Runaway (Diyue AU)

By ella-holland98

27.1K 1.3K 317

(This was my first fic and I am aware it gets cringey and kinda goes way to fast, but I will revise it and ed... More

1: It Doesn't Feel Right
2: Engagment Celebration
3: Leaving Home For Now
4: Crash Landing In The Unknown
5:Excuse Me... You're From Where Again?
6: Don't Need To Be Involved
6: The Truth
7: A Call From Home
9: Really Bad Insomnia
10: Not Again
11: Moon Shen , You deserve to be celebrated
12: Unexpected
13: Birthday Present
14: What That Hell Do You Think You're Doing Here !?!
15: My Past Came Back To Haunt Me ,Dylan
16: Secret Date
17: Perfect Date
18: Oblivion
19: Kidnapped
20: Full Potential
22: Bad Vision
23: News From Home
24: Anxiety And Nightmares
25: Art Gallery Date
26: Arcade
27: 我爱你
28: My Favorite Person
29: Girl Time/Boy Time
30: "dad"
31: Arrival
32: Believe In You
33:Oldest Sorceress
34:Learning The Truth(1/2)
35:Learning The Truth Part (2/2)
36: Powers
37: Something Important
38: Sacrifice
39: Safe
40: War Has Begin
41: War Has Begin (2/2)
42: Second Chance
43:Little Bit Of Heaven
44: Wu Wedding
45: Astions?!
46: A Day With Jay
47: Give It To Me
48: Something Good
49: Memorable
52: Take Care
53: Wang Myung Shen Jay
54:Coronation Day

21: Right On Time

484 33 5
By ella-holland98

Warning: mentions of abuse , guns... if you're not comfortable reading , skip this chapter.. thanks for reading

Shen Yue's POV

At had felt like an eternity since I had been kidnapped although it probably had been a whole day.

Today took a turn of the worse. What really kept me strong being her was my son, Willa and Dylan.

I feel weaker and weaker as the hours go by and pray for someone to come to my rescue.

"Boss left..", the man with eyepatch tells the other guys.

Since being here I had learned that the man in wheel chair name was Lee Ping and his right hand name was Lan Ming, aka the man with the eye patch.

Through my blurry vision I see Lan Ming approaching where I laid.

"Boss left and he said I wasn't allowed to touch you this way and have fun.. that wasn't the plan... but a whore like you deserves a lesson", he disgustingly says and all over his face is a smirk.

"Boys leave us",he tells the rest to leave and they do.

Soon we're all alone.

I shake my head and attempt to crawl away but I was simply to weak to even do that.

Tears begin brimming at my eyes ... I never had felt so useless , disgusted and weak in my life.

What sucked the most was I could barley move or defend myself from what was going to take place.

"Please.. d-don't", I whimper. But it useless he rips my dress shirt open revealing my lacy blue bra and the necklace Dylan gave me for my birthday.

"Pretty necklace .. around a pretty neck..", he begins kissing at my neck.. and sucks on it.

I cry and attempt pushing him off me.. he lifts his head up and pins my arms the ground resumed back to what he was doing.

He stops kissing my neck and then unbuckled my dress pants and slide them off and my dress shirt leaving me half naked.

"Leave me alone", I scream.

"Never", he says before he unbuckled his own pants.

Dylan's POV

I hid and see a bunch of men exit the warehouse.

"I guess he wanted his fun", one of them says as he takes a cigarette out and begins lighting it up.

"She deserves it , thinks she's strong woman but she's nothing but weak and fragile", the other adds.

The one next them chuckles. "She'll get the lesson she deserves"

I couldn't take hearing them speak about Moon that way any longer and just let myself be seen.

"You sick fucks", I say and begin beat the living shit out of all three of them.


I knock all three of them out and then begin looking for Moon the gigantic ware house full of many freaken rooms.

I begin using my hearing , really listening where she was when I hear a very familiar cry that hurt my heart and makes my stomach feel sick.

"Leave me alone", I run and open the door.

Find a man hovering over her.

The sight makes me feel all kinds of emotion and rip him off of her.

And throw him to the ground and begin punching, kicking and beating him up all over for ever touching her. I wasn't using my full strength because then I'd really kill him.

"You sick fucken pig , you're dead", I throw one last punch and he's unable to stand up.

I walk to where she lay and my heart drops.

She had bruises all over her body. Her half naked... and nearly taken advantage of by that sick fuck.

I cradle her body and hug her

"I'm sorry this happened, precious... I'm sorry", tears stream from my eyes.

"You were right on time, Dylan, thank you", she weakly says.

I kiss her forehead.

Her eyes were having trouble staying open.

I take my phone and dial the emergency number moon taught me to call Incase of emergencies...

"9-1-1, what's your emergency", the lady says.

I begin explaining the events that took place.

As much as I hated keeping the sick pigs alive , I had too.. a true ruler never murdered anyone no matter what.. they'd pay sentence and simply rot there days away just like those stupid sons of bitches were going to pay for hurting Moon.


The ambulance got their on time and took Moon and the police arrested the men.

Now we were at the hospital and was sitting looking at Moon covered and bandages.

It turned out she had one broken rib , and few other minor bruises.

I hated that she got hurt. I held her hand , I'm not sure if Moon wanted Jay to see her this way , so I told Willa to take Jay home and tell him his mommy was away.

The door opens and I look up and see Myung Jaehyuk.. now sporting a bruised face from when I punched him.

" I don't deserve to be in her life or My son's", he says defeated.

Now I was starting to feel bad for the guy, maybe he had his reasons.. and maybe he was telling the truth about forced to stay away from Moon.

He seemed genuine. But that didn't forgive the hurtful things he said to her then and now..

"Look man, you fucked up , and it's all over she's safe now and those sick fucks are in jail now", I say.

Myung Jaehyuk nods. "What about their leader , Lee Ping"

My eyes widen.. the guy with the eye patch?? or who ... was he speaking about ?

"This man, he's the one that really wanted me to pay, he needs to be arrested, because clearly they missed him", he says.

"A man has been wanting Moon's statement, and they're waiting for her to wake up, which will be soon, she's just exhausted from all they made her go though", I say.

"I'll go then, take care of her, I'm sorry for ever being rude towards you, clearly you deserve her more then I ever did, I'm glad she's with a good guy", he smiles genuinely and leaves.

Leaving Moon and I alone again.

Moon's eyes open after the leaves.

"Were you listening this whole time", I ask her and she nods.

"I feel bad , maybe I don't want him in my life as my lover but Jay deserves to know his biological father"

"You're right, he does.. no matter what, he deserves to meet his father and bond with him", I say.

I plant a kiss on her cheek but then she turns around and my lips are on her lips.  Our lips move against one another's in sync.

Everything I once knew when I kissed her then comes back.

This time I close my eyes and let her see everything about me, not regretting it.

We stop kissing and then she looks at me and smiles.

"Dylan , you deserve to know about me especially since we're together now and you're part of my life"

"I wanted you to know about mine, too", I tell her and I grab her hand, and squeeze it assuringly.

"Thank you", she thanks me.

"Did I see you have aqua blue hair and blue eyes when you rescued me??", he asks.

"Yes you did, if I'm at full potential with my powers , apparently my hair turns aqua blue and my eyes go a shade of blue too", I explain.

"It was kind of hot seeing you with blue hair", she says in flirty tone which catches me off guard and causes me to blush.

I loved how she was still smiling and good mood despite everything that took place.

"Thank you, did you want Jay to come see you", I ask as I clear my throat.

"Maybe tomorrow , he must be sleeping especially now at this time", I look at the clock in the wall, eleven o'clock.

It really had been a long day... for everyone.

I was just glad Moon was alright.


Myung Jaehyuk POV

I went to the police station right after leaving the hospital.

" I need to declare something", I say and the officer at the front desk nods.

They take me to an office. "You didn't arrest the real person behind the kidnapping, Lee Ping, I'll show the email", I pull out my phone and take the email out.

The last of it read.

-Lee Ping And Lan Ming... had the video of them hurting Shen Yue.

"This is a lot evidence, thank you for it sir, we'll need the woman's statement still", the officer says.

"Please leave her out of it, she went through enough trouble and has a son to take care of, I'll take care of this for her", I say.

The lady officer eyes widen. "All agree to that since you're popular back in Asia and an heir, Mr.Myung"

"Sure.. as long as , they all rot in jail and this is taken care of so the woman doesn't worry about anymore"

So , there's that... and omg Dyshen kissed... I'm crying bye.

Thank you for all those who read my story, vote , comment.

Even to the ghost readers I love y'all too!!!

Next chapter will be posted soon!! , some people are confused there is plenty of chapters left and I have so many plans for this story , I just wanted to thank y'all for reading it !!

All the love , Ella xx

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