The Melting Pot Complex

By KnittedKneeHighs

224K 12.3K 10.6K

'Looking for quiet roommate.' 'Located in quiet area.' 'Apartment has previously received noise complaints.' ... More

Chapter One ~ Virgil
Chapter Two ~ Patton
Chapter Four ~ Roman
Chapter Five ~ Virgil
Chapter Six ~ Patton
Chapter Seven ~ Logan
Chapter Eight ~ Roman
A Little Poll
Chapter Nine ~ Virgil
Poll Results and a Note
Chapter Ten ~ Patton
Chapter Eleven ~ Logan
Chapter Twelve ~ Roman
Chapter Thirteen ~ Virgil
Chapter Fourteen ~ Patton
Chapter Fifteen ~ Logan
Chapter Sixteen ~ Roman
Chapter Seventeen ~ Virgil
Chapter Eighteen ~ Patton
Chapter Nineteen ~ Logan
Chapter Twenty ~ Roman
Chapter Twenty-One ~ Virgil
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Patton
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Logan
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Roman
Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Virgil
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Patton
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Logan
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Roman
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Virgil
Chapter Thirty ~ Patton
Chapter Thirty-One ~ Logan
Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Roman
Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Virgil
Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Patton
Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Logan
Chapter Thirty-Six ~ Roman
Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ Virgil
Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ Patton
Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ Logan
Chapter Forty ~ Roman
Chapter Forty-One ~ Virgil
Chapter Forty-Two ~ Patton
Chapter Forty-Three ~ Logan
Chapter Forty-Four ~ Roman
Chapter Forty-Five ~ Virgil
Chapter Forty-Six ~ Patton
Chapter Forty-Seven ~ Logan
Chapter Forty-Eight ~ Roman
Chapter Forty-Nine ~ Virgil
Chapter Fifty - Patton
Chapter Fifty-One ~ Logan
Chapter Fifty-Two ~ Roman
Chapter Fifty-Three ~ Virgil
Chapter Fifty-Four ~ Patton
Chapter Fifty-Five ~ Logan
Chapter Fifty-Six ~ Roman
Chapter Fifty-Seven ~ Virgil
Chapter Fifty-Eight ~ Patton
Chapter Fifty-Nine ~ Logan
Chapter Sixty ~ Roman
Chapter Sixty-One ~ Virgil
Chapter Sixty-Two ~ Patton
Chapter Sixty-Three ~ Logan
Chapter Sixty-Four ~ Roman
Chapter Sixty-Five ~ Virgil
Chapter Sixty-Six ~ Patton
Chapter Sixty-Seven ~ Logan
Chapter Sixty-Eight ~ Roman
Chapter Sixty-Nine ~ Virgil
Chapter Seventy ~ Patton
Chapter Seventy-One ~ Logan
Chapter Seventy-Two ~ Roman
Chapter Seventy-Three ~ Virgil
Chapter Seventy-Four ~ Patton
Chapter Seventy-Five ~ Logan
Chapter Seventy-Six ~ Roman
Chapter Seventy-Seven ~ Virgil
Chapter Seventy-Eight ~ Patton
Chapter Seventy-Nine ~ Logan
Chapter Eighty ~ Roman
Final Author's Note
Hi Again Kids

Chapter Three ~ Logan

4.1K 202 341
By KnittedKneeHighs

{Possible trigger warnings: trying to make a hard decision

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

They were a peculiar match, to be certain.

Logan planted his hands on the edge of the kitchen counter, looking down at the papers he had laid out. After meeting each person interested in moving into the apartment, he had written up small biographies to remind himself of who they were.

Now he was playing a very strange game of mix and match, putting groups together and trying to imagine them living in the same apartment with him.

Almost all configurations were a bust, in one way or another. Every time he lined up names he found something that made him hesitant to bring them together.

With a heavy sigh, Logan pushed himself off of the counter and began to pace. In his mind he kept running names, trying to figure something out.

Patton and Virgil. That was the biggest issue. He knew he had to keep those two together, so if he added one to a group he had to add the other, and then he only had room for one more.

A pairing that he hadn't thought through already suddenly came to mind. Logan spun around, walking to the counter, and grabbed the two biographies for the friends he had given a tour to that morning. He placed the two papers in the center of the counter and scanned the other pages for the name he had thought of.

Finally finding it, Logan reached up and placed it next to the first two.

Patton. Virgil. Roman.

It was a gamble. Roman was outgoing enough to get along with Patton, but Virgil was very introverted from what Logan had seen. He most likely tolerated Patton because of a long-time friendship. 

There was one common thread that connected these three though, one that Logan thought would be the link that kept them sane.

He tapped the three pages, repeating the occupations out loud to himself.

"YouTuber. YouTuber. YouTuber."

None of the three had said as much, specifically, but Logan knew. It was very easy for him to see.

Roman he recognized, a vlogger and beauty YouTuber who had made a name for himself very quickly.

Patton he remembered saying something about backdrops, and he'd noticed the man peering around the bedroom he would most likely take as if trying to find a recording spot. Logan remembered doing the same thing when he had first moved in, picking a corner of his room to set up for his videos.

And Virgil. Logan didn't know what it was, but every time he looked at the man his mind screamed 'gamer' and he trusted that instinct.

He cast his eye over the others who had contacted him, but his gut was telling him this was the right group to pick. Logan swept the other papers into a stack and carried them down the hall to the shredder in his office. He fed the pages to the machine, then walked back to the kitchen and grabbed his phone off of the counter.

Opening the app that he had used to list the apartment, Logan carefully picked out the three and hit the accept button on their offers.

And that was that. He had three roommates now. How interesting this would be.

Within minutes, Logan had received a text from Patton, excitedly thanking him for accepting and asking if there was a specific date they should move in. Logan pondered this for a moment, then told Patton the most ideal day would be next week Wednesday. He received a thumbs up in response.

Logan went to his room, grabbing a jacket and his keys. He swept his hair back as he passed the hall mirror, then locked the front door after he'd stepped out of it and began to walk down the hall.

It wasn't far, and he wasn't going outside, but he knew the jacket would be necessary. Knocking on his landlord's door and waiting, Logan could feel the apartment's temperature as he stood outside.

The door opened and he shook his head a little at the blast of cool air that whipped past him. His landlord, for whatever reason, liked to keep the temperature in his apartment ridiculously low. He said it was so that he could have more blankets and things thrown around, and it gave him an excuse to wear three layers all the time.

"Logan! How's the roommate search?" The landlord grinned, leaning on the door frame.

"I extended offers to the three gentlemen who came to view the apartment today." Logan informed him. "I came to inform you of that and ask if you would be willing to draw up a copy of the contract that I signed when I moved in."

"Well of course! C'mon in, I bet I can have it done in a few minutes."

Logan stepped inside and pulled the door closed behind him. He followed his landlord into the study.

"How do you think the three will get along?"

"I don't know, Thomas." Logan sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I believe I have made the most effective pairing of candidates, but one can never be too sure with things like this. People are infuriatingly fickle."

Thomas laughed, tapping away at his computer. "Oh come on, they'll figure it out. Who did you pick?"

"The two who submitted their request together, Patton and Virgil, and Roman."

"Interesting. How do you think Virgil will do with that?" Thomas spun in his seat as the printer whirred to life.

Logan shrugged. "I believe his connection to Patton will help the situation greatly. If it had been just him to come to me, I do not think I would have picked him."

"Well I say best of luck to you. I know you make the best of situations, Lo, and I hope your roommates can do the same." Thomas got up and went over to pick the papers up.

"Is that... a name tag? On your printer?"

"Yup. His name's Percy."

Logan paused, eyeing his landlord. "You know, sometimes I find it extremely difficult to believe we are related."

Thomas snorted, handing him the stack of papers. "You know I'm the best cousin you could have ever asked for. Three copies of the contract, one for each roommate. Have them fill everything out, then get it back to me however you want. You know the drill."

Logan nodded. "Thank you."

"'Course! Good luck."


He had a feeling he would need it.

{This chapter definitely felt easier to me than the last one. Maybe it's just writing Logan from other people's perspectives... we'll see

I meant to have this out yesterday but... life, y'know? Enjoy}

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