By moo3210

69.2K 2.4K 1.6K

Connor, the Android sent by CyberLife and Lieutenant Hank Anderson are now armed with the task of taking care... More

Scene 1 - Crime scene
Scene 2 - DPD
Scene 3 - A place to stay
Scene 4 - First Investigation
Scene 6 - Second Investigation
Scene 7 - Third Investigation
Scene 8 - Eden club
Scene 9 - Doubts
Scene 10 - Jericho
Scene 11 - The Stratford Tower
Scene 12 - Found you
Scene 13 - One day
Scene 14 - Kamski's place
Scene 15 - Simulation
Scene 16 - Guessing game
Scene 17 - Goodnight
Scene 18 - 10 years later

Scene 5 - Locating the deviant

4.6K 161 187
By moo3210

Your POV

We arrived to the scene and parked the car on the curb. We had stopped outside a convenient store opposite an old looking building across the street. It looked like it hasn't been used for a while since there was graffiti all over the walls that were about 20 feet high and most if not all the windows were smashed. It really stood out from the rest of the buildings since they looked newer and more modern.

We stepped out of the vehicle and looked around the place. I don't know exactly what it is we're looking for but I know it must be important. I stayed by Connor while Mr Anderson talked to an officer who was stood guarding the sidewalk next to the store. Connor decided to take a look around and find clues that the deviants could have left. From what I picked up from the officers conversation, a man reported that his android went missing and took his little girl with them. I'm not sure what they're names were but all the police were interested in was getting the girl back and stopping the android. They could be dangerous. I'll have to be careful. 

I looked back over at the rundown building and squinted when I saw the gate that was open slightly. It was gently moving in the breeze, so someone must have unlocked it to get inside since there's a padlock and chain placed hurriedly on the ground. Maybe they're hiding there.

I pulled on Connor's suit and pointed to the gate. "Connor, look over there. The android could be hidden in there. There's a padlock on the ground too".

He looked over to it then back down at me. "Nice work, Junior Detective" He complimented. I smiled widely and guided him, or tugged him, over to the nearest crossing to get to the other side of the road.

Once we crossed, Connor walked over to the gate and knelt down in front of the chain. He scanned it then stood up straight. He was cautious to go inside as the android could have a weapon, a gun or a knife or something. He pushed the gate open and prepared to catch it, but there was no one there. I looked around and my eyes landed on something shiny. I ran over to it and picked it up carefully with my sleeve covering my hand so it didn't get finger prints on it. I ran back and held it up for Connor to take. 

"Look. I found an LED. Maybe the android took it out to look more like a human". I concluded triumphantly. He nodded and placed the object in a small bag then placed it in his pocket neatly. 

"Now the question is, where did it go?" He said, determined to find out where they went. 

We crossed over the street again and showed Hank what we found. I waited next to Connor until he bolted his head to the side when a loud banging sound came from the other side of the street. Before they disappeared into a sprint, we saw the two figures hidden in the shade of a nearby store before they took off running down an alleyway. 

Connor immediately ran after them, completely forgetting about the on going traffic and the sounds of Hank shouting after him. Him and the officers ran to keep up and slowed when they saw Connor looking the android straight in the eye through a wire fence. An officer raised his gun at them but Connor held his hand out. "Don't shoot! We need it alive!"

The android took the opportunity and fell down the slippery bank to get to the highway where busy cars were racing by. Hank and I caught up to him and Hank held the fence to catch his breath. "Oh fuck, that's insane..." He huffed out. I frantically kept my eyes on the deviant and the girl as they rushed on to the road and barely avoided the the cars speeding by. Back and forth, back and forth, the girl screaming when they almost got hit. 

Connor gripped the fence determined to go after them but Hank grabbed his shoulder. "Hey! Where're you goin'?"

"I can't let them get away". He yelled frustrated.

"They won't! They'll never make it to the other side".

"I can't take that chance".

He quickly began climbing up the fence but again, Mr Anderson stopped him by roughly pulling him down. "Hey, you will get yourself killed! Do NOT go after 'em Connor, that's an order!"

"Connor, please don't go". My small voice didn't compare to Hank's booming orders, but I didn't want Connor to get hurt. Or worse.

He hesitated before stepping away from the fence and looking at the ground in defeat. 

Connor's POV


R      D               AN

Software Instability  ⬆

     FCT       R                               FL


Hank ⬆


I let them get away.


My instructions were clear but something was preventing me from my mission.

I must remember to run a self-analysis soon.


Your POV

The car came to a slow stop next to a curb in the city. There was opposite a large food truck with a glowing sign on top of it. 'Chicken Feed'. That's a strange name. I could also see the dark puddles on the ground outside since it had started rain right when the deviant got away. The sky was a little darker than when we first left the DPD and the rain on the windshield made the place look gloomy, completely different to what it was like this morning. 

Hank opened his door then turned to face Connor. "Stay here". He instructed sternly.

Mr Anderson got out of the car and walked over to the truck, followed shortly after by Connor who completely ignored what Hank said. I decided to stay in the car as I didn't want Hank to be mad at me and I didn't want to get soaked by the rain that was falling heavily outside.

But also because I felt guilty. I wasn't a very good detective. I could have helped him and Connor catch the android but I didn't know what to do. 

Connor's POV

I followed Hank up to the truck. I didn't want to leave him unaccompanied in the rain so maybe he would appreciate the gesture. However when I got near him, I saw him talking to another human who he seemed familiar with. I stayed out of the conversation and waited for him to talk to me when he was done. In the meantime, I took the liberty of scanning the man and the truck vendor to see who they were, as well as the inside of the truck to determine the scale of health this place holds. 



Born: 01/25/2005 // Unemployed

Criminal record: Illegal gambling, fraud'



Born: 12/03/1988 // Business Owner

Criminal record: Resisting arrest, breach of hygiene regulations'

I placed my hands behind my back as Hank and 'Pedro' were finishing up. Though from what I saw, Hank was slipping him money for a bet. The man seemed excited at the action then turned to leave. He pointed to him and said "Hey! You won't regret this!" before he jogged down the street and out of sight.

This made me concerned for Hank. As he is a part of a police department, it wouldn't be wise of him to partake in gambling. Or anything illegal for that matter. It made me wonder why he would want to gamble in the first place. Another question that was bothering me was why out of all the places in Detroit, he decided to come here, to an overpriced food truck near a highway bridge that was surrounded by an unpleasant and unclean environment. It didn't make sense.

"What is your problem?" Hank's question made me snap out of my daze. I looked at him expectantly. "Don't you ever do as your told?". It surprised me that it wasn't as cold as he usually talks but I could sense the irritation in the question since, he did ask me to wait in the car. "Even (Y/n) waited, and she's five".

"I apologise, Lieutenant".

"Look, you don't have to follow me around like a poodle!"

I took in the information and decided the best approach to the situation. He seems angry that I disobeyed his order, but he may be mad about something else in particular. When we were first acquainted and I attempted to know him better, he became aggressive towards the thought of partnership, especially with an android. Maybe now would be a good time to make amends.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour back at the police station. I didn't mean to be unpleasant".

"Oh wow. You've even got a brown-nosing apology program". His tone seemed less angry than before, which is a good sign.


Hank ⬆


"Guys at Cyberlife thought of everything, huh?" He contemplated on the company that made me. I took it as a compliment and noted that apologising could be the best outcome for future decisions. I smiled and faced forward again to see what 'Gary' was doing. He handed Hank a box and a beverage cup, presumably filled with a soda of some sort. "Here you go".

"Ah! Thanks Gary, I'm starving...". He took them thankfully then made his way over to the tall, chairless table that had a medium yellow umbrella covering it in the middle. Gary called after him through the truck opening desk. "Don't leave that thing here". 

Is he referring to me?

"Huh, not a chance! Follows me everywhere..."

I guess so.

I walked to him and placed my elbows on the table, linking my hands together while doing so. Perhaps I could learn more about him. I'll start by asking about his habits.

"Do you eat here often?"

"Most days........Gary makes the best burger in Detroit".

That's one thing checked off. Hank appears to come here on a regular basis. Maybe he'd like to know about Connor androids. "Is there anything you'd like to know about me?"

"Hell, no.... Well, yeah, um...Why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?"

Is there something wrong with my voice? I didn't realise a problem in my self analysis.

"Cyberlife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans. Both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration". I explained. Hank looked at me blankly.

"Well, they fucked up" He replied simply then continued eating his food. I needed to get to the bottom of this. There has to be another reason for his hostility towards me.

"Can I ask you a personal question, lieutenant?"

He waited. I shook my head before asking. 

"Why do you hate androids so much?".

He stayed quiet for a moment before answering. "I have my reasons".

Nothing specific, but at least I know now that something must have happened in the past involving androids.

He decided to change the subject to avoid more questioning. "You ever dealt with deviants before?".

I stared into nothingness to recover the memory. I found it, but regretted it. It was supposed to be forgotten as it reminded me of that night. The night I didn't accomplish my mission. And innocent people were lost because of it.

(Flashback of Daniel and Emma falling off the roof while Connor tried to safe her)

"A few months back... A deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with a little girl..."

"And?..." He asked in suspicious concern. I shouldn't lie to him.

"I failed to prevent it".

He looked down with sympathy for the first time. It didn't make the memory any easier to process though. I'd forgotten about it for so long that....remembering it made me realise the danger I could put (Y/n) in. I turned to look at the car and saw her looking at the rain with interest, not acknowledging that I was looking at her. It made me feel something. Something new.

"Lieutenant, what if.....what if I can't protect (Y/n)? What if something happens.....and I can't stop it?".

He stared at me wide eyed at the sudden burst of fear. He placed his burger down in the box and stared off for a bit until finally locking eyes with me. 

"There's no real way of knowing when they're gonna be in danger, Connor. You just gotta be there. Look after 'em. I'm sure she'll be fine with a walking tin can like you". He chuckled at the end of his sentence which made me smile. Maybe it's not so bad after all. Despite the light insult, but I'll take any chance I get of Hank being happy around me.

I turned to him and decided to ask him something. "Lieutenant, is it possible that your friend could have something to give to (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, he should have some juice boxes or somethin' in the back. Wait here. And actually wait here this time". He pointed to the ground then threw his empty box and drink in the trash can next to him. I stayed put. He then walked to the open part of the food truck and came back with a drink and a container. When he walked back to the table, my LED flashed yellow and I picked up a report.

"I just got a report of a suspected deviant. It's a few blocks away. We should go have a look".

He nodded and we walked back to the car. I decided to sit in the backseat with (Y/n) this time as the abrupt sense of paranoia was catching up with me. It would be wise to stay with her as much as possible. Hank handed her the juice box and the other box and she took it shyly. Why is she so quiet all of a sudden?

"Thanks, Mr Anderson". Even her voice was hard to hear. Is something wrong with her?

"(Y/n), are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just feel bad cause I wasn't a good detective. The androids got away. I should've helped more". My scanners were showing a strange result. Her symptoms are very confusing, and ones I haven't come across at the same time before. Guilt, determination, happiness? She's having very mixed emotions. It's best not to overwhelm her. Maybe, she needs a little encouragement.

"Well, uh... we've got another deviant case that we're going to investigate now, if you're interested. I mean, hey! If you don't want to, that's fine too. Who would want to go on a cool adventure anyway".

"I, I didn't say that".

I smiled knowingly. I think it's working.

"Oh boy, I don't think we can do this mission without (Y/n), Lieutenant Anderson. I guess we should just turn around and head back to the DPD".

"Hey, I CAN go on the mission!"

"Okay then, Junior Detective. You ready now?"


Hank rolled his eyes and smiled. Then we began the drive to the scene.

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