My Love

By NataliaIsNautilus

68.1K 2.3K 576

Alec starts a relationship with Magnus Bane the High Warlock of Brooklyn after the unlikely but fateful night... More

The Party
The Drinking Game
The Healer
Story Time And The Date
Where Is Alexander?
Extreme Demons
Court of Demon Kings and Queens
What Magnus Didn't Say
A Late Night Visit
A Late Night Visit
The Apology
What's A Day Off?
Downworld Ball (pt. 1?)
Downworld Ball pt. 2
The After Party
Happy Holidays
That's Low
He Killed An Angel?
"We Don't Have To Fight"
His Past
The Rescue pt. 1
The Rescue pt. 2
I Like Jace More (teaser)
I Like Jace More (full)
Meeting Paris
The Meeting
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say (teaser)
Explaining What Oblivious Angels Say
Some Things Are Better Not Heard
The Arrival
I Understand Completely
The Breaking
Beautiful Pain
Downworlder Meeting
The Waking of a Lover
Date Night
Don't Go Easy On Me, They Said. I Can Handle It, They Said.
I Can't Be Held Responsible (pt 1 of the Institute Gala scenes)
The Heir Of Hell Indeed (pt. 2 of the Institute Gala scenes)
Surprises All Around! Many Bad! Some Good!
Telling Friends and Family
The Brothers Grimm
Out Of Love
Sorta, Kinda, Homecoming
ALMOST Mundane
The Last Battle
Homecoming & Transfers
Bachelors For One More Night
The Wedding
The Honeymoon


886 32 5
By NataliaIsNautilus

Magnus POV

I woke up, for the second day in a row, enveloped in Alec's warm embrace. It was truly wonderful having him back. My power was still increasing almost daily but with Alexander around it barely hurt. I could still do what I needed to do, as long as he was around. Which is scary.

Or terrifying to be honest. No one had ever had this much control over me, not even myself. He was able to put me through an excruciating amount of pain, and cure it in a second. If he was to leave....

I don't even want to think about it.

I snuggled closer into my Shadowhunter, burying my face deeper in his neck. Alec shifted in his sleep and pulled me closer to him.

Alec's phone rang, annoying loud for it to be so early. Alexander groaned and patted the bedside table for it. Once it was in his hand be pressed the answer button and pressed it up against his ear, not even checking to see who it was.

"What?" Alec said into the phone, annoyance evident in his voice.

"Iz you can't call me this early" Alec complained.

"Because I want to sleep. And either way Magnus doesn't get up until noon. What do you want?" Alec told his sister. Was he complaining about my sleep schedule or defending me? Lady Lilith, it's too early for this.

"I can't come to the Institute early. I'm sorry but it isn't happening"

"Whatever. Bye Iz. Love you" Alec said and hung up the phone. I felt his lips pressed against my hair and I sighed happily.


Fire licked up my spine and cascaded throughout my body. My body burned and ached and I couldn't move. My throat had gone dry and my eyelids were heavy.

My wings shot out and enveloped my aching form. I let out a whimper as the pain increased. It felt as if my bones were melting, reshaping, breaking and flowing into my bloodstream, burning their way through me like lava. In short, I felt like death itself.

I was vaguely aware of the slight dip in the bed and a muffled voice saying something that I couldn't discern.

I hand landed on my hip and relief swept through me. A coldness surged through my body, cooling down the fire that had been coursing through me. It soothed the flames that were threatening to incinerate me. Drenching them and completely disposing of the awful feeling. The burn in my bones barely an ember
It was Alec

Alexander pulled me into his lap, softly apologizing whenever I groaned. I laid across him as I calmed down. He pressed his lips against my temple and threaded his fingers through my hair.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to see Alexander looking at me. His eyes were swirling with a mix of love and concern, and guilt. Even though I had forgiven him, he still felt guilty and my episodes didn't do aything to help the case.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" He asked, his voice deep.

"I'm better now that you are here" I said, smiling at my beautiful Shadowhunter.

"I made breakfast for you" he said, looking up at my hand that played with his dark locks.

"Thank you" I replied.

"It's nothing" he replied, pink spreading across his cheeks. I kissed the side of his face and his blush darkened.

We walked into the kitchen where the most delicious smells assaulted my senses. Alec had practically fixed a feast. Bacon and sausage, waffles and pancakes, and coffee, tea and hot chocolate. There was also multiple fruits; strawberries, fresh cut apples, watermelon, and cantaloupe. It looked as if he'd spent hours on, which he probably had.

"Do you like it?" He asked, shifting his weight from foot to foot nervously.

"Do I like it? Alexander this is amazing. How did you do all of this? I don't even have this much food in my house, unless you count old take out and alcohol, which in that case I have plenty. But you can't makes this out of take out and alcohol" I said in one breath, too excited that he would do something like this. It shouldn't even surprise me but I'm not used to people putting me first.

"You're right, you had nothing to make it here, so I went to the store and bought a bunch of stuff to make breakfast with. I also made you lunch 'cause I won't be here to fix it for you. I went out at like 5, about half an hour after Izzy called me and I started cooking at around six-thirty when I got back. It took way longer than expected, between making breakfast and your lunch, so that why I just finished at like twelve" he explained, a wide smile stretching across his face.

"Well, you my darling, are the best boyfriend ever. I can't wait to eat. Want me to fix your plate?" I told him, holding up two plates in my hands.

"No, no. Let me do that for you" he replied, taking the plates from me with a shy smile.

I sighed in defeat and told Alec what I wanted to eat. My boyfriend fixed our plates, telling me what he had fixed me for lunch. Which was fettuccine alfredo, a Caesar salad and garlic bread. Also a slice of chocolate mousse, the outer ring and top were decorated with chocolate chips. I was also informed that there was, in fact, a complete chocolate mousse cake that he had made, minus the piece that he had set aside for my lunch. Alec truly was so thoughtful.

We ate in mostly silence. We would occasionally speak but it wasn't much. Alec was an outstanding chef, everything was cooked to perfection. And i told him so. Which he blushed in response to.

After the amazing breakfast, we sat sat on the couch. We conversed causally, some show on T.V. playing as background noise. The Chairman lounged in my lap and I pet his soft fur as I leaned back against Alexander.

His phone rang and with an annoyed sigh he answered it after speaking with whomever was on the other side for a few moments. Once he hung up, my Shadowhunter ran a hand through his hair ans turned to face me.

"I have to go work, sorry" he told me.

"No need to apologize. I should be getting ready anyway, I have plans for today as well" I replied.

"Yeah, I'm goning to go take a shower" Alec stated and went to stand.

I landed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him against me. "Maybe we should take a shower together. Save time and water" I whispered seductively in his ear, taking the shell of his ear in my mouth and sucking once I was done speaking

A shudder ran through Alexander. "Yes" he moaned out.

Our lips collided with a moan on both parts. I slid my tongue on the seam of Alec's lips and he opened up immediately. Our tongues fought for dominance. I pulled back and bit and sucked on his bottom lip.

I dove back in and our lips, tongues and teeth clashed together. Alec ran his hands through my hair as my lips attacked his. One of his hands fell from my hair and grasped my industrial piercing. I tried to prepare what was coming but I couldn't help the loud moan that fell from my lips as he yanked on it.

"God Magnus" Alec panted as he yanked it again, almost drooling for my reaction.

I' m guessing that I didn't disappoint because he groaned and did it again. We were both panting. I was grinding against him, loving the feeling of pleasure he brought me.

"Shower" I groaned.

"Yeah" he replied, panting. Alexander picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Alec walked us to the bathroom, our lips didn't leave the others. I was probably making it hard for him to hold me, as I couldn't stop grinding against him.

Alec managed to turn the water on while still making out with me and holding me. Damn, my Shadowhunter is gifted. This is going to be nothing short of wonderful, but it always is perfect with Alec.

Alec POV

I arrived at the Institute and was immediately greeted by the sound of a blaring demon alert alarm.

Hurriedly, I ran to the weapons room where Jace, Isabelle and Clary were getting ready.

"Hey Alec" Jace said, without even looking up.

"Hey" I replied

"Here" Jace said and threw me my bow and quiver.

"Thanks" I replied.

"Yup" Jace responded and walked over to me. "I suggest pulling up your collar or getting King Sparkles to heal those before you leave" he whispered.

I felt my neck where Magnus had left marks and pulled up my collar.

"So that's why you couldn't come in" Jace sis with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"No, no. Well initially it was because I was cooking Magnus breakfast but that came after" I replied.

"Ohh. Sparkles gave you a reward for a good job or was it kinda boring 'cause it was horribly cooked?" Jace questioned.

"It was a fantastic meal" I answered.

"Oh, so he gave it to you good?" Jace inquired.

"Yeah. It was amazing. On the coffee table, the bed and in the shower" I replied, thinking about how neither of us were satisfied after the shower.

Jace made a retching noise. "I didn't need to know the contents of you sex life" Jace said, a loud enough to draw the attention of the other two people in the room.

"What about Alec's sex life" Izzy asked, sauntering over to us.

"Alec came late because he was having sex with Magnus in the shower, on the bed and on the coffee table" Jace made another retching noise and a disgusted face.

"You would rather do that with him than fight demons?" Isabelle gasped dramatically.  "I so believe it"

I laughed nervously and we finally left me to prepare for the Hunt. Which turned into two Hunts. Later that night, I came home and made Magnus dinner.


That became my routine; get up early in spite of my hate for waking up, fixing Magnus breakfast and lunch, going in to work and usually going on at least one Hunt a day, coming home and fixing dinner, and barely catching any sleep because of the thousands of swirling thoughts. It continued on for a week

They were mainly guilt. I had left Magnus for, in reality, no reason. And when I had left it unleashed a great power in Magnus that inflicted so much pain on him.

I could barely sleep at night because I could hear his screams echoing in my head. The first night, I probably could've ended his pain. It would not have even started in the first place had I not been so blinded. I could hear his screams as I walked down the stairwell, and I almost turned around, almost. But I didn't and now Magnus is paying the price.

There were dark purple bags under my eyes, the once bright blue of my eye color was now dulling. I could see the concerned looks he would give me in the morning and late at night. He would try to get me go to sleep, telling me I didn't have to cook for him, that we could have take out. I would just shake my head and say "We eat too much take out anyway. I don't really mind, I'll cook", then I would give him this pleading look and he dropped it.

I snapped back to what was happening around me. I stretched my aching arms that protested with a pop. I groaned and finished loading up with weapons. I was going on the third Hunt of the day.

More and more demon attacks were occuring. None of the demons that were in the Court ever attacked. I couldn't help but think that they, or possibly Magnus, were the reason behind the increase in demons. It made sense truly. Safety in power and numbers, and The Court and Magnus were the definitions of power.

A yawn escaped my mouth and I could barely keep my eyes open. Going on this Hunt was a bad idea,I knew, but it didn't change the fact that I'm the leader of my team and the head of the Institute.

Isabelle POV

Demons were everywhere. Scorpios  demons to be specific. Looks like the entire hoarde was here. I wonder if they have a nest around here or if they have traveled.

I fell into battle, killing and wounding as many as possible. I felt a rush of wind on either side of my head and the demon in front of me was dead on the ground with two arrows in it.

I charged at another. In the corner of my eye I could see Jace and Alec fighting back to back. They took out demon after demon but the hoarde was crowding around them.

The strange thing was that barely any of them went for Jace. Most of them crowded around Alec, picking at Alec amd trying to stab him with the tails that curved above third bodies, just like mundane scorpions.

All of them were drifting over that way. Ignoring Jace, Clary and I, only focusing on Alec, who seemed overwhelmed.

None of us could help him, I tried fighting through the hoarde to him but I couldn't. Neither could Jace or Clary.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Magnus. "Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up" I begged he screen as the phone rang.

"Magnus Bane speaking" Magnus' voice echoed through the phone.

"We need your help. Now" I said, breathing heavily.

"Why?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"Alec just dropped. I can't get through"  Jace screamed at me. I looked over and Alec was one one knee trying to fend them off.

"Alec's in trouble. We are on a Hunt and I think someone sent the demons after him because they are ignoring us and they've surrounded Alec. No one can pass through the hoarde and he's in trouble" I said in one breath.

"Where" it wasn't a question he was demanding.

"Alec just dropped. He's been floored completely. He isn't conscious anymore" Jace screamed, i could hear him fighting his way to Alec.

I told him where we were and Magnus was here in a matter of seconds.

I could feel the waves of magic that was rolling off of Magnus. I could see the visibly red aura building in front of Magnus until I could barely see him through the dark color. And then it was as if a dam broke. All of the magic surged forward and wiped the Scorpios demons out. All of them had vaporized.

Jace ran forward and scooped up Alec. Magnus and I both walked over, Magnus didn't even look tired. All of that magic would've had an effect before but now he was much more powerful. Or he was just embracing that power again.

Magnus knelt down and placed a hand on Alec's forehead. Soothing blue healing magic poured out of Magnus' hand.

The warlock opened his eyes and looked at us. "There is no demon poison anywhere which is good. None of his cuts are fatal and there is some bruising but not too much"

"But he passed out. I saw him drop" Jace protested.

"Exhaustion. What is this, the third Hunt in one day? Besides they all seemed adamant on him. Plus he doesn't sleep much, so exhaustion is the answer" Magnus replied, his fingers caressing his boyfriend's face.

Magnus POV

I sighed and ran a my spare hand, the hand that wasn't holding Alec's, through my Shadowhunter's hair. He stirred slightly and gradually woke up fully.

Alec looked confused, and happened must've come back to him because a look of realization crossed his face.

"Did I pass out?" He asked groggily, sitting up.

"Yes" I replied, rubbing circles on yhe backs of his hand with my thumb.

"Oh" Alec replied.

"Alexander darling, you need to take care of yourself" I told him.

"I'm fine" he replied, squeezing my hand.

"Alec, if Isabelle didn't call me, you could be dead right now, or wherever those demons were going to take you. They were after you Alec" I told him.

"I really am okay now" he replied.

"No Alexander, you need to take better care of yourself" I protested.

"Magnus, I'm fine. You, my family and work come first. Self-care isn't really high on my list" he replied.

"Sweet boy, light of my life, YOU NEED TO STOP BEING AN IDIOT AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF DAMMIT" I replied, frustrated with him for thinking he doesn't need to care for himself.  Calmer, I continued.  "Alec, darling you need to take better care of yourself. I've forgiven you completely, there is no reason to push yourself to these lengths to try and earn something you already have. The breakfast, lunch and dinner is wonderful but you don't need to do it everyday. You need to be your first priority, you can't save the world if you can barely stay awake"

"It's just that's the way it's always been, I'm supposed to think of others before myself and I guess habits are hard to break. I just feel so guilty, that night I could hear you yelling and crying but I still left and now it causes you pain daily. I did that to you and I can't help but feel guilty, it's impossible not to" Alex replied.

"Darling, I know you regret it but it's no reason to out yourself at risk, especially during a Hunt" I told him, pressing my lips to his forehead.

"It's just I hate knowing that I did that to you" he replied.

"Darling, now that you are with me, it doesn't matter, I feel better when you are around. Please just take better care of yourself" I pleaded.

"I'll try" he responded, looking down at our joined hands.

"That's good enough for me" I told him, our lips met in a soft kiss.

Hey everyone, I know it's been a week but Monday I had a huge test, Tuesday another test and the same on Wednesday. Thursday i went to the dentist. Friday I had to go with my girlfriend to get imaging done on her arm, which is healing accordingly and we also got more tape for the cast. Saturday I had to go grocery shopping and today I wrote the entire chapter. I've had an incredibly busy week so please forguve me for the lack of updates.

The actual idea for this chapter came from IamSage88. IamSage88 is an amazing person who is often the one I turn to when I'm not sure what to do with My Love and I'm grateful. So My Love has 1.44k reads! I'm in shock. This is amazing and I'm so thankful for all of the amazing support.

Comment, vote, and share. I love the amount of comments I've been getting lately and it's just wonderful to know what people think about my story.

Be happy, stay strong, and Love Yourself

- Nautilus

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