Eclipse- A Bakudeku OMEGAVERS...

By Aprilthebunny

272K 7.1K 10.5K

🔥The alpha 🌱The omega 📺A very "classic" story, right? 🎈But add some parties 📟A loop ⏰Past, present and... More

"The New Beginning"
"Good luck, Deku"
"What the fuck, Todoroki?!"
"Goodnight, Kacchan"
"It's a long ass story."
"Meet me at the back door"
"I expected nothing less."
"Wow indeed."
"Speaking of love.."
"In a personal hell"
"Don't worry, I know"
"When are we?"
"What the fuck?!"
"It's a longgg story"
Characters P.1
Characters P.2
"What a night.."
"What's going on, Deku?"
"I love you too"
"Our baby"
"It's us"
"That's us"
"Lighten up, Izu!!"
"It's still you."
"Take a hint"
"Who needs a quirk when you've got a gun?"
"Dish best served cold"
Ask The Characters!!!
"Love Can Wait"
"Count me out"

"Love can't conquer everything.."

2.3K 75 63
By Aprilthebunny

The picture above is just funny XD )))

For those of you who don't exactly remember what happened last chapter (aka, me XD) HERES THIS!! NOW LETS GET THIS LONG AWAITED SHOW ON THE ROAD!!


Kacchan's POV


"You..." I grit my teeth.

"Hiya, Kacchan! Oh, and Deku too! What a nice surprise!!" She raved.

"Cut the shit, Namayage. What do you want from us?"

"Revenge." She answered simply. "I want everyone to feel the way I do. Mom, Dad, Auntie, Uncle, you two, my cousin, and everyone else who ever hurt me. But, I'm not gonna get it just yet. I'm just toying with you! Oh and by the way, Deku, you're not pregnant! Dr. Kami out!"

And with that, she turned into a cloud of purple smoke.

"I- I'm not.. What.." Deku looked down at the ground, quivering underneath my arm.

"Maybe... Maybe it's for the best.. We're young, anyway." I tried to help. But it just made him mad.

"Are you kidding me right now?! If you didn't want a kid in the first place, then why didn't you say something?!" He fumed.

"Hey, hey.. That's not what I meant" I soothed putting an hand on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and threw it off of his shoulder.

"No. I.. I'm done with you right now.."

And with that, he left me alone in the alley, utterly confused.


He thinks.. He thinks I didn't want a kid??

Hell, maybe not a month or two ago, believe me, a kid was the very last thing on my mind. Right under leprechauns, which I just found out about 3 days ago. But now? I want a kid. Not just any kid, no, that's not what I'm saying. I just want one with him. Him and only him. He's the only person I'd have a kid with. He's the only person I want to spend my life with. He's the only person I want to grow old with. Yet there he goes, walking away from me. My life. My love. My everything. Just moving away from me.

But I can't give up. I know we have kids in the future- Wait.. What if.. By saying what I said.. I altered that too..?

"DAMMIT, KATSUKI!! How fucking DENSE COULD YOU BE?!" I lashed out at myself, hot tears not even bothering to gather in my eyes before spilling down my cheeks.

I looked up, hoping to see the boy with the green mop of hair. The boy with the inviting smile and warm embrace. I looked up. Hoping to see the love of my life. I looked up.

And he wasn't there.

I could go after him, I thought. No, if he wants to be without me, so be it. The last time he yelled at me and actually meant it... Was because of Urasa. He must really mean it this time...

The orb showed up again, smaller than ever, and I knew it was now or never. It was I could do to hope he would make it out too. That where he was, another tiny orb was waiting to bring him home, with or without me.

I touched it, and again was met with the bright colors, and shining lights, which all just seemed to be dull to me in that moment. Nothing mattered. My life had just been taken away from me, so why should I see in color?

Izuku's POV

I HATE HIM. He could've said he didn't want a kid in the first place but NO he hid his feelings until he found out it wasn't happening!! That... That... That DICK!!


He was just gonna let me go on and believe he really loved me until one day he left me and... and... he wouldn't even pay child support! Or see his kid!! And he'd leave me alone to care for the kid and I don't want that!!


As I was lost in my thoughts of hatred, a small blue orb appeared in front of me. I stopped before I touched it and just stood there, deciding if I should stay and me miserable or go and be miserable.

When the orb began to shrink to the size of a marble, I quickly made my decision and walked into it. I began to see flashing lights and colors, and I could've sworn I almost saw Kacchan's spiky blonde hair. But it must've been just my imagination. My dumb imagination showing me something I HATE. For some reason, the colors that were once so beautiful were now dull, twisted versions of their former selves.

Third Person POV

Little did the two boys know, they soon would forget everything. Katsuki would forget his sadness at losing the one he loved, as well as the fact that he loved in the first place. Izuku would forget his anger at the one he once loved, and would love him once again.

Fair trade?

Izuku's POV

I woke up with a headache to my phone ringing.

🌸OUravity: Hey, Deku!!
Sent 6:59 AM

💚MightyDeku: Hey, Uraraka
Sent 7:01 AM

🌸OUravity: Soooo the school decided to organize a half back-to-school party and half "find your mate" party on Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me...? As friends of course!!
Sent 7:03 AM

💚MightyDeku: Lol sure, Ura 😋
Sent 7:03

🌸OUravity: Oh yay! Cool
Sent 7:04

(Deja vu?)

💚MightyDeku: So who do you think will be your mate? Iida?
Sent 7:04

🌸OUravity: Maybe... I wouldn't mind it, y'know?
Sent 7:06 AM

💚MightyDeku: Yeah cause you're best friends and all and I'm kinda like... The awkward 3rd wheel

🌸OUravity: Aww no Izu-chan. You're my best friend. But that doesn't mean I wanna deal with you for the rest of my life lol
Sent 7:09 AM

💚MightyDeku: Yeah... I wouldn't want to either..
Sent 7:10 AM

🌸OUravity: Ughh Deku I didn't mean it the way you think I meant it! I meant that I love you as my best friend and I never want any of that to change. Just like between me and Iida-kun.
Sent 7:11 AM

💚MightyDeku: Me neither! So when we get married to our mates we'll be like the godparents of each others children and we'll grow old as best friends, and stay together forever. Cause that's how best friends are supposed to be. Best friends forever. Not like him. He was my best friend then he just stopped and I don't want it to be like that for us I want us to stay best friends forever and ever and ever, Ura!
Sent 7:14 AM

🌸OUravity: Whoaaa Deku calm down I'll never leave you!!
Sent 7:14 AM

💚MightyDeku: He said that too..
Sent 7:15 AM

🌸OUravity: Who's "he", Deku??
Sent 7:16 AM

💚MightyDeku: Kacchan..
Sent 7:17 AM

🌸OUravity: Oh jeez, Deku.. You guys were best friends, huh?
Sent 7:19 AM

💚MightyDeku: Were.
Sent 7:20 AM

🌸OUravity: Wow, I'm sorry, Deku. But I promise, swear on my life, I will never stop being your best friend. I love ya to death Izu! ❤
Sent 7:21 AM

💚MightyDeku: Thanks so much, Ura! I love you too ❤
Sent 7:22 AM

🌸OUravity: Hey so it's almost time for school, wanna walk together?
Sent 7:49 AM

💚MightyDeku: No thanks, I'll just make you late. I'm still in my boxers..
Sent 7:50 AM

🌸OUravity: Didn't needa know
that.. But alright, see you at school, Deku!
Sent 7:51 AM

🌸OUravity went offline

💚MightyDeku went offline

I put my phone down and ran a hand through my green mop of hair. I groaned getting out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and "fix" my hair.
I finished brushing my teeth and put on my school uniform.

"IZUKUUU!! SCHOOL STARTS AT 8 YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE" Mom called. "Almost ready mom!" I yelled back. I opened my door and went over to the kitchen, checking my phone in the process. It was 7:56.

I grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the front door. "I GOTTA GO MOM I LOVE YOU BYE!" I slammed the door and ran to get to school on time, not even thinking to use One For All.

I ran into class 2-A out of breath. I was bending over with my hands on my knees, coughing. Uraraka ran over to me.

"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka chirped with a warm smile. Her smile faltered a bit seeing me cough and basically die in front of the whole class. "Uh.. Deku.. Let me walk you to your seat.. " She put her hand on my back and walked me over to my desk. "Thanks, Ura" I tried to smile. She smiled back and walked to her desk.

Mr. Aizawa rolled in front of the class in his yellow sleeping bag burrito.. Thing... He slid out and went over to his desk in the front of the room. "Alright class.. " He said groggily. "Today we will have a discussion about our second races, the back-to-school/mate finding dance party whatever and we will have 3 pro heroes come and talk to you all..." He said with such enthusiasm. "While.. I sleep...." He rolled back into his burrito and slid behind his desk. As if on cue, 3 pro heros walked in.

First, in walked Bubble Girl. Followed by Midnight and Mirko. Of course, as soon as they walked in, Mineta started getting a nosebleed.

"Hello everyone!" Piped up Bubble Girl. "The reason us three are here today is to talk to you all about your second races." Mirko chimed in. "The talk going around is that Omegas can't be heroes and that Alphas are the only heroes that 'really matter'. I, however, am an Omega, and I am the Number 5 pro hero."

"And I'm a beta and I'm the Number 9 pro hero. We just want to let you all know that omegas can be heroes too."

Kacchan scoffed. "No one in here is a fucking omega anyway. Don't waist your damn time. " I sulked down in my seat.

The heroes continued talking, but I wasn't exactly paying attention. I was too busy staring at the back of Kacchan's head. His spiky blonde hair that looked like he just ran a hand through it after he woke up, his- Okay, Izuku... Calm down.. You're not- Jesus who am I kidding... I'm gay as heck for Katsuki Bakugou. My Kacchan.

Well... Not my Kacchan. He's never been my Kacchan. And he never will be.

Love can't conquer everything.. I wish it could, but he'd never love me back. He just... He hates me. He always will. I can't change it... It's all I can do to be content and happy with him even remotely tolerating me this year. But, now that I think about it, it's probably only because I haven't really done anything this year to make him mad..

I just hope he find someone who he loves as much as I love him.

Kacchan's POV

(Hours earlier)

I woke up with a sharp pain and opened my eyes to realize it was my phone buzzing in my ear. I grabbed it with a snarl and answered.

"The fuck you want, shitty hair?!"

A laugh was heard at the other end

"I just wanted to say hi to one of my best bros!!"

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, hi, now shut the duck up and let me go back to sleep dammit!"

"No can do, Bakubro! I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the dance with me, Kaminari, and Sero!"

A weird voice popped up in the back of my head that sounded kinda like that engine dude that said "Kaminari, Sero, and I!"


"Tch. And why do you think I'd ever want to go to a stupid dance with you three idiots?"

"Because we're friends, duh!! Now come on!! Be a man and say yes!"

"Again with the manly shit... ALRIGHT! Alright. Whatever. I'll go, and possibly hang out with you guys."

"Guys? Now we're getting somewhere! I'm glad our after school sessions have finally taught you that the only genders of the human race aren't 'DEKU' and 'Extras'"

I stifled a laugh. The one person who actually knows how to make me laugh occasionally.

Besides Deku...

Don't fucking start on me with that shit again!!

I don't love him!! I hate him!! Now STOP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!

"Yeah. I now know there's three."


"'DEKU', 'Extras', and 'Dumbasses'"

A sigh was heard at the other end.

"No. There's men, women, and nonbinaries."

"Dude extras, lady extras, and other extras. That's all I heard."

"The only part of that I actually said was and."

I scoffed. "Okay bye! You're annoying the shit out of me!!"

"Good boy!! You know to quit talking when you're about to blow up! I'm so proud!"

"FUCK OFF!" I hung up the phone and slammed it on my bed. I got up and stretched before walking to the bathroom. I ran a hand through my hair and did bathroom necessities you don't need to fucking hear about.


After I was finished, I walked to school around 7:30 and got there about 7:40. I was so ready for dorms to be reassigned so I didn't have to fucking walk every god damn where.

"Hey, Bakubro!" Shi- Kirishima yelled from his seat next to mine. I walked around the desks- "Move it, extras." -and dropped my bag next to my desk. I sat down and put my feet up on top of the desk, closing my eyes.

Kirishima started talking about something I could honestly care less about (I didn't care at all) and I didn't even open my eyes until I heard a familiar word. One I often used throughout my life.

"Hey, Deku!" Round face chirped with a disgustingly warm smile. Her smile faltered a bit seeing Deku cough his lungs out in front of the whole class. "Uh.. Deku.. Let me walk you to your seat.. " She put her hand on his back and walked him to his desk behind me. I'm not gonna lie, I did feel something.. A bit of a burning sensation..

"Thanks, Ura" Deku said, obviously smiling. She walked to her desk (thank god).

Mr. Lazyass rolled in front of the class in his yellow bag. He slid out and went over to his desk in the front of the room. "Alright class.. " He said groggily. "Today we will have a discussion about our second races, the back-to-school/mate finding dance party whatever and we will have 3 pro heroes come and talk to you all..." He said with such enthusiasm. "While.. I sleep...." He rolled back into his sleeping bag burrito and slid behind his desk. Right when he finished, some weird heroes walked in, and Midnight (who I have secret respect for... shh..)

First, in walked a weird blue girl who was showing way too much skin, followed by Midnight and some bunny bitch. Of fucking course, as soon as they walked in, grape dude started getting a nosebleed.

"Hello everyone!" Piped up blue girl. "The reason us three are here today is to talk to you all about your second races." Bunny chick chimed in. "The talk going around is that Omegas can't be heroes and that Alphas are the only heroes that 'really matter'. I, however, am an Omega, and I am the Number 5 pro hero."

"And I'm a beta and I'm the Number 9 pro hero. We just want to let you all know that omegas can be heroes too."

I scoffed. "No one in here is a fucking omega anyway. Don't waist your damn time."

The heroes continued talking, but I was lost in thought as usual. I wonder who my mate will be.. The dance is soon and I'm honestly... Kinda.. Scared.

What if they decide I'm not worth their time and they leave me alone. Mateless.

What if they're crazy?

What if they don't love me?

What if I don't love them?

Well, one thing's for sure. It better not be any fucker from this class or I'm killing myself. I wouldn't mind it being Kirishima, Kaminari or Sero. No, I'm not gay, it's just...

They're better than any other extra in this damn school.

Why not Deku, you ask?

Well, that's not even a question. He's fucking Deku.

Who cares if I love him or not?! He and I will NEVER be. We can't. Besides, I'm just a bully to him, and that's all he'll ever see me as.

Love can't conquer everything.. I wish it could, but he'd never love me back. He just... He will never love me. Not after what I did to him..

I just hope he find someone who he loves as much as I love him.






I worked hard guys, and this is better than trashing the whole book. I promise, things will work out and I like it better this way because it's also a way of starting over without actually doing it! And I get to show more of Kacchan's point of view on things.


Also, the oneshots WILL be coming but idk when and all other fanatics are put on hold except for Amare. I Dare You may be coming out with new chapters in a month or so MAYBE and Amare will be coming out with a new chapter within this month.

I also want to thank you all for OVER 100K!!! (126 as of now!!) and as well as #2 in bakudeku (used to be #1)

Last but not least, if anyone ever needs help with anything: problems, story writing, ranting, etc, I'm here! I may not answer RIGHT AWAY but I'll always answer!!

More chapters next week!!

Words: 3033


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