You Are Mine ✔


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Book One Nikita Anderson, a young werewolf from the Blood Moon pack. Shortly after her twentieth birthday she... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Twenty Six

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A comforting warmth cradled me tightly as I began to come back to consciousness. My body felt like it was swaying softly, rocking me like a baby. Rhythmic beating sounded against my ear, tempting me back to the peacefulness of the darkness but something inside me refused to go under again. Pushing me to wake up, wake up and open my eyes. The sound of hushed voices drove that inner part of me to fight even harder. All I wanted to do was sleep but that desperate feeling inside me had me fighting to open my eyes."She'll be okay. It will take some time for her to fully heal but she is going to be fine, Alpha Conan." at the mention of his name, everything came rushing back to me at once. The mountain, the rouges, the mysterious man and finally being attacked. Feeling my own life force slip away from me, every pain filled second. A small whimper passed through my lips causing the rocking to stop abruptly.

"Nikita?" His deep voice whispered next to me ear. Desperation hit me again as I fought against my own body. I needed to open my damn eyes, I need to see him. I need my mate, my love, my Dominic. My eye lids fluttered open for a split second, the morning light blinding me before my eyes slammed closed once again. I whined in frustration as my body betrayed me.

"It's okay love. You're very weak, you lost a lot of blood." I felt strong arms tighten around me, pressing me closer to the comforting warmth. As the fog in my mind cleared I realized I was being carried by Dominic, the sounds of twigs and leaves being crushed underfoot near by, told me that the pack was walking through the woods. My head laid on his shoulder, my face tucked into the crook of his neck as he cradled my body against his chest.

"Alpha, we should hurry back. She needs more fluids and possibly a blood transfusion." A familiar male voice spoke softly, wracking my brain I tried to place the voice to a face but couldn't picture them in my mind.

Dominic grunted in understanding as he began walking again, the long stride of his footsteps brought back the soft rocking sensation from earlier. My ears picked up on the many footsteps surrounding us, alerting me to the fact that many of us made it out alive. I could only hope we were all going to make it home safely. With my eyelids heavy I focused on the different sounds every individual footstep made. The differences between those still in wolf form and those who had turned back. The soft, almost fluttering sound of birds wings as they stirred from their tree top perches and flew away from the oncoming werewolf army approaching their resting place. The sound of a stream trickling near by, the water flowing gently over rocks and stones. As I focused on the sounds around me I knew we were getting closer and closer to the pack. Before long the sound of children laughing fell upon my ears, causing my heart to clench painfully. Jackson can't see me like this, he's already watched one mother die like this. He doesn't need to watch another one..

"Stop thinking like that." Dominic's deep voice startled me as well as the emotion behind them, he was angry. Pushing deeper into him, I found he was angry at me, for thinking that I was going to die. Swallowing hard I tried to speak but only soft squeaks would pass through my lips.

"Don't try to talk love, your windpipe was crushed by one of the rogues. You probably won't be able to talk for a day or two." He said, his voice becoming softer, soothing and calm. The sound of people running drew my attention as they drew closer to us.

"Alpha, Luna." A older sounding gentleman said.

"Rod, has her room been prepared?" Dom asked, getting straight to the point.

"Yes Alpha. We will asses her injuries right away. Everyone is prepped and ready, should she need any soft of treatment or surgeries." I groaned at the thought.

"She's conscious?" He asked, his voice giving away his disbelief.

"Yes and lucid, just unable to open her eyes or talk verbally."

"Mind link?"

"Yes." The sound of door creaking open hit my ears just as the scent of antiseptic and chemicals filled my nose.

"May I?" The man asked, confusing me. Dominic grunted in a form of approval.

'Luna, Luna can you hear me?' The mans voice asked in my mind.

'Yes...I can hear you.' My voice sounded even weaker, but how is that possible if the voice is only in my head?

'Because you are getting weaker love.' Dom said softly.

"Okay lay her down here." Doctor Rod said before I felt Dominic's muscles twitch as he lowered me down onto the soft but firm mattress beneath me. Once his arms left me, a cold shiver swept up my spin, causing my body to shake while goosebumps spread over my body. A soft whimper came from me once again as his hands left my body feeling empty.

'It's okay Love. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere.' Dominic's said softly as his hand wrapped around mine.

'Good, I'd have to kill you if you did.' I teased. He chuckled dryly.

'Of course, I know you would.' As we spoke through our link I picked up the sounds of others entering the room, hushed whispered of nurses as the noted all the easily visible injuries.

"Okay Luna, we're going to have to undo your bandages and undress you now." A female nurse said cautiously. Next to me I felt Dominic turn slightly rigid before relaxing almost instantly.I nodded, letting them know I understood. As they set to work I turned my head in the direction of Dominic. His reaction had confused me, pushing my thoughts to him I silently asked him what was wrong.

'Nothing, my wolf was just being silly. He was worried about other males seeing you naked until I reassured him that there would be no males other than Rod, seeing you.' A gurgled sound bubbled up in my throat as my body attempted to giggle. Searing pain followed swiftly after causing another whimper to leave me.

'Sorry love.' His voice sounded strained as Dom squeezed my hand gently. I forced a small smile onto my lips and shook my head slightly.

"You're going to feel a small poke, Luna. We are setting up an IV line." The same nurse informs, her soft voice was almost reassuring, giving you the feeling that you were in capable hands. I nodded once more in understanding before feeling a small pinch in the crook of my right elbow.

After checking over every single inch of my body the medical team quickly set to work on cleaning and sterilizing all my wounds. Some of the much larger ones required stitches but would only need to be in for a few days at most, hopefully. At one point I was taken to another room for x-rays to check for broken bones and internal bleeding. After what felt like hours I was left in nothing but one of those thin hospital gowns that only cover your front and they had finally left Dominic and I alone for a short period of time. While the Doctor went to check the x-rays that had been taken of my chest cavity as well as my abdomen.

Dom continued to stay by my side, holding my hand and caressing my cheek while he filled me in on what happened on the mountain. Soon after I had passed out from blood loss, Dominic found me in the arms of the strange man who has saved me and with him was Alpha Zane of the Black Fang. The other Alpha's, along with their hunting parties had finally arrived and quickly the battle with the rouges was over. Many of them were dead while others were captured or escaped before they could be stopped. The man who saved me twice was also a trained healer, though apparently he did not work in a pack hospital. He patched me up well enough for the trip back to the pack-house. He must have been the voice I recognized in the woods.

'Who is he Dom?' I asked once he finished explaining.

'Apparently he is Alpha Green's mate' Dom sounded odd, like he was confused.

'What is it?'

'I don't know, he isn't wolf nor is he human. I've never come across a scent like his before.'

'I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw him! His scent is very strange, like a sour candy or something. I've never smelled anything like it before either. What could he be? His speed is unlike anything I have ever seen before either.' Dom hummed in agreement as he thought quietly for a moment. Before we got the chance to talk about it further Doctor Rob came back in with my medical report.

"Well at first glance your injuries don't look so bad but with further inspection we found more that worries us." Doctor Rob says before suddenly stopping. Even with my eyes closed I have a sickly suspicion that Dominic is glaring at him. Gathering as much energy as I could, I squeeze his hand softly.

'Stop it.'

'Stop what?' He asked, sounding clueless.

'Don't give Rob the "I'm going to rip your spleen out and eat it right in front of you." look.' Dom chuckles slightly under his breath.

'Can my face really say all that?'

'Oh definitely, and that is only one of your many looks I've seen you give to others. I'm sure there are even more I have yet to witness.' He chuckles again.

"Continue Rob." Dominic says while his thumb rubs along my knuckles soothingly.

"Right, um, yes as I was saying. The wounds on your ribs and neck area will take some time to heal, due to all the injuries you sustained in the battle along with a weakened immune system. Your wolf is working hard to repair your body but with such a substantial amount of damage done, it will be longer than normal."

"Weakened immune system?" Dominic asked, voicing the same question I had as well.

"Yes, Alpha. You see when Luna had her miscarriage, it took a lot out of her. Her body is still trying to repair it's self and heal. Even though Luna Nikita is very strong spirited, her wolf is smaller than average. Based on everything I have gathered with talking to the pack Doctor at Blood Moon. Nikita is slightly weaker than usual, due to her premature birth along with some other factors we can discus at a later date." Rob clears his throat before continuing.

"As of right now we will be keeping Luna here over night, but tomorrow morning she will be able to be discharged into your care, Alpha." Turning his attention strictly back to me he said.

"Upon checking the x-rays we have found four broken ribs, your collar bone also has a small fracture on the right side. We also found a clean break to your right Tibia, the main bone in the lower half of your leg. We will have to put it in a temporary cast to help it heal correctly but with it being a clean break it should not be too difficult to heal." He paused as the door opened. The sound of a cart on wheels hit my ears, along with three sets of footsteps.

"These nurses here will be assisting me with your cast. Don't mind them as they get all the supplies ready. As I was saying, you did have some internal bleeding but that was healed quickly thanks to your wolf doing damage control. You will feel weak for some time as she is going to be mostly dormant while she works to heal your body. We will be putting you on some antibiotics to keep your wounds clear of any infections. Along with a mild pain killer to ease the discomfort, you will also be on strict bed rest for at least a week." I whined softly at the thought of being stuck in bed for another week.

'Sorry love.' Dominic says softly as he rubs the back of my hand.

'It's okay..I guess.' My ears picked up on the sound of fabric being ripped, tools being placed onto a metal tray. Doctor Rob and the nurses whispering softly about which type of casting they should use.

'Dom.. why cant I open my eyes still?' I asked as the question popped into my head. I could feel his concern through our bond, he had been wondering the same thing.

"Rob, why can't she open her eyes yet?" The sound of his feet hitting the floor as he scurried over to the side of my bed had me blindly turning to face him.

"Well lets see what we got going on in there shall we?" He asked as I felt his cool fingertips touch the side of my face. I jumped slightly from the abrupt contact, causing Dominic to stiffen as he growled slightly.

'It's okay, just startled me is all. He didn't hurt me.'

'Good. Wouldn't want to kill one of our desperately needed doctors. Would be too much paper work and a headache to replace him.' The way he talks so carefree about killing someone sends a chill down my spine, for a short time I had forgotten that I am mated to the famous bloodthirsty Alpha who is rumored to not have a soul. He is ruthless, I have seen it first hand but he is not soulless. He has a soul, a soul that is morbidly beautiful. Dom wants to love and be loved, but the pain he has been through in his past has made him into the man he is today. I know he isn't the monster everyone thinks he is, he only acts like one. It keeps him safe, keeps people away. He doesn't kill for no reason but he will kill for the ones he cares about without a second thought. I know he acts differently around me, treats me differently. My only wish is that one day he can treat others like this too. One day I hope he can openly express his feelings to his family.

"Okay, I'm going to open your eyelid now Luna." Doctor Rob's voice brings me back from my whirlwind of thoughts as his fingers begin to pry my eye open. A bright light causes me to growl and jerk away from him. My grip on Dominic's hand tightens as I feel him jump to his feet next to my bed, a low dangerous growl rumbled throughout the room.

"I'm so sorry Luna, I did not think the light would hurt you." Rob's panicked voice said from across the room. Tapping into the link we established earlier I turned my head towards his voice.

'It's okay Doctor, I know you are only trying to do your job and help me. Don't mind Conan, I'll keep him calm.'

'Thank you, Luna' His voice was full of relief as he walked back towards the bed. Turning my head back towards Dom, I squeezed his hand tightly.

'I'm fine, he isn't trying to hurt me Dom. He's only doing his job, can you sit next to me please?' His only reply was a low grunt from deep within his belly. I felt him squeeze my hand back softly as he lowered himself back down into his chair. I smiled at him.

'Thank you.' He hummed in return as his thumb started to rub circles on the back of my hand.

Rob preformed a quick eye exam but said he couldn't find any reason as to why I couldn't open my eyes. It was determined that I was to weak, physically and that once I got rest and more fluids in me that I should be able to open them once again. If not, we will have to send for a eye specialist to have them checked again. When he was finished with his exam it was time for my cast. As soon as one of the nurses touched my leg, pain shot through me. A gurgled scream ripped through my throat as my body jerked around. All the calming thoughts and feelings I had been sending to Dominic went right out the window. The moment the scream left my mouth his chair flew back as he stood up so abruptly. A loud roar filled the room as his hand left mine. Through the fog of pain I blindly reached out to him. His loud voice boomed around the room as he yelled at the poor nurse.

"What the hell are you doing?! I should rip your pathetic head off right now! You dare harm your Luna?!" The tone of his voice caused a shiver to run down my spine, it was deadly, lethal and full of his rage. I had no doubt the look as his face is enough to make you wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole. Dominic continued to scream at the poor girl until Doctor Rob tried to intervene, then Rob was to new focus of his rage. I knew I needed to calm him down and fast before someone was hurt. Pushing the pain down I focused all my attention on our mate bond, pushing into his mind was really difficult when he was so worked up but it was easier for me with the help of the mate bond.

'Dom! Please stop.' At first my plea's for him to calm down were useless, his anger blocking him from rational thoughts.

"No, I will not calm down Nikita! What kind of morons do we have working here?! Everyone of them is incompetent, it amazes me that anyone walks out of here alive!" Dominic's voice echoed around the room.

'DOMINIC! Please.. I need you right now.' my words and feelings finally hit him as I whimpered in pain once more. His hand engulfed mine not even a second later, cradling it in his much larger one. He sat down on the edge of my bed and stroked the side of my face softly with the other.

'I'm sorry Love..' His voice had softened as he spoke to me, concern flashed through our bond as I felt his eyes searching me face.

'It isn't their fault. Stop treating them like that.' I scolded.

"I'm sorry, Luna, Alpha." Rob said from somewhere in the room. I shook my head.

'It's not your fault Rob, Ignore his outburst and continue with your work.' I said into the link.

"Very well Luna. Alpha Conan..?"

"What?" Dom's voice was still full of venom when he spoke to the doctor, irritated with his behavior I squeezed his hand tightly, digging my nails into his flesh. I felt his initial shock through our bond before a soft chuckle came from him as he squeezed my hand back.

'Sorry love.'

'Mmmhm.' Stupid testosterone filled Alpha with crazy pain tolerances. That didn't even faze him in the slightest.

"Sir..maybe it would be best if you were to um.. well hold Luna. Skin to skin contact will help prevent some of the pain as well as comfort her and her wolf." Rob said as he drew nearer to the bed. It was silent for a moment before I felt him nod.

"Okay." was all he said before he stood up once again.

"Let me know right away if anything hurts." He said as I felt his large hands slide under my back and the backs of my knees slowly. Small pains shot through me as he lifts me off the bed. I breath through the pain, not wanting to stop him as I feel him lay down and lower me down onto his bare chest. His strong arms wrapped around me, holding me in a firm but gentle embraces as he buried his nose into my hair. The whole process went much smoother as I focused my full attention on Dom, the way my body moved slightly as he breathed. The warmth of his skin on my bare back and if I listened closely I could even hear the sound of his heart. The rhythm bringing a new sense of comfort for me. Before I even realized, my cast was on and the nurses were scurrying out of the room as fast as they could with the medical cart. Doctor Rob was making his way towards the door when I tapped into my link with Dom.

'Tell him thank you for me, please.' Dominic shifted uncomfortably and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Um, well. Luna Nikita says thank you."

"Oh it's my pleasure. Please let me know if you need anything. A nurse will be in later tonight with some more pain med's." Rob rushes out before you hear his foot steps retreating and the sound of a door closing.

'I want you to stay and lay with me.'

"Nika, you are covered in injuries."

'No shit Sherlock.' I snap at him irritated before taking a deep breath.

'Please Dom.. I just want to lay with you. I'm so cold and need to feel you against me.' My voice sounds weak and pathetic even to me but I can't help the way I feel. My body is screaming out to be with him, for the warmth of his skin against mine.

"You are not weak or pathetic Nikita." His voice still sounded stern but not harsh. Dom's lips press against the back of my head as his shifted slightly underneath me.

"You okay?" He voice was just above a whisper as he pressed his nose into my hair once again, inhaling my scent.

'Much better.' I said with a small smile on my lips as I snuggle into him. Sleep soon consumed me as the pain med's and exhaustion finally caught up to me again.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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