A Different Breed ▻ Legacies...

By arios2004

407K 12.7K 2.5K

Valerie Rose was widely known at the Salvatore Boarding school as the daughter of Ophelia Rose, everyone's fa... More



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By arios2004

Meanwhile later, Rafael, Valerie, Hope, and Landon were walking down the hallway together when another announcement was heard on the intercom, "Good news, friends. The talent show is going on as previously scheduled," Lizzie announced, causing numerous students to cheer and whistle while Valerie looked anything but happy.

"So, Lizzie's acting weird," Landon commented with a smile on his face as he turned to Rafael.

"She's not the only one," Rafael responded, pointing to Hope and Valerie, who were walking in front of them.

Hope was repeatedly trying to hug Valerie, but Valerie kept pushing her away, "Did they switch bodies or something?" Rafael asked Landon quietly.

"Hope doesn't act like that," Landon argued, causing them both to laugh until Hope turned to them.

"Babe," She spoke up, "We should do a talent."

"What?" Landon asked her with wide eyes, sharing a worried glance with Rafael, who smiled at him.

Valerie scoffed, "You're on crack if you're actually thinking about doing a talent," She remarked.

"Uh, you and me?" Landon asked Hope concerned.

"I never wanted to do it before 'cause I would have had to do it alone," Hope began to explain, but was cut off by Valerie.

"Uh, what about me?" She complained, "For years, I've asked you--"

Before Valerie could finish her sentence, Hope spoke up, "Silencio," She chanted, causing Valerie's mouth to seal over before the female tribrid continued to talk to her boyfriend, "But now I have you."

She walked over to Landon, wrapping her arms around Landon's neck, "And we make up our own faction. The tribrid and you."

"Yeah, all right, yeah. Team Other," Landon responded as Rafael walked over to Valerie, whose mouth was still sealed over.

"Hey, aren't you going to undo your spell?" Rafael asked Hope concerned, "You can't keep her like this."

"Tomorrow," Hope responded, not taking her eyes off Landon, "She needs to learn her lesson."

Angered, Valerie used her magic to telekinetically cause Hope to be thrown against the wall, just before she ran off using her werewolf speed.

Valerie, not watching where she was going, bumped right into Josie, whose eyes widened at the sight of Valerie's sealed over mouth, "She did it again?" Josie asked in annoyance and Valerie nodded her head in response, "Come on, let's go to my room. I'll fix it."

Josie grabbed Valerie's hand, just before leading to her room. They both took a seat on Josie's bed, "Stay still," She told Valerie quietly, just before placing her hand over Valerie's mouth.

A red glow appeared on the palm of Josie's hands as she siphoned away the spell sealing Valerie's mouth shut.

Once it was done, Valerie let out a sigh of relief. She cracked her neck on both sides, just before standing up, "Wait until I find that bitch!" She growled angrily, "I am sick of this shit. I've had to deal with being in her shadow for years and I'm officially done. She may be a tribrid and the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, but I'm still a person. It's like history's repeating itself! Hope's mother was always stuck in the shadow of my mother and now the same thing's happening to me with Hope."

"Hey," Josie told Valerie in a soothing tone, placing her hands on the girl's shoulders, "Just calm down, okay? Just breathe."

"I don't want to breathe!" Valerie shouted, "I want to get her back."

"And you will," Josie suddenly said, causing Valerie to turn to her with wide eyes, "I'll help you."

"How?" Valerie asked her curiously and Josie smiled.


Valerie sat with Hope and a large group of witches on the stairs, both girls drinking a milkshake. Hope had felt bad for what she had done and both them both milkshakes. Valerie knew for a fact she hadn't forgiven Hope yet and was already planning to get revenge. She knew her first step in doing so was to screw up her talent show act.

She was honestly jealous. They had been doing the talent show for years while she and Hope attended the Salvatore School. Numerous times, Valerie had asked Hope to do the talent show with her, but she always said no. But now that Landon was here, she was going to do it? It pissed her off and she wanted payback.

"This is so much fun," Hope told the group of witches with a smile on her face, "I don't know why we don't do this more often."

"Maybe because you're an anti-social bitch and by association, you've technically made me one too," Valerie muttered under her breath, but of course, Hope had ignored her as the whole group laughed.

Josie began to walk over, only to stop when she saw Hope being social with the witches. Valerie sat with her, but for the first time ever while hanging out with the students of the Salvatore School, she looked like she didn't belong. Josie couldn't help but feel angry as she saw this. She couldn't help but think it was Hope's fault. Valerie was the Josie of the two. Just as Josie was with Lizzie.

She walked over, remembering why she had gone there in the first place, "Hey, do you know where they moved the stupid canes for the talent show?" Josie asked both Hope and Valerie, crossing her arms over her chest, "Lizzie was asking me to find them."

"You seem very anti-cane," Hope commented, standing up from her seat.

"No," Josie replied quickly, "Uh, just anti-doing the same exact thing every year."

"Tell me about it," Valerie muttered under her breath, "Now I'm stuck doing whatever half-ass thing Rafael makes up with the wolves."

"Wow, a great way to speak about your boyfriend," Hope commented, earning a glare from Valerie.

"I'll keep an eye out," Hope assured her, only to notice Penelope beginning to walk over to them, her eyes on Josie, "But, um...I think someone has their eye out for you..."

"Oh, dear God, hide me," Josie commented and Valerie nodded, gesturing for her to get behind her.

Josie quickly hid behind Valerie while Hope stood in front of Valerie as Penelope walked over to them, "Hi," Hope greeted Penelope with a smile on her face.

Penelope moved around Hope and peeked behind Valerie to see Josie. She let out a sigh, just before holding out a note for Josie to take, "Just make sure you read it in private," Penelope told her in a hushed tone.

Josie snatched the note from Penelope's hand, "I'm not going to read it at all," She told Penelope, who gave her a somewhat of a sad look.

As she walked away, Penelope gestured for her followers to come with her. They immediately got up, following after her.

Josie sighed, just before handing the note to Valerie, "Light it, would you?"

"Damn, okay," Valerie muttered, just before causing the note to erupt into flames.

After doing so, she dropped it to the floor, stepping on it.

Hope smiled, taking a sip of her milkshake before looking down at Josie, "Okay, what do you think it says?" She asked her curiously, "'Check this box if you want to kiss me, check this box if you want to kill me'?"

Josie stood up alongside Valerie and turned to face Hope, "I don't know and gladly, Val set it on fire before I could find out."

"If you need me to help you take down she-devil, I'll gladly help," Valerie offered with a smile on her face, "I'm in the mood for some chaos."

"I could say the same," Hope spoke up with a smile on her face, "I got you, girl."

"Okay," Josie awkwardly replied, "Did Emma just slip you happy pills or something while we were gone?" She asked Hope concerned before turning to Valerie, "And why is there all of a sudden a mean and aggressive side of you?"

"No, I'm just having a good day," Hope responded and then gestured to Valerie, "And she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"No, I did not," Valerie grumbled, "People just piss me off."

"Tell me about it," Josie muttered quietly.

"I gotta get to class," Hope paused, hugging Josie tightly so that their cheeks were touching, "But your day is gonna get so much better, Jo. I just know it."

Josie frowned, touching her ear in confusion as Hope walked away. Just then, her eyes widened and a large smile grew on her face.


In the woods, Ophelia and Dorian stood in front of the unicorn, who was eating hay, "Look at you," Dorian began to tell the unicorn, "Eating hay. Acting all innocent. You might have fooled everybody else, including Ophelia here, but I got my eye on you, okay? Yeah. That's right," He paused, beginning to mimic Hope and Valerie, "'It's a unicorn, Dorian. Don't hurt the unicorn.' Unicorn."

Ophelia smiled, shaking her head in response, "Your something else, I swear," She commented, "Well, since we have nothing else better to do. Let's talk about you and Emma. How your little 'Relationship' going?"

"Fine," Dorian replied with a smile on his face, "What about you and Alaric?"

Ophelia frowned, turning to Dorian, "What the hell are you talking about?" She asked him confused, "There's nothing going on between Alaric and I. We're simply friends."

Dorian hummed in response, "You've been working closely with each other for years. You're basically the headmistress of this school since Caroline's overseas. The way you and Alaric work together as partners...Something's bound to happen."

Ophelia immediately shook her head, "Even if I wanted to pursue something with Alaric, I couldn't," She complained and Dorian gave her a confused look.

"Why not?" he asked her curiously.

"I'm still nursing a wounded soul," She confessed, "Klaus died two years ago, I'm still mourning him, I probably always will be."

"And Alaric's still mourning Jo," Dorian pointed out, "That's why it would fit."

Ophelia let out a sigh, becoming quiet, "I don't want to talk about it anymore," She argued and Dorian nodded his head in understanding.

About an hour later, Hope and Landon rushed toward Ophelia and Dorian, who was still standing in front of the Unicorn.

"Mr. Williams, Ophelia," Hope called out in a worried tone, "We need your help. Dr. Saltzman's been MIA, and this creepy slug came out of my ear. We think it might have affected Valerie and she's nowhere in sight."

Both Dorian and Ophelia shared a glance with each other before turning to Hope and Landon. Ophelia lifted up the jar in her hand, which held one of the slugs, "Did it happen to look like this?" She asked the two teens.

"Yep, exactly like that," Landon responded.

"This one tried getting into me," Dorian informed the group, "We were hoping it was the only one. I think our harmless friend the unicorn brought it onto school grounds to infect all of us."

Just then, the unicorn neighed wildly before collapsing onto the ground, groaning. Ophelia sighed, slowing turning to face the unicorn alongside Dorian.

"See?" Hope spoke up, looking down at the unicorn, "Harmless."


Valerie standing backstage, getting ready for the talent show. The werewolves were having Rafael do a poem, that Valerie ended up reading over. It was honestly pretty good. It was actually about her and his fear of doing something to ruin all of what they had. Little did he know he wouldn't be the one to ruin what they had.

Valerie was in charge of playing the cello as background music. She was taught to play the cello by her mother, who had learned to play by her uncle Elijah.

As she fixed the collar of the shirt she was wearing she could see the annoyed look on Lizzie's face as she told off Josie.

"It is not a showstopping finale cane number without canes, so find them," Lizzie reminded, trying her hardest to keep calm, "And get dressed. Please."

With that, Lizzie walked off. Josie turned her head, only to lock eyes on Valerie, who was clearly listening in on siblings' conversation. She let out a sigh, just before walking over to her, a smile on her face.

"Hey," She greeted Valerie with a smile on her face, "How's 'Operation: Get revenge on Hope' going?"

"Not well,"  Valerie admitted, "How's helping me with that plan going? You don't seem to be doing it."

"I am," Josie argued quietly, causing Valerie to roll her eyes.

"Well, you're not doing a very good job of it," Valerie commented quietly, causing Josie to smile as she moved closer to Valerie.

"Well, that's the thing, Val," She responded, "I'm sick of always doing a good job. Aren't you?"

"Definitely," Valerie replied, nodding her head.

"What do you say we get out of here?" Josie proposed and Valerie turned to Josie stared intently at each other. She should've declined, but something inside her that she was unable to control drew her to Josie, no matter how much she knew it was the wrong thing to do.


Josie and Valerie walked toward where the unicorn laid in front of the barrier stopping it from going anywhere.

Josie lifted up her hand, wrapping it around a branch as she began to siphon the barrier spell. Both Josie and Valerie's eyes glowed as he did so, just before they stepped over the barrier.

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