
By Riki_The_Author

1.2K 63 48

1 group of friends, leading normal lives. Turned un normal in just a matter of seconds. Sleepovers had never... More

001 (Ivy)
002 (Gia)
003 (Ivy)
004 (Julia)
005 (Lisa)
006 (Ivy)
008 (Ivy)
009 (Jacob)
010 (Gia)

007 (Gia)

64 6 2
By Riki_The_Author

As Gia and Julia completed the change Jacob made it tradition to make them drink out of their loved ones. Little did Ivy know that what she did to Olivia  would come back and haunt her for months to come. With everyone now vampires the rules would have to shift, the problem being Ivy had killed Olivia and Jacob wasn't the type to forgive.

We were all thrown into a pitch black cellar, we had to take a moment for our eyes to adjust. All I wanted was to get away, to escape, to go home snuggle in my comfy black leather jacket.

People would say I look pretty with my white hair and then black jacket, but honestly I'm ugly, nobody would like me if I became who I truly was without acting. I decided to tell Ivy that I wasn't the strong person I always act like but I didn't get time before Jacob came rushing in with Max strongly in his grip.

"WHO KNEW ABOUT HIM?!" Jacob yelled.

All I could do was stare at Max in shock, yeah sure I saw him get his neck broken, but he was a vampire like the rest of us. To be honest I kinda missed him. He looked over at Ivy and mouthed something I couldn't understand.

"NOBODY, OK!" Jacob yelled slamming the door shut behind him. 

I moved my way over to Ivy and asked her " What did Max mouth to you?"

"Oh, you saw?" she asked

"Yeah I did" 

"well okay, when I ran off I found him in a room behind the bricks of where the front door was said to be"she paused, picking her words carefully "He also gave me a book about vampires" she said.

"So Max is good?" I ask?

"Yes , he wouldn't hurt us unless forced by Jacob" she replied.

Suddenly the door flung open.

"Thanks for your honesty, and that perfect idea" Jacob said through the doorway with his oh so evil grin.

He pulled Ivy by the wrist out of the room. Then suddenly I had a horrid thought.

"If we're vampires then Jacob can hurt us more"

I quickly told Julia and she shared the worriedness that I had suddenly felt. It seemed that Jacob had heard us to because he yelled "THANKS FOR THE OTHER GOOD IDEA".

"Ok, I swear to god that Jacob has some super vampire hearing, cause he's starting to freak me out" I told Julia.

"I know right" she said agreeing with me.

"We have so much to learn" Julia says 

" yeah, you sure are right" I say leaning my head onto the cold damp floor, hoping to get some sleep.

"Night or morning or something" I say not really bothering to care what word I use to describe it.

"Night" she replied.

I slowly but surly drifted off to sleep, with Ivy's screams ringing in my ears.

I felt a nudge on my shoulder "wake up , wake up, come on i'm going to get you out of here" Max whispered.

With that I bolted upwards, "Really" I asked

"Shhh, keep your voice down" he said

"Ok, since Jacob is in the basement we are going to sneak upstairs to the 2nd bathroom and go into a cupboard, their is a latch to with opens a trapdoor you go into the trapdoor and turn right which is your gate to freedom, You got that" he said.

"Ok, but what about Ivy" I asked

"I'll get her, you just worry about getting out" he said pulling me and Julia up ushering us towards the door.

This was it, this was our time to escape.


Hope you all enjoy chapter 7 of Capture, also sorry that this is shorter than usual but yeah have a nice day :)

-Riki <3

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