
By jaystoriess

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When two lost connect as one, anything is possible. More

I n t r o d c t i o n
C h a p t e r 1
C h a p t e r 2
C h a p t e r 3
C h a p t e r 4
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C h a p t e r 22

16.6K 760 389
By jaystoriess

Zander Holland
January 5, 2020
5:00 p.m.

"I ain't sign up for all this." JuJu leaned over me as she whispered in my ear.

Here we were in front of Maylee's supposed to be parents, her grandmother, and kids.

"Me neither. Her life is really some lifetime shit." I whispered back causing her father to glare at me.

"Should've just minded our damn business." She shook her head before glaring at everybody.

A knock at the door caused Ms.Dawn to jump up and head towards the door.

"I hope she know she getting a little too old to be getting up like that." JuJu tried to whisper but failed miserably.

"If I'm old enough to throw it back...I'm old enough for anything Chile." She waved JuJu off.

She opened the door revealing a tall dark figure to emerge into the house. He stood tall with dark chocolate skin and long kinky hair placed into a puff.

"Damn whole family blessed. Especially daddy and son." I cut my eyes at her before rolling them.

"Can we please get an explanation on what in the hell is going on. Excuse my language but I'm confused." The woman took a deep breathe before leaning over.

"Well this is my husband Wynter, I'm Delilah, my mother Roselyn, and my son Julian." I nodded towards all them waiting to hear the story.

Wynter P.O.V

Delilah was in her freshman year in college for her major in business and minor in interior designer. She had soon found a friend her roommate Katrina.

Coming to the end of her freshman year she soon found out that she was 18 years old and pregnant. Immediately telling the father who was a love interest of hers. She didn't know all the drama that would soon form behind them.

Wynter was what women called a hoe. He was 23 years old and owned his own sneaker store. Women naturally flocked to him for looks and also his money. He soon cut of his hoeish ways when he took interest in little ole Delilah.

Delilah broke the news that she was pregnant by Wynter causing the hatred and envy to flow through her best friend Katrina. She thought she had a friend but Katrina was plotting on her the whole time.

She moved in with Wynter as the months got closer for the twins to arrive. Katrina was there every step of the way. Wynter has slept with Katrina when he was younger but he didn't recognize her through the new look she held.

When Delilah was 8 months she decided to have a movie night with her best friend while Wynter goes out and pamper himself. Her life was soon flipped upside down when Katrina arrived.

Katrina had waited until Delilah was asleep before she did her attack. She took a bath into her hands and swung one time hitting Delilah in her head long enough for her to be passed out while she did her revenge.

She perfectly cut Delilah's stomach through the middle. She perfectly took the small baby girl out of the stomach before wrapping the baby into a blanket. She sewed the woman stomach back together before sneaking out the house.

The only reason that the cut went so well was because Katrina was studying being a labor and delivery nurse. She had did multiple C-sections in her labs so she was pretty experienced.

She fled Louisiana before Wynter returned home to see his girlfriend bloody in bed with a huge scar down her stomach.

She fled with baby Maylee to never be seen again. She raised Mahogany as her own before she became strung out on drugs.

Zander P.O.V

"This some lifetime movie shit." JuJu whispered shaking her head.

I shook my head also because I didn't sign up for all this. I just came to get Zaire back and found out she had a daughter also. Not to mention she was basically kidnapped before she was even born.

"Still yo did day I don't know what type of dick he had to have this woman going crazy." Ms. Dawn shook her head before lifting herself up.

"How many DNA test y'all took?" Wynter questioned while taking a sip of his beer.

"All we have to do is wait for the DNA. We basically got two tests done. One for the parents and one for the kids."

I watched as everyone filed into the kitchen to help set up for the dinner. I stood to my feet grabbing JuJu arm lifting her up.

"What negro? You interrupting my meeting with that food in there." She crossed her arms in front of her chest while rolling her eyes.

"How are we suppose to get Maylee down here for one and how are we gonna explain this?"

This was a lot to explain and hard to even put into words. Can't go up to them and explain how they were kidnapped before they were actually born and instead of one child two of them were taking away from them.

I was in a tough decision and right now really thinking about how I should have minded my business.

"We should've just minded our damn business." I shook my head while running my hands down my face.

"Yes I do think we could've minded our business but still. We unlocked a whole world of lies that has never been out. Maylee was lied to her whole life." She whispered before looking back to make sure nobody was listening.

"How are we supposed to get her here and explain everything?"

That was gonna be the hardest part to get her down in Louisiana. Explain to her why me and JuJu lied about our whereabouts. And also explain that her whole life was a light.

"We'll just have to figure it out." JuJu put her head down while letting out a huge smile.




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