The Voyage of Dawn's Treader

By AlessaAuditore

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~3rd Story in the Dawn Pevensie Series~ After staying with their irritating and selfish cousin, Eustace, whil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

2K 24 5
By AlessaAuditore

Night fell across the ship and nearly all slept soundly. The odd sailor, including Rhince, were still on deck as needed but very few. The water was dark, almost black, reflecting the sky above it, though it was filled with glittering stars, a map from the heavens for sailors to navigate.

The Dawn Treader cut through the water soundlessly and gently. The water curling around the wood of the ship but was otherwise quite still.

The moon was bright over head, the only source of light, stretching across the dark, surface of the water and to the ship. It was almost full and would be so in a few days time.

Dawn gazed up at the stars and the moon, curiously.

Back during the Golden Age, Dawn read in an old scroll that the Stars that they saw over head could come to the land if they wished, some of them at least, and only for certain reasons. Otherwise they must always remain in the same spot. Unmoving.

Yet Dawn recalled the first time she ever showed Aslan her powers, she had willed the stars to dance for them. Had she forced them or did they do it willingly? She had always wondered and hoped one day to meet a star so she could ask those questions and several more.

She hadn't bothered to change yet, still wearing the silver dress that fell around her and moved gently in the soft breeze, her hair along with it. Her staff was back in Caspian's quarters which he had given up to Lucy and her to use while he chose to sleep with the men in one of the sleeping quarters further into the ship with Edmund and Eustace and apperantly others such as Reepicheep. He had sworn that they would be comfortable there and that he would prefer if she and Lucy took his cabin as it was proper. Dawn had merely shook her head and laughed but went along with his wishes.

Lucy was back in the cabin, already fast asleep. Edmund, Eustace and Caspian had all retired to their quarters aswell. She supposed they were asleep.

Staring out across the water she began to sing, softly and quietly. The sailors still on deck fell completely silent so they could hear her voice as the wind seemed to carry it to all corners of the ship.

Down in the crew's quarters where Eustace sat writing in his journal on his hammock. He stopped writing for a moment to glare at the tail of Reepicheep which had fallen into his face from where the mouse was sleeping in his own hammock above him.

Just at that moment the musical voice of his elder female cousin drifted into the room.

"In a perfect World,

One we've never known

We would never need

to face the world alone."

Her voice was calm, beautiful and haunting and Eustace froze for a moment to listen to it. He had heard her singing back in England, especially when they first arrived as it helped keep her two siblings calm and relaxed but here it had an almost magical quality to it that made you almost have to listen. He had called her a witch earlier when he saw her use her magic to help some of the sailors. The look on her face was heartbreaking and Eustace was terrified that the sailors, the Captain Drinian and the King, Caspian were going to kill him. If looks could have killed, he would have been dead and buried a hundred times over in one second flat.

Edmund had set him straight, telling him how the term, 'Witch' was insulting especially when speaking of Dawn and even more so among Narnians who remembered the tales of the White Witch, Jadis. Dawn was to have no where near a similar title to a person who caused so much destruction. Eustace swore never to utter the word again if this was how it would end for him.

He was knocked out of his daze by the sound of movement off to his right.

It was the older man. The King. The one they called Caspian.

He may not have liked the man, or anyone on the ship for that matter but he was not blind to the stares and glances the man gave Dawn. His eyes were always practically glued to the girl. Eustace thought it all very improper of him. This man had to be in his early to mid-twenties and here he was ... lusting, yes that was the right word for it, after a girl of sixteen nearly seventeen. He had spotted Edmund glaring at Caspian at first but then the looks disappeared.

Eustace had a feeling he had missed something big when he ran from the battle with the slavers in the square. The King and his cousin had seemed a bit closer and he spotted many of the crew glancing and smirking at them, knowingly. But what they knew, Eustace didn't. He definitely didn't like not knowing. He may not like her very much, but she was still family and he wasn't going to let this man hurt her if he could help it. Not that he could really do much against the man. He was well over six foot tall and was excellent in combat in what seemed almost every weapon.

Eustace closed his eyes and leaned back, hiding his journal swiftly so as to appear asleep, while actually watching Caspian out of his just slightly open eyes.

He watched as the man slipped on his boots and a rich, red silk coat that was sleeveless with gold detailing along the collar and down both sides of the open front. He ran his hands through his hair a few times before quietly yet quickly making his way out of the room and up onto deck.

Eustace wasted no time in following him up there.

He hid himself from view but made sure he could see the King. He was watching Dawn as she leaned against the edge of the ship, singing. Who was unaware of his presence.

"They can have the world,

we'll create our own.

I may not be brave or strong or smart,

but somewhere in my secret heart,

I know,

Love will find a way,

Anywhere I go I'm home,

If you are there beside me – Caspian!"

Eustace watched as the man walked up behind his cousin and wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on her shoulder.

"Please don't stop, its been so long since I've heard you sing for me."

"Only if you'll sing with me."

"I.. I don't know..."

"Do you know the song? Its Narnian."

"I know it. After you left I did my best to learn as many Narnian songs and dances as I could."

"There you are then. Sing with me."

"As my Queen desires."

"Anywhere I go, I'm home,

If you are there beside me,

like dark, turning into day."

"Somehow will come through,

now that I've find you."

Their eyes met and they didn't look away as Dawn sang one more line.

"Love will find a way."

Caspian placed both his hands on her face, keeping her gaze solely on him. The men on deck were intently watching their King and the young Queen in interest and fascination. None of them knew this song. Eustace watched on, he had never seen such emotion between a couple, not even in his parents. Not even close. He wasn't too far away so he could see and hear everything perfectly but it was so quiet so no one had any trouble hearing anything.

The deep and powerful voice of the King came out and they all had to admit, the King could sing very well.

"I was so afraid.

Now I realize,

Love is never wrong

and so it never dies."

Caspian caressed Dawn's face and when she tried to look away from his intent stare he placed one hand under her chin willing her gaze back to him as he sang to her.

"There's a perfect world,

shining in your eyes."

And then at that moment their two voices came together and none of them had ever heard something so beautiful and powerful, yet so gentle in tone.

"And if only they could feel it too,

the happiness, I feel with you.

They'd know,

Love will find a way.

Anywhere we go, we're home.

If we are there together

Like Dark, turning into day.

Somehow we'll come through,

now that I've found.

Love will find a way."

"I know Love will find a way."

Even though the song was over, no one moved. Not an inch. If anyone had looked at them now it would have been hard to tell if even any of them were even breathing.

"Do you remember the day we left, just before we passed through the tree?" asked Dawn.

This confused Eustace and a couple of the sailors but some had been present and quietly explained.

"Of course. I'll never forget that day. Not a single detail."

Dawn became slightly nervous, "you mouthed something to me. What was it? I want to hear you say it."

This confused all on-lookers and evasdroppers. This was a little secret kept from everyone but each other. Their silent goodbyes when Dawn had left Narnia.

"I said, "I love you" and I do. I always will."

"I love you, Caspian."

The couple kissed, completely lost in each other and the ephoric feeling that their actions caused. It was sweet and gentle, filled with all the emotion they had said and more. All was still and peaceful and it made the two at ease in each other's arms.

"You must sleep, my love. We will probably have another long day tomorrow."

"You are right," spoke Dawn, "good night. Rest well, my handsome King."

Caspian gave a small smile before kissing her brow softly and then her lips gently before letting her go, "dream sweet dreams, my darling Dawn."

Dawn smiled as she headed off ot Caspian's – her's and Lucy's cabin. Eustace rushed back before he could be noticed and the crewmen on deck got back to work while their King also returned to bed for a much needed rest.

While Eustace sat huddled away writing in his journal on deck the next morning, Edmund sat off to the side breaking off all the coral and shells from his new sword. Lucy sat sewing her new vest which Caspian had given to her. She had also offered to mend any other clothes so she had something to do to pass the time.

Dawn was helping the sailors in their many choirs. She was quite experienced in sailing from her time in Narnia and she was highly interested in this slightly more advanced style but she picked it up easily. The many crewmen were quite impressed, including Drinian, who stood with Caspian above everyone looking at charts.

Dawn was no dressed in long, loose black pants with a bright blue off the shoulder shirt and a black corset with a golden leaf design. Her hair was beautifully braided across her head in a hair band. On her hands were beautiful black lace gloves and a beautiful rose ring. Around her neck was a simple blue choker and on her feet were a pair a brown buckled boots.

"-Does it come in a smaller size?"

Dawn looked up as she passed Reepicheep and her twin brother to see them marveling over the sword. She smiled at Reepicheep and exclaimed, "I'll see what I can do, Reep!"

The mouse's face lit up immediately at these words which made Dawn all the more happier at his excitement.

"Why you talking to that bird?"

It was a minotaur that had spoken this time. Tavros, Dawn believed and next to him stood, Alain, one of the crew. They were staring down in confusion at Eustace who sat between a bunch of barrels and sacks. On one of the boxes in front of him sat a seagull. He must have been talking to it, believing it could talk like Reepicheep could. Sadly though, most birds were unable to speak now. To Dawn, Edmund and Lucy, speaking to birds didn't sound strange at all, they had done it all the time in the Golden Age but now a days, it was unheard of as the birds were one of the first species to start losing their ability to talk when the Telmarines invaded.

"I just naturally assumed-" Eustace's confused stutterings were interputed by Tavros' loud booming laughter which personally, annoyed Dawn quite a bit. She did not find it funny that birds could no longer talk. Alain next to Tavros also seemed quited amused.

Tavros looked to the man as he continued to laugh, "he's talkin' to birds!"

Alain smirked down at the boy below them, "he's mad as a lone, that one!"

"Yeah!" called Tavros as he slapped the man on the back a little to forcefully sending him into the bar in front of them with a soft 'emph'.

"Pardon me," interupted Dawn as Eustace swatted away at the bird, "but I find nothing at all funny in this situation." She stared up at the Telmarine and the Minotaur above her who looked at her, their bright amused faces began to fall at the young Queen's hard tone.

"But your Majesty, he was speaking to a bird!" explained Alain.

"And why shouldn't he?"

"It's a bird, your majesty. They can't talk."

"They used to."

It surprised Dawn when a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

"In fact by not talking to the birds is what made them lose their ability to talk back. For all we know, these birds could understand us perfectly yet can not respond," spoke Dawn coolly.

She turned to where the seagull still stood, watching her intently. She stretched out her arm, "come here, precious."

The bird did as asked, drawn to her by here strong connection to the Deep Magic, landing gently on her arm.

She leaned forward bring her arm closer and whispered "its time for you to be heard once more," then she placed a soft kiss on the seagull's head.

The seagull flew off her arm in a flourish of white before swooping around her head as a deep laughter filled the air. The bird stopped in mid-flight in front of her and hovered there.

"Thank you, your highness, I can never repay this kindness. Maybe now my kind and all like me can become like we once were hundreds of years ago."

The men that had been around and had stopped to laugh at Eustace as stood, amazed at what they had just witnessed.

"Go on, I am sure you have places you wish to explore!"

And with another great burst of laughter, he was off into the air again, leaving them all gazing after the bobbing white figure.

Dawn smirked up at Tavros and Alain, "Learn your lesson?"

Before she heard any reply she turned away from, sent a wink in Eustace's direction before walking off to join her younger sister who sat beaming at her, having paused in sewing to watch her sister. Dawn shook her head, give her a sword any day and she was fine but give her a sewing needle and she would find some way to gravely hurt herself, she didn't know how Lucy did it.

The girls sat together giggling away for a while longer while the men continued their work. Eustace couldn't help but feel a sort of new appreciation for his cousin after she stuck up for him and after seeing her and Caspian last night, he was starting to think he had misjudged his fami- oh what was he thinking! They were all nutters, the whole lot of them.

Dawn was happily chatting with Lucy who had stopped sewing for the time being, giving her fingers a rest. They were quietly discussing what had accured between Dawn and Caspian the night before, often breaking out into giggles or 'aww's mainly Lucy.

There was sounds of a comotion going on and Dawn spotted Eustace rushing out from below deck with a sword in hand. He was clumsly running along, glancing back over his shoulder as he went and bumping into practically every crew member possible, even Tavros who threatened him to watch where he was going. Dawn got up to see what was going on and almost laughed when she spotted Reepicheep running alongside her cousin on the top of the ships edge.

"Trying to run away? We're on a boat, you know."

This made Dawn give a small chuckle but she could see that Eustace was terrified. She couldn't help but wonder what got him into this situation with Reep.

Reep was now facing Eustace with his sword drawn pointed at his chest.

"Look can't we just discuss this?" pleaded Eustace desprately trying to ease the mouse out of it's fighting mood.

Suddenly the mouse sliced down, cutting Eustace's shirt, "that was for stealing!" There were gasps from the on looking crew members and Dawn couldn't help but feel disappointed in Eustace.

"That was for lying!" Reep had then lundged forward and produced an orange which Eustace had been hidding.

Then Reepicheep hit him across the face with the orange still on the sword, "and that was for good measure!" Leaving his sword balanced over his shoulder, proud of his work. He got just what he wanted.

Eustace swung the sword in his hand. Reep dodged quickly and then jumped as Eustace went for his legs and jumped back across to the edge of the ship with a hearty laugh and an exclamation of, "now that's the spirit!"

"Now we have ourselves a duel!" exclaimed Reepicheep, "Catch!"

He flung his sword to the side causing the orange to fly off it in the direction of the entertained Captain Drinian who had halted the chart readings for the time being to watch while the King remained above them also watching in amusement.

Drinian caught the orange expertly and smirked as Reep turned back to Eustace. Reep seemed dead set on teaching Eustace to use a sword and there was nothing like a hands on experience to give him a heads start. He was related to the Kings and Queens of old he had to have some similar qualities.

"Now, come on," urged Reepicheep, "give it your best shot."

Eustace lundged forward but Reep merely jumped out of the way. Eustace continued to lash and swing but the mouse continued to jump, roll and dodge each attack, chuckling away as he did so. Finally the mouse had enough and exclaimed, "stop flapping your arms like a drunken pellican! Poise!"

Reepicheep then got into a dueling position with one arm curled slightly above his head with his sword at the ready. When Eustace hesitated, not completely sure how to proceed, Reep instructed, "keep your blade up! Thats it!" The on lookers laughed as they watched everything play out before them. Dawn smiled as she watched, with some practice Eustace might actually become quite the swordsmen. It would take some work but she was sure there was potential there and it seemed Reepicheep could see it too.

Eustace attacked again but lost his balance and fell forward into the ships side barrier and Reepicheep lept forward and catapulted himself off Eustace's back with an excited yell. Eustace regain his balance and continued swinging clumsly, missing each time and even managing to get stuck in some of the wood that was attached to the ropes of the mast and sails.

"Yoo Hoo!" called out Reep tauntingly, "over here!" He sure did love putting on a show.

Eustace retrieved his sword fromt he wood and turned. He lundged forward and Reepicheep jumped down to the ground to teach him a lesson.

"Lundge with your left! Not your right!" He stung him with his blade in the shins but nothing bad just a nic before continuing while Eustace whinced at the slight pain.

"Got it?" asked Reepicheep as he scurried back up on to the ship's edge, "come on! Be nimble! Be nimble."

Eustace faced him once more, making sure his feet were planted firmly this time.

"It's a dance boy! A dance!"

Eustace attacked Reepicheep again, lundging the sword straight and with strength each time Reep continued to dodge but still encouraged him.

"That's right! That's right!" cried Reepicheep excitedly before suddenly he 'lost his balance' and fell backwards off the ship with a cry of "oh no!" Eustace rushed forward and leaned over the side looking for any sign of the little mouse.

Dawn smirked to herself, as did most of the crew who noticed as Reepicheep appeared next to Eustace's head and used his tail to tap him on his far shoulder causing him to foolishly look the other way giving Reep the advantage he needed to jump on his back and force Eustace onto the ground. Knocking a basket over as he went to the loud cheers and applause of the crew who had stopped to watch but it all stopped as they realized a young female scream had come from the basket Eustace had knocked over when he fell.

"Look," exclaimed Lucy as her and Dawn approached the basket together to see small pale hands reaching out and a young girl crawling from inside the basket.

"Gale?" came the surprised voice of Rhine as he saw his daughter, "what are you doing here?"

Everyone gathered to see what had just been revealed and the young looked quite nervous and starred at her father waiting for him to do or say something as she remained quiet.

Rhince quickly moved forward, "come here," he said as he embraced his little girl.

Drinian made his way forward, looking quite intimidating as he pushed through the crowd towards where Gale was clinging to her father's side.

He starred at her and Rhince for a moment before exclaiming, "looks like we have an extra crew member." Everyone aboard smiled at the kind hearted captain and watched as he held out the orange that Eustace had stolen to Gale who looked quite hungry and she took it cautiously.

Lucy and I smiled at each other before moving over to face Gale, each of us smiling kindly and welcomingly down at her to make her feel a bit better in this strange place.

"Welcome aboard!" spoke Lucy happily.

"Looks like we won't have to protect your father for you now. I'm sure you will do a much better job," stated Dawn making the girl blush a little as she gave a small curtsy and an exclamation of "your majesties!"

Lucy smiled down at her, "call me Lucy and this is Dawn!"

Dawn beamed down at the little girl before stretching out her arm for her to take which she quickly did, hugging herself against the High Queen's side.

"Come on," called Lucy as she led the way down to their quarters.

Back on deck, Eustace had retrieved the sword from where it had fallen and was distracted by Reepicheep talking to him, "good match! I'll make a swordsman of you yet." Eustace smiled proudly to himself but the look quickly faded as he shook himself and went back to his original ways and exclaimed, "well yes, if the playing fields were a little more even... it would have been an entirly different result." He then quickly departed while Reepicheep laughed to himself, "indeed."

It was almost three more days until they reached any sight of land again. It appeared to be very green, it looked nicer than the Lone Islands had on first sight anyway.

"It looks uninhabited," stated Caspian as he stared across at the island through his telescope, "but if the Lords followed the Mist east, they would have stopped here."

"Could be a trap," advised Drinian from Dawn's left as they all stared at what they could see of the island from this distance. Dawn didn't bother using her magic to see farther. There didn't seem to be much to see according to Caspian that they couldn't see already. If there was anything there, it was further in out of their sights.

"Or it could hold some answers," supplied Edmund from Caspian's right.

"Caspian?" asked Edmund waiting for his say.

The elder King looked down at Dawn, "you've been quiet."

"We could always do with more supplies. This place looks like we could find something that would help and if there is a chance of one of the Lords being here or them passing through, I say we take that chance."

Caspian nodded to her logic and shut his telescope handing it to Drinian, "we'll spend the night on shore. Scour the island in the morning."

"Aye, your Majesty," replied Drinian.

Caspian, Dawn and Edmund made there way down the stairs to make preperations for going ashore.

After about another hour everyone was ready and boarded the longboats to go to the beach.

Once there, they all set about making a large fire and setting up sleeping areas. Caspian had Dawn set up her matt next to his, "if something happens during the night it will be better to have you near me," was his explaination. She just smiled and went along with him.

Lucy was off to the side, a bit away from them with Gale. Besides a few of the many who dawdled around the fire before going to bed, Lucy and Dawn were the two of the last to fall asleep as they had both stayed up reading. Dawn had placed her staff next to her on the sand as she fell asleep, leaving her book down next to it.

She turned over onto her back and was slightly surprised when she felt a warm, large hand take ahold of hers. Opening her eyes she saw it belonged to Caspian who was smiling in his sleep.

"Dawn," he mumbled.

Dawn thought for a second that he might be awake but quickly realized that the King talked in his sleep, unlike several of the surrounding men who were snoring rather loudly.

"My wife..." he continued to mumble, "he's perfect. My son."

Dawn froze, Caspian was dreaming of them having a family. She couldn't help but think of it herself now that her sleeping King had put the thought in her head and she fell asleep dreaming of handsome sons with tan skin and bright blue eyes learning to fight with their father while pretty young girls that looked the perfect mix of her and Caspian secretly watched, learning everything as well.

It grew darker and all of the crew were fast asleep on their matts.

Large footsteps appeared in the sand, though whatever was making them was unable to be seen, completely invisible.

"Seems they brought a pig," came a hushed voice of one of the invisible creatures. He was refering to Eustace who was snoring louder than most of the crew put together.

"This one!" came a whispered yell to the others, "its female." He was standing over Lucy who was in a silent peaceful sleep.

"So's this one," spoke another on the other side of Gale.

"There's one over here too!" came another hushed voice from next to where Caspian and Dawn were sleeping.

"This one reads," exclaimed the one over Lucy, opening her book and flicking through the pages.

"So does this one and she has a magic staff!"

This sent the mass of silent invisible creatures into a quiet frenzy.


"shh!" "Quiet!" "You'll wake them up!" came many cries from the others.

"Sorry," mumbled the creature.

"Lets take them both!" exclaimed the creature standing over Lucy.

The creatures swormed the two girls lifting off the ground, taking a bit more care with Dawn as they didn't want to wake the man that was sleeping next to her.

Dawn and Lucy were forced awake to a hand being placed over their mouths and lifting them up into the air, bobbing along as they moved. Whatever held them captive, they couldn't see them. Dawn growled behind the hand that covered her lips, her magic staff was still back in the sand. All Dawn had was her hand magic and Lucy only had her dagger.

They were carried from the beach and into the surrounding forest, their fellow crew members completely oblivious to their kidnapping.

The two girls were carried through the forest, each one trying desperately to escape and remove the hands from around their mouths. It was pointless to even try. Dawn tried to use her magic but she could barely even get out a muffled whimper. Without speaking or using any part of her body to direct the spell, not to mention she had no clue what they were up against, there was nothing she could actually do.

Finally they broke free from the trees that had been constantly wipping the girls in the face and over the head, arriving in what appeared to be a very large, well kept garden. The grass was cut into many intricate patterns and the hedges were all trimmed and molded into different shapes.

The two sisters were dropped without warning onto the ground. Both landed heavily on their backs side by side, the wind completely knocked out of them leaving them disorientated for a few moments. They quickly crawled backwards, hopefully away from their captors but as they couldn't see them it was impossible to tell.

Dawn got to her feet and wrenched up Lucy fromt he ground who hurridly with shaking hands managed to unsheath her dagger from its place on her hip but it was quickly knocked from her hands.

Dawn ran to get it while Lucy was knocked back by the creature which had most likely was the one to knock away her dagger. Dawn was also shoved back onto the soft grass next to her sister just as her fingers grazed the cold metal of the blades hilt.

"There is no escape," spoke one creature, the voice dark and deep.

"Well put!" called a second, this one didn't sound threatening or dark, just normal and over entusiastic.

"Scary!" called another, chuckling to himself.

"What are you?" inquired Lucy as she stared around at the nothingness that surrounded us.

"We are terrifying beasts!"

"If you could see us I bet you would be really intimidated!" This was met with voicings of agreement of the many other surrounding creatures. There appeared to be louds of them by the sounds of things.

Dawn rolled her eyes. They didn't sound scary at all and seemed to be talking themselves up so as to scare them. They were trying to hard to come across as 'terrifying beasts'.

"I doubt it," she commented.

"Silly little girl, he forgot to mention that we are very large!" called another new voice.

"What do you want?" asked Lucy, nervously. Dawn placed a hand over her sisters, able to tell that her little sister was scared, not a lot but she was scared of the situation. They couldn't fight what they couldn't see.

"You two! You'll do what we ask!" called the first voice, his voice was starting to sound as though he was forcing it to sound threatening, making it sound rough and harsh.

"They will!"

"Very clear!"

"Well put!" Came several of the voices again, they seemed set on commenting on every little thing said.

Lucy and Dawn got to their feet, still holding hands.

"Or what?" asked Dawn darkly.

"Or... death!" exclaimed a voice.

Lucy grasped Dawn's arm as they both gasped in shock, looking around. All they could see were some bursts of breath from the cold air.

"Death, death, death, death, death, death, death!"

"Death, Death, Death, Death, Death!"

"Death, Death, Death, Death, Death-"

"Well, we wouldn't be much used to you dead, now would we?" asked Lucy boldly. She had quite a point and they knew it.

Lucy and Dawn felt a bit smarter and braver, glaring and smirking around them at what cornered them.

"Hadn't thought o' that," remarked the first voice, who was obviously the leader.

"No, you hadn't," replied another hotly.

"Alright," came a rather crazed and upbeat voice,"then we'll just kill your friends!"

Lucy and Dawn's faces fell immediately, they didn't feel so confident anymore.

"Good idea!"

"Don't forget little Miss Magic's lover! That man she slept next to!"

"Yeah, don't forget him!"

"What do you want with us?" asked Dawn in defeat. She wouldn't let them hurt Caspian or Edmund or Gale or anyone from the crew.

"You will enter the house of the Oppressor."

Dawn and Lucy were shoved forward a few steps but there was no house.

"What house?" asked Lucy, her face showing her defeat as she gave in to their demands.

"This one."

Then right before their eyes, two doors opened revealing a golden light inside where they saw a front hall with a large staircase.

"You would think we would have gotten used to such strange things by now. But this is definately strange," remarked Dawn as she stared at the open doorway that seemed to be just sitting in the middle of the garden's path. There was a front door and an inside but there still wasn't a house to go with it.

"Upstairs you'll find the book of encantations. Resite the spell that makes the 'unseen seen', Little Miss Magic should have no problem with that." Dawn rolled her eyes and muttered to herself in annoyance, "they could have just asked me to do that in the first place."

"Well put, chief! Well put!" complimented one of the creatures.

Lucy and Dawn walked from either side of the doorway, getting a good look. The front hall was quite large but once you walked past the open entrance you could look behind it into the garden, there was no house! How was it possi- Magic! Always magic. But still, you can't help but wonder sometimes.

"Well, go on! We haven't got all day!" complained one of them.

Dawn glared over her shoulder at where she had heard the voice come from, "it's night time if you hadn't noticed. Sunrise is not for like another hour at least."

"Oh just get going! You've been warned!"

"Why don't you do it yourselves?" demanded Lucy as she also stared back at them as we stood in the middle of the doorway.

"We can't read," explained the leader.

"Can't write either as a matter-of-fact," added another.

"Why didn't you just say so?" asked Lucy.

"Would have made everything a whole lot simpler," agreed Dawn.

"Beware the oppressor!"

"He's very oppressive!"

"Oh, I'm sure he is," commented Dawn to herself.

"What makes the Unseen Seen! Got it?"

"Don't forget!"

"Don't forget that!"

Dawn and Lucy had had enough of their chatter and strode through the doorway and into the large well lit, yet dark entrance hall. The doors seiling shut behind them. Lets just sat it was a very large mansion even if there was no sign of an actual house on the outside. It was like a full on maze. It was going to take ages to find the book.

Caspian awoke back on the beach, the sun was rising and a couple of the men were also just getting up. Caspian found his hand to be slightly cold, like their ahd been something warm there. Looking to his side he saw where Dawn had been sleeping next to him. Her matt, pillow, book and staff still there. But where was she. He sat up and rolled his shoulders, trying to get his body awake and moving.

Getting to his feet he looked around for Dawn. She wasn't anywhere in sight. She wouldn't have gone anywhere out of sight without her staff. It was then that he noticed the large footsteps that moved around their camp, even all the way over to where he and Dawn had been sleeping.

Caspian quickly shook Edmund awake, "Ed, Ed. Wake up." Edmund quickly got to his feet and saw the footprints too and then noticed, "wheres Lucy?"

"Dawn's gone too," stated Caspian nervously.

"Lucy! Dawn!" yelled Edmund for his sisters.

"Everybody up!" ordered Caspian.

"Up! Get up, I say!" ordered Drinian when he heard the desperate cries of the Kings looking for the two Queens. Caspian quickly went about setting his armour and weapons in place while also studying the tracks. Edmund was racing around in search of his sisters but came up with nothing.

Caspian leaned down and grabbed Dawn's staff from where it lay next to his matt before calling out, "this way!"

He raced off with most of the crew, including Edmund and Drinian following right at his heels. Rhince grabbed Gale, he was so worried, yet glad that they hadn't taken his little girl. He erged her along after the others while the rest of the crew caught up as well, each with their weapons. Eustace remained fast asleep throughout it all, snoring as loudly and as piglike as ever.

The halls were long, dark and silent. The only noise was the sound of Dawn's and Lucy's footsteps which seemed to eco off the surrounding walls. Everywhere was black, green and gold, all of it resulting in a rather creepy, mysterious atmosphere.

Lucy began to move towards an open door which seemed to lead to a library. They could just barely make out a wall of books and a pedestal with one book set upon it.

Dawn, feeling the nervous feelings coming from her little sister in waves reached forward and grasped her hand tightly, though she was also feeling rather unsettled by the place.

Moving forward hesitantly past many arches that led to large, black doors on with side of them the two girls continued on into the large library.

It was very open with lots of floor space, nearly every wall covered in shelves containing books, scrolls and manuscripts. Nearly all of them going up to the ceiling, off to one side of them was a rolling ladder that was obviously used to reach books higher up, there were several of them placed along the bookcases.

Dawn, drawn by the feeling of slight power that seemed to be almost pulsing, strod towards the pedestal. On it was a closed book but the cover was just a bunch of jumbled up letters scattered across it. Lucy had joined her and tried to tug at the book's clasp at the side but it wouldn't budge.

Lucy continued until she sighed, "Dawnie, you're the one with magic. Do you know what to do?"

Dawn gave her sister a look but Lucy shrugged before stepping to the side a little to give her sister a bit more room.

Dawn glanced around the book at the pedestal and noticed the many carvings and detailings on it. There were what appeared to be a cupid in each corner, blowing a gust of wind. Dawn had a strange feeling about them and gave a small wave of her hand, releasing some of her magic into the air. Together the two cupids seemed to actually come alive and they blew their gusts of wind across the top of the pedestal.

"Maybe that's how it opens, you blow," spoke Lucy but she seemed to be talking to herself more than Dawn. Her sister her smiled at her before turning back to the book and took in a deep breath before blowing it out across the book's cover and immediately, it too came to life.

The letters rearranged themselves and intricate vines appeared below the title and in the top corners.

It was the Book of Incantations.

"I thought I recognized this book and its power," exclaimed Dawn in amazement.

Lucy looked at her curiously, "what is it?"

"This is mine. This is the book Father Christmas gave to me when we first arrived in Narnia. Remember? Lord Bern told me the Lords took it, so they must have come through here."

A wide smile spread across their faces before they both eagerly turned back to look at the book. It had been so long since Dawn had seen the book as it hadn't been in the vault last time they were there. She knew most of the spells in it anyway but she had never heard of the one the creatures had been discussing. She had added her own spells before during the Golden Age, maybe others had done the same as the book had been passed through different hands over the years.

Lucy moved closer again and managed to remove the clasp this time and together we turned the cover over onto the first page. Dawn smiled as she saw the many beautiful, familiur images and golden desgins and caligraphy.

There were so many spells, she had to contain a laugh when she noticed the 'Forgetful Spell' Edmund had accidentally used that one once when he was looking through the book and decided to read alloud to see what would happen. All of Dawn's family had a tiny bit of magic so they could do little things but they never lasted long, Peter had been with him and by Edmund saying the spell he had caused Peter to forget where or even who he was. The Pevensie children had great fun with it but it faded after a few days, though the teasing last a bit longer.

Lucy then turned a couple more pages and found two completely black ones, one was bare while the other held the incantation. It was to create snowfall, this was one of Dawn's favourites and it had been how she had always created the snow falling effect at the winter celebrations at Cair Paravel during their reign.

"With these words,

Your tongue must sew,

For all around there,

To be Snow." Dawn smiled as she listened to Lucy say the incantation. They then looked to the bare page as only a second later a small delicate snowflafe landed on it and melted into the page.

To Lucy's amazement and both of their delight, more snow began to fall around them and in only seconds the ground and everything else, besides them and the book were covered in a beautiful, crystal white blanket. Snow began to fall into their hair and the two beamed around as they spun slowly to see to see the full extent of the magic spell.

Lucy and Dawn shared a wide grin before Lucy turned back to the book and gave a big blow to remove all the snowflakes and immediately the pages flickered forward rapidly. Seeing no end to it Lucy slammed her hand down on a page. Dawn's eyes widened as green mist ozzed from between the pages. Dawn watched it cautiously while Lucy looked the other way. All the snow was gone now, the spell having broken.

"An infallible spell to make you she, the beauty you've always wanted to be," read Lucy but Dawn didn't hear her.

Dawn's mind was completely clouded as she was bombared with the temptings of the mist, "power! It's all here. You can rule! No one will ever make you leave again! No one will ever show disrespect! They will all bow to you and your greatness, all you have to do is want it. Speak it and the world can be yours." Dawn's hands shot to her head as she forced away the dark thoughts, "I will not become Jadis!" Dawn spat out the name of the white witch in her mind and with it the dark thoughts were gone. She gave a sigh as she tried to regain her breath and her strength, it had taken quite an amount of power to expell whatever had tried to enter her mind and control it.

While this had been happening Lucy was being entranced by a spell that Dawn had never written into the book of spells. The picture of the beautiful woman on the next page faded away to reveal a mirror. Lucy looked at her reflection in disappointment until suddenly it disappeared to reveal Susan.

Lucy was quite confused, "Susan whats going-" but she stopped, she had moved as she had, Susan's lips moving wth her words. Lucy was shocked as she began to realize, "-on?"

She brought a hand to her cheek, completely oblivious to the struggle of Dawn only feet away from her. The girl in the mirror copied her movements.

"I'm beautiful," gasped Lucy. She darted her head around, Dawn was leaning back against a bookshelf her eyes closed and she seemed to be breathing heavily but Lucy ignored her. She raced over to the door and gazed into the glass at her reflection, she looked normal, not beautiful like she looked in the book. She darted back over to it just in time to see her beautiful reflection for a moment before it melted back into that of the picture of the woman. Lucy slammed her hand down on it, "No! Wait."

Lucy's eyes searched the page desprately, spotting the incantation at the top of the page in small golden writing she began to speak, "make me she.." but seeing that the spell continued on at different sides of the pages at different angles making it hard to read resulted in her tearing the actual page out of the book.

Lucy and Dawn were awoken out of their troubles by a loud roar. Dawn's eyes shot open as she spotted the pages of her spell book once again fluttering forward rapidly.

"Lucy!" called Aslan as he tried to recall her from her temptations, "Lucy."

Lucy gazed around trying to spot the Lion but he was nowhere to be seen, "Aslan? Aslan?!"

Dawn closed her eyes for a moment more as the voice of Aslan filled her head, "beware the mist, it will tempt your heart and mind. Do not give in. You must stay strong, my Little Lioness." Dawn sighed, she felt relaxed again and it was a welcomed feeling.

Dawn saw the shocked look on Lucy's face but she didn't notice the folded up page of the spell tucked under her tunic. Lucy and Dawn grabbed each other's hands again as they wet back to the book, it had stopped on just the page they needed.

"A spell to make the unseen seen," stated Lucy. Lucy gave Dawn a nod, urging her to do the spell instead of her.

Leaning forward, Dawn began to read, her voice a lot more controlled and steady than Lucy's had been when she read alloud.

Back outside, Caspian and Edmund had followed the tracks into the forest and had continued forward until they reached the exact green space where Lucy and Dawn had been brought too. Thankfully the creatures left large footprints and didn't seem to be able or smart enough to cover their tracks.

"Like the P in Psychology, the H in Psychistry."

Each man kept a weapon in their hand, prepared for almost anything that could attack them, well almost anything.

"Invisible ink and the truth in theology."

"Caspian," called Edmund though quietly incase there were any unfriendly beings around, "Lucy's dagger." There on the grass was Lucy's small dagger. Edmund picked it up and showed it to the other King who had quickly moved to his side to inspect the find.

Not a second later, spears came out of nowhere and embedded themselves on either of Caspian and Edmund. Everyone shot to their feet and began to dart around looking for their attackers, weapons raised as more spears flew through the air and forcing the crew to huddle together so as to avoid them.

"Stop right there or perish!" yelled one of the invisible creatures. Caspian's sword was taken from his hand, he quickly went for his dagger but was tossed around and thrown to the ground along with Edmund who was hit across the face and sent to the grass.

"The spell is complete. Now all is visible."

Dawn and Lucy looked around in shock as the nearest rolling ladder moved by itself and then a clear figure appeared, as though made of water, the figure stepped off the ladder and dropped a book onto the floor before moving on.

Lucy and Dawn watched on in fright as the figure disappeared again before suddenly they could make out an outline and then, a whole man. He had short, greying hair with a short beard and was wearing dark brown robes and was flicking through a book as he walked towards them. He didn't seem to have noticed them yet.

He must have sensed something was off as his eyes rose slowly from the page he was reading first settling them on Lucy, his eyes widening, before looking to Dawn and immediately collapsed onto one knee in a low bow.

Caspian on the other hand was lying back on the grass outside gazing around at their invisible attackers.

"What sort of creatures are you?" he inquired.

"Big ones," stated one gruffly, "with the head of tiger and the body of a... um.."

Caspian got to his feet, he could sense something was off but he still could only barely see their outlines and he and his men were unarmed bt these creatures were not.

"A different tiger!" exclaimed another.

Caspian and Edmund shared a short look.

The creatures began to throw away their swords, "you wouldn't want to mess with us!"

"Or what?" demanded Edmund bravely.

"Or I'll claw you to death!" At that moment the creatures became visible one by- wait no, two by two. They were all scruffy looking creatures with only one big foot instead of two normal ones like them. They were all standing one ontop of the other in twos to make them seem taller by their voices coming from above. The one that did most of the speaking had scraggly red hair and beard and was holding a staff with a rounded padded end on each end.

"Or run my tusks right through you!" exclaimed another who didn't look any scarier than the first. It was all rather amusing to the crew of the Dawn Treader as they each inspected every new pair th revealed itself. Rhince who had been desprately clinging to Gale to keep her safelackened his hold a little as the young girl gave a small giggle which only he, Drinian and a couple of the men heard.

"Or nash you with my teeth!" exclaimed a rather fat one.

"Or I'll bite you with my fangs!" called a short one with a big nose before giving a 'frightening' growl.

"Or squash us, with your fat bellies," spoke up Edmund calmly, realising they weren't in nearly as much danger as they had originally thought.

The creatures all seemed rather confused, "fat bellies?" They all began to look at each other quizzingly.

"Thickle us with your toes," said Caspian confidentally as the creatures all began to fall down.

Some of the men quickly gathered the weapons while Caspian laughed and Edmund rushed forward, sword drawn, "What the hell have you done with my sisters, you little Pipsquick?!"

"Now calm down," exclaimed the creature that Edmund was threatening.

"Where are they?" he demanded angrily.

"You better tell him," called over one of the others.

"In the mansion," stated the creature that lay on the ground at Edmund's feet.

"What mansion?" asked Edmund quite confused, there was no sign of any mansion nearby.

Out of the corner of his eye, Edmund saw a few lights. Him, Caspian and the other men all looked as before their very eyes, a beautiful and enormous mansion appeared.

"Oh, that mansion," stated Edmund in amazement.

At that moment Eustace pushed his way through the trees as he rieo find the group he ahd heard voices and guessed this was where they were, he was rather annoyed.

"You know I'm getting rather tired of you all leaving me behind!"

The creatures all looked at him and exclaimed, "It's the pig." "The pigs come back!"

Eusatce didn't lke that but when he caught sight of what had said it he said, "this place just gets weirder and weirder."

It was then that Lucy and Dawn exited the mansion following behind the man in brown robes.

The creatures all immedately hopped away in terror all exclaiming loudly, "The Oppressor!"

"Lucy!" cried Edmund.

Dawn was slightly hurt when her own twin brother didn't even check to see if she was alright but Caspian was quick to take her mind off it, "oh, Dawn. You had me so worried." Dawn quickly moved towards him, he placed a soft hand on her check before looking curiously at the man that the girls had brought with them.

"Your majesties," said the man as he gave a small bow.

"Caspian and Edmund," spoke Lucy, "This is Coriakin, its his island."

Edmund and Caspian each gave a bow in return to the man.

"Thats what he thinks," exclaimed a creature, poking his head out between Caspian and Edmund, "you have wronged us magician!"

Corikan quickly began to walk forwards causing all the creatures to quickly hop backwards away from him.

"I have not wronged you. I made you invisible for your own protection."

"Protection?" exclaimed the leader. The continued to call him out and call him 'the Opressor'.

"I have not oppressed you," spoke Corikan cooly.

"Could of! If you wanted to!" stated the leader.

"Be gone!" exclaimed Corikan as he threw something at them and they quickly fled.

Lucy who had followed after Corikan went with him as he returned to speak once again with Caspian and Edmund, where Dawn still was at Caspian's side as he was not letting her out of his sight.

"What was that?" asked Lucy as she watched the creatures leap around in terror.

"Lint, but don't tell them that."

"What were those things?" asked Eustace, the question everyone wanted the answer to.

"Dufflepuds," stated Corikan before he waved his hand for Caspian, Edmund, Lucy and Dawn to follow him. They were followed also by Drinian and Eustace.

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