The True Gods (Highschool DxD...

By TrueRisingFTW

414K 4.5K 2.4K

Great Red and Ophis are known as the strongest of the strong, but what if I were to tell you that there are t... More

Kuoh Observation
Who are you?
A Little Trip To The Next World
Black Magic and Times Anger
The Warning and Purification
Alpha Origin
Arrival in Crocus
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 (Part 1)
Day 3 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Part 1)
Day 4 (Part 2)
Day 4 (Final)
Split Up Time
Two Unknown Powers
New Worlds Within Mischief
Mischief and Despair
The Bridge to Freedom
Supersonics and A Crystalline Beast
Display of Power
Return to Destruction
One's True Ruler
Clash of Titans
Next World Vote [Closed]
A Fairy Goodbye
A Relaxing Day?
World of the Gifts
A Festival In Digit Five
Prophecy of Death
The Game of Death Starts
Cloaks Revealed
Life and Death
Battle In Space
A True Battle Of Life And Death
Next World Vote 2 [Closed]
Two Worlds Collide


23.7K 260 431
By TrueRisingFTW

A/N: This story is a story of harem but not from just DxD, but from other worlds as well.


Echo and Vast were currently floating above the town of Kuoh, Vast was using his powers to distort the area around them so they weren't visible.

"Kuoh Town, from what my abilities are telling me of its history." Echo stated.

"Kuoh huh? Strange name... anyway, there seems to be quite the concentration of demonic energy in this place, also some sense of holy energy..." Vast added.

"Yeah, it would seem that its being occupied by what seems to be devils from the Gremory and Sitri house, unless my information is inaccurate which I highly doubt, they seem to think they're in control of this place."

Vast just snorted in amusement after hearing that. "So they claimed this place as theirs without the humans even knowing so, it really sickens me."

"It was the humans who have seemed to have built this entire place, and those devils houses have taken them as their territory."

"Why don't we just deal with them now before they end up getting even bigger egos then they already have, thinking that they're so high and mighty."

"While I would love to do so, we don't want to attract attention towards us from any of the factions, we'll only do so on our own terms... and if they end up harming humans, we won't be merciful."

"Damn straight. By the way, these devils along with the other races believe themselves as a superior species to humans, right?" Echo nodded towards him. "If that's the case, I wonder what'd they think if they were shown how strong humans can truly be, there are many worlds we've seen with humans who have surpassed even levels of high end gods in their worlds."

"True that, if we'd wish to bring such humans here, we'd need permission from father, though I highly doubt he'd permit it."

"Whatever, let's see what this town has to offer us."


Echo and Vast were currently walking through the town, it had already turned night time as the peaceful sound of quiet ruled the area.

"I must say, while this world isn't exactly up to scratch, it does have its strong points." Echo mused. Vast agreed with him wholeheartedly.

"Definitely. In the coming years, it'll probably grow for the better, hopefully not for the worst."

The two dragons had explored the town during the day and were satisfied, it was a peaceful town despite the devils housing the place.

But in all reality, we all know that good things always have to come to an end at some point.

"You feel that?" Vast asked. They both had stopped walking, their eyes were narrowed and looked towards the forest.

"Yeah. Demonic and holy energy, very close together, it could mean trouble." Echo replied. His senses also picking up the signals.

"Then we should check it out, just in case." Vast added. Echo nodded before Vast held his hand forwards and created two portals before they stepped in.


The two dragons walked out from the two portals and arriving at what appeared to be a large church in the middle of a forest.

They could definitely feel the demonic and holy energies in the area and also the scent of blood that filled the air.

"Let's switch to our altered human states just in case we have to fight while also not being recognised." Echo suggested.

"Got it." That was when both of their bodies began to morph, Echo was now wearing metallic blue and silver armour.

Vast was wearing a white and purple armour. Overall, the armours looked like a humanoid form fo their true forms.

"Alright, show us what's happening." Echo stated. Vast nodded his head and held his hand towards the church, but not before they both flew on top of a small cliff a bit away.

When Vast did the action, the space in front of them distorted as a mirror like screen appeared, and in the mirror, they could see the inside.

They observed with cross arms as the screen displayed a boy with brown hair in a school uniform yelling at a black haired woman wearing a revealing outfit but also with a pair of black feathered wings.

There was also another girl that was laying unconscious on one of the seats of the church.

"The boy seems to be a devil while the black haired woman is a fallen angel." Echo stated. Vast could also tell thanks to the energies they felt.

"Definitely a fallen angel, while she may be an angel, the amount of negative energy I'm detecting is horrid, and that blonde girl seems to be human."

"It also seems that they're about to brawl, not our business though, being a part of the church is also quite dangerous, that girl got dragged into the mess."

Vast nodded his head before swiping his hand as the screen faded away, they then heard pairs of wings flapping causing them to turn around.

"Hmm?" They both muttered.

When they turned, they were looking at a blonde girl wearing a gothic outfit, a woman with blue hair, and a man with a fedora. All seeming to be Fallen Angels.

"Who the hell are you two?" The man asked. His voice seemed to hold confidence and also superiority as he spoke.

The two didn't answer as they just stared at the three figures flying and staring down at them, who were probably trying to make themselves seem like big shots in front of them.

"Aren't you going to talk, or are you too scared to even speak?" The blue haired woman smirked. The blonde girl began chuckling alongside the man.

"It doesn't matter who they are, let's just kill them and get the job done!" The blonde stated. She the formed a spear in her hand which was composed entirely of light that was pink of all colours.

She then threw it done at Echo and Vast who didn't even move, when the spear collided with them, a dust cloud surged.

When it cleared, the fallen angels expected the two to be completely decimated, but were shocked when it revealed to show Echo holding the tip of the spear with his thumb and index finger.

"What the hell?! How are they still alive?" The man shouted. The other two stared at the duo in shock while underneath the helmets, Echo and Vast held bored looks.

"Just keep attacking, they'll die!" The blue haired woman yelled. They all began to charge a spear in their hands.

They were going to throw them, but stopped when Echo reeled his head back as a small blue orb formed in front his mouth and the crystals on his body glowed along with his eyes.

"Roar of Time!"

When he threw his head forwards, a giant blue beam shot out and rushed at incredible speed towards them, they were all paralysed as it completely engulfed the blue haired woman.

"Wha-!" The blue haired woman was going to say something, but couldn't when she was completely disintegrated.

"What? Kalawarner!" The male and blonde shouted. Fear replaced their eyes as they looked down at the figures who stared back at them.

"Hm, I used close to no power in that attack and she's already done?" Echo muttered. His voice clearly in disappointment.

"Should be expected, you can easily tell that our powers dwarf theirs." Vast stated. Vast then sighed to himself. "I'm going to end this so we can go home, do you mind?"

"Go right ahead, this isn't worth our time." Echo replied. Vast nodded as he stepped up, the angels backed up in fear when they saw him.

Fear increasing further as the eyes of both Echo and Vast glowed red. Vast then reeled his right arm back as it was covered in a pinkish purple energy along with the pearls on his body and his eyes glowing.

"Night, night. Spacial Rend!" Vast then swiped his arm quickly to the left.

The angels widened their eyes when it caused a pink crescent-shaped blade of energy to fly at them at insane speeds.

They couldn't even make a sound as their bodies were sliced in half simultaneously. Vast then walked back towards Echo while the body parts fell to the ground.

"That was pathetic, let's just leave before my mind just gets filled with more disappointment." Vast sighed.

"Good idea, enough is enough for one day." Echo agreed. "I'll see you later?"


With that, they each created their own respective portals before entering through and back into their own dimensions.

They did however notice two people who were watching the fight, a red haired girl and a black haired girl whose hair was tied in a ponytail, though they didn't say anything about it.

The red haired girl looked on in curiosity and interest before a smirk made its way to her face.

"I wonder who they were, and such power, I wonder..."

She then held a chess piece in her hand as she looked towards where she had see the two.

" we may have found ourselves some new members..."


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