Alps āœ° Ethma

By bxxgnxt

348K 6.7K 8.7K

"I assume you got my note, cunt. I can't believe I slept with your filthy ass. Like I said, if you tell anybo... More



7.4K 174 351
By bxxgnxt

Grayson Pov.

I swallowed the last of my mom's scrambled eggs she had made & set my fork down onto my plate, glancing across the table at Ethan & Emma who had already finished their plates & were only looking around awkwardly. I sighed, rolling my eyes at the tension in the air between them. Emma had already admitted to Ethan that she was in love with him, which was a shock to everybody but Ethan didn't return the feelings. I know my brother though & I know that he's in love with Emma as well. Especially judging by what I had walked in on earlier this morning. Friends don't cuddle like that. He Ethan just needs to admit it to her, he needs her in his life. He loves her. He's visibly more happy when she's around & he even started calling me by a nickname again, instead of my full name. Also, he's never just in a good mood in the morning, he's always quiet or angry about something. I could tell my mom was a little weirded out as well when Ethan had greeted her nicely after he came downstairs with Emma. My mom's face also held a look of shock & I knew why, Ethan never brings girls home or hangs out with them around the house. He may be a douchebag & just fuck & leave girls, but he always did it somewhere else. There was never a girl seen in this household that was hanging out with Ethan.

My phone suddenly began to vibrate in the pocket of my hoodie, causing Emma to look up from next to me. I sighed, coming out of my thoughts & grabbing the device out of the large pocket. James' contact name flashed across the bright screen & I smile to myself, sliding my finger across the bottom of the screen & holding the phone up to my ear. "Hey baby." I said smoothly, causing Ethan to make a face at me from across the table which I returned by sticking my tongue out at him playfully. "Hey Daddy." James' bright voice said from the other end of the line & my smile grew as I let out a small chuckle. "I just wanted to call you, since I figured you were staying home from school with Emma and Ethan. I'm just gonna sister-skip today because I don't feel like going and I'm heading to the phone store right now because I dropped my phone off the counter and shattered the screen this morning. But I could come over after if you want?" James explained & I let out a soft laugh at his clumsiness with his phone. "Sure. We'll be here." I responded simply & heard James hum in agreement. "Okay, well. I'll sister-see-you then!" He said enthusiastically & hung up the line, my phone making a small beeping noise. My heart warmed at the thought of seeing him again, it was just something about him that made me so in love & I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

I slipped my phone back into my hoodie pocket & looked up at Ethan & Emma. "James is coming over in a little bit, he's just stopping at the phone store because he broke his screen this morning." I mentioned & Emma snorted. "Of course he did." She stated & Ethan nodded with a small grin on his face. A sudden kiss on my forehead made me turn my head as my mom gave me a quick, warm smile. "I'm going to work, your father already left a few minutes ago." My mom said & my eyebrows furrowed, remembering that I never heard he front door open. Must've been while I was on the phone. My mom walked over to Ethan & looked down at him with an almost hesitant look on her face before she leaned down & pressed a long kiss to his forehead, causing his lip to curve up with fake disgust. "Mom." He groaned & my mom sadly smiled down at him, as if she was deep in thought. My mom then walked back around the table towards Emma who was in the wooden chair next to me. My mom leaned down & wrapped her arms around Emma, giving her a small hug as Emma tensed up a little. "Goodbye sweetie, I hope you feel better. Feel free to stay as long as you'd like," My mom said & then leaned down close to Emma's ear in order to whisper something but I heard it, "keep doing whatever it is that you're doing. I haven't seen my baby this happy in so long. Thank you." Emma's eyes locked onto the pattern of the wood on the table & my mom squeezed her shoulder lightly before grabbing her purse off of the counter & walking back down the hallway. There was the faint sound of the front door shutting & my eyes flicked over to Ethan.

"What'd she whisper to you?" Ethan asked out loud & Emma shot her head up to meet his eyes from across the table. She shrugged. "Just told me that there were some tampons under the sink in her bathroom if I needed any. She was joking around." She lied straight through her teeth & Ethan believed her, nodding his head as his darker hair bounced slightly. I moved my gaze back over to Emma, noticing that she was wearing one of Ethan's hoodies. It was the vintage pink one that he would wear occasionally. She looked so small compared to the hoodie that was usually held up by broad shoulders. "I can throw your clothes in the laundry if you want, so you don't have to wear Ethan's clothes." I suggested & she looked up at me. "It's fine, I don't mind." Ethan interjected from across me & I raised an eyebrow at him. Emma didn't say anything & I groaned internally. The tension was back in the air.

I sighed & stood up from the table, my chair squeaking against the hardwood floor as my foot nudged it. I picked up my plate & fork, leaning over to collect Emma's as well before bringing all of them to the kitchen. "But you can't take my plate?!" Ethan asked sarcastically from behind me as he still sat at the table & I rolled my eyes, smiling to myself. "No assclown. Stop being lazy." I stated & walked over to the marble counter. I rinsed the plates & forks off in the sink, then placing them into the dishwasher & closing it again. Ethan scoffed & grabbed his plate & fork as well, getting up & walking over to where I was standing near his destination of the dishwasher. "I'm gonna take a shower, don't burn the house down while I'm gone." I said & Emma rolled her eyes playfully as she walked into the kitchen, stopping & leaning against the countertop. Ethan nodded his head sarcastically & I gave him a look before turning around on my heel, heading down the hallway. I jogged up the staircase & my feet left the hardwood floor, stepping down onto the soft carpet that lined the hallway upstairs. I waltzed down the corridor & made a left into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I wasted no time in stripping my clothes after pressing down the lock button on the door of the tiled room. I reached down into the shower & turned the faucet in the right direction, wanting to take a hot shower on this cold morning. As I waited for the water to warm up, I looked into the full-size mirror that sat above the bathroom counter. I analyzed my tanned body, spotting the randomly scattered hickies that were littered anywhere from my collarbones to my v-line. My fingertips ran over the dark marks on my collarbones & I sighed, smiling warmly at the memory of James leaving them there.

My thoughts turned to Ethan & Emma again as I stared at the hickies. Thinking about how they could have this warm feeling in their hearts as well when they looked at themselves in the mirror if they were to get together. Ethan needs a feeling like that, to feel loved. Happy. I can see it in his eyes that he loves Emma too, he just needs a push of some sort. Something to get him to admit his feelings out loud to Emma...or it's never going to happen. Who knows how long Ethan could hide his feelings from Emma if he really wanted to. I mean, I know that I wouldn't have had the courage to ask James out if it weren't for Emma pushing me to do it & I couldn't be happier that she did. But even if she didn't talk me into it, I'm sure I would've made a move on him eventually. There's plenty of natural pushes; if James were to tell me his feelings first, if he had asked me for my phone number, if he started to hang around with a different guy than me & I got jealous-that's it. My lips spread into a smile as I looked into my eyes in the mirror, an idea flooding over me. I needed to make Ethan jealous, so jealous that he'll admit his feelings for Emma because he doesn't want her hanging around a different guy that might like her. I could pretend to be that guy. I could tell James that I'm fake breaking up with him for today, but it wouldn't be real we'd just have to act like it until Ethan cracks & admits that he's in love with Emma. Because he would get jealous of me being 'in love with her'. Eureka.

I ignored the urge to make a noise from happiness at my idea & picked my discarded hoodie up from the floor, slipping my phone out of the pocket & unlocking it quickly. I pressed on the messaging app & typed out my quick plan to James, hitting send & quickly clicking my phone off before tossing it onto the counter. I needed to make my shower quick, being excited to use my idea after it. I pulled the curtain back & stepped into the white-themed shower, sliding the curtain back into place as I stood under the steamy water. I thought deeper about my plan as the hot water trickled down the curve of my back, releasing the tension in my muscles.

Emma Pov.

I pulled the long sleeves of Ethan's hoodie up, swallowing my hands completely in the pink fabric as I stared at the television screen in front of the couch Ethan & I were on. The middle cushion of the couch was in between us as we watched the random movie that Ethan had picked out on 'Netflix'. I didn't exactly ask to stay home from school, Ethan just kind of subtly decided it & told me that I needed a day or two away from that place. I didn't protest, I was happy that he cared about my well being enough to miss a day of school with me. Also his decision started a chain reaction, causing both Grayson & James to not go to school either. I thought it was cute this morning when James had called Grayson & told him that he would come over if he wanted him to. They're couple goals as fuck.

Grayson suddenly appeared in the hallway opening of the living room, wearing a pair of black sweatpants with a maroon-colored shirt that had a few damp spots on it from him just taking a shower. His longer caramel hair dripped with small beads of water, the little droplets falling onto his forehead. I gave him a small smile in which he returned before walking over to the couch that his twin & I were seated on. Grayson picked up the remote & turned to face the television, pressing the red button at the top of the remote which caused the television screen to go black. "Gray." Ethan said in annoyance & I snorted with humor as Grayson chucked the remote back at Ethan's chest. Grayson clapped his hands together professionally & I raised my eyebrows at him. "I-uh...have something to tell you, Emma." Grayson said, running a hand through his damp hair. My eyebrows furrowed at his words & almost nervous-like actions. "Okay..." I trailed off, unsure of what my best friend had to say to me. He stared blankly at me for a moment before clearing his throat & adjusting the collar of his shirt. "We've been best friends for awhile now, ever since middle school," He started & I nodded slowly as I waited for him to continue, but before he could, James walked in behind him. Grayson turned around to look at James for a moment, before turning his focus back onto me & I inhaled slowly as I realized I was forgetting to breath from trying to figure out why Grayson was acting so odd. "Well, I've been thinking really hard about it and...don't freak out, okay?" He asked & my lips parted in confusion. "Grayson you're acting weird, just say it." I said & he locked eye contact with me while twiddling his fingers in front of his torso. He licked his lips before taking a deep breath & my eyebrows knit together in even more confusion. "I broke up with James already because...because I think I'm in love with you." The words left his mouth & before I could react, I saw James' mouth drop out of the corner of my eye. I saw Ethan tense up on the other end of the couch & my lips parted in shock, my eyes widening. Grayson was in love with me?!

"I don't know what it is, it's just something about you draws me in. You've always been there for me and I've noticed everything about you that makes you beautiful. Your smile, your eyes, your hair, your...personality." Grayson continued & I didn't respond, frozen in shock as I stared at the floor. I was at a loss for words. Suddenly there were arms around me & my body tensed up as my head snapped up, my gaze landing on Ethan whose jaw was clenched as he stared at Grayson who was now hugging me. "Your hugs." Grayson said near my ear & unpleasant chills went down my spine. "I love everything about you." Grayson continued & I kept my eyes straight ahead as I felt his arms wrap further around my torso to hug me tighter from behind. Out of the corner of my eye I saw James slowly begin to walk away & just as he was about to turn the corner, he turned his head & my eyebrows furrowed as his eyes seemed to be collecting with tears. His eyes dragged sadly over to Grayson & his bottom lip twitched slightly. My mouth couldn't form words as he just looked forward again & continued walking, the sound of the front door slamming shut sounding throughout the house shortly after.

"What's wrong Ethan? You look mad." Grayson suddenly said from behind me & I moved my eyes slowly over to look at Ethan who now not only had his jaw clenched, but his eyes looked cold as he stared at his twin. "I'm not mad." Ethan said lowly & Grayson hummed behind me, his chest vibrating slightly. "Don't you think Emma and I would look good together?" Grayson asked & Ethan's hands balled into tight fists as he stared his brother down darkly. I shivered. "Yes, you guys would look perfect together. Have fun." Ethan gritted out while dropping his gaze to the floor & my heart contracted, falling to the bottom of my rib cage at his heartless words. "You seem a little tense, are you sure nothing's wrong?" Grayson asked again & Ethan's eyes snapped up to look at his twin who was still sitting behind me while hugging me. "I said, I'm fine." Ethan gritted out & I squinted my eyes into the distance. What the hell was Grayson doing?! Am I dreaming?!

"Wait, just to make sure, you don't have feelings for Emma...right?" Grayson asked & my heart stopped, anticipating Ethan's answer but already slightly knowing what it would be. Grayson knew I was in love with Ethan, so why was he doing this? Was Grayson actually in love with me? Ethan didn't respond to his brother's question, only shooting up from the couch with his hands balled into fists as he began to walk away. "Oh wait, you don't have feelings. You're just like dad sometimes." Grayson said from behind me & my eyes widened, turning my head around to look at him like he was crazy. Ethan stopped in his tracks & turned around slowly to look at his twin, his jaw clenched & veins starting to appear under the skin on his neck. "What did you just say." Ethan said in a low tone of voice, it wasn't a question. "I think you heard me. I don't know why you're mad though, it's not like you're in love with Emma. So you have nothing to be mad about." Grayson said nonchalantly & my stomach flipped at his words. "Shut the fuck up, Grayson." Ethan growled & Grayson widened his eyes sarcastically while shaking his head a little at him. "Why? I thought you said that you 'weren't mad'." Grayson stated & Ethan stared at him with a cold expression, a few of his knuckles cracking in his right hand. "Grayson, stop-"I started but was cut off. "Stop what, Emma? I'm just asking Ethan a question and he's just being a little bitch about it." Grayson stated & Ethan flared his nostrils angrily. "Shut. Up. Grayson." Ethan repeated in a more demanding tone this time. Grayson removed his arms from me & stood up, crossing his arms as he stared at his twin. "Then answer the question." Grayson stated. "No, shut the fuck up." Ethan responded, taking a step closer & my blood spiked with nerves as the tension in the air grew. "Answer the question Ethan!" Grayson raised his voice, taking a few steps closer as well. "No! Shut up!" Ethan yelled back & I flinched at all of the yelling. "Why are you mad?! Answer the question!" Grayson shouted, shoving at Ethan's chest & Ethan didn't budge. "Shut up!" Ethan repeated. "Answer the question Ethan!" Grayson yelled. "Answer it!" He yelled again & Ethan's eyes seemed to turn a few shades darker as he shoved Grayson back, causing his twin to stumble slightly.

"Because I'm in fucking love with her!" Ethan shouted & my heart stopped beating.


Author's Note: *runs*

ily & gn, say it back or shutter island doesn't get an update this week. tehee.

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