TOUCH OF HOPE (MxM) (Complet...

By raquel98rm

707K 44.9K 17.2K

Haphephobia: the fear of being touched. Blake, a second-year Psychology student, hadn't ever heard of such a... More

Upload Schedule
1. The lost boy (revised)
2. Finding the boy (revised)
3. Right Wrong Answers (revised)
4. Two freaks (revised)
5. A new friend (part 1) (revised)
5. A new friend (part 2) (revised)
6. Let the games begin
7. The right direction
8. A normal afternoon
9. "Having lunch with your friends?"
10. Intern vs Supervisor
11. Episode
12. The courage to be weak
13. My brother's... friend
14. Afternoon Plans
15. Slowly opening up
16. Sleepy Brat
17. An exciting invite
18. Spending the night
20. A Suiter for the Heir
21. Hands
22. Sweet Truces
23. Slowly but Surely
25. Lost and Found
26. Showtime
27. Aftermath
28. The strength's name
29. Not even that cute
30. Sleepless (part 1)
30. Sleepless (part 2)
31. Safe space
32. To each their own
33. Like in the movies
34. Gold star
35. Family Shackles
36. A rock and a hard place
37. Here for you
38. As the moon watches us
39. A little bit dramatic
40. No words
41. Reduce, Reuse, Relax
42. A son's lost. (part 1)
42. A son's lost. (part 2)
43. Guys and Dolls
44. Breaking the surface
45. The abnormality of normal
Christmas Special (chapter 30.5)
46. Pay off
47. A big deal
48. Aunty knows best
49. Little Steps
50. At last... (part 1)
50. At last... (part 2)
! Q&A + Announcement !
51. Something for you
52. The future in pages (part 1)
52. The future in pages (part 2)
53. A break
54. I'm so s'Oreo
55. Just better than you
56. Enough
57. To hear and be heard (part 1)
57. To hear and be heard (part 2)
58. When the Sun vanished
59. Epilogue
Touch Of Hope's SEQUEL
Once again, I need your opinion
Bonus Content (AI Characters)

19. Tingling

9.8K 867 174
By raquel98rm

PLEASE VOTE:  I know many people forget, but the votes are what boosts the story so more people can find it. I really want this novel to rank again, so if you voted it would mean A LOT to me. (If you have the patience of voting on the previous chapters, I would reeaallyy appreciate it! )

Every chapter I will shout out someone, as a thank you for reading! If you want to be the next shout out, you just have to VOTE and leave a COMMENT (anything you want to).

This week's shout outSwexyJimin13 ! Thanks for taking the time to vote and comment on older chapters too! Hope you keep enjoying it!

- Does anyone know why Collin asked for all of us to be here?

Blake looked to Mark, who sat at his left with his back leaning on the first's shoulder.

- No idea. – he looked at May, across for him. – Do you know?

- Yeah, but he wants to be the one to tell you.

The answer caused the two psychology students to glance at each other, with Mark verbalizing what both knew.

- He got the part.

Blake agreed with a silent nod, but he didn't have the chance to continue the conversation, with a movement at his right catching his attention.

Dean moved uncomfortably in his seat, causing Blake to look down at the bench to check the distance between them, but they weren't touching, so it shouldn't be that. Lifting his eyes to the other's face, his worry increased considerably upon seeing the colour of his skin.

Although he would always have a fair complexion, Dean had gained a bit of colour since the beginning of the academic year, but at that moment the man looked see-through.

- Dean, are you okay?

He looked back, showing a weak smile with a slow nod.

Blake wanted to scold the heir for lying to him, but that wasn't a priority at the moment. Apparently, he hadn't been the only one to notice the change in the boy beside him.

- You don't look okay. – May agreed, staring him with a slight frown. – You look like you just saw a ghost.

A few drops of sweat glistened on the heir's forehead, causing strands to stick to the skin. Not able to wipe his forehead clean as he wanted, he leaned a bit more instead, making sure Dean was looking him in the eyes, knowing it was harder for the other to hide the truth that way.

- Are you feeling okay?

- I'm a bit dizzy... - he finally admitted in a low voice, his eyes moved slowly like there was trouble focusing. – But you don't need to worry.

- Are you sick?

Although Blake's instincts were already engraved with Dean's personal space rules, it proved harder to follow them every time his friend felt unwell. Just like two days before, when he spent the night at the Metharom Mansion, and Dean was obviously being plagued by some bad stuff. That night, Blake had spent hours hearing Dean moving with breath stuck in his throat, and every time Blake just wanted to jump onto the bed to hug him and assure him everything would be okay. Even after their conversation, he only allowed himself to fall asleep once he was sure Dean was too.

- I'm not sick... - he assured, forcing that small smile again. – You don't need to worry.

Blake wasn't about to accept that answer and his expression must have shown it, as Dean eventually lowered his eyes, playing with his finger, hinted to his embarrassment.

- It's common for me to have low blood pressure when I change medication.

Hearing the explanation, Blake didn't know whether to laugh or sigh.

Medication. That man was embarrassed just talking about his medication, like it was something he had to be shameful about.

- New medication usually as similar effects on me.

Everyone present looked at Finn. Blake smiled to his brother, knowing the comment wasn't without a goal. Their senior rarely spoke without a reason and it was clear to Blake his brother wanted to help ease Dean's awkwardness.

It seemed to work, as Dean lifted his sight to the man in front of him, with a curious look.

- I have allergic asthma. – Finn explained.

- Yeah. – Mark chimed in, wearing his trademark pocking smirk. – Finn here is a stereotypical nerd.

The senior resumed his answer to an arched eyebrow in the spoiled man's direction.

- An intimidating nerd. - Mark added, although his smirk remained.

Blake diverted his attention back to what was important.

- I'm going to get you a snack, you need to eat something.

Usually, Dean would insist not to bother, but too weak to argue, his hand started to make his way to the pants pocket.

- Don't you dare picking up your wallet. – Blake warned, carefully leaving the bench without bumping into him.

- That's right. – Mark added, also standing up and involving Blake's shoulders in his arm. – This one is on me. What do you guys want?

- Sometimes I remember why we put up with you. – May said.

Orders taken, the two phycology students made their way to the closest cafe, but only after Blake looked at May and his brother with a pleading look so they would keep their eyes on Dean.

- Is Dean always that self-conscious? – Mark asked, leaning his back on the counter as they waited for the food. – I mean, I know he's shy, but this is a new level.

Blake sighed to himself.

- He tends to think the worst about himself.

- Is he like that with you too?

The comment caused Blake to ponder, thinking back on those rare times when Dean opened up to him.

- I think he feels relatively comfortable with me, but the instinct to close himself up it's always there.

When his response seemed to have no effect, Blake looked to his friend, only to see his attention had already been diverted to a young barista, whose Mark charming smile cause to smile coyly back with an inviting stare.

Rolling his eyes, Blake proceeded to smack Mark's arm with considerable force. Immediately the man cursed under his breath, massaging the affected area.

- Dude! That hurt!

Blake shrugged in response.

Minutes later the two men gathered their assortment of bags of snacks and drinks - with the bonus of phone number for to the rich one - and made their way out of the cafe. Now that the courting was complete, Mark returned to the previous subject.

- The other day I heard my father talking about the Metharom Corporations with my brother.

With the mention of Dean's family, Blake lifted his eyebrows in curiosity.

- It looks like my brother met the CEO's step-grandson at a business meeting.

The news surprised Blake as he had never heard about Dean having a step-cousin. Although, given Dean's situation, it was easy to assume he wouldn't be close to extended family.

- But they talked about him like that guy was the only heir to the corporation. – Mark looked back at the other. – Usually, my family knows everything that's not their business, but they don't even know about Dean. He really erased himself from the rest of the world.

It wasn't hard for Blake to come to the same conclusion. The only people Dean had talked about with him were his parents, Mr, Abbe, Mrs. Lin, Miss Pam and, in very isolated situations, his overly stern grandfather. Not once had he ever talked about other people, so Blake had concluded Dean hadn't dealt with other's for many years.

- Don't you think he should start meeting more people? – Mark question, and when Blake seem to not understand exactly what he meant, he continued. – Like socialize more and stuff.

- He isn't comfortable with people.

His response earned him a smirk from Mark.

Blake frowned, knowing whatever his friend was about to say wouldn't be good.

- What?

- Is he the one who doesn't want to meet new people, or you don't like the idea of him being around other people?

The puzzled expression only increased.

- Why would I not want him to be around other people? I introduced him to you guys.

- Because we asked you. - Mark poked, wiggling his eyebrows. – Aren't you the least jealous about Dean spending time with other people?

Blake rolled his eyes once more. That guy was unbelievable.

- Why would I be? Him having more friends doesn't make us any less close.

With an annoying smile, Mark embraced his shoulders with an arm, the plastic bags making an absurd amount of noise.

- That's adorable Snoopy. Can I use that to pick up girls?

- You are a dickhead, did you know?

- Yeah. – he scoffed with a smirk, showing the paper with the barista's number. – But this dickhead is going to get some this weekend.

Mark limped the rest of the way.

- I got the part!

Everyone present proceeded the announcement by congratulating Collin, who smiled proudly about his feat holding the bubble tee Mark had presented him with as soon as they arrived.

- When it's the play? – Blake asked.

- In the last day of this semester.

The mention of the date caused his eyebrow to arch.

- So soon?

- I asked the same thing. – May commented, taking a sip out of Finn's beverage, to which he only inclined the straw for easier reach. – Last time they had way more time.

Collin puffed out air, annoyed.

- There were problems with the club organization so now we have to pay the price and rush everything. – he whined. – I barely have time to sleep lately.

- Are you enough to take care of it?

His question won Blake an adorable expression from Collin, the type of expression he did when he wanted something. Tilting his head to the side like a small puppy, Collin smiled at his friends.

- About that... We are looking for volunteers to help build the set and prepare things.

When nobody spoke, Collin's strategy changed to a pout.

- We really need help and you wouldn't need to pay for the ticket.

- Sorry, Collin. – May was the first to talk, sending him an apologetic smile. – One of the main instructors is pregnant and they asked me to take her place while she's out.

- I'm afraid I won't be able to help either. – Finn excused himself. – I'm booked with tutoring lessons.

With two down, Collin switched his efforts to the remaining, increasing his pout and joining hands in a pleading manner.

Mark was the first to react, arching his eyebrows and pointing at the aspiring actor.

- You have to introduced me to every cute girl from the club.

- Deal!

Wagging his metaphorical tail, Collin zeroed in on the two others.

Blake knew he shouldn't accept. He needed to study for exams and, even if it only took up a couple of hours each day, once he was free the library would be already closed, thanks to the refurbishment going on that caused the change in schedule.

He knew all of this... but how could he say no?

- Okay...

- Yes! – the other celebrated, before his eyes shot to the last person. – What about you Dean?

The question surprised not only Dean, who looked completely lost for a few seconds, but also Blake, who frowned at the dumb question.

- Well... I... Hm... - the Economics student stammered his words, clearly caught off guard.

- Collin...

Blake's warning was ignored by Collin, who was too focused on Dean to hear.

- I'll assure you don't have to work with anyone else besides these two, I swear. – he insisted. – And if something happens or you feel too uncomfortable you can quit immediately! What do you say?

- Well...

Once again, Blake was ready to butt in, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning to Mark, he saw him holding on to him, but looking past at Dean.

- Blake and I will guarantee nothing happens. What do you say?

The one he was holding frowned at Mark, to which the other responded with raised eyebrows, playing innocence. Blake could tell what he was doing. Mark was testing his theory that the first wouldn't want to share Dean with the rest of the world.

That wasn't the case at all. Blake wished for Dean to be able to socialize and live the life he deserved, but he didn't want him to do it under pressure. It had been enough for the heir to be forced to enrol at university by a cold grandfather, the thing he needed the least was for his friends to pressure him too.

Worried, Blake turned back to Dean, giving him a "You don't have to do it." kind of look. The heir stared him back for a few moments and Blake's chest tingled a bit when he noticed the anxiety in Dean's eyes seemed to softened with the eye contact.

Blake wasn't oblivious to his role in Dean's protection. Not only was it his job's focus, it had slowly but surely become Blake's personal priority. But the way Dean seemed to calm down with his look, especially considering how reluctant he usually was about eye contact... Blake couldn't help but to feel as a safe zone for the heir. And that was one of the best feelings ever.

- I can help.

Collin clapped repeatedly, celebrating the win.

- Great! Thanks!

As the conversation around them continued with Mark asking Collin to show him his Facebook so he could point out who he wanted to be introduced to, the two boys stayed in their bubble, with Blake leaning in to Dean.

- Are you sure? – he insisted, analysing the other's expression. - You don't have to.

For his surprise, Dean showed a small smile, nodding.

- You are going to be there too...

There it is, the tingling sensation again.

- Are you feeling ok now?

Dean smiled softly and nodded.

Not completely convinced, Blake quickened his pace and turned around, walking backwards so he could observe the other's face.

- Your colour is better now. – his brows rose. – If this happens again you have to tell someone you are feeling sick.

His warning didn't have the intended result, as Dean didn't appear to be focused on what he was saying, being too busy hiding a smile. This obviously picked Blake's curiosity.

- What?

- On my first day here you almost fell when you walked like this. – the man recalled, with a small sparkle in his eyes.

With the memory brought up, Blake couldn't help but to smile as well, resuming his normal walk so the situation wouldn't repeat itself. Looking at the sky with hands in his pockets, he gladly reminisced about what simultaneously felt like the day before and a long time ago.

- One moment I'm embarrassing myself on my first day of a new job, and the other we are approaching the end of the semester.

- And in no time the exams will be upon us.

Blake scrunched up his nose.

- Don't even mention it. – he cried. – And now I won't be able to study in peace.

- Why do you say that?

– It's this play thing. – Blake explained letting out a sigh – Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for Collin and want to help as much as I can, but this thing came up at a bad time. The refurbishment of the library just started and I won't be able to study there after the volunteering work and the dorms are way too noisy for me.

Blake usually didn't like to burden people with his problems, particularly problems with that level of unimportance, but sometimes a person needed to vent.

He just wished to be able to help his friend and not have his studies affected. If only a solution could fall from the sky.

– You could study at my place.

The young man turned to the person beside him, surprised. Dean looked him back with a soft smile and shrugged lightly.

– You had no problem studying at my home the other day. We could study at my house after the volunteering and then I can bring you back.

The offer was immediately rejected by Blake, who shook his head.

- No way I'm going to bother you that much. I'll just put on headphones or something.

Someone not acquainted with Dean's personality might have been fooled by his single nod and silence of agreement, but Blake wasn't about to let his friend pull the wool over his eyes.

Stopping on his tracks, he reached out to Dean's backpack to hold him in place. Once the heir felt the pull, the movement halted and he turned his head to Blake.

- Spit it out.

Letting his arm fall back to the side of his body, Blake kept his eyes on the one who did his best impersonation of an unbothered person.

- What do you mean?

As it had become tradition, a dark eyebrow rose in response, and, as if part of the ritual, Dean evaded his eyes.

- I wanted... I mean... - with a glance up at Blake, a shy tug pulled the corner of the rose lips. – I really enjoyed spending time with you the other day and... I guess, I wanted to do it again.

Right at that moment, Blake felt a smile made its way to his lips, and he made no attempt at hiding it.

He was completely aware of their proximity and enjoyment of each other's company, but that didn't undermined the joy of having the usually demure Dean spelling it out for him.

Even so, the man didn't let his judgement get clouded.

- It's not that I don't want to accept, but I don't want to make you drive back and forward. Besides, your mom might not like having a guest over all of the time.

- Not at all. – Dean was quick to insist, raising his head. – It's really not a bother for me to bring you back. It's not that far and I enjoy driving. And my mother it's hardly a problem. Yesterday, she said that I should invite you over more often.

Blake pressed his lips, still unsure, but when a slight pout formed on Dean's, he felt his defences break down. Scoffing, he smiled at his friend, raising his eyebrows.

- Then the gas is on me.

The condition caused the Economics' student to crinkle his nose.

- What about you pay for a snack once a week?

- The whole week.

- Two times.

- Three.

- Deal.

Neither one of the boys hid their amusement at the situation.

- This would be way more dramatic if we could shake hands.

Dean, still holding on to his shy smile, scratched the nape of his neck.

- I guess so...

- You better appreciate it while you can. – Blake joked openly, resuming their walk towards the parking lot. – From the day you are comfortable with it onwards, I'm not letting go of you.

Please remember to VOTE!

What do you think about this chapter? And about Dean having volunteered to help the drama club?

ONE MORE THING: If you usually don't comment on the chapters, why don't you give it a try? It doesn't need to be anything complex, I just like interacting with readers :)

P.s.: I'm having such a bad case of writer's block on a very important chapter 😓

Vote+Comment for a chance at being next week's shout out.

Thank you for reading!

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