Crushing On You

بواسطة PrincessQueenZ

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Love . . . It can save you. It can ruin you. *Disclaimer: This story in no way intends to defame any of the... المزيد

Arc 1: When We Were Younger
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Arc 3: What Love Can Do
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Arc 2: The Real Story Begins

170 12 26
بواسطة PrincessQueenZ

Recording these things for Snapchat stories would forever be her role when her friends decided to get on in a comical manner.

"No, no it was more like this. Look y'all. I can do a better impersonation." Said one guy. He got up from his seat at the cafeteria table and began to walk up to the two others who were standing in an exaggerated limp. His bottom lip was jutted to a side and his eyes were nearly closed. Clearly, he was making fun of someone.

When he started she cackled. "That's it! That's him! Mr. Martins is that you??! Oh my f*cking- hahahaha!" Her hand was banging on the table now.

Another boy who sat laughed softly, calmly. He watched her and couldn't help himself. "Jesy . . ." He saw that a lot of people in the cafeteria were watching and staring, smiling at her. "You're causing a scene . . ."

Jesy did not care. "But look at him! He's even better than those two! You lads need to go have a sat right here. Boo! You sucked!"

Before the other boy had come forward, two boys were trying to do an impression of one of the teachers at their school. They were called Ray Ray and Seokjin. The boy who stole the show was known as Prodigy.

Ray Ray and Jin looked rather disappointed as they watched Jesy give them a thumbs down.

"You heard the lady. Have a sat lads. Hahahaha!" A different boy at the table laughed- not the calm one. He had blonde hair styled in an edgy haircut and was called Michael.

Ray Ray seethed though he tried to hide it. "Shut up Michael! Just 'cause she's laughing at Prodigy more doesn't mean that you get a po-" He saw Michael hold up the finger to him while laughing. "Shut up! Aggghh!"

Jin looked at Prodigy do his killer impression and then pushed him to the ground. "We are no longer playing that childish game." He fixed his tie.

Jesy kept laughing. "Dumb asses! Ha ha! To all the people watching this, just know that I wasn't in this. Mr. M I'm not a bad egg."

The calm one at the table was called Yoongi. "But you were laughing."

Ray Ray found Yoongi's tactic annoying. He's just playing like he doesn't even care about the whole thing so she can choose him in the end. Everyone at school knew about them. How the boys that Jesy was always around wanted her . . . wanted to win her heart so constantly competed for it. It was sad though . . . she never gave them the time of day.

Jesy wiped away a tear and got back to eating. "I think I'll go check on my little bundle of joy about now."

Prodigy nearly fell. "You have a kid???!" He got kicked to the ground by Jin this time.

"She's talking about her sister." Jin hissed. He then smiled at his love. She's mine. The others are irrelevant. "I will accompany you sweet Jesy."

"She doesn't need you to walk her a few feet away. Jade literally sits two tables down you nimorod." Michael laughed in his throat. "I'm funny."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You don't need to check on her. She's a big girl after all."

Jesy scrunched her nose. "I know but I'm older so I feel the need to-"

"Constantly be there for her to make sure everything is always a-okay?" Prodigy softened to the idea now that he knew that Jesy had not had a child behind their backs.

Jesy nodded at him. "Exactly. That and butt into her life. Ha. Her reaction is always priceless." She snickered and then hopped to where Jade was like a bunny. Her hands were up and everything.

"Aww she's so cute." Ray Ray started to record her. The rest of the room seemed to find her cute as well.

Meanwhile, Jade was talking to some intelligent people like herself about political matters. "But how is that going to help the economy?" She stated to a boy with an opposing view.

"Look at the factors Jade. Come on . . ." The boy began to list why he felt that his point of view was superior.

Jade liked this. Every lunch time she would sit with the kids from her class to discuss worldly matters. It's easy to do this with them because they're all intelligent. I am in the smartest year twelve class after all. She smirked as she listened. But of course I don't like to brag that I skipped a year to people . . . yeah I do.

Perrie always sat with Jade's friends because she and Jade were close. Jimin was there as well because he liked listening to these nerds blab on about the world and politics. Ugh. They sound like middle-aged men. She would scurry off to be with the kids in her class but she liked Jade . . . to this day.

When the ball was thrown in Jade's court she was ready to let everyone here know that she was the one with the superior opinion. I'm smarter than them even though I'm younger. She opened up her mouth to let them have it but could not get to continue because someone kissed her cheek.

"Awww!" That table said before laughing.

Jimin covered his mouth while blushing. He turned to someone at the table and said; "Sisters." As if explaining to them why that girl did that to Jade. Everyone knew about Jade and Jesy already. They were popular at this school. Even though it's hard to be popular here . . . You had to be rich, smart or talented and good looking. Jade and Jesy had all of them. This is no regular high school. It's where the big dogs play. He was happy that things were easy for him and his friends though. They did not get bullied since they fit most requirements for being the top.

Jade could have died. She whipped her head up to look at Jesy and then frowned, her cheeks burning.

Jesy grinned with teeth and waved with her fingers. "Having a good day Pickle?"

Jade nearly died.

"Pickle?" One boy asked. Jesy usually called Jade 'Jadey' but not 'Pickle'. They laughed.

Jade hopped to her feet and nearly screamed. She held Jesy by the ear and then dragged her out of the cafeteria.

Perrie followed because she had to be with Jade at all times. "Gotta make sure that nothing like a cat fight starts up! Rar!" She said to the room before running after them.

In the hall Jade made Jesy's back face a locker.

Jesy giggled. "That was just me saying hello. Hello." She waved.

Jade wanted to ring her neck but she didn't.

Perrie came to join them and pointed at Jesy. "No nicknames at school Jesy."

"Thank you Perrie. Did you hear her? No nicknames at school. You should know that." Jade had her arms folded.

Jesy kept up her mischievous smile. She giggled. "Sorry."

Jade was disgusted. "Go play with your friends and leave me alone." She began to walk back into the room with Perrie.

Jesy laughed as she followed. She had an arm over Jade's shoulder. "Sure thing. Right after this." She kissed Jade again then ran to her friends' table.

Jade chased in annoyance with Perrie behind her. The cafeteria laughed, finding them cute but Jade growled finding this irritating. Jesy just insisted on embarrassing her! "Get back here! You can't hide in Michael's lap!"

"That's right she can't!" Ray Ray was fighting to get Jesy off of that germ.

"Point Michael! P-p-p-point Michael!' Michael stuttered for emphasis. Jin came in to stop this as well while Yoongi laughed softly.

Jade caught up and started to punish Jesy by tickling her.

Jesy laughed and kicked. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"No you're not!" Jade was laughing too and people were recording how cute they were.

Prodigy had his phone out. "Look at them! Sisters by chance friends by choice! Ahhh!"

"That nigga watches Liv and Maddie? Ugh! Barf in my mouth! Jesy! Just rule him out!" Ray Ray was saying over the noise.

Jesy kept laughing and laughing and laughing.

Jade laughed too. It was always lovely to hear Jesy laugh. It's contagious . . . Even when she was a little kid Jesy had been the only person who could make her laugh for hours on end. She kept laughing while she tickled. I mean . . . it's all still at the back of me mind but at least she's better. Looks like she forgot about it completely. She looked at Jimin and saw him laughing then glanced at Perrie who laughed as well. It's almost as if nothing ever happened in the first place . . . that's good. It's good to just move on and never remember. Maybe one day . . . I'll forget too. If Jesy could forget then that meant that it was not such a big deal right? It probably wasn't. Then why do I still remember and feel? She decided to let the sounds of laughter bury all of the noises that her thoughts produced. "That ought to teach you a lesson!" It had been as if everything had went slow while she thought and now it was at normal speed again.

Jesy stuck her tongue out just as the bell rang.

Yoongi sighed over his food. "Did not get to finish eating again."

Jesy hopped off Michael and when he got up she jumped into his arms. "You shouldn't have been fooling around and doing dumb impressions."

Yoongi's mouth hung open.

Prod laughed. They were all walking out now. Jade and Perrie had moved off a little while ago, saying good bye. "She thought it was you."

As they walked Yoongi growled. "You do realize that that means that she probably cannot tell any of us apart right?"

Silence was the only noise among them for a while.

Jesy laughed while kicking her legs in Michael's arms. "I was just messing with ya." She hopped off him to kiss Yoongi's cheek then slap his bum. "We've been best friends for five years, of course I can tell you apart."

Yoongi nearly fainted.

Michael's eyes widened. "Noo!"

Yoongi smirked up at him. "P-p-p-p-point Yoongi." He said it with much less enthusiasm and at a slow rate but it still had the same effect.

Ray Ray wanted to be the one to say that at some point. Whatever. I'll get my chance.

And with that they entered class.


As usual, Ms. Thirlwall likes to run her mouth for a million miles at the dinner table. Jade thought. She wanted it to be a thought of irritation but it was fonder than anything else.

"So that was the best you could do sport? Tickle her?" Their dad was laughing as he ate.

Their mother too found this amusing. "You should have twisted her ears backwards." She scrunched up her face at Jesy after saying that.

Jade blushed. "I would have done that but yous know how easily she cries."

Jesy giggled. "Nah that wasn't the reason. You just love me too much." She nuzzled Jade's cheek. They sat side by side, facing their parents who sat the same way.

Jade giggled. "Shut up. That's not it." She tried to look irritated but her cheeks were even warmer.

Jesy looked at her plate, cutting at some meat while whispering; "It is." She pointed with her lips at Jade so their parents could see her blush and laugh.

Jade could feel that the table was now laughing at her. "What?" She looked up and saw her parents stifling laughter. She then whipped her head to Jesy.

Jesy shrugged and acted as if nothing was going on.

Jade narrowed her eyes. "Hmm . . ." Jessica and her silly jokes. She just continued eating.

Later, they were cleaning up the table as a family and after that they did a bit of bonding over a movie.

Jade and Jesy both moved to their rooms after that. They had baths first of course. Both were dressed in pyjamas.

"Till the 'morrow alright Lil J?" Jesy was trying to do a secret hand shake with Jade.

Jade had bumped Jesy's fist but now she was lost. "What? We never made a secret hand shake. What do you expect me to do now?"

Jesy laughed. "Sorry. I mistook you for one of my guy friends. Ha ha." She patted Jade on the head. "Later alright?"

Jade rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She got a kiss on the cheek from Jesy and decided to just kiss her cheek back.

They went their separate ways after that.


After Jesy entered her room and shut her door behind her, she paused.

Her hand had a mind of its own as it did the finishing touches and locked her door.

She let that hand go limp now and it fell to her side.

Her eye lids fell considerably but not from sleepiness. The girl turned her head to her bed and made out all of the things that she hid from everyone.

It's not something to be ashamed of. It's just weird. They were just toys. A group of plush toys that probably numbered up to fifteen. That's a big number. But they were necessary.

The girl went to her bed and sat among them. She took up a pink soft bear and held it in her arms, her eyes looking straight ahead at a wall and her chin sitting atop its head.

As she stared she thought of her day. Another day had gone by. They kept happening because that was how life was. You lived through days even if you did not necessarily want to.

Sometimes you look at a part of your body. Be it your arm or your leg or even your chest. And there you see a cut. Has that ever happened? It could even be something that's already scabbed over and you wonder how it even got there in the first place. Her heart hurt inside of her delicate chest. She felt tempted to hold it but was too comfy with her bear.

Sometimes I get like that. But of course there isn't a scar on my skin. They're all inside. Wounded was her soul. If what was inside could be seen on the outside, then her smile would be less believable. She would look insane. A battered, bruised and beaten individual . . . grinning as if insane. I'd have to answer a lot of questions as well.

She could imagine her mother asking 'Jes-Jes what happened to you?' But what would she say? It would sound silly. Scars all over me and I wouldn't have not one story to tell of them. She felt bad about it a lot. After a day of her being completely fine . . . well not completely fine but more like her acting fine, she would come to her room and feel weighed down. Like the world was on her shoulders and she had already been crushed by it. And I don't even know why. She felt like she did. Like . . . like deep down she knew what the root of all of these issues were but was protecting herself from exploring the full reason. So instead she just suffered without question.

Sometimes things strike out to me and I . . . I get these feelings . . . With that she straightened herself.

The wall stared at her as she stared at it.

Jesy raised her hand and looked at her wrist. It's not what you're thinking. She wore a bracelet there that she just could never take off. There were these charms on it that made little sense together. They didn't tell much of a story but were just cute. It was like when a child drew pictures on a wall.

She saw a star, a unicorn and a heart. Charm bracelet. She remembered being happy about getting it the first time she did, but had no recollection of who gave it to her. Must have been ten or so years ago if I can't put my finger on it. She generally had bad memory but with certain things it was even worse. Well, my terrible memory is reserved for the very same feelings. She examined the bracelet by moving her hand around. It made a jingling sort of sound as the charms hit each other. I don't get it. It was like something was locked away deep, deep inside that just hurt it all even more.

And now she was both glum and frustrated.

Jesy got up and went to retrieve her lap top with her bear under her arm. She sat on her bed again with crossed legs as she opened it and typed her password in. The hour was way later than she thought it would be. I sat in the same spot for two hours. It was nearly mid-night now.

She opened up a video she had saved and watched it with her eyes fixed on the screen.

No one can see this. If they did then they'd . . . send me help. She probably needed it though. The way that her character was set up was not normal. Exactly, a character. Acting during the day and being real at night. Her eyes were wet with tears that she had not noticed had been falling.

It would probably feel nice to be given a diagnosis for it. Or at least a reason. Somehow she felt like everyone at her house knew of it better than she did. They just didn't know that it killed her and she was still very much dead within.

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