It Just Had To Be You (Dramio...

By Joycie-Gee

371K 7.8K 2.3K

The war is over, the Dark Lord defeated, and school is back in session. What could go wrong within the halls... More

Head Boy and Girl
Planes, Trains and Jumping To Conclusions
First Night's Always The Worst
Anatomy Troubles
The Trouble With Veela's
They'll Be The Death Of Us Yet
Drunken Antics
Hell Hath No Fury
Home For The Holidays
Happy Christmas Granger
New Year's With The Malfoy's
This Is Torture
Piece Of You
Run Run Run As Fast As You Can
Just A Bit LeStrange
Authors Note
This is Far From Over
Not What it Seems
There's Always a Catch

You've Got To Be Kidding Me

20.3K 454 180
By Joycie-Gee

A loud ringing awoke Ginny, who shouted, " I love you Hermione, but if you don't turn that infernal racket down, I'm gonna hex you into oblivion." She grabbed her pillow and smashed it on top of her face trying to drown out the sound.

" That's not my alarm, that's the ward, MERLIN!" screamed Hermione, jumping out of bed and faced the intruder with her wand out. There stood Dumbledore waving his frantically in the air, attempting to turn off the offending noise and failing. Hermione waved her wand and the noise shut off, her face a beet red. " Sorry sir, I didn't know it was you!"

" Nonsense Ms. Granger, I've had plently of wands pointed at me through out the years. Now what was that spell? For the life of me, I couldn't get it to turn off." the Headmaster wondered. Ginny, upon hearing Dumbledore's voice, jumped out of bed and came to stand beside Hermione, her head throbbing from the hangover.

" That was a spell of my own sir, I used it before and during the war when I was at home to warn me if Death Eaters were near my home."

" Brilliant Ms. Granger, you must teach me that spell for my office, for when Professor Snape decides to stop by, although I would like a less loud noise." he chuckled. " I came here to escort you two to my office, I'm afraid we have a problem that needs attending to," he said, retreating out of the room. " And I'll have Madame Pomfrey send up some pepper up potion for you Ms. Weasley. I'm sure your needing it right now."

Ginny buried her face in her hands, embarrassed her Headmaster had seen her this way. But she mumbled a quick thank you anyways.

" Oh sir, that reminds me, has Seamus been found? He didn't return to the Gryffindor common room last night." Hermione asked, following him out and into the common room, waiting for Ginny to take the potion a house elf had dropped off in the room.

" Yes, Mr. Finnigan was located earlier this morning, down by the lake by Professor McGonagall. He was curled up beside the Giant Squid, and rather nude I must say."

" Oh Merlin, we're sorry Headmaster. I guess things got a little out of hand last night." Ginny said sheepishly as she walked towards them, looking a million times better then she had a moment ago.

" That's quite alright Ms. Weasley. Now, off we go."



Once they arrived at Dumbledore's office he opened the door, allowing the girls to enter first. The sight they were welcomed to probably would have sent them fleeing in terror had the war not been over.

There in the middle of the room stood Snape and Lucius and in between them, sitting in chairs was Draco and Blaise. Hermione was weary of them all as she and Ginny both came to stand as far away as possible from the four men, and closer to Dumbledore.

" There's no need to be afraid Ms. Granger, Ms. Weasley. I assure you, I mean no harm." drawled Lucius.

" Forgive me Mr. Malfoy, but I find it hard to believe any words that come out of a Death Eater's mouth." spat Hermione, inching closer to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore turned around and placed his hands on her shoulders, looking her square in the eye. " Ms. Granger, you have trusted me with your life, I need you to trust me again and believe me when I say that Mr. Malfoy and his family are not Death Eaters."

" But sir, they were branded with the Dark Mark, I've seen it for myself."

" Yes, I am fully aware of that, but that was all part of the plan you see. They were spies for the Order and being who they were, were able to easily infiltrate Voldemort's ranks for us. Having them receive the Dark Mark only allowed them to be trusted. I would never allow a follower of Voldemort inside my school." Dumbledore pleaded with Hermione to understand and believe him.

Hermione shook her head and brushed his hands off her shoulders, taking a step back. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked Lucius square in the eye. " I refuse to believe that. He stood there, Headmaster, while Bellatrix tortured me endlessly... he just stood there." she cried as she pointed her forefinger directly at him. " You did nothing to save me, nothing to stop her. If you really were a member of the Order, you would have offered some form of help instead of watching me as I screamed in pain for hours." she shouted, tears falling freely from her eyes.

Lucius bowed his head. He was ashamed. It was true, he was there. He had watched while Bellatrix tortured the poor girl for information, yet he couldn't do anything even though he wanted to with every fiber of his being. That would have given away his cover.

" I honestly don't think there's words to describe how disgusted I am with myself over that Ms. Granger." Lucius said, bringing his head up, revealing glistening eyes that dared to spill tears. Hermione gasped in shock and Draco raised his head in question.

" Father?"

" Yes Draco, it's true. I was there. I had to watch, sick to my stomach as that happened. Please believe me Ms. Granger, if there was anything I could have done to save you that wouldn't have blown my cover as a spy and risked the life of my wife and son, I would have in a heartbeat. I woke up every night for a month screaming as I relived that scene in my dreams. Your screams echoed my thoughts daily, yet I never tried to rid myself of them, knowing I deserved this punishment for betraying you. I am truely sorry about what happened to you, and I will spend everyday for the rest of my life, doing what I can to rebuild that trust of yours that I lost many years ago, for I know asking for your forgiveness is something I will never deserve." a few tears escaped his eyes, and he bowed his head to hide his shame.

Hermione couldn't believe what she was witnessing. Here Lucius Malfoy,Famous Death Eater, Muggle Hater Astrodinaire, stood before her crying, lowering himself and asking for a mudblood to trust him. She never thought she would see the day.

" Merlin Hermione, if you don't forgive, I swear I will," sobbed Ginny, tears falling from her eyes.

" Mr. Malfoy, as reluctant as I am to forgive you, I believe there's truth to your words. I'm not a cold hearted person, sir, I do not hate freely, but know that I have never been your biggest fan and it's going to take some time for me to be able to trust you fully. However I believe that you have suffered enough and if my forgiveness can give you some relief of the torture you put youself through, then I forgive you. No, I'm not doing this for your sake because I pity you, I'm doing this in hopes that someday we'll regain what we've lost and finally be able to move on."

" Thank you Ms. Granger, "

" Hermione, please sir, call me Hermione."

" Then I insist you call me Lucius. I cannot express how thankful I am to you Hermione. I make this promise to you, as long as I live, there will never come another time when you have to doubt the trust you have for me." Lucius sniffed, and wipped the remaining tears from his cheek. He held out his hand, offering it to Hermione. She shook it, sealing the deal silently made between the two.

" Now this is all well and good, but Headmaster could we please move on to the pressing matters here? We're wasting a perfectly good Saturday blubbering over past happenings. I could be down brewing potions as we speak." sighed Snape, his patience clearly wearing thin.

" Your firewhiskey can wait Severus." said Dumbledore, fixing a glare at him.

" Please sir, why have you brought us here? What was so important?" asked Ginny, comfortable enough to move into the center of the room, but still remained a good distance from the boys in the chairs.

" Ahh yes, that. Well I believe that Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Zabini here can explain what has transpired here this morning."

" We asked to be transfered out of the Head dorms and into one of our own after...after what happened last night." Draco said, his head back down, suddenly becoming interested with the floor.

" You what? Why? What happened? What did you boys do?" asked Lucius, anger rising in his voice. It was never a good time to be had when he was asked to join for a meeting in Albus' office. Just once, he would like to be able to come here, have a seat, perhaps a glass of firewhiskey and be able to bask in pride over something his son did for once. Then again, if that was ever to happen, he might just die from heart failure.

" It wasn't anything all that bad, Father, but to ensure it doesn't happen again, it might be a good thing Blaise and I have our own dorms. Due to our circumstances and all." Draco replied, never looking up from the floor.

" Nothing bad? I beg to differ Malfoy. Hermione and I returned from the Gryffindor common room, and these two started sniffing us like randy dogs, and turned into some handsy prom date, which resulted in them being hexed and Hermione and I locking ourselves in her bedroom for the night. Not that bad, you say Malfoy? Well you and I certainly have different views on the definition of 'bad'!" Ginny spoke, her voice raised enough to have every set of eyes on her and she ranted and waved her arms in the air, clearly taking a page from the Book of Ron.

" You. Did. What?" roared Lucius. " Have I not raised you better then this? To know how to control yourself, rather then lowering yourself to having to cop a cheap feel to surpress your Veela blood?"

Blaise stiffled a giggle and Lucius whipped his head around to glare at the boy who wiggled uncomfortably under his death stare. " Oh, don't think your getting out of this that easily Blaise. I will be informing your mother about the antics you pulled last night."

" Please sir, don't. Punish me, give me a dentention for a month, expell me if you must, just please don't tell my mother." whinned Blaise.

" I'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear what your ideas of harmless flirting are."

" Bugger!" was all the poor boy could say.

" Now what, may I ask, got you two so riled up that this happened?" asked Dumbledore.

" I think you know Headmaster, you always know. I think you do as well Father, because I know for a fact you had a similar mishap here in Hogwarts when you located your mate."

" Yes, I resorted to staying locked up in my room until I was sure I had my feelings under control. I ended up being sent to the hospital for being malnurished. I didn't resort to attempted rape."

" Ahh fond memories!" sighed Dumbledore, remembering the past years.

" It wasn't attempted rape sir, I would never in my life hurt Ginny. I just really wanted to touch her hair. It always looks so soft, I wanted to see if it really was. Then I caught her scent, and Merlin, she smells so good. I just couldn't help myself. I needed to smell her. Please sir, Draco and I would never harm our mates." Blaise pleaded with Dumbledore and Lucius, trying to make them understand that there wasn't any harm intended. The girls just smelled real good.

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other with wide eyes. Did they just hear what they thought they just heard? That wasn't possible, was it?

" We know you would never harm your mates intentionally boys, however being newly matured Veela's, you have little control over your feelings at the moment and might have hurt Ms. Granger and Ms. Weasley without knowing it. You can't allow these feelings to overpower you. You must learn self control. I can't stress that enough." sighed Lucius, taking a seat on the arm of Draco's chair.

" Okay wait one just one minute here! Would someone kindly explain what's going on? We are already aware of the boys being Veela's, congratulations by the way, but what's that got to do with Hermione and I? Why do they have to be careful around us?" shouted Ginny, clearly losing it when she couldn't keep up.

" For the love of Merlin, I've had enough. I'm completly out of the loop here Ms. Weasley but even I can keep up. Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Zabini here are Veela's, congratulations by the way, and you and Ms. Granger seem to be the unfortunate mates to these idiotic prats," Snape replied.

" Oi!" shouted both boys

" Now to figure out the great mystery as to who's mate is who, well that's an easy fix. Allow me!" he said condecendingly as he walked up behind the two girls and placed hand on Ginny. Blaise growled and made to stand up, but Dumbledore whipped his wand out and placed a strong Petrificus Totalus on him to keep him still. " Ms. Weasley seems to be the mate of Mr. Zabini." He then placed his hand on Hermione's shoulder and Draco let out a defying roar and went to lunge for Snape, in which Lucius held his son back until Snape removed his hand. " And you Ms. Granger seem to be the lucky winner of being Mr. Malfoy's mate. Now if we're done here, I would like to enjoy the rest of my day in peace and quiet?"

" Yes Severus, you may go. Although I think later on you and I need to have a little chat about tact and patience" said Dumbledore, looking rather angry at Snape's lapse of feelings for this sensitive subject.

" Oh there's no need. Had I not done what I did, we would have been standing here all day, beating around the bush, dippin our toes in the pool, testing the water. I merely jumped right in and did what no one else would. I said what was on everyone's mind and answered questions no one else would. I even solved the mystery as to who's mate was who, and all in 5 minutes. So all in all Albus, say what you want about my patience, but had it not been for my lack of tact, we would have still be here after curfew still being where we were 5 minutes ago. Good day." Snape replied, as he glided out of the door, his cape billowing behind him.

" He may be a greasy little bugger, but the man has a point." sighed Lucius. He looked at the two girls who still stood in shock. He walked over to them and snapped his fingers in front of their faces. They didn't move. " Hermione....Ms. Weasley are you girls alright?"

" You have got to be kidding me!" whispered Hermione " I think I need to sit down for a moment." she took a seat on the floor, her back pressed up against the wall.

" Me too," agreed Ginny and sat beside Hermione.

" Now girls, I now this comes as a bit of a shock to you, but everything that has been said here today is true. And now it appears we have found the mates to these two boys here, and may I send my congratulations to the four of you, I......" Dumbledore was stopped by a standing Hermione.

" No you may not congratulate. Just what about this whole mess is worth congratualting over? The fact that Ginny and I got groped against our will last night? The fact that I was bombarded by three former "Death Eaters" that I had, up until a few minutes ago knew to be dangerous only to find out they were on our side and Blaise?"

" Oi! I'm dangerous!" he shouted.

" Like a kitten, I'm sure, then to be told that we're mates to these boys and now know we don't have an option but to agree to spend the rest of our lives with them, never being able to decide for ourselves who we want to be with? Now please, do tell me, what about any of those things is worth congratulating.......sir?" she huffed sitting back down, out of breath from her rant.

" You know Draco, I happen to like her, she's got nerve. You did well son, you choose well." Lucius laughed, clapping his son on the back. Hermione just glared at him, and he dropped his hand from Draco's back, and looked around at anything but her face.

" Well Ms. Granger, nothing about that deserves congratulating, your absoleutly right. But that was not what I was talking about. I was talking about finding your soul mate. People in this world go years trying with different people and ending in heartbreak before they find their one, and thats the lucky few who do, some never do. You however have found yours. Mr. Malfoy here is your equal in everything that is you. I believe that a soul mate is finding one's self reflected in another, and I believe that's true about Draco. You don't have to go through years wondering if " he's the one" because you know that Draco is. You also know, by him being Veela, he pleadges his undying love for you, and would rather die then see you hurt or upset. You will never have to worry about him cheating or hurting you, because he only lives for you. His love for you will be true, that you can never deny. Now isn't that something to congratulate?" Dumbledore answered.

" But I'll never have the choice to decide for myself to be with him."

" Yes you do!" All eyes shot over to Draco who hadn't said a word. He was taking in everything that had been said, and had made a decision. " You do have a choice love. You can choose to not be with me. It's your right to choose however you seem fit."

" Right, either be with you or you die, some choice "love"!" she scowled.

" No one here will think differently of you if you choose to walk away. That I can promise you, but I do ask a favor. Allow sometime to get to know me, try it out and see if it's what you want. If at any point, you decide it's not, well hell, at least you tried. I'm sure this is going for Ginny as well, am I correct Blaise?" he asked, looking behind him at Blaise who nodded his reply.

Hermione honestly didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to think! Could she see herself with Malfoy for the rest of her life? Could she condem someone to death beause she was being selfish for wanting to make one little decision?

" For now, I'll give it a try, but not just for you Malfoy. I'm doing this also because I don't want to see a mother without her son, I don't want to ruin the trust your father and I are trying to rebuild, and I don't want to be up all night for the next few years wiping away Blaise's tears when he can't get over your death."

" Okay, what is this? Pick on Blaise day? I sure as hell didn't get a owl notifying it was!" yelled Blaise, huffing in anger.

" Oh relax, because everything Hermione said about giving Draco a chance, well the same goes for you too." replied Ginny placing her hand in his.

Suddenly things weren't looking so bad anymore, and Blaise grinned.



The four roommates were walking back to their dorms when a sudden shriek erupted from down the hallway. The four broke into a run heading in the general direction. When they arrived at the source of the scream, the scene before them would have even made Professor Snape crack a smile.

There in the middle of the hallway was Ron his normally red hair now turned Slytherin green with Harry standing behind him, a look of shock plainly written all over his face, with Luna beside him staring dreamily off into space. In front of them was Pansy, her legs covered in bandages, pointing a blaming finger at Ron. As soon as they approached, Ginny, Hermione and Luna stepped off to the side, while Blaise and Draco went to intervene.

" What's going on here?" asked Blaise calmly, holding in a laugh at Ron's green hair.

" This bloody witch hexed my hair green is what's going on." Ron shouted.

" He mutilated my legs, look at them, gashes everywhere." Pansy shrieked in response pointing to her legs. ' Ahh the so-called shaving incident' Hermione thought to herself.

" Greens a rather becoming color on you Weasel, you should think about making it permanent." laughed Draco, and Hermione sent a glare his way. Pansy shurgged and walked over to stand beside the girls, glad the boys were dealing with it. She had had enough to deal with already.

" Shove off Malfoy, this doesn't concern you."

" Oh but I think it does, seeing as it's someone from my house Weaselbee!"

" Come on guys, can't we just forget about it and go to breakfast? I'm starving." asked Harry, not in the mood for a fight this early in the morning, maybe later when there was food in his stomach and he was fully awake.

" Potter's right mates," statd Blaise. Draco looked at him like he'd lost his mind.

" Since when did you start thinking Potter was right?" asked Draco in disbelief.

" Hey, give a monkey a typewriter, it's bound to get a word once in awhile," Blaise shrugged.

" Traitor."

" Thanks Zabini....I think. Come on Ron, let's go get something to eat before my stomach starts eating itself." Harry said, trying to pull Ron away towards the Great Hall.

" No, I want my hair changed back!"

" In your dreams Weasel."

" I said piss off Ferret!"

The girls just stared in shock. " You know, this is really getting old fast. It's been years, and they still use the same insults. You'd think they'd come up with something more original." sighed Hermione.

" I agree, this happens way to many times." agreed Ginny.

" Well you'd be mad too if he hacked away at your limbs like they were tree stumps. I don't for the life of me know why he felt the need to shave my legs. I have a permanent hair removal spell on them. There was no need!" said Pansy, shaking her head.

" Quite true, I probably would be, but I wouldn't have hexed his hair though." Hermione laughed. " Although that was quite brilliant of you!"

" Yeah, I have my moments, just glad someone was around to see this one."

" So when do you think......" Ginny was cut off by the four boys suddenly whipping their wands out and pointing them at each other. " Nevermind!"

Draco and Blaise on one side, and Harry and Ron on the other, with the four girls caught right in the middle.

" Alright, that's enough, put the wands away. There's no need for anyone to lose house points or get detention for wand brandishing." Hermione said, grabbing the boys arms, trying to lower them. Ginny tried to help as well.

" I agree, he should have kicked him in the crotch," Pansy replied.

" wait, that's not what I meant. What I meant was drop this whole thing and let's get to breakfast."

" Trust me Granger, from what I saw when we had switched bodies, it wouldn't have hurt him much," Pansy scoffed. At that moment all wands and grudges were forgotten as they turned to face her. Ron's face had turned beet red from embarrassment.

" YOU LOOKED?" he shouted.

" Well I wouldn't have had to if you had the normal hormone balance everyone else has!" she retorted, shouting back.

" What's that supposed........ you got ... in my body?"

That was everyone's cue to leave as they all quickly made their way to the Great Hall. Ron and Pansy trailing behind them.

" So, did you like what you saw Parkinson?" Ron asked, wiggiling his eyebrows.

 " Wasn't bad, but I've seen better." she laughed.

" So maybe sometime...err...would you like to go to Hogmeade..." Pansy cut him off.

" You've got about a snowballs chance in hell of that happening Weasley," and she walked off, swinging her hips a little more then usual, knowing he was watching.

As he watched them sway he said to himself, " at least there's a chance!" and he took off in search off Harry and everyone else, grinning like a fool.


Hey guys i updated again. Thank you all who have been reading my story. If you wouldn't mind but could you share it with everyone that would be awesome 

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