All Of You || Han Jisung FF...


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I want to wake up at 2am, roll over, see your face, and know that I'm right where I'm supposed to be... tra... More

Author's Note
Special appreciation post
Thank youuuu~


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I sluggishly pulled my phone out from the back pocket of my denim jeans.

Everything was spinning in my vision, as I struggled to maintain my conciousness.

I opened the contacts and scrolled for Hyunjin's.

He was my last resort, because I denied to die now. I didn't want his help, I needed it.

"Hello? What's up Ji?" I heard Hyunjin through the phone.

"Ugh.. Hyun- Hyunjin.. plea- please help me.."

I gasped for air, as I felt the sharp pain in my chest. It was as if someone was tying a rope around my thorax and tightening it by each second. I struggled to breathe.

"Jisung! Oh my fucking God! Where are you! Hang in there, I'll find you! please-" I heard these last words.

And the pain soon ended, my vision started going blurry as the phone fell out of my hand and shattered hitting the ground.

Followed by the phone was I, who came crashing to the ground.

Emptiness surrounded me as I lay there on the cold street.

Please Hyunjin, hurry up.

A few hours later

Opening my eyes, I stared into complete whiteness.

For a second I thought I was in heaven, but then I heard Hyunjin panicking.

Honestly, this was the first time I was happy to wake up, alive.

"Oh my God! Jisung, you asshole! You scared the shit out of me. I thought you were dead lying on that street!" Hyunjin screamed, dry streaks on his cheeks, apparently because he cried.

If I don't survive, I will ask God to increase Hyunjin's lifetime, because this guy here deserves to live more than I do.

I interrupted him by gripping his hand.

He stopped ranting and looked at me. I gave him a warm smile to assure him that I was fine, even when I wasn't.

"I didn't die-" I said trying to sit up, as he helped me up.

"Shutup!" Hyunjin said as I pulled him into a hug.

And this huge baby started crying in my embrace, his sobs were quiet, as he forced them inside, but he gave in and cried out loudly.

"Bro.. calm down, I'm alive. If you cry now, you'll be at a loss of tears on my funeral" I laughed, earning a cold glare from Hyunjin.

"Don't say such things, or I'll kill you before your time comes." Hyunjin said.

BAMM!! The door flung open revealing a pair of chestnut eyes filled with tears.

"Mom.. uh- what are you.. I'm totally fine mom.." I stuttered as Mom approached me. Her eyes were blood shot red.

Damn, why'd I have to faint again?

"Umm.. I think I should leave you guys alone.." Hyunjin said , I glared at him and signaled him to come back because I knew that Mom would get mad at me. But that bitch.

He left me in the dungeon.

"Mom.. I can explain.." I was interrupted by her coming forward and cupping my cheeks followed by her warm hug.

It was such a magical moment. I realized how much I yearned for her warmth. I wish I could sleep in her embrace forever, without any disturbance.

"My precious baby.. You don't know how worried Mom was for you." She said as she wept.

It hurt my heart to see her collapsing in front of my eyes, but I couldn't stop her, I couldn't tell her not to cry, I couldn't tell her I was fine.

Because I wasn't.

She knows it, I know it. We know that I'm not fine, then why give her false hopes.

But I said it. Because I was determined to live.

"Mom, stop crying." I demanded.

"It hurts me to see you cry, It's not like I'm gone.. so please don't grieve so much because it makes me feel somewhat... Guilty.." I said it all.

She looked at me as I wiped the tears away from her cheeks.

"Baby boy, this is a mother's heart.." she said pointing towards her chest.

" It beats crazily even if her child get a little scratch... and you- you're suffering so much, my precious child..You won't understand the pain I experience when I see you in pain-" She said but this time with a sad smile.

"Excuse me.." The doctor knocked on the door and came in.

"Oh.. please come in.." Mother acknowledged the doctor to enter.

"Mister Jisung, you're here again.. and sorry to tell you, but you haven't gotten any better so I would sugges-"

"I am ready to get a transplant" I shot up interrupting the doctor, making him surprised.

"That's great!" He exclaimed after a pause and a few shook blinks.

"That means my son will be able to live on normally after the operation.. right?" Mom questioned, eyes filled with hope.

"About that... the doctors overseas are professionals.. but heart transplants are very risky, so please pray to God for the operation to be a success..." The doctor replied pushing my mother into deep thoughts,

"Don't worry mom.. nobody can defy fate, so whatever the future holds for us shall happen.." I calmed her down.

'I told her that everything is going to be alright, everything is gonna be just fine, but deep inside I knew nothing was gonna go as planned.'

6 days later:

I decided to meet up with my friends, probably the last meetup nine of us would have together.

"Jisung, take care of yourself" I heard Mom exclaim as I exited home.

"I'll try" I shrieked replying her.

I walked down the streets alone, until I reached that lamp post.

That lamp post always reminds me of her.

'As long as you and I witness the same sunset and the moon hangs an incandescent orb against the oblivion of the night sky, so long shall the memory of you remain seared onto my existence..' I thought to myself.

With these thoughts hanging onto me I made my way to the cafe.


I entered the cafe and heard the same old bell clink.

It was one of my favorite sounds, as it was a sort of an invitation for people to come in.

"Come here bro!!" I heard Minho hyung call from the corner of the room, a remote control strangled by his hands.

Jeongin sat on the couch beside his. I guess they were competing at a video game.

I went over to them and sat down beside them.

"Jisung! I'll win, wait and watch! Cheer for me" Minho hyung exclaimed.

"You'll definitely win hyung! I'm rooting for you" I said sadness filling my eyes.

"Just kidding, Jeonginnie, you'll definitely beat hyung. Fighting!" I whispered to Jeongin earning a sheepish grin from him.

I looked around the cafe. A place I'd like to call home, a place I shared with my favorite people, with my brothers.

Luckily, it was a weekend and the cafe was closed for customers so Areum didn't have to come.

If she had come, it would've become difficult for me to leave.

"Jisung, here eat this!" Felix came towards me with a slice of strawberry cake in his hands.

"Thankyou Felix." I replied looking at him, smiling.

"Thanks?.. that's very unusual of you" He laughed and then turned around and walked away.

Thankyou for everything you've always done for me.

I stood up and walked over to the counter where Chan, Woojin and Changbin hyung played a board game.

"Hey! Changbin don't sweat it, Chan's going to win anyways, he played this game a lot back in Australia" I heard Woojin hyung say followed by Chan hyung's famous chuckle.

"Jisung, tell them how good I've gotten at this game!" Changbin hyung asked with a cute voice.

"Yeah, hyung I'm trusting you with the game, you better win!" I cheered him up.

"Chan hyung, if you lose I'll tell Seohyun about your embarassing middle school incident" I whispered to Chan hyung.

He stopped playing and looked at me with a dead pan face.

"Tell her and I'll kill you." He smirked.

"I'm kidding I won't tell.." I stated raising my hands up, acting scared.

And with that I scooted towards Hyunjin and Seungmin who were in the kitchen probably burning more than cooking.

"Yo!! Seungmin! " I exclaimed as I wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Oh, hey there! What's up?" Seungmin said still focusing on the meat he was frying.

"Nothing much, what are you guys doing?" I asked looking into their pans.

"We're having a cooking competition, Seungmin's doing great, but mine.. it seems kind of burnt.." Hyunjin smiled shamelessly.

I picked at the food with some chopsticks and ate it.

"You did a great job Hyunjin, just add a little seasoning and you're great to go!" I winked at him.

He just smiled.

I walked out of the kitchen and looked at the cafe, one last time. And then I advanced towards the exit.

"Where are you going, aren't you going to eat with us?" I heard Chan hyung call.

"Nah, hopefully some other day..."


Okay guys.. so I've noticed that I am not getting as much views as the other writers on this account but I just want my dear readers to know that I highly  cherish y'all and I get more motivation by this that I've thought of another new ff which I will surely publish in July and guess what it's gonna be about our favie....


So whoever sincerely liked this ff, whether it be only one person, I love you.


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