
By shrikhandpuri

715 147 49

movie partners (n) two people who watch movies together with or without having a romantic relationship with... More

#4|appu gets a job
#5|i have a bad clothing choice
#6|aftermaths of breaking a pinky promise
#7|when your date loves your sister
#9|asking Ryan for adopting Reason
#10|i walk like a penguin
#11|my best friend gives me a piggyback ride
#12|be my movie partner
#14|hide and seek
#15|ryan finds me
#16|ignoring ryan once again
#17|ryan gets his phone back
#18|i get my braces adjusted
#19|planning the fresher's party

#13|pros and cons

17 8 3
By shrikhandpuri

My diary was in front of me, my pen was just beside the diary, I had many happenings to write about, but still couldn't write anything. I was anxious.

I was left with more 12 hours. I had to take decision real quick but was not able to. My decision would decide the coming future. I could not take a wrong decision.

I also wondered if I still had a crush on Ryan. I did find his personality cute, but after all what happened couldn't be forgotten so easily. I no more cared about his attention and completely regretted for my choice. My long fifteens years of liking for Ryan had came to an end. And the way I had never thought of.

Reason looked up at me. We both were so attached to each other that if any one of us was sad, we would come to know. I smiled at him and picked him up to snuggle him tightly. Reason loved my snuggles more than the bones.

In the mean of time, Reason had became a teddy bear for me, with whom I would share my inner thoughts. Like teddy bears, he wouldn't speak anything. But the caring eyes spoke a lot. 

"I don't know what to do Reason. Ryan asked me to be his movie partner and if I don't accept it he would expose Armaan's truth to everyone. You know I cannot put Armaan in a problem. He is my really good friend. I don't know how I'm gonna tackle this problem,"

"You can tackle your problems easily if you have an ice cream with you," I heard Ved.

I instantly turned to him hoping that he didn't hear what I said before. Looking at his happy expressions, it didn't seem like he overheard me.

"I got you chocolate ice cream with strawberries."

He placed the bowl on my desk and got seated behind me on the bed.

"Why did you get me the ice cream? We had the desert like just thirty minutes ago."

"It's a token of appreciation, Dhvani. I am really happy by the way you are raising Reason."

Reason instantly cocked his head at Ved when he heard his name. I looked at Reason and smiled at him.

"Thank you,"

I dropped Reason back on the floor and he played with his toys. I plopped beside Ved and we both ate the ice cream.

"So, how was your cruise experience?"

"Amazing, I got so many things to learn from there. And you know, I was asked to plan the menu."

"That's nice,"

"It was hard for me to decide what to include in the menu! I had to think for every passenger and then plan the menu."

"So much of work. How did you even do that?"

"I was obviously not trained for that. So I simply made two columns and wrote pros and cons of each items of the cuisine. It took me like two days, but helped me a lot."

"Being chef is so hard. Remember, when I was small, I used to say that even I want to be a chef so that I can eat all the dishes. I'm glad I changed my mind," I laughed.

After we finished our ice cream Ved went to wash the bowls and keep them in the cupboard. Later he fell asleep while I thought of Ryan and the conversation.

I recalled how Ved made pros and cons to decide which dish to put in the menu. I decided to follow the same, with a twist. I had made pointers that highlighted my flaws, the flaws that would work as a strong excuse. The pointers would help Ryan to reconsider his decision, according to me. I was so stressed out that didn't even realise how stupid my idea was.

After spending a few rigorous minutes, I finally wrote down four points. I glanced at the points, straining my brain for the fifth and last point.

Points :
I eat a lot of food
Cannot keep my phone on silent
I stink

Keeping in mind that I no more care what Ryan thinks of me, I penned down the points.

Since Ryan was from the commerce stream, there was no way he would contact my batchmates and tell them about my flaws. He hardly spoke to people from his own batch. And even if he did spread, Atharv was with me.

I had decided, after the problem gets solved I would divert my attention completely to Atharv. He was the only one who could help me to overcome my feelings for Ryan.

"Do you know any of such flaw that I don't know?" I asked Reason who sat beside the lamp, looking at me innocently.

"Why did I even name you after Ryan's incident? He is a douche," I groaned.

My phone rang snapping me out. It was Atharv's.

"Speak up," I spoke.

"My dad is going out for two days. So Netflix and chill?" he joked.

"Shut up," I checked the time on my phone.

"It's one o'clock you idiot, why did you call?"

"I just happen to see the trailer of Desi Boys and it seems really good. So we're going to watch it tomorrow at my place."

I rolled my eyes, "Why is everyone talking about films? Aren't there any other topics left in the world?"

"Wait, what?"

"I'm not going to watch the movie at night, okay? 7pm seems good,"

"Yeah obviously, you pass out in midst of the film." Atharv chuckled.

Did I just got a point?

"What did you just say?"

"You pass out in the midst,"

"Damn, I pass out in the midst of the film." I chuckled having gotten a new point.

"Yeah, what's so interesting in that?"

I immediately penned down the point.

"I love you so much," I giggled, glancing at the completed list.

"I guess I know that,"

"Alright then, we'll directly go to your house tomorrow after our lectures." I told.


I ended the call and glanced at the list again, confidence boosting up in me. Just then my phone buzzed. It was Ryan's text.

~ 10 hrs more
Will meet you in the locker room.

I had my breakfast early and went to the college a bit early. I checked multiple times if I had kept the pointer's page in my bag. Unlike the last day, it was raining hard.

I didn't ask Atharv to pick me up, since I was avoiding him until the matter would get solved. I wanted to solve the matter on my own with ease and if Atharv would have known about it he would've created unnecessary chaos. I had to keep it a secret and act cool in front of him or he would make out immediately that I was hiding something from him. And I hate lying to him.

I straightaway went to the locker room where Ryan was supposed to be. Atharv had texted me before that he was on the ground.

"Hey," I heard Ryan's voice, while I was typing a message to Atharv.

"Hi," I cocked my head immediately at him before pressing the send button.

~ ill meet you at the canteen in break

"Uh, wait. I've something for you." I grinned at him before removing frooti from my bag.

Just an attempt of bribing, nothing else. My hatred for him was still on.

"Here you go," I handed him the frooti.

Ryan passed a chuckle as he glanced at the tetra pack. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Anyways, what did you decide?" he cocked his head at me.

I handed him the paper, pursing my lips tight. I knew he would never like me after he reads the pointers. But who cared? Definitely not me. Or maybe just a little bit.

"What's this?"

"The reasons why I cannot be your movie partner,"

"Huh?" he glanced at the list.

"Migraine, I eat a lot of food, can't keep my phone on silent," he read out the pointers loudly.

"One of my parent's strict rules," I clarified.

"So you don't put your phone on silent when you're in lectures?" I did.

I looked away nervously. He had no idea what was coming next.

"Stinky, like seriously Dhvani?" He giggled looking at me.

"You might not want to go out in public with a stinky person like me." I clarified.

He shrugged his shoulder.

"I pass out in the midst the movie," Ryan chuckled once again.

"That's true," I spoke.

He huffed and handed me the paper back. I wondered what did that mean. He accepted or not?

"Stop behaving like a child, infact even children won't give such stupid reasons."

I lowered my head being embarrassed and highly regretting for making the points.

"I've solutions for everything you've written. I'll book such seats that won't strain your eyes," he pulled out his thumb at me.

"You can eat as much as you want, I won't point you." he pulled out his index finger at me.

"There are things called as deodorants to eliminate the odour. And, I'm strong enough to pick you up if you pass out in the midst. And, about the phone thing, we'll definitely find some way out."

I looked at him nervously as he struck off all my pointers within a minute. Do I really have to mention that I had no option left? I should have known that the flaws idea was not going to work.

"Be my movie partner and I won't ever disclose the video to anyone,"

I had pinky promised Armaan. I knew how bad the situation would get if his secret gets disclosed to everyone. He could get removed from the college. His parents being orthodox, would never accept him and the society would make Armaan's life even worse. Getting a job would be really difficult for him. The overall situation would get unbearable for Armaan. And I was the one to save him from that.

Armaan had done lots of good things for me in the past and also had saved me and Atharv from getting caught in the exams while cheating. If we would have got caught back then, our entire one year would have gotten wasted. If I ditch him for my own good, I would never get rid of the guilt in my entire life. It was my payback time.

"I'll be your movie partner," I told, without giving a second thought.

Ryan smiled at me, victory showing on his face.

"And one thing, make sure you won't disclose about our deal to anyone."

"Yeah, I hope you will keep that thing in mind too." I snapped.

"I will, Dhvani."

He looked back at the frooti I had gave him. I wasted my ten rupees for Ryan.

"I don't drink this thing, Dhvani." he spoke before handing me the frooti back.

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