Runaway (Diyue AU)

By ella-holland98

27.1K 1.3K 317

(This was my first fic and I am aware it gets cringey and kinda goes way to fast, but I will revise it and ed... More

1: It Doesn't Feel Right
2: Engagment Celebration
3: Leaving Home For Now
4: Crash Landing In The Unknown
5:Excuse Me... You're From Where Again?
6: Don't Need To Be Involved
6: The Truth
7: A Call From Home
9: Really Bad Insomnia
10: Not Again
11: Moon Shen , You deserve to be celebrated
12: Unexpected
13: Birthday Present
14: What That Hell Do You Think You're Doing Here !?!
15: My Past Came Back To Haunt Me ,Dylan
16: Secret Date
17: Perfect Date
18: Oblivion
19: Kidnapped
20: Full Potential
21: Right On Time
22: Bad Vision
24: Anxiety And Nightmares
25: Art Gallery Date
26: Arcade
27: 我爱你
28: My Favorite Person
29: Girl Time/Boy Time
30: "dad"
31: Arrival
32: Believe In You
33:Oldest Sorceress
34:Learning The Truth(1/2)
35:Learning The Truth Part (2/2)
36: Powers
37: Something Important
38: Sacrifice
39: Safe
40: War Has Begin
41: War Has Begin (2/2)
42: Second Chance
43:Little Bit Of Heaven
44: Wu Wedding
45: Astions?!
46: A Day With Jay
47: Give It To Me
48: Something Good
49: Memorable
52: Take Care
53: Wang Myung Shen Jay
54:Coronation Day

23: News From Home

416 27 8
By ella-holland98

Dylan's POV

I go to my room after I woke up and look through the bag I took from home, I needed to find that device and check if everything was fine.

Another vision this time ... it seemed like it was a warning but I wouldn't know ... these weird vision things have been on and off.

I never told anyone about them even when I was young and had them.

I practically had these powers I hid because I was a freak...

I take out the device and click on Wu Xize , Duke.

It begins ringing and then he appears with a slightly bruised up face which concerns me.

"Wahy ias yaour faace baruised uap", is the first thing I ask my best friend. (Why is your face bruised)

"Yaou waon't baelieve tahe daay Ia've haad", he says and then chuckles.( you won't believe the day I've had)

He goes on and explains that things in home were starting to heat more and more up.

And how my father practically almost offered my sister to marry to prince from Gallieon.

As the words left Caesar's mouth I grew angrier by the minute.

Had my father gone so slow and even despite her being engaged to Caesar he offered her up like an object.

He also mentioned he got into a fight with a Gallieon for making a comment about my sister.. he didn't want to tell me what he said but all he said was he took care of it.

"Maan, Ia Maiss Yaou", he tries changing the subject. ( man , I miss you)

"Haow's River?", I ask him. (How's River ?)

"Paretty gaood , wae -" (pretty good, we-)

His cut short when suddenly my big sister appears on the camera and waves.

"Hai , laittle barother, tahis ias baad taiming baut yaou're gaoing tao bae aan uancle", she says and takes me by surprise. ( hi, little brother , this is bad timing but you're going to be an uncle)

"Yaou're waith cahild!!!!?!", I yell and she smiles and nods. (You're with child)

The warm tears roll down my cheeks without me realizing until my sister points it out.

"Caesar... hae's carying ", River points at me and Caesar laughs.(Caesar... he's crying)

"Ia'm saorry , Ia laet may eamotions gaet tao Mae", I apologize and begin wiping my tears. (I'm sorry , I let my emotions get to me)

I was an emotional guy and with people I trust enough I didn't shy away from my emotions even when I cried.

I couldn't wait for my nephew or niece to be here.. I knew I was going to spoil them rotten.

Also I got emotional because how happy my sister was and how she was living her best life and for the first time since her engagement party I felt happy myself.. and wasn't jealous anymore.

I had found happiness in myself here with a beautiful woman and her son. They were my source of happiness now.

I was just glad things back home weren't bad..

"Tahere's aa waoman, yaou're saeeing aa waoman" , my sister happily says. (There's a woman, you're seeing a woman)

I go on and on about Shen Yue and her son.

"Haer saon aadmires yaou haow aadorable!!", I tell her about the time when he wanted my purple hair and so I went out and bought some hair dye for him.(her son admires you how adorable!!)

"Galad tahings aare gaood", I say assuringly. (Glad things are good)

Now I could rest assured things were fine.

Caesar gives River this weird look  and my sister shakes her head.

"Ia laove yaou , baaby barother, taalk saoon", River waves goodbye  completely ignoring what just happened and Caesar does too without saying another word.(I love you , baby brother , talk soon)

What was that all about ?

I shrug it off. I'm just glad things were okay and could finally breathe.

"Hey baby", Shen Yue comes in my room.

"Hey precious Moon, I'm serious for just leaving like that, I just had this anxiety that things were bad at home and needed to make sure things were okay", I explain to her.

She nods. "Are you sure you're okay, Dylan.. you're hair turned blue and your eyes did too"

"I'm fine baby", I say.

She wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly.

"Dylan.. have you been crying"

"I'm going to be an uncle , my sister and Caesar are expecting", I share the good news with her.

"That's amazing , Dylan"

I nod. "It's the middle of the night , we should go to sleep now, you go back to work tomorrow and I work tomorrow"

She press her lips against mine quickly and then moves away and begins to leave.

I pull her waist closer to me again.. if she was going to kiss me I wanted a real goodnight kiss.

I press my lips against hers. Our lips molded together as one and we let our lips linger against one another's for a couple seconds and then finally pull away.

"Goodnight, Moon", I say.

"Night Dylan", she says and then leaves.

I finally lay down on my bed and go to sleep in peace.

Third Person POV

After the call ends River and Caesar argued with one another,

Things back home weren't looking great , everyday things got worse.

And it was just matter of moments before things really took a turn for the worse.

But River didn't want Dylan to know that.

War was coming to Keshinda. Major gossip of the prince of Gallieon went around how he was so powerful and could take anyone down.

Lunar Chen, Prince Of Gallieon.

"Hae haas tahe raight tao kanow!!", Caesar angrily says.

River shakes her head at him. "Naot yaet"

"Angel, waar ias caoming... Dylan haas toa kanow , oaur cahild naeeds tao bae saafe", he puts his hand on her small bump.

"Ia Naeed yaou tao bae saafe", he pulls River into a hug.

"Wae laeave tao wahere Dylan ias , Ian tawo waeeks ", Caesar kisses her head protectively.

Caesar wanted to keep River and his unborn child safe and he tracked where Dylan was to take her there soon.

Earth , he'd do anything to protect her... and he knew Dylan would too.

Dylan needed to come back home soon anyway and fulfill what he was destined to do.

Dylan was so powerful, more than any being that ever walked Keshinda.

Soon he'd know who he really was.

My dramatic ass at the end , I'm done with myself... I promised a longer chapter and here it is,  I'm thinking double updating...

We'll see!!

I hope I have time to write.

All the love... Ella xx

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