The Violinist (A BTS- Yoongi...

Da TempralSinz

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For Lyra Walsh, life is simple - Wake up in her Aunt's loft, feed the cat, try not to break anything, and pla... Altro

Chapter 1: The Dream
Chapter 2: The Lonely Producer
Chapter 3: Fun - Raisers
Chapter 4: Auction blues.
Chapter 5: Shattered Dreams
Chapter 6: Strings
Chapter 7: Surprise visit
Chapter 8: The storm
Chapter 9: The Date
Chapter 10: Friends
Chapter 11: Sharps and flats
Chapter 12: Resin
Chapter 13: Treble
Chapter 14: Crescendo
Chapter 15: Last
Chapter 16: Goodbye song
Chapter 17: Home Again
Chapter 18: Lost Symphony
Chapter 19: Audition
Chapter 20: Ugly Things
Chapter 21: Rush
Chapter 22: Fear
Chapter 23: Away
Chapter 24: Broken
Chapter 25: Pain
Chapter 26: Shattered
Chapter 27: The Devil's Violin
Chapter 28: Red
Chapter 29: New Home
Chapter 30: Bliss
Chapter 31: Life Like This
Chapter 32: Perfect

Chapter 33: Final Symphony

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Da TempralSinz

(A/N - This is it, the final chapter. I'm not sure about doing a second book to this. Maybe if enough people want it, but for now. This is the end lovelies, enjoy.)

(Yoongi's POV)

"My shoes! Get my Shoes!" Su shouted to Addie who was now rushing to pick up the older woman's shoes.

"We don't have time for this..." I was muttering to Namjoon. He sighed and went over to the older woman and scooped her up.

"Namjoon! Hey! What are you doing?!"

"Relax Auntie, Yoongi's getting impatient because we're running late. He refuses to be late." Namjoon said as he carried the woman out of her apartment, Addie locked the door behind us as we exited. Steph and Jimin were already in the limo with Jin, Anna, Jungkook, Hoseok, Tae, and Krista. Kookie and Hobi's dates couldn't make it so they were solo. Namjoon set Su down at the opened door of the limo and she got in followed by Addie. Once Joon and myself got in Jin signaled to the driver and we took off.

"So you upgraded from a normal limo, to a suv stretch limo?" Addie asked as she looked at Jin. Anna just giggled.

"Actually, no. I just got a second limo." Jin said with a smirk.

"What the shit? Seriously, how much money do you make?" Addie's jaw was dropped as she spoke. I tried not to chuckle. Jin made a v with his index finger and thumb, then rested his chin between them.

"It pays to be world-wide-handsome." He said with another cheeky smirk. Namjoon and I both face-palmed. Jimin and the others were laughing.

We pulled up to the front of the theater. Jimin handed me the red roses, and I took them with a smile and gave him a soft 'thank you'. We got out of the car, one by one. Aunt Su finally had her red pumps on and was standing between me and Jimin. I offered my arm to Su and she smiled and looped her arm with mine. We entered the building and with some assistance we found our seats. The place was well lit, I sat between Su and Namjoon, the roses set nicely on my lap. People were standing and chatting, but some moments later everyone started taking their seats and soon the lights were dimmed, and the stage curtains peeled away to reveal the orchestra.

 My eyes scanned over everyone I could see, I was searching for her, and as I leaned up a bit Joon tapped my arm and pointed to my girl. My crazy girl, she was seated on the left, toward the middle of the section of violinists. I smiled as I saw she was in her zone. Her Violin was resting in her lap, a man entered the stage from the far right and walked to the podium in the center. He stood, bowed to us, the audience, then he turned back to the orchestra and raised his hands, one hand holding a longish thin stick. I felt my smile form on my face as he started to wave his hands, the orchestra started to play.

The whole time I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Lyra was in her element, she looked like a goddess. Auntie Su was tearing up, I pulled the small packet of tissues from my suit pocket and handed them to her. She quietly thanked me and pulled a tissue out, patting her eyes and wiping her nose gently. She was proud, I was too. I wanted nothing more than to charge up on that stage, grab her, and kiss her hard.

Four songs had played, only four. We clapped and soon another song started. I was still focused on my girl. Namjoon leaned to the side and whispered next to my ear.

"Wow, she's amazing. I didn't know she was that good." Namjoon smiled. I nodded and whispered back to him.

"You should hear her alone, she sounds even better. She's talented." I said with a smile. Joon nodded and sat back up straight, enjoying the rest of the show.

Everyone was moved to tears by the last song that was played. I looked over to see Namjoon gently wiping away a tear from Jimin's cheek. Su was next to me with at least three tissues pressed to her face as she gently sobbed. I admit, even I had a tear forming in the corner of my eye, threatening to plunge down my cheek. I held it together though, and as the music stopped and the orchestra stood and took their bow, we all stood and clapped. Hobi, Tae, and Junkook were whistling and shouting out 'woo's and 'yeah's. I smiled brightly as I clapped for my girl, she looked amazing in her all black tight dress that came down to knee level. I watched her exit the stage, slowly we filed into lines and headed to the lobby area.

 I was holding onto the bouquet of roses when Jimin suddenly got excited and darted off. The rest of us followed him and saw him waiting by a side door. Soon enough some members of the orchestra started piling out of the doors. Among them, was my crazy girl. She smiled brightly as everyone crowded around her. Jimin and Namjoon followed by the others handed over their smaller bouquets of flowers. Jin and Joon separated everyone so I could get through and see her. She was stunning, hair done up with little strands dangling in front and a few in the back as most of her hair sat in a neat bun. She had on the diamond earrings I'd bought her for the occasion, even though she tried to protest. She smiled warmly as I handed over the roses and she added them to her pile. 

I wanted to embrace her but decided it was best not to as we'd squish all her flowers. I instead gave her a soft kiss on the cheek, and she smiled brightly. We all got back into the limo, I sat next to her, holding her hand. Our fingers were locked together. I just kept staring at this beautiful woman, this woman who was mine as I was hers. Everything was perfect now, I gently brushed my hand against my pants pocket. The lump that had been there all night, waiting. It would have to wait a bit longer, I was entranced by her. I absentmindedly rubbed my thumb against her thigh, I felt her slight tension as her eyes fell on me. I smirked and she smiled at me. The limo stopped and Hobi and Junkook were the first two to get out. Both lived in the same building now, as Jungkook wanted to find some place closer in the city than his last place. Tae and Krista got out at the next stop, which was only a short drive away from the first stop. Each one of them congratulated Lyra on her performance. Then we dropped off Aunt Su, she gave us all big hugs.

"I'm so proud of you." She said as she stared at Lyra. Lyra embraced her again.

"Thank you, Auntie."

"Your mother would be so proud." Su was sobbing a bit as she hugged Lyra tightly. I could tell Lyra was also tearing up. I wanted to hug them both, but I let them have their moment. We said our final goodbyes to Auntie and made our way to our place next. Jin and Namjoon lived in the same apartment building so it was easier to drop myself and Lyra off first. We said our goodbyes to them, they kissed my girl on the cheek and congratulated her. She was holding onto the many bouquets of flowers as we both gave a final wave once they got back into the limo. I locked my hand with hers and we made our way inside.

I opened the front door and closed it behind her after she entered. We both walked to the kitchen hand in hand, I let go to grab several vases from the cupboard. I filled them a little ways with water and untied each bundle, placing it in it's new container. My roses Lyra had put into a vase, she was arranging them nicely when her eyes met mine. She caught me staring, she simply smiled and I walked around the counter to her. I stood behind her as she continued to arrange them, my hands reached out for her sides, I gripped her waist gently. The fabric against my hands, she was so perfect in this moment. I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my head into the back of her neck. I began placing gently kisses, my hands unraveled from her waist and I gently rubbed her sides. I could hear the soft moan escape her sweet lips. I knew what I wanted, and I knew what she needed. I scooped her up and she giggled as her arms wrapped around the back of my neck. I smiled and carried her upstairs.

(Lyra's POV)

The look in Yoongi's eyes was slightly different from how he normally is when he's riled up like this. I don't even know what got him so worked up, but I liked it. He set me down in front of our bed and turned me around. I felt his hand travel up my back and grip something up near the back of my neck. He pulled and I heard the unzipping sound, I couldn't help but smile and bite gently on my bottom lip. His hands wiped the material away from my shoulders once he had successfully unzipped the dress all the way down to just above my rear end. He unhooked the black lace bra and slid the straps off my shoulders as well, all the while placing soft kisses against my neck and over to my shoulders. My dress fell from my form and pooled at my feet on the floor. I felt him take a few steps back from me, I knew what he was doing. He was observing the black lace panties I wore, along with the black garter belt that was clipped neatly to my thigh high stockings. 

I turned around so he could get a better look, sure enough he stood there, undoing his tie and dress shirt as he looked me up and down. His eyes filled with hunger and need as he licked his lips. Moments like this made me feel more than good, who wouldn't feel good to have someone looking at them the way he was looking at me. Like nothing else mattered in this world but me. It was addicting, yet it still made me blush. That only seemed to effect him more, he undid his belt and I smirked and bit my bottom lip again. He licked his lips and his eyes drifted down my body, his eyes seemed rest on my bare breasts. My nipples were only slightly stiffening as he unzipped his pants and I could see him growing in his dark blue boxer briefs. Now I was the one licking my lips. He stepped out of his pants and removed his shirt and tie as he stepped closer to me. I smirked at him and he finished closing the gap as his lips pressed against mine in need. I didn't notice something I should have.

 He pulled from my lips and kissed my neck, down over my breasts, he placed gentle kisses on each one. He made his way down my stomach and just to the lip of my lace panties, he was down on one knee and that's when I noticed. Yoongi placed one final kiss on the top brim of my panties as he pulled his right hand out from behind him, the item in his hand was small, a small black box with gold trimming. He smiled as his eyes locked onto mine.

"Here, with you... nearly naked, I want to be this way forever with you. You're the most amazing person in my life. Your passion rivals my own when it comes to music and I adore that about you. No one puts up with my attitude, and you're the only one who can put me in my place. I want to make you mine, and I want you to make me yours. Will you do me the greatest honor...." He opened the black box with his left hand and my eyes darted to it momentarily. I noticed a beautiful white gold band with a generously sized diamond encased in rose gold decoration. "and be my wife." He said as I locked eyes with him again. I smiled brightly and he removed the ring, took my hand, and slid the ring on over my ring finger. It fit perfectly and it made me blush.

"Of course, I will." I said softly as he stood and pressed himself against me. Our lips crashed together and we both fell back against the bed. That night, we lost ourselves in our love-making. Gentle kisses, sweet words, deep thrusts. Sex was always amazing, but it was enhanced by the emotions of that night.

(Several months later...)

"Would you please hold still!" Addie screamed at me as she was trying to emergency fix my dress. "I swear, you really needed to go to the gym more these past few months. I told you it would be a good idea." She said as she tried to sew the newly added fabric to the back of my wedding dress.

"Are you seriously calling me fat on my wedding day?" I retorted. Steph was seated on the couch, giggling lightly.

"I'm just saying... maybe a little more effort would have helped you maintain so you could fit into this dress on today of all days." She was speaking through gritted teeth as she struggled to stitch the fabric together. I smirked, I couldn't tell her why I didn't fit in the gown I picked out a mere 3 months ago. It was too soon then, but now... well now it was starting to show. I hadn't said anything to anyone but two months ago I got it confirmed when I thought something was seriously wrong with me as I kept throwing up for no real reason. There was a knock at the door and Yoongi opened and peek inside.

"Hey! We have traditions, no seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding!" Addie stood and shouted at him. He looked scared for a moment and laughed.

"But that's not the tradition here." He said with a smirk. "Can I have a moment with my bride?" He asked softly and Addie and Steph made their way out of the room. Addie stopped next to Yoongi and pointed at him.

"If you even ruin her hair, make-up or anything I will kill you. I spent a long time putting her together." She warned him. He chuckled and bowed to her, she bowed back and followed Steph out.

"She's a bit uptight isn't she?" He asked glancing back at the door. I nodded

"She had to alter the dress last minute, so I think she's stressed." I said, grinning at him.

"Oh? I thought you just picked it out like 3 months ago, and it fit perfectly you said." He had a slight look of confusion as he stepped closer, examining my dress with his eyes. "You look perfect to me." He said with that cheeky smirk. I giggled a bit.

"Yeah, It did fit perfectly... 3 months ago. But now, it needed to be altered... around here." I said as I moved my hand across my stomach. Yoongi's eyes followed my hand and he smiled.

"Well, I certainly don't care if you've gained a little weight. You're perfect." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. Okay, he didn't take the hint.

"Be careful not to squeeze around here..." I said, once again running my hand along my stomach.

"Don't worry, I won't squeeze. Addie would kill me if I tore this dress... which is a shame, you look so perfect, I want to tear it off of you and take you right here." He whispered against my ear as he gently placed a few kisses against my ear and neck. I pushed him back gently and smiled, okay he still wasn't getting the not so subtle hints.

"Yoongi..." I said and he hummed as he placed a soft kiss against my lips. "I was feeling sick a few months ago, remember?" I asked he nodded, then looked at me concerned.

"Are you feeling sick again? We'll be heading to Morocco after this for our honeymoon but if you want to postpone it we can." He said. Wow... okay he's just oblivious.

"No, Yoongi..." I took his hand and placed it on top of my slightly swollen stomach. "We can't delay it because I won't be able to fly anywhere in about three more months." I said, watching his reaction. He looked as confused as ever. Then he looked down at his hand, and then back up at me, down to his hand again and the brightest gummy smile I have ever seen lit up his face.

"Wait... you're, we're?" He couldn't form full words and it was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen.

"Yes. I'm pregnant. I went over a month ago to make sure I wasn't just thinking that was what was wrong with me. Sure enough. I'm almost 4 months in. We'll be able to find out the sex of the baby next month. The appointment has already been set." I smiled brightly as he bent down and kisses my stomach.

"Hey little one, your mommy and I are getting married before you come to us okay? Be good and grow big for us." He said softly in the cutest little voice. I realized then that I had a few stray tears rolling down my cheek. Shit, Addie was going to kill me. Yoongi looked up and reached over to the vanity and grabbed a few tissues.

"If Addie thinks I made you cry I'll never hear the end of it." He joked. I giggled and kissed him softly on the lips. Our kiss quickly turned to that of passion and need. Luckily he managed to contain himself as he pulled back with a soft growl.

"As much as I want to take you here right now for making me the happiest man on earth, I need to get down there and take my place near the alter." He said with a smirk. I nodded.

"Go, before I end up being the one to rip your clothes off." I smirked. He chuckled and placed one last kiss on my lips before he headed out the door. I patted the remaining tears from my eyes and soon Addie and Steph re-entered the room.

"Why are you crying? Don't smudge your makeup!" Addie exclaimed as she rushed to me and gently patted away the dampness from my eyes and cheeks. She fixed me up so I didn't look like I had been shedding tears. Steph helped her put on my veil and the two carried the bottom of my train as we made our way downstairs to the lobby-like area of the church. I smiled when my eyes met my Uncle and Aunt. She was already in tears and Addie handed her some more tissues. I smiled again and took my place next to my Uncle.

"You look beautiful." He said softly with a bright smile.

"Thank you, Uncle." I said with a smile. I wrapped my arm in his and we waited for a very long time. Eventually the doors opened, and the music flooded into the hall where we were. First the flower girl and her little ring barer brother walked down the long red carpet. Photos were being taken by press who had been invited. Yoongi was quite popular so media outlets were chomping at the bit to get invited. I let Yoongi choose who to invite since I really didn't know about the kind of people they were. After the two small children made their way to the front and reunited with their parents, Addie and Steph walked down slowly. 

The music of course changed to the bridal march and Uncle and I finally made our way down the red carpet. Cameras flashing everywhere, I just hopped the train of my veil would hide the quick stitch job Addie had managed not too long ago. I smiled as my eyes locked onto Yoongi. He looked so handsome in his tux, Namjoon and Jin beside him. I smiled at them as well. Once we made it to the front and Uncle had passed my hand over to Yoongi, then he joined Auntie in the front row and watched. The ceremony began and I wanted to cry from happiness, but I managed to hold back. Finally we were able to say our written vows.

"Lyra, since the day you stormed into my building and demanded consideration, and respect... I knew my life wouldn't be the same. You put me in my place, you make me want to do better. I'm convinced you're the only one crazy enough to love me at my worst and my best. I promise to love you at your worst and best for as long as humanly possible." He said with a cheeky grin. I was suppressing a giggle. He wasn't wrong. It was my turn.

"From the day you ran over the violin my grandfather gave me, I knew you'd be trouble. And I was right." I giggled a bit and Yoongi smirked while our friends, family, and media personnel chuckled. "Despite that, you made me realize I wasn't wandering this world alone. You encouraged me to branch out in many ways. You've seen me at my worst, and I promise to give you my best." I said with a soft smile. He smiled his gummy smile and the Pastor continued after we placed our rings on each others fingers.

"If anyone thinks this couple should not be joined, speak now or forever hold your peace." He said loudly so everyone could hear. No one barged in, no one stood up. Everyone just smiled.

"Alright then, by the powers invested in me by god and the city of Seoul, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." He smiled and Yoongi wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him, his lips pressed against mine as he leaned me back into a dip. I was giggling against his lips, as he was chuckling against mine. We stood up straight to the cheers of our loved ones and more. We made our way down the long red carpet, out the church doors and down the steps to the waiting limo Jin lent us. Addie bunched up my train and helped me get in the car.

"I swear, I never want to see another veil again, this thing is a pain in the ass." She said as she stuffed it through the car door and tried to matte it down in front of me. I was busy laughing at Steph who was mocking her. Addie leaned up and looked at Steph who had a sudden look of innocence on her face. We waved to everyone and Namjoon shut the door and gave us a wave as we pulled off. I took off the ridiculously long veil and tossed it to the other side of the back of the limo. Yoongi had his arm around me and I cuddled closer to him.

"So, how does it feel... Mrs. Min." He grinned.

"It feels great, Mr. Min." I said back with a smirk. He pressed his lips to mine and stayed like that for a few moments.

"I couldn't want anything more than this." He pulled me closer and placed one hand against my stomach. I smiled.

"We'll have to tell everyone else eventually, you know that, right?" I asked with a giggle. He sighed.

"After the honeymoon." He said.

"Why after?" I asked. He leaned close to my ear and smirked that sexy devilish smirk of his.

"Because once we get to Morocco, I'm ripping that dress off of you and fucking you so hard you won't be able to move for the next two weeks we're gone." He seductively whispered into my ear. I licked my lips and cleared my throat a bit. He grinned more at my apparent reaction.

"Does my girl like the sound of that?" He whispered again, his voice raspy and deeper than before. I nodded, it was all I could do.

"I bet you're wet for me, aren't you?" He said as he tried to find the bottom of my dress and slip his hand up it. He managed it quite well considering, his hand gently brushed against my thigh and I parted my legs. I knew he felt the surprise I had for him, the garter belt, his hand gently rubbed against it. His eyes filled more with lust. As his fingers traveled up between my legs more, he moaned against my ear as he felt it, my bare pussy. It was Addie's idea to purchase a white lace crotch-less pantie set. Yoongi seemed to like it though as he licked his lips slowly. His fingers starting to separate my labia as he rubbed his fingers between my folds, a soft moan escaped my lips.

"I have a very naughty wife..." He whispered seductively against my ear. I swallowed hard and tried to keep my breathing steady. "Mmm, and my wife is so wet for me already." He whispered as he inserted two of his long fingers inside of me. I gasped and blushed, trying to find my voice.

"Y-Yoongi, we can't... not here... it's Ji... mmm. Jin's limo." I managed to get out in a soft breathy whisper. Yoongi smirked.

"Thank god you have that very long train on your veil." He pulled his fingers out of me slowly and I whimpered. He leaned forward and laid the veil out between the two side seats. He then pressed a button on the side which raised another widow, darker in color against the window already separating us from the driver. He unbuckled his suit pants and unzipped himself, then moved me down with him and sat me on top of his lap, his hand under my wedding dress between us. He guided his still growing cock past my lower lips and I slid down onto him with a moan. He grunted and smiled as we stayed still for a moment before he leaned against my ear again.

"We better make this quick, we're less than 30minutes from the airport. So, ride me, my crazy girl." He whispered and Iobliged. I started slowly, but he changed the pace as he thrusted up into me,sharp hard thrusts causing me to become a moaning mess. Deep grunts and loudmoans followed by screams could be heard even outside the limo as we cametogether shortly before the limo pulled up to the airport drop off. This wasgoing to be a honeymoon to remember.

                                                                        - END-

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