good time, to remove all the memories that brought nothing more than pain and remember people around him loved him so much.

Today, Louis's family was attending the party and so were the rest of the boys. Louis desperately wanted to invite Anne and Gemma, Harry's mum and sister but knew it wouldn't be right. He couldn't make Harry reunite with them at a little party that was going to contain partying, dancing and alcohol and probably a few drunken snogs. He just had to drive Harry down to Anne's another time, get them to meet. But today was just going to be a cute family day and he couldn't wait for Harry to get familiar with the rest of the boys families again, just like a happy friendship group they used to be.

Louis couldn't help but feel like it was college again, like everything was normal and he was no longer famous. How they would have parties with all the families, Niall's dad would get involved with the drinking and Liam's dad would start throwing embarrassing dance moves. They were all a happy family, no sorrows and no worries.

But as the years went on, things dramatically changed and Louis no longer had time to keep up with everyone. He had taken the years way too fast, grown up way too quickly and he just needed to slow down, realise what really mattered. Louis needed to start focusing on his mum, his sisters and his soon to be step father and his friends. He needed to stop taking everything so seriously, only minding his career's business.

"Do you think so?" Harry asked.

"I know so."

So, they went and go ready for this party. Harry dressed up in a pink and red flannel, wearing a black shirt underneath with black skinny jeans and brown boots. He put on a matching scarf over his hair which helped his curls to stay out of his eyes. He looked like perfection, his eye shade a beautiful green today-- he looked healthy, and good. And Louis couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he watched his boy get ready. He decided to go with a simple tee, black jeans and vans for himself-- not wanting to seem too formal and pulled his hair back into a quiff.

"You're so handsome, you know," Harry hummed happily, reaching up to touch Louis's hair and smiling.

"You should let your curls down more often, it doesn't deserve to be all trapped up there."

Harry just shook his head but the smile on his face indicated he was flattered, taking the compliment seriously. "Next time, maybe." He promised, kissing Louis's cheeks before taking one last long look in the mirror. "Let's go meet your mum."

Jay was sitting down on one of the tables, not touching the alcohol and sterring clear of anything that could affect the twins. She was sitting with Dan, who was watching her fondly as she talked away. When she caught sights of Louis and Harry making ways towards her, her mouth dropped open and she gushed out. "My babies!"

Before she could jump up to hug her, Louis ran towards her and leaned down, giving her an awkward hug. "Sit, sit, don't get up mum." He instructed her, giving a smile whilst pulling out a chair for Harry to sit on.

Harry looked extremely timid, scared as he clumsily followed Louis's actions and gave Jay a hug too. Jay squeezed him hard, not letting him go until Harry started laughing breathlessly. "Can't breathe mum!" And Louis felt his heart stop for a second because he was so nostalgic, Harry saying mum just like he would 5 years ago.

Jay looked pleased too, her cheeks rosy pink and a glow radiating through her skin as she patted on the chair next to her. "Talk to me Harry. It's been long."

"We met at the restaurant," he reminded her.

"That's been months, idiot!" She laughed. "And you hardly had time for me, did you? Talk to me, tell me everything dear."

And so, that's exactly what Harry did whilst Louis watched him work his mouth. Harry told her briefly about Dalton, all the jobs he went to and then quit and just stayed at home. He told her how bored he was of his life, how much he missed her and Louis and the girls and how much he wished he could visit them. Harry talked until he had no words left to say, talking right from the heart and emptying his whole mind-- releasing all the words that seemed to be circling his mind for the past few years. Louis felt oddly satisfied, smiling down at him, still standing above him.

Dan was in awe, looking overly impressed of Harry and Louis couldn't help but think: 'he is mine, this boy is mine and he makes me feel so good'.

"God, Harry," Jay laughed once Harry had finished, looking surprised with himself. "That's quite a mouthful, wasn't it?"

"You asked for it!"

"What are you doing now? Working?"

Harry shook his head sadly, sighing. "No... 'm not, not yet. I hope I can find something decent."

Louis couldn't help but interject right there. "I'm sure he will, I'll help him mum."

He knew that Harry didn't like receiving help from others, wanting to do things on his own so he could feel satisfied for himself. But, Louis wasn't going to wait around and watch Harry struggle with such basic jobs when Louis could find him an amazing job. Being famous came with many advantages, one of which was all the links he had to different upper class businessmen.

Harry shook his head, mostly to himself, but didn't say a word and didn't let the smile fall off his lips.

"Good, Louis. Make sure my son here gets an amazing place to work, okay?"

"You love him more than you love me, don't you?" Louis teased.

"Of course I do, he's the best son I could ever get." She replied playfully, sipping at her water. She was a bubble of joy today, all for Louis and his efforts, achievements for the third album. And Louis loved seeing this, loved seeing his mother so damn proud of him. He couldn't believe how fortunate he was, able to supply his mum with so much happiness and wishes he could do this for the rest of his life.

Louis and Harry wandered away from the mothers, walking towards Niall who was happily behind the speakers and trying to do a good job of the DJ. However, failing miserably. Louis gave him a feeble thumbs up, encouraging him.

"Tommo!" Niall chirped happily, handing the headphones over to Zayn who gave him a glare.

"I don't know how to work this!" Zayn complained, passing it onto Liam who just rolled his eyes, placing a kiss on Zayn's cheeks and starting to work the music.

"Horan!" Louis yelled back with the same enthusiastic, pulling him into a brotherly, cuddly hug and sniffing in his scent. "You're wearing my perfume, aren't you?"

"Well, since this evening was all about you, had to wear your perfume, didn't I?" Niall laughed. He looked over to Harry and smiled, pulling him into the same hug. "Hey Harry, how you finding tonight?"

Niall had been informed by Zayn about what Harry had been going through, and he had never seemed more angered. He wanted to hunt down Dalton himself, throw a few punches but Niall couldn't fight-- he was terrible at it. He would never admit it but he knew it, and so did all the boys. So, he stayed painfully exactly where he is and quietly hated on Dalton with every step he took. Louis loved it, loved seeing how much concern the boys had for Harry and wish it could be like this forever. 

"A little overwhelming," Harry admitted truthfully. He was clearly not used to the loud music, the drunken dancing bodies swaying to the music. He had only attended clubs with Dalton, sitting right at the back and away from most of the scenes. "But, good. I missed this."

"Such a party animal, only at 16, weren't you?" Niall chuckled, shaking his head. "Have you preordered three yet?"

Harry's smile fell and Louis had to bite his lip, wanting to slap Niall for asking such a question. It was clear that Harry was completely broken, had no money and definitely no way of paying for the album. But, it didn't matter, he was going to receive a free CD anyway.

"Soon." Harry reassured him.

Zayn made his way over the boys now, hugging both them closely. "Having a good time yet?"

Harry just nodded. "Yeah, 's good."

"Niall thinks he's perfect at being the DJ, insisting to do all of it, little fucker."

Liam joined by Zayn's side, snaking his arms around his waist and pulling him close. It wasn't a possessive move, it was more of showing his love and affection and Zayn looked pleased, smiling happily with a blush on his cheeks.

"We missed you Harry, seeing you at these parties!" Liam said.

Since Louis had released his first album, these parties became a part of their lives. It wasn't every so often, but there would always be a party now and then that popped up and took place at this house. All family was invited, school and college friends and everyone reunited. However, it always felt empty like something was missing and for once, Louis felt content tonight and it was all because Harry was here, experiencing this all.

"You had so many parties without me," Harry faked sobed, still smirking.

"It was dreadful, you belong here with us." Zayn said sincerely.

"From now, Zayn. From now."

 Then Louis decided he wanted some alone time with his boy, not like he hasn't already been doing in that past week or so now. He just wanted to treat Harry right, slow dance with him stupidly despite the upbeat techno music being played and kiss him softly, tenderly. He wanted to show off his romantic side, the side that really mattered and the side he has been hiding for so long. He didn't care whether they were at a huge party and someone could notice, realise Louis is not with Eleanor-- that wasn't even his concern right now. For Louis, Harry always came first and no one was going to replace him, no one ever could.

He dragged Harry away from the boys, letting them get along with the music as he led them to a much more private part of the house. There was a few unknown people around, absorbed in their own world and Louis took this as his chance.

He pulled Harry closely to him by his jean belt loop until they were touching, legs together, crotch rubbing against each other and Louis sighed in bliss.

"You make me feel so good." Louis hummed happily, putting his hand around Harry's back and bringing him even closer-- if it was possible.

Harry didn't seem to mind, he had a lazy grin playing at his lips. "I could say the same about you Mr Tomlinson."

"Ssh, you little idiot." He muttered, not meaning a word as he lightly kissed Harry's forehead and sighed, their noses touching. "This was so long overdue."

"I'm here now, aren't I?"

"That's all that matters, remember that baby," Louis smiled.

They weren't even officially together, Louis hadn't asked him out yet-- he felt like it was way too early to label them yet. He wanted to take it slow, make sure he was doing every step with extra care before he messed something up. That seemed like Louis's talent, managing to fuck it up and he didn't want to go wrong this time. He was just glad it's even been a week, that was a lot for him and it was making up for all the lost time. When Louis felt like it was right, he was definitely going to claim Harry and not let any fuckers even come near him.

"We're dancing to a dance club song," Harry stated, shaking his head fondly as they slow ballroom danced around the vacant room.

"We're unique, we do things our way."

"I like it."

So, they continued dancing like no one was watching them and like they didn't look like idiots. Louis didn't care, he didn't take notice as he twirled Harry around slowly and watched his boy turn with his ass on display. He cupped Harry's ass cheeks with his hands, giving it a squeeze and smirk, watching Harry's cheeks go red.

"You're beautiful, from head to toe."

"Man, you're making me blush," Harry muttered, ducking his face to hide the flush that was evident on his face.

"Don't hide it, show the world!"

 After an hour or so, Zayn and Liam gathered everyone back in the main room with bright smiles, holding an envelope. They looked sneaky, like they were up to something and Louis watched curiously but didn't comment. He kept his arms wrapped around Harry's, providing a sense of warmth as they waited for the two loverbirds to make their announcement.

Zayn clapped his hands, getting everyone's attentions and everyone went quiet. "Ah, there we go!" He grinned. "We have a little news..."

Liam came by his sides, smiling right at Louis and Harry-- which was suspicious. Louis could feel Harry shift uncomfortably on his feet and tense up but they both didn't say a word.

"As you all know, Harry is back! And if you guys have been friends with him for a long time, you'll know his passion was modelling."

Oh crap. This wasn't going to be good. Louis knew that Harry has self image issues, he hates himself and as much as he won't voice that opinion and won't talk about it-- it's obvious and clear. Harry couldn't get into modelling so easily, it was going to take him time to get used to his appearance and accepting he's beautiful just the way he is. So, this definitely wasn't going the way Louis was hoping it would go.

Harry coughed, catching a few people's attention.

Zayn carried on. "Me and Liam have been contacting a few modelling agencies and their willing for Harry to come in and do a shoot for them!" He finally announced, waving around the envelope and letter and everyone went silent.

There was silent before everyone started clapping, erupting into cheers for Harry who didn't even look the slightest happy. He had a frown, brows furrowed as he glanced anxiously at Louis-- almost like to save him, take him away from here and Louis felt helpless. It would seem rude to walk away when Liam and Zayn have been working so hard on getting this modelling opportunity, even if it was against Harry's will and didn't even ask.

"What the fuck?" Harry whispered under his breath.

Zayn came down, offering the letter to him. He took it cautiously, not saying thanks and pulling at Louis's top indicating he wanted to leave.

Louis was torn, giving Zayn a side smile. "We'll be back." He told him, patting his shoulders in a form of saying thanks before disappearing with Harry.

They ran upstairs, into one of the vacant rooms where Louis locked the door behind him and faced back to his love. By now, Harry had small tears building up in his eyes and he looked completely broken. He was reading the letter, almost in disgust, before throwing it away from himself and letting out a cracked sob. 

Louis jumped to action at once, stepping forward and setting Harry down on the bed before joining him and pulling him into a hug. "Don't you like it?" He asked, not sure what else to say.

Harry sniffed. "They shouldn't of done that behind my back! They obviously sent my pictures to show I was worthy for this job and God, I'm not. I'm so mad!"

He nodded. "I understand, I agree it was wrong for the two idiots to do this without asking your permission first. Why are you crying babe? Don't cry." He leaned forward, touching Harry's cheekbones and wiping the water away. "You look pretty when you smile."

"I just... modelling, gosh. They actually wanted me to come in and see if I was worthy to be part of them and I don't know."

"Isn't that a good thing? Do you still want to go into modelling?"

"No! I don't! Look at me, my hip chub and my ugly spots! I can't, I'm nowhere model material."

Louis scoffed because he couldn't see how perfect he was and Louis was memrised by him every single day of his life. He questioned how beautiful a person could get every day and here was the same person, complaining.

"Ssh," Louis interjected, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're.. so, I can't describe. You're everything, you really are and the fact you can't believe you're model material is beyond me. They obviously accepted you for a reason."

Harry watched Louis for a second, observing his features and his silence could speak thousand more words than his mouth ever could. He sighed. "Dalton told me I would never amount to anything, I didn't deserve to be a model and he never let me... that scars, Lou. I don't believe anything you say about my 'beauty'."

"Dalton is fucking stupid," he quickly spat, feeling his blood pressure coming up just by the mere mention of the psycho. He really had ruined Harry's life and turned it upside down and he wanted nothing more than for Dalton to disappear, to die. "He has no idea what he's talking about and he really must be blind, or fucking stupid to not acknowledge just how-" He paused. "Just how beautiful you are."

Once again, Harry didn't look convinced but there was more of a smile on his face now as he snuggled closer to the older boy's clothes and it fit like a puzzle piece. "I don't want to do it, Lou. I love modelling, I really do. That dream was cut away from me, was made to believe I wasn't worth it and it can't be changed so easily."

Louis nodded, understanding. "It's fine, I'm not telling you take it. I'm telling you to chase your dreams, I know you love modelling. Wouldn't it be amazing to do it for a living?"

"Can we forget everything. Just kiss me."

And Louis did exactly that.


After 30 minutes, they stumbled out of the bedroom both giggly and red in the face and clearly flustered. Louis was enjoying his little time with Harry way too much but knew he had to be present for his own party, feeling bad for Niall who had set this whole thing up. As much as Harry wanted to stay in, he didn't want to drag Louis from the events going on downstairs so they skipped out, taking two steps at a time and acting like complete toddlers.

Zayn and Niall were standing at the front door, looking worried. Zayn had his head in his hands, muttering coherent words that were mumbled as Niall tried to comfort him, looking helpless. Louis frowned at the sight, not wanting his friends to be overthinking about this situation.

Sure, he was mad for Zayn to go behind Harry's back and offer the pictures to a company when the poor boy was clearly not ready to expose his body to even Louis himself. It was immoral, a huge jump that he wasn't prepared for and now, he felt vulnerable because of it. However, Zayn's motive was only good behind it. Harry had gone through enough suffering and everyone just wanted him to be happy, to live each day to the fullest to make up for the days he had spent in pain.

"Zayn.." Harry called out, surprisingly, walking up to him and putting his hands on his shoulders. "Zayn, mate."

Zayn's head shot up. He looked distressed, more than anything and overly glad to finally see Harry. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, so sorry." He blurted out, talking way too fast.

He laughed, shaking his head and looking completely at ease when only a while back, he was crying his eyes out. It amazed Louis, it really did. This young boy was able to hide away his feelings so easily with a simple laugh and everything was okay. It wasn't like he was choking up on his own sobs a while back. He wanted Harry's courage, his strength.

"It's fine Zayn, you really... should've asked me first and confirmed with me but I get it. You just want what's best for me."

"I do."

"That's fine, I appreciate that. However, I don't think I can take up the offer just yet. I love you, and I really appreciate everything but it's too much for me. Just now." He cleared his throat, taking a step back and Louis joined him. He took Harry's hand, intertwining fingers together and holding it firmly. He was so proud of his boy, wanted nothing more than this curly lad right here.

Zayn didn't seem offended. In fact, he smiled widely. "Follow what makes you feel right. I'll let them know. I just hope you're sure about this, it's a big offer."

"I'm sure."

They returned back to the party room where Jay was about to make an annoucement. She was glowing with happiness, her hand resting on her growing belly with Dan by his side holding a glass of wine.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she cleared her throat, catching sights of Louis and waving madly. "I'd like to tell you guys a few things! Firstly, congratulations to my beautiful baby Louis who is releasing his album and I couldn't be more proud of him! He's always dreamt big and made those dreams come true and here he is-- doing what he knows best. I'm sure you are just as shocked and astonished by his achievements as much as I am. For a boy whose messed around in school, all the time, and been fired from every job, he's made an amazing life! People our age have not been able to reach even close to what Louis, my boy, has managed to do in such a short amount of time. Three bloody years and he's number one, known all around the world. God, mummy is proud and so are all the girls and all your friends!" She seemed a little emotional by the time she finished, tears in her eyes as she wiped them away, giggling lightly. "Also, my wedding is next month and you're all invited!"

Everyone threw their glasses in their air, cheering and Louis smiled blissfully. There is no place he would rather be.

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