Before I Forget || Bakugo X f...

By WhiskeyWhisperer

266K 8.6K 9K

(This story has been discontinued) (y/n) (l/n) is a young girl who aspires to become a hero. She is beyond ha... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
๐ŸŽƒHalloween One-shots๐ŸŽƒ
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Author's Note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Author's Note

Chapter 3

7.8K 229 441
By WhiskeyWhisperer

When I went to school on the third day there was a horde of reporters in front of the gate.

What the fuck?

I tried walking around them first, but they were blocking the entrance. I let out a sigh of annoyance and got ready to teleport to the other side of the gate.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you", a cold voice said and someone grabbed my wrist.

"Huh?", I asked as I looked up.

Heterochromic eyes locked onto mine.

"Todoroki", I mumbled. "How else are we supposed to get through?"

"Using your quirk outside of school or classes is not allowed. You know this."

I sighed and averted my eyes.

"I know", I murmured.

"Come on", Todoroki said and he started walking towards the gate.

He moved his hand from my wrist to my hand and guided me through the group of reporters, who were desperately trying to get a statement from us.

"Endeavor's son!", One of the reporters said. "What do you think of All Might being a teacher at U.A.?"

"Who is that girl?", another reporter asked.

"It's Mr. (l/n)'s daughter!"

"What is your opinion on All Might's classes?"

"Is All Might a good teacher?"

"Will we be able to see All Might?"

There were so many questions fired at me that I just closed my eyes and kept walking, guided by Todoroki. I stopped when I bumped into something. Or someone.

I gasped and opened my eyes to find myself extremely close to Todoroki on the other side of the gate. I vaguely registered flashes.

"Sorry", I stammered as I took a step back, feeling myself blush. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"That's fine", Todoroki answered awkwardly before letting go of my hand. "Let's get to class."

I nodded and followed him through the school, looking at the floor to hide my blush. I was so busy thinking about how stupid I was that I hadn't noticed that we reached the classroom or that Todoroki already went to sit down. I just kept walking with my head down.

"Oi, (l/n)!", someone then yelled, making me look up in surprise.

I was about an inch away from the window. I internally facepalmed myself and turned around.

"Yes?", I awkwardly asked.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?", Bakugo asked. "Are you trying to smash that window too?"

I felt the blood drain from my face. I didn't want anyone else to know what happened the day before.

"No...?", I said and I let out a nervous laugh. "I'm not sure I know what you mean."

I walked over to my seat, elbowing Bakugo in the ribs as I passed him.


"Good morning everyone", Aizawa said in a bored tone, shutting everyone up instantly.

"Good morning Aizawa-sensei", everyone said in unison as I took my seat.

Nobody seemed to have noticed Bakugo's comment, except Todoroki and Tokoyami, who were both giving me sideways glances. I tried to ignore them and listened to Aizawa instead.

"Good work on yesterday's combat training", he started. "I saw the videos and results. Bakugo, you're talented so don't act like a kid."

I had to hold back a snort at that comment. I mean... he was right.

"I know", Bakugo muttered.

After a little interaction with Midoriya about his quirk, Aizawa continued to tell us what we would be doing today.

"Now, let's get down to homeroom business", he said. "Sorry about the late notice, but today I'll have you decide on a class president."

Lots of students seemed relieved at that. I guess they were scared to get another special test or something. I didn't really care.

Everyone started offering themselves as candidates, and it was getting a bit messy. Then Iida told everyone to shut up and lectured us about how it was a position with lots of responsibility or something. The only thing I thought was interesting was the fact that he suggested to hold an election.

"Why would you suggest that?", Kaminari asked.

"We haven't known each other that long, so everyone would just vote for themselves...", Kirishima said.

"Don't you think that's precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can truly be considered the most suitable person?", Iida asked. "What do you think, Aizawa-sensei?"

I looked to the front of the class to see Aizawa zipping himself into his yellow sleeping bag again.

"I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over", he answered Iida's question.

Then he proceeded to let himself fall over and roll into the corner of the room.

I let out a small sigh and watched as everyone started writing their votes down.

I'm not voting for myself. I have no interest in being class president.

I looked at my classmates, considering everyone for class president one by one. Eventually I came to a conclusion.

Izuku would be an obvious choice considering his strength... But I don't think broccoli boy would be a very good class president. I my opinion, that leaves... Yaoyorozu.

I gave Iida my vote and continued to observe everyone, ignoring the fact that Todoroki was looking at me.

In the end, Midoriya got 4 votes and Yaoyorozu got 3. Midoriya would be class president and Yaoyorozu would be vice class president. I didn't really care, so I was fine with the results. To me, it was obvious that Iida and Uraraka voted for Midoriya, but I wondered who the fourth vote belonged to. I didn't really get a chance to find out because it was time for lunch.

I leaned against the wall in the hallway, waiting for a specific person. I pushed myself off the wall when I spotted him.

"Bakugo", I said and he turned his head to me.

"What the fuck do you want?", he asked in an irritated tone. "I want to get lunch."

"What the hell were you thinking; 'Are you trying to smash that window too?'", I asked, imitating his voice.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?", Bakugo snapped.

"You said you weren't gonna tell anyone!", I yelled. "Why would you shout that so loudly through class?"

"I forgot", Bakugo answered, surprisingly soft.

I took a deep breath, quite disappointed with myself due to my lack of self-control.

"I'd like to keep what happened yesterday secret", I said in a more appropriate tone as I glanced down at my hand.

The cuts on my knuckles were starting to close, but they were still painful and very visible.

"Please refrain from shouting about it so carelessly", I said with an irritated undertone.

"Geez, I will", Bakugo muttered.


"If you tell me what happened", he then added.

"Mcsqueeze me?", I stammered.

"You yelled 'die', during the quirk apprehension test and seemingly out of nowhere, you smashed a fucking mirror to pulp", Bakugo said. "Other than those two incidents, you look like you don't give a shit about anything. It makes no sense. You're hiding something."

He's more observant than I thought...

"I told you already", I mumbled. "It's private."

"What's your quirk?"

"You know my quirk", I replied. "I can telep-"

"Not that part", Bakugo rudely interrupted me. "The other thing. With the sand stuff."

"I... I'd really prefer not to talk about it", I answered.

"STOP FUCKING DODGING MY QUESTIONS AND ANSWER ME", Bakugo snapped, making me take a step back.

I tried to calmly reply, but before I knew it I was yelling again.

"You know what, fuck you!", I said. "I told you it's fucking personal and all I asked of you was to keep something you weren't even supposed to witness a secret! We're not friends, Bakugo. I don't have to explain myself to you."

"Are you kidding me?!", he yelled in an irritated tone. "You were-"

"(L/n)", a low voice interrupted him.

I looked behind Bakugo to see a familiar figure looking at us.

"Tokoyami", I mumbled.

"I'd like to talk to you about something", the bird boy said.

"Jesus Christ", Bakugo muttered as he started to walk off. "I'm surrounded by fucking idiots."

I looked after him until he was out of sight. I sighed and started to walk towards the cafeteria, Tokoyami falling into step beside me.

"What did you want to talk about, Tokoyami-kun?", I asked.

"Your quirk", he answered. "I heard what Bakugo said about smashing something else. Does it have anything to do with your quirk? Are you alright?"

There's another observant one.

"Yes", I softly answered. "Thanks for asking. I..."

I hesitated a bit.

How much should I tell him? I have never spoken to Tokoyami before.

"My quirk comes with certain... side effects, that make it hard to control sometimes", I explained. "I had a bit of an outburst yesterday, but it was gone quite quickly."

"I understand", Tokoyami answered. "I also have trouble controlling my quirk sometimes. Dark Shadow is less powerful during the day, but during the night he's hard to contain."

"Although it's the same problem, we seem to be in opposite situations", I concluded. "I can make the side effects disappear by using my quirk a lot, but it seems it's the other way around for you."

"If it's so easy to stop, why don't you use your quirk more?", Tokoyami asked.

"Well, the side effect I have to deal with is like a background noise", I started to explain. "It's always there, but I could never really get used to it. Part of my quirk is absorbing darkness and emitting it as power. The more darkness I absorb, the more the background noise fades away. The problem is that I can't store darkness. Not much of it, anyway. I usually need to absorb lots of it for the noise to stop, but then I can't contain it for long. When I try to, I often lash out to release the darkness."

I was silent for a moment as we continued walking towards the cafeteria at a slow pace. Tokoyami seemed to be taking in what I said.

"An obvious solutions would be to train daily", he stated. "If you use your quirk a lot, the noise fades, right?"

"Yes, but not for long", I answered. "Even if I completely drain myself in a three hour training, the noise would be back after another hour of silence."

"So what if you would use your quirk throughout the entire day, but only a little bit?", Tokoyami suggested.

"I suppose that would help, but it would never be allowed", I mumbled. "Although the darkness I absorb can be emitted in many different forms, it's always a physical form. If I were to use it all day long, I'd leave a trail of purple sand everywhere. It'd fade and disappear after a while, but still."

I let out a small sigh as we both grabbed a tray to get food. We were silent as we paid and continued walking. I spotted Todoroki at our table.

"Tokoyami-kun", I nudged the boy. "Would you like to join me and Todoroki for lunch?"

"Of course", Tokoyami politely answered.

I smiled and started walking to Todoroki, who nodded at me. I sat down across from him and Tokoyami took the seat next to me.

"Hello, Todoroki-kun", I greeted the boy. "Sorry I took so long to get here."

"That's okay, (y/n)", he answered. "Tokoyami", he then greeted the other boy.

"Todoroki", Tokoyami said with a small nod.

We proceeded to eat lunch and chat. Todoroki probably noticed Tokoyami and I had been talking about something serious, but he didn't bring it up. I did notice him staring at my hand a couple of times.

I looked up when I heard an alarm. I gave Todoroki and Tokoyami a look and scanned the cafeteria. Not many people seemed to know what was going on, especially the first years.

"(Y/n)", Midoriya suddenly said as he came towards me. "There's been a security breach. We need to go outside."

"A security breach?", I asked before looking at Todoroki and Tokoyami.

"Yes, we need to go", Midoriya then said.

"You go on ahead", I said. "I'll be right behind you."

Midoriya nodded and Uraraka and Iida appeared behind him. I nodded at them and they ran off. Everyone in the cafeteria started to move towards the exit, so it was pretty crowded.

Todoroki nodded at me and Tokoyami and we also made our way towards the exit. Although we tried to stick together, it didn't take long for me to lose both boys in the mass of students.

I grunted as I tried not to fall over while everyone was pushing and shoving me everywhere. Then I felt my back hit someone's chest.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!", an irritated voice behind me asked.

I froze when I recognized it.


"Well, I can't exactly move, can I?", I shot back.

The blonde muttered something inaudible when someone shoved him from behind. Because I was standing so close, the shove almost knocked me over, but Bakugo had moved his hands to my waist to keep me from falling.

"WATCH IT!", he snapped at the person who shoved him.

I blushed when I realized the position we were in and was glad Bakugo couldn't see my face. I was standing with my back against Bakugo's chest, and for some reason his hands still lingered on my waist. If he wasn't so rude I'd almost say it looked like an embrace.

The shoving and pushing in the hall continued for a while, Bakugo preventing me from falling more than once, although he complained about it every time and told me to 'keep my fucking balance'.

"EVERYONE!", someone suddenly shouted.

I couldn't see who it was over the mass of students because I was too short, but I recognized the voice.

"Is that Iida?", I asked Bakugo.

"Yeah", he grunted. "He's standing on the emergency exit sign and he looks like he's gonna fall off. I hope he fucking does."

I sighed at his last comment and focused on the sound, since I still couldn't see anything.

"It's just the media!", Iida continued. "The security breach was the media. You can all calm down."

After that, everyone visible relaxed. Students were starting to disperse and I finally got some room to breathe.

"Bakugo", I mumbled as I took a step forward. "Thank y-"

"Whatever", the blonde muttered and he quickly turned around.

He wasn't quick enough to prevent me from seeing something.

Was he... blushing?? I suppose our position was awkward for him as well, but I never expected to see Bakugo blush.

A few minutes later everyone was in class again, chatting about the chaos in the hall and the security breach.

When Aizawa walked into the classroom everyone else fell silent.

Midoriya announced that he wanted to resign as class president. He suggested that Iida should take his place, since he reacted so well in the chaos of the security breach.

I agreed. Where everyone else panicked, Iida oversaw the situation and calmed everyone down.

Once that was settled, Aizawa started to explain what we would be doing this afternoon.

"We have a special class today", our homeroom teacher said. "Me and two other teachers will accompany you during rescue training. Please change into your costumes and move into the bus."

Everyone started chatting at once and Aizawa walked out of the classroom.

"We're going by bus?", I excitedly asked Todoroki.

"Apparently", he monotonously answered.

"Sweet!", I said as I jumped up.

By the time I got to the bus, everyone else was there already.

"Please form two lines in the order of your numbers to make the boarding of the bus go smoothly!", Iida shouted while making wild hand gestures.

"Sure thing, Iida-kun", I chuckled.

He's taking this class president thing awfully serious.

It turned out the bus had seats on the side instead of the two rows Iida had expected, so it was no use.

I came to sit next to Midoriya on one of the seats on the side. Somewhere along the ride, the conversation became about quirks.

"You know, Midoriya...", Asui started. "Your quirk is kind of similar to All Might's."

"What?!", Midoriya immediately stammered. "That's not- I err- It's not-"

"That's not true", Kirishima interfered. "All Might doesn't injure himself when he uses his quirk. That's where they're different."

Midoriya visibly relaxed when Kirishima pointed that out.

"I wish I had a flashier quirk that would get me more fame", the redhead then said

"Your quirk is strong enough for you to become a pro hero, Kirishima-kun", Midoriya answered.

"Bakugo and Todoroki have the perfect flashy quirks to become pro's", Kirishima argued. "Just like (l/n)."

I blushed at that. Nobody had ever directly said my quirk was good for a pro hero. Just for a villain.

He doesn't know the nature of my quirk. He just knows it's flashy and strong. Of course he thinks it's good.

"Bakugo is way too angry to ever become popular", Asui stated.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, FROGFACE?", Bakugo yelled from the front of the bus.

"His personality definitely needs some work", Kaminari agreed with Asui.

"I'll become the most popular hero!", Bakugo yelled. "Watch me!"

I chuckled at his hot-tempered reaction. Before I realized it we arrived at our destination.


Shit is about to go down.

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