The Girl Who lived, loved and...

By MidnightMadness_147

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I'm sure you've read 100 stories about Harry Potter sister. And maybe this one isn't any different. Or maybe... More

The night it all happened
lily Potter ?
We meet again
4 Champions
Its getting Sirius
Charlie Weasley
The first Trial
Pre Ball Jitters.
Yule ball
After math
The Day Before
The Second trial
A Meeting with Padfoot
Letters, Crouch, Twins oh my
Family and Friends
The Third Trial
He Returns.
Summer days
Family trouble
Dinner party
Noble house of black
Prefect Party
Warning back to Hogwarts.
Classes 2
Day at Hogsmeade
High Inquisitor
Taking things up a notch
Dumbledore's Army
Quidditch War
St Mungo's Hospital
St Mungo's Hospital pt2
Merry Christmas
Fun times over
Umbrige is a Bitch
letting the public know
Change in management
Ill figure it out later
The Ultimate Exit
Owls /Newts
Depart for Department of Mysteries
Battle at the Department Of Mysteries
The Second War begins
Business as usual
Happy Depressing Birthday
Re-acquaintaned with Hogwarts
independent variable
To the night of the party.
Christmas with the Weasely's
Happy birthday
Battle of the Astronomy Tower
Battle at the Astronomy Tower pt2
Worriors Death
Grimmauld Place
Theres a lot we dont know
If Not Us Who?
Godric's Hollow
Question and few answers
Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manner
Bill and Fleur's Cottage
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Gotta get back to school
Battle of Hogwarts
Beginning of the End
The beginning meets the end
The War to End all Wars
The End is Only The Beginning
19 years later.

The Ministry

991 29 2
By MidnightMadness_147

Days have passed since Danie's arrival. The silence and the doing nothing was driving everyone crazy. Danie used this time to look at some maps and try and get an idea of where the four other Horcrux's could be.
There was the diary and the ring both destroyed. That left the locket, something from Helga Hufflepuff. Most likely the cup. Something from Ravenclaw, Danie speculated Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem. And Voldemort's snake Nagini. They know what they're looking for but where to find them is the question. Nagini is always by Voldemort's side but the cup of Hufflepuff and the diadem from Ravenclaw proved more difficult. They were pleasantly surprised by the the presence of Remus Lupin. After making sure that he was the real Remus they welcomed him warmly. They all sat in the the kitchen. Remus pulled some butterbeer's from his jacket.
"I assume Danielle told you all what happened after you left"
"Yeah" said Harry.
"How are things now?" Ron asked.
"Everyone is ok. Shaken and cautious but ok" Remus replied. They all nodded in understanding. "what you've got to realize Harry is that the Death eaters have the full might of the ministry on their side now they've got power to perform brutal styles without fear of identification or arrest"
"And are they bothering to give an excuse for torturing Harry's whereabouts out of people?" Asked Hermione.
"Well" Lupin pulled out a copy of the daily prophet and slid it across the table . "Here, you'll have to find out sooner or later anyways. That's their pretext for going after you"

Wanted For Questioning About The Death Of Albus Dumbledore.

Danie didn't bother any further. She brushed her hair back. She let out a deep sigh. She should have expected as much.
" I'm sorry Harry "said Remus
"So they've taken over the daily prophet too" ask Hermione furiously Remus nodded
"but surely people realize what's going on"
"The coup has been smooth and virtually silent" said Remus " the official version of Scrimgeour's murder is that he resigned he had been replaced by Pius Thickness, who is under the imperius Curse" Remus explained.
"Why didn't Voldemort declare himself Minister or Magic?" Asked Ron. Remus laughed.
"Because he doesn't have to Ron. It's much more effective to have a puppet do all the work for him. People can whisper but they don't know for certain and if they don't know indefinitely the chances of an uprising is minimal." Danie explained gently.
"Yes, that's what most people have deduced by the dramatic change on the Ministry"
"And this dramatic change in Ministry policy involves warning The wizarding world against me over Voldemort?" Asked harry
"That's certainly part of it" said Remus "and it is a masterstroke, now that Dumbledore is dead, you, the boy who lived we're sure to be the right of any resistance to Voldemort but to suggested that you had a hand in the old heros death, Voldemort has not only put a price on your head but down dout and fear in those who would have defended you" Remus stated " meanwhile the ministry has started moving against muggle-born " he pointed to an article listed on the cover of the daily profit.
"People won't let it happen!" Said Ron.
" It is happening Ron" said Remus "Muggle-borns are being rounded up as we speak "
"but how are they supposed to have stolen magic" said Ron "it's mental if you could steal magic there wouldn't be any squids, would there"
" I know" said Remus " nevertheless, unless you can prove that you have at least one close was wizarding relative you are now deemed to have obtained magical power illegally and must suffer the punishment" Danie and Ron glanced at Hermione
"what if purebloods and Half-Blood swear muggle-borns part of their family, I'll tell everyone Hermione's my cousin"
"Thanks Ron but I can't let you-"
" you won't have a choice, I'll teach you my family tree so you can answer questions on it"
"That would matter" Hermione and Ron looked at Danie. "Whether Hermione is muggle-borns or pureblood doesn't matter anymore. Harry isn't the only fugitive anymore"
"Danie's right" said Hermione " I don't think it matters if I was going back to school it would be different what's Voldemort planning for Hogwarts?" she asked Remus. He explained how only purebloods and half-bloods were allowed to attend Hogwarts. The conversation shifted to Remus suggesting that he come along. Danie was more than a bit opposed to this idea as she knew Tonks would be devastated even if she was understanding. He had to be with his family.
" What about Tonks?" Hermione asked
"What about her?" Remus said politely
"well you're married, how does she feel about you going away with us?" Hermione asked
"Tonks will be perfectly safe she'll be at her parents house"
"Remus, what's going on? Is everything ok with you two?" Danie asked
"Everything is fine thank you" Remus sounded unnerved. "Tongues is going to have a baby"
"Oh how wonderful" squealed Hermione
"Excellent" said Ron enthusiastically
"Congratulations" said Harry
"That's amazing" said Danie
" you accept my offer? Will four become five? I cannot believe that Dumbledore would have disapproved, he pointed me your defense against the dark arts teacher after all and I must tell you that I believe we are facing magic many of us have never encountered or imagined"
" just.....just to be clear you want to leave Tonks at her parents house come away with us?" Harry said.
"She'll be perfectly safe there, they'll look after her. Harry I'm sure James would have wanted me to stick with you"
" well" said Harry slowly "I'm not. I'm pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why do you aren't sticking with your own kid, actually" Silence swept over the ground.
" you don't understand" Remus finally said.
"Don't I " Danie said in a pained voice. "explain then" Harry interrupted.
"I made a grave mistake in marrying Tonks. I did it against my better judgment and I have regretted it very much ever since"
"I see so you're just going to dump her and the kid and run off with us" Lupin sprang to his feet his chair fell down behind him
"Don't you understand what I've done to my wife and unborn child I should never have married her I made her an outcast"
"We're all outcasts that doesn't justify leaving the woman that chose you! Lycanthropy and all!" Danie could feel a swell of anger build inside of her.
"You don't know how most of the wizarding world sees creatures like me. When they know of my affliction they can barely talk to me, don't you see what I've done even my own family just is disgusted by our marriage. What parent wants their only daughter to marry werewolf and the child..... the child"
"Your child!!" Danie yelled
"my kind don't usually breed it will be like me I'm convinced of it how can I forgive myself when I knowingly risk passing on my condition to an innocent child and if by some miracle it is not like me then it will be better off a hundred times so without a father of him it must always be"
"You Raised me and I wasn't even yours! But you're just going to abandon your own child and your wife! You're just going to run away like a Coward! This is not the man my parents entrusted their only daughter too!" Danie got up in his face. This is the first time she had EVER argued with anyone like this.
"I have never been so insulted! I had no-"
"No choice! So you're going to abandon Tonks with your baby that has unknown abilities! So what if they have lycanthropy! I've never cared! Tonks knows and excepts you for who you are and you're just going to abandon the poor girl. Have you no shame! How can you be so selfish!"
Remus looked taken aback. Ron was holding onto Hermione who was crying quietly. Harry didn't seemed bothered.
"I ... Danielle..."
"You can't be a father what gives you the right to be my godfather" she said in a quiet voice. Without another word Remus left in a hurry. Danie sat down and let out a deep sigh. Running her hands through her Auburn hair. She played with the ring on her finger.
"You should have been so hard on him" Hermione told her.
"Perhaps" Danie said, staring down the hallway "but if he's realized what he's done and what he has to do. It will be worth it"
A few days passed and Kreature had found Mundungus. The conversation was quick and disappointing. The locket had been taken from. Him by a road like witch in pink. So the four took turns under the Invisibility cloak observing all they could about the ministrie officials passing by. Umbridge was nowhere to be seen but that's not unexpected. She thinks too highly of herself to walk to work. They had wrote down everything they had found out from their observation, but what Danie found most startling was that they still didn't have a way to destroy the locket. Danie had pondered the thought that was the purpose of Dumbledore leaving Harry the sword in his will. That he thought the sword of Gryffindor could destroy a Horcrux. Today Harry decided that it was time to take action. And put their plan into motion.
"It's better to go now. We have a good amount of information from our observations and Ron's previous knowledge"
The plan was simple in theory. Use polyjuice potion and pretend to be ministrie officials. Easy enough, right? Well easier said than done, tho they managed getting inside alright but it soon became abundantly clear that they did not know they people they had stolen the identities of.
Inside the main floor of the ministry stool a tall statue of a eccentric looking with h and wizard sitting on thrones. They were about to head for the elevator but were caught by Yaxley. Apparently the man Ron was impersonating, his wife was brought in for questioning, muggle-born. Yaxley ordered Ron or well the guy that Ron was pretending to be, to make is office stop raining.

No smart remarks today McFarland? Perhaps your finally learned your lesson" Yaxley turned to Danie.
"Or perhaps you're just not worth my time" Danie said.
"I suggest you head to your office. Weasely was looking for you" Yaxley said in a sneering tone.
"Right away sir " Danie put extra edge into the last word.
The four of them hurried to the Elevator. Luckily it was empty.
"It looks like she works with your dad Ron" Danie said.
"McFarland... McFarland.. I think dad's mentioned her before. He said something about her being a new hire. A reckless but has good morals" Ron said trying to remember.
"What am I going to do?" Asked Ron "if I don't turn up my wife -- I mean cattermole's wife--"
"Well come with you, we should stick together" Harry began
"That's mental we haven't got much time you two find Umbridge I'll go and sort out yaxley office"
"Ron's right. I'll see what I can find out from Mr. Weasely. Without raising suspicious of course, if he trusts this McFarland woman it shouldn't be too hard"
"How do I stop it from raining?" Ron asked.
"Try finite incantatem" said Hermione "that should stop the rain if it's a hex or curse. If it doesn't someing's gone wrong with an atmospheric charm which will be more difficult to fix so as in information or impervius to protect his belongings-"
"Say it again slowly"

level for department of regulation and control of magical creatures incorporating beasts beings and spirits divisions goblins liaison office and pest advisory bureau

A couple of wizards walked in.
"Morning Albert" one of them said the four of them looked at eachother. The wizard moved over to harry and whispered something to him.

level 2 department of magical law enforcement including the improper use of magic office or a headquarters and Wizengamot administration services

Danie gave Ron a little bit of a push and walked out of the elevator with him. She looked back at Harry and Hermione as the elevator door closed. "If you need help just come find me" she whispered to Ron. He nodded and they split up. She walked into a bustling office. Rows upon rows of people working hard at their typewriters or running around the office.
"Ah, McFarland come with me into my office please" Danie turned to see Mr. Weasely. She hurried twords him following him into his office.
"This is about the report you handed me yesterday"
"What about it?"
"As thoughtful as it is you can't do continue with this kind of behaviour"
"What kind of behaviour?"
"Making files on the new employment. You'll get yourself caught"
"I don't really think she cares much Mr. Weasely"
"I mean I don't care. I don't trust them"
"Yes well trust is a loose term now a days. It's best we keep our heads down and make the best of--"
"How's your family sir?" Mr. Weasely was caught off guard by this question but sighed and gave a weak yet warm smile.
"Their fine. Molly is worried, I've tried to comfort her but I'm sad to say I'm not at home as much as I'd like. My daughter is back in school and my youngest son is sick at home"
"I wish I could help" Danie said without thinking
"That's very sweet of you Marlene, but there's nothing you can do"
"My oldest is living near Gringotts with his new wife and my second oldest is back in Romania, you know Charlie. You went to Hogwarts with him I'd I'm correct"
"Yes, I know Charlie. I also know Percy, unfortunately"
"Yes well..." A silence filled the room. Danie couldn't help herself from asking. She knew she shouldn't, that if Mr. Weasely found out it was really Danie he would be in danger, more danger than he already is, that is to say.
"How's George"
"I hadn't realized you knew him"
"Oh...uh..I....I've been to his shop in Diagon Alley. Quite the place they've set up. Fred and George"
"Yes, I suppose your younger sister would be interested in such a shop"
"Oh Yes. She loved it" Danie let out a sigh of relief.
"Marlene doesn't have a sister, who are you?" Mr. Weasely took out his wand. Danie closed her eyes.
Please work. Please work. Please work

"Mr. Weasely it's Danie"

She tried using legitimency. She showed him her memories of going to the burrow and of George proposing. Of them using polyjuice posting.
Danie fell down and looked up at Mr. Weasely, who's expression had changed drastically. He helped her up and gave her a dig hug.
"We've all been worried about you"
"We're fine."
Danie shook her head.
"Marlene, why are you here?"
"Because there work that needs to be done. Gotta fulfil my duties somehow" Danie chose her words carefully. Danie went around with Mr. Weasely picking up as much information as she could. The made it into the elevator. Harry and Ron were already inside tooling figity.  The elevator opened once more, Ron made his way out, but  Percy came into the elevator, blocking the exit for Danie and Harry. Danie grabbed hold of Harry's wrist and shoved Percy to the side.
"Pardon my weaslebe" Danie smirked and dashed down the hall with Harry to catch up with Ron.
"We have to get Hermione and get out of here" Danie said in a hushed tones as the elevator doors opened."Harry pass me your Invisibility cloak" Danie Whispered. Harry handed her the claim and she throw it on herself. She snuck infront of the boys and down the hall into the Court room. She sat behind Hermione There Umbridge sat wrongly accusing an innocent person but what else it new.  A woman was sat in the chair.
"Mary Elizabeth Cattermole?" Umbridge said.
"Yes" the woman said in a small and frail voice
"Mother to Maisie, Ellie and Alfred Cattermole?"
"Mother to Reginald Cattermole?"
Umbridge and the woman, Mrs. Cattermole looked over at the entre. Ron and Harry were standing there.
"Reg" the woman whispered in a desperate voice.  There was an awkward pause. Harry shoved Ron into the room and Ron made his way over to the woman.
"Thank you Albert" Umbridge said.
"Mary Elizabeth Cattermole"
"A wand was taken from you upon arriving at the ministry today. Is this that wand?" Umbridge held up a thin wand. Mrs. Cattermole nodded.
"Will you please tell the court of which witch or wizard  you took the wand"
"I didn't take it. I got it a Diagon Alley at Ollivanders when I was chose me"
"You're lying" Danie's fists clenched into fists . She could feel her blood boil.
"Wands only choose witches and you are not a witch" Umbridge said slowly and clearly.
"But I am.... Tell them reg tell them what I am" the woman sounded like she was about to break out in sobs. Ron didn't know what to say.
"Tell them reg tell them"
"What on earth are you doing Albert?" Danie's attention turned to harry who had drown his wand.
"Your lying Dolores" Harry said "and one mustn't tell lies. Stupify!" Harry hid Umbridge aware in the face. The few wizards of the court froze up from their seats. Danie ripped the cloak off and shoved it into her bag.
"So much for subtlety" Danie stunned one of the wizards "get the locket and Mrs. Cattermole's wand" she told Hermione. She nodded. Harry changed back into himself and Hermione through him his glasses.
"It's Harry Potter" a witch said astonished.
"This'll be fun to tell the kids" Ron said as Dementors swooped down from the ceiling.
"You don't have kids and your not going to if you don't move." Danie said pushing him forward. They ran to the elevator. Happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts.
"Expecto Patronum! " A sparkling silver and blue coyote flew  from her wand.
"That's new" they crowded into the elevator Harriet Danny pushed the other spot against back well as the gates closed. The Dementors tried to get at them.
"Expecto Patronum!" The say at the same time sending the Dementors to be blasted back. The elevator doors close. Hermione gave Mrs. Cattermole's her wand back as she  changed back as well.  The elevator door opened and they movies quickly through the krowd with their heads down. Ron tried to tell Mrs. Cattermole to go get her kids and get out of the country.
Danie saw that the guards had been alerted.
"I'm so sorry but we really have to go. Your husband is in the brick building just down the street the one for sale."
"Lovely meeting you" Ron said.
"Common!" Harry yelled. The four of them ran for it. Yaxley started shooting spells as them as the ran. Danie casted Defensive spells but running and casting is harder than it looks. People started to whisper.
" Go go go go go!" Danie said quickly ushering them into the fire pit. Yaxley followed them into the fire them. Everything started to swirl.

Hey guys from this point on I plan on making some fairly big changes to the actual book based on what I think would happen if these were real people and my character was added into the mix. Just thought I'd give you a head up and thank you for reading, voting and commenting
~ Robin❤️

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