The Girl Who lived, loved and...

Oleh MidnightMadness_147

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I'm sure you've read 100 stories about Harry Potter sister. And maybe this one isn't any different. Or maybe... Lebih Banyak

The night it all happened
lily Potter ?
We meet again
4 Champions
Its getting Sirius
Charlie Weasley
The first Trial
Pre Ball Jitters.
Yule ball
After math
The Day Before
The Second trial
A Meeting with Padfoot
Letters, Crouch, Twins oh my
Family and Friends
The Third Trial
He Returns.
Summer days
Family trouble
Dinner party
Noble house of black
Prefect Party
Warning back to Hogwarts.
Classes 2
Day at Hogsmeade
High Inquisitor
Taking things up a notch
Dumbledore's Army
Quidditch War
St Mungo's Hospital
St Mungo's Hospital pt2
Merry Christmas
Fun times over
Umbrige is a Bitch
letting the public know
Change in management
Ill figure it out later
The Ultimate Exit
Owls /Newts
Depart for Department of Mysteries
Battle at the Department Of Mysteries
The Second War begins
Business as usual
Happy Depressing Birthday
Re-acquaintaned with Hogwarts
independent variable
To the night of the party.
Christmas with the Weasely's
Happy birthday
Battle of the Astronomy Tower
Battle at the Astronomy Tower pt2
Worriors Death
Grimmauld Place
The Ministry
Theres a lot we dont know
If Not Us Who?
Godric's Hollow
Question and few answers
Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manner
Bill and Fleur's Cottage
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Gotta get back to school
Battle of Hogwarts
Beginning of the End
The beginning meets the end
The War to End all Wars
The End is Only The Beginning
19 years later.


1.1K 33 4
Oleh MidnightMadness_147

They was no proper funeral for Moody. They couldn't find his body. Another person Danie never saw dying. Not like this. He was a leader. She supposed that war doesn't stop to morn the dead. Though Mrs. Weasely certainly kept everyone busy. She had everyone running around doing different tasks to prepare for the up coming wedding. More than anyone Harry, Ron, Hermione and Danie. Though Fleur was doing a good job of that on her own. As one of her bridesmaids she was helping Fleur make last minute decisions.
"You know mum is trying to keep you and the three Musketeers away from eachother so you can plan " George said as the three of them cleared the yard for the fifth time.
"What are you planning anyway?" Fred asked leaning on his rake.
"If I'm being honest I'm not sure their is one. I'm not even sure how long it will take" she sighed deeply " but it has to be done and I believe that they are the only ones that can do it. And I can't just let them go on their own, their kids"
"Their more than kids now" Fred told her.
" That's what I'm afraid of" Danie frowned.
With the arrival of Fleur's parents and sister the burrow became even more crowded. Danie was the only one that was able to understand what they were saying when they spoke in French.
"Lily chéri, c'est un plaisir de te voir" (Lily dear it's so nice to see you) beamed madam Delacour.
"Mme. Delacour comment vas-tu? ton voyage était agréable j'espère" (Mrs. Delacour how are you? Your travel was pleasant I hope) Danie smiled and kissed the woman on both cheeks. Fleur certainly got her good looks from her mother. Mr. Delacour wasn't nearly as attractive but was a pleasant man all the same. Though perhaps not as close as some of her other friends but she had grown quite friendly with Fleur in their school days.
The morning of Harry's 17th birthday had arrived. Danie was in the kitchen with Mrs. Weasley and Mrs. And Mr. Delacour. Harry and Ron came down into the kitchen. Harry's presents were piled on the table. Mrs. Weasely had gotten Harry a watch, apparently it was a tradition when Wizards came of age. For Danie's 17th birthday Remus gave her a locket with a picture of her, Remus, Harry, her parents and Sirius inside. Harry went through the rest of his gifts before the kitchen became a bit too crowded. The last gift Harry had opened was from Danie. It was a amulet that had the same photo inside.
"I thought an amulet would be a bit more mocho" Danie smiled at him. He hugged her.
"Thank you" Harry was called away by Ginny. Ron and Hermione looked at eachother, but Hermione then proceeded to take care of these gifts presumably to pack them away for him.
"Danielle dear, would please go with Bill to get Charlie? He's coming in by port key and I don't want Bill Going alone" Mrs. Weasely asked later that afternoon.
"Of course" bill and Danie walked through the valley to the place where the portkey was to arrive. They didn't have to wait long before a bright light bursted out of no where and when it cleared Charlie was their with his trunk.
"Charlie" Danie said happily. She hugged him.
"How was the trip?" Bill asked hugging his brother briefly.
"Pretty good. The dragons didn't like me leaving though. I'm gonna pay for that one when I get back" he nervously laughed. On the walk back Charlie mostly talked about dragons and his work in Romania. He and Danie still kept in decent contact thanks to the mirror he gave Danie earlier that year, so she leet Charlie and Bill catch up. Listening for the most part.
"She's going to make you cut your hair ya know" Bill said as they were arriving at gate of the burrow.
"She can try" Charlie said.
"Oh Charlie dear!" Mrs. Weasely smiled. Charlie walked over to his mother.
"He doesn't stand a chance" Danie said watching Mrs. Weasely faun over her son.
"Nope" agreed Bill.
It was around seven when everyone finally showed up. Everyone was mostly sat at the table in the yard Fred and George had enchanted purple lanterns with 17 written on them.
"Their beautiful" Danie smiled at them. George wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. Danie turned around and smiled at him. She focused shifted to the bandages around his head. She started adjusting them.
"Stop fussing live. I'm alright, really" George sighed.
"Sorry" Danie quickly moved her hands and pretended to dust off George shoulder.
"Just get married already" Fred groaned as he walked by them and twords the table" Danie rolled her eyes but felt heat rush to her cheeks. Danie moved over to talk to Tonks.
"You look.... different" Danie said, not in a ride way.
"Whada mean?" Tonks asked.
"I'm not sure, you gust seem to be glowing. Maybe it's an effect of just being married" Danie smiled at her, she returned the expression.
"It's like a dream. Remus really is such a great husband. He's so kind and smart"
"You really love him"
"I do, I really do" it was nice seeing Tonks gush over Remus. It was nice that someone would be able to show him how great of a man he is, something Danie had known all along.
" I think we better start without Arthur" Mrs. Weasely called out to everyone" he must be held up at- oh"
Just as she said that a weasle patrons appeared on the table.
"Minister coming with me" it said in Mr. Weasely voice before disappearing into the air.
"We shouldn't be here.....Have.... I'm sorry.... I'll explain another time" Remus grabbed Tonks by the wrist and the two of them ran for the gate and disapparated immediately. Danie walked over to Harry. Why would the minister be coming. He couldn't know if their plans. Perhaps he intends try and make Harry the ministries. Her thoughts were interrupted by the minister himself, followed by Mr. Weasely.
"Sorry to intrude, especially as I can see that I am gate-crashing a party" said Scrimgeour "many happy returns"
" thanks" said Harry. Danie held a unimpressed expression. She didn't care for the minister interrupting Harry's birthday.
" I require a private word with the two of you, also with mr. Ronald Weasley and Miss Hermione Granger"
Danie raised an eyebrow.
"Us?" said Ron sounding surprised "Why Us?"
"I shall tell you that when we are somewhere more private, is there such a place?" He demanded from mr. Weasley. Danie didn't care for his tone.
"yes of course, the, er, sitting room" mr. Weasley replied "why don't you use that"
"you can lead the way" he told Ron "there will be no need for your acompany Arthur" Danie gave George a concerned look before following the others into the living room. The four of them sat on the couch and Scrimgeour sat infront of them.
"I have a few questions for you four and I think it will be best if we do it individually--"
"I don't think so" Danie said politely.
"We're not going anywhere" said Harry as Hermione nodded in agreement "You can speak to us together or not at all" Scrimgeour gave a cold look.
"Every well then, together" he said, he cleared his throat and continued " I am here, as I'm sure you know, because of Albus Dumbledore's will".
Ron, Harry and Hermione gave a eachother looks well Danie kept her compose. That couldn't be the only reason he was here.
"Of course" Danie said simply " though I do wonder why it took so long, minister"
"Yeah, Dumbledore died over a month ago. Why has it taken this long to give us what he left us?" Harry asked
"Isn't it obvious" said Hermione "they wanted to examine whatever he left us, you have no right to do that!" she said
" I had every right" Scrimgeour said dismissively "the decree of justifiable Confiscation gives the ministry the power to confiscate contents of a will--"
" The law was created to stop Wizards from passing dark artifacts" said Hermione "and the ministry is supposed to have powerful evidence that the deceased's possessions are illegal before seizing them. Are you telling me that you thought Dumbledore was trying to pass us something curse?" Danie could help but feel a bit of pride. 'That a girl, Hermione ' Danie thought her herself.
"Are you planning to follow a career in magical law Miss Granger?" Asked Scrimgeour
"No I am not "retorted Hermione "I am hoping to do some good in the world" Ron laughed.
"So why have you decided to let us have our things now? Can't think of a pretext to keep them?" Asked harry cooly
" They can't keep objects past 31 days unless they have proven to be dangerous" Danie explained "his time is up"
" what do you say you were close to Dumbledore Ronald?" Scrimgeour asked Ron ignoring what Hermione and Danie just said.
"Me not....not really, it was always Harry who..."  Hermione gave him a 'stop talking look'
" If you are not close to Dumbledore how do you account for the fact that he remembered you in his will. He made exceptionally few personal the bequest, that's the majority of his possessions, his private Library, his magical instruments and other personal effects are left to Hogwarts" said Scrimgeour" why do you think you are signaled out?"
"I don't know.....I when I said we weren't close ..I mean.... I think he like me " Ron stuttered
"You really don't know much about Dumbledore or these three do you?" Danie said in a calm voice.
"Please Ms Potter doing enlighten me" the minister said in a stern voice.
"With please" Danie smiled politely "in there first year these three stopped a full grown troll. They also stopped Voldemort in his attempts to get the Sorcerer's Stone.  In their second year Mrs. Granger discovered what was petrifying students and my brother along with Mr. Weasely put a stop to the monster. In their fifth year as I'm sure your aware all three including myself took part in the battle  of the department of mysteries"
"Is that what their calling it now" asked Harry.
"It appears so" Danie Answered " so you see Mr. Minister it's all makes sense. Why wouldn't Dumbledore take interests in them"
"That doesn't explain why he left something to you, Ms. Potter. It would appear you haven't known Albus very long at all" Scrimgeour smirked slightly.
"On the contrary, I've known Dumbledore for most of my life. I've been in close contact with him for quite some time" everyone seemed thrown off by this.
"You....what?" Harry said.
"I'll explain another time, I believe Mr. Scrimgeour has a will to get to" Danie said. Not being able to find anything else to say scrimgeour continued on. Dumbledore left Ron his Deluminator, a object of Dumbledore's own design.  To Hermione he left a copy of  The Tales Of The Beedle and Barn, an old wizard fairy tail.
"To Ms. Danielle Lily Potter I leave my trusted Pheonix Fawkes, as I trust they will do right by eachother" Scrimgeour read from the will.
"I take it you couldn't find Fawkes" Danie said calmly.
"Yes" Scrimgeour glared at her " the Pheonix has seemed to disappear. Why do you think he left the creature to you?" He asked
"Because Fawkes likes me" Ron and Harry laughed.
" To Harry James Potter I leave the snitch he caught in his first quidditch match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill" Scrimgeour read" why did Dumbledore leave this snitch?"
" no idea, for the reason you just read, I supposed, to remind me what I can get if you persevere and whatever it was"
"you think this is a mere symbolic keepsake then?"
"I suppose so what else could it be?"
"I'm asking questions"
"Your questions are pointless" Danie said, he ignored her
"I know that's your birthday cake is the same shape as a snitch, why is that?" If Danie wasn't annoyed before she certainly was now. Was this guy serious. Danie scoffed and Hermione laughed derisively.
" Oh, it can be a reference to the fact Harry's a great Seeker, that's way too obvious" said Hermione" there must be a secret message from Dumbledore coming in the icing"
" I don't think there's anything hidden in the icing" said Scrimgeour "but a snitch would be a very good hiding place for something small, you know why I'm sure"
"because that just a flesh memories" Danie and Hermione said at the same time "what?" Said Harry and Ron together.
"Correct" said scrimgeour "the snitch is not touched by bare skin before it is released, not even by the maker, who wears gloves. It carries an enchantment by which it can identify the first human to lay hands on it, in case of a disputed capture. The snitch" he held up the tiny Golden Ball "will remember your touch Potter, it occurs to me that Dumbledore, who  has prodigious magical skills, whatever his other faults, might have enchanted this snitch so that it will open only for you"  a few stressful moment passed but Harry did take the snitch from Scrimgeour and to Danie's relief and disappointment nothing happened.
" Dumbledore left you a second bequest Potter"
"what is it?" Asked  Harry
"The sword of godric Gryffindor"
"so where is it?"
"unfortunately" said Scrimgeour "the sword was not Dumbledore's to give away, the sword of godric Gryffindor is an important historical artifact and as such belongs--"
" it belongs to Harry" said Hermione loudly "it shows itself to him, he was the one who found it. It came to him out of the sorting hat--"
"According to reliable historical sources the sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor" said Scrimgeour" that does not make it the exclusive property of mr. Potter, whatever Dumbledore may have decided. why do you think--"
" Dumbledore wanted to give me the sword?" as Harry said. Danie could tell Harry was struggling to control his anger" maybe he thought it would like look nice on my wall"
"This is not a joke Potter" growth Scrimgeour "was it because Dumbledore believes that only The sword of godric Gryffindor could defeat the heir of Slytherin? Did he wish to give you that sword Potter because he believed, as many do, that you are the one destined to destroy he-who-must-not-be-named?"
" interesting theory, has anyone ever tried sticking a sword in Voldemort maybe the ministrie should put some people on that instead of wasting their time stripping down the deluminators or covering up breakouts from Azkaban. So, is this what you've been doing Minister? Shut up and your office trying to break open a snitch, people are dying I was nearly one of them. Voldemort chase me across three countries, he killed mad eye Moody but there's no word about any of that from the ministry has there and you still expect us to cooperate with you ?" Harry finally burst. Scrimgeour jabbed Harry with his wand.
"You go too far!" Said Scrimgeour
"And you don't go far enough!" Danie raised her voice. She smacked Scrimgeour wand away from Harry and stepped infront of him. " Maybe if you actually did you a job instead of looking for some savior in a 17 year old boy there wouldn't be as may lives lost" Danie glared at him hard. Ron and Hermione dare not say anything.
" You must ware that scar like a crown, Potter but it is not up to a 17 year old boy or a silly woman to tell me how to do my job. It's time you learned some respect!"
"it's time you earn it" said Harry retorted hurried footsteps were heard.  A worried looking Mr and Mrs Weasely rushed into the room.
"We thought we heard" Mr. Weasely puffed
"Raised voices" finished Mrs. Weasely.
" was nothing" Scrimgeour growled
"The minister was just leaving" Danie said. She stared down the Minister.
" You seem to think that the ministry does not desire what you want, Dumbledore desired, we ought to be working together"
"I don't like your methods Minister" said Harry "remember"  Harry and Danie held up the hand that had been scared by Umbridge. White scars spelt out 'i must not speak' across the back of her hand. The minister left and the party continued. It took everything in Danie not to go on a rant about how the ministry was corrupt, at least well Harry was around. Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry went to bed along with the Delacour. Hagrid went to the feild to camp out of the wedding tomorrow. Mr. And Mrs. Weasely went to sleep not long after. Danie, Bill, Charlie and the twins were in the kitchen.
The Weasely siblings laughed at Danie.
"You're cute when your mad" Danie glared as Charlie.
"Very funny" Danie sighed deeply. "So how are you feeling bug guy, you're getting married tomorrow"  Charlie nudged Bill, the eldest weasely had a sort of smirky smile.
"I'm ready. Fleur is great and she gets me" George let out a laugh and Danie nudged him in the side.
"I'm really happy for you" Danie smiled 
"So whens the next wedding?" Charlie asked.
"What are you talking about ?" The twins asked.
"Well I have to have a date to know when to come back to the UK"
"No shit, but there's not going be another wedding" Fred told him.
"You know George and Danie over their" Charlie smirked.
"How did your prankster hid end up with Mrs. Potter over here?" Bill asked with a sly smile.
"I happen to be a charming, handsome, kind, passionate, smart lad who captivated our dear sweet Danielle" George Beemed
"You wish, if you'll excuse me boys I think I'll be off to bed" the boys said their goodnight to eachother and Danie left for the staircase.
"Danie wait up" she turned around and was captured in a kiss. She was dipped and when they broke apart her face was flushed bright red as she stared into the big brown eyes of her boyfriend. He helped her back up right.
"Night" he winked and left her in the dark stair case flustered.

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