Perhaps°| Dylan Kingwell x Re...

By strangerlosers123

65.1K 1.9K 2.3K

❝You sure you want to do this?❞ When (y/n) finally gets the acting job she had been auditioning for, for mont... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
New Story!

Chapter Nine

2.4K 74 108
By strangerlosers123

I woke up on my hotel room floor, it was morning. I must have slept for ages. The dreams I had kept replaying in my head. Everything about them were making me think about Dylan. I don't think I like him. Do I? I mean, dreams are just dreams. They don't mean anything. Do they?

I groaned and sat up, dragging my tired self to my feet. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Jeez. I had mascara down my face because I hadn't taken my makeup off last night. I looked like actual shit.

After using my fantastic skills, I managed to make myself look semi- presentable. A knock at the door sounded and I fought the urge to groan, I walked over to the door and opened it. Wyatt and Noah ran in. I closed the door and looked at them.

"Whattt?" I asked. They giggled with excitement and looked at me, ready to spill tea.

"Sooo, I was walking back to my hotel room last night and I heard-" He burst into laughter, Noah joining him. I rolled my eyes playfully, knowing they probably heard Asher and Lilia.

"Asher and Lilia? Yah, I know." I said. Wyatt and Noah nodded through tears of laughter. Jeez they needed to get a grip.

"Yeah." Noah wheezed as he sucked in air and stopped laughing. To be honest, it was quite a drastic mood change. From rolling around laughing, back to dead serious.

"And another thing. We spoke to Louis and Louis spoke to Dylan and Dylan spoke to Hayden and Hayden and him had a fight" Noah blurted out, not seeming to be too worried about the fact that, HAYDEN👏AND👏DYLAN👏HAD👏A👏FIGHT👏.

My inner seven year old self said, "Woah! Who won?" I found myself both intrigued to know yet worried to find out. Were they hurt? What were they fighting over?

Dylan's POV, The Night Before
I saw them kiss and slammed the door, storming down the hall. Why was I so pissed about it? I had Kenzie-

I didn't have Kenzie. Ugh, this was all bullshit! I was upset about one girl and now I have another to be sad about? I don't even like Y/N! Do I? I mean, maybe I do. I seem to be quite upset about it so...

Screw Hayden. Firstly, he gets the role I auditioned for but didn't get. And I know it's unprofessional of me to be annoyed at him for me not getting a role but, I really was pissed. I didn't know Y/N at the time of auditioning for the role but she was just all the more reason I wanted it.

Instead I get to be a guy in his soccer team. Soccer Team! It might be slightly better if it was ice hockey, but still.

And now he gets Y/N too. Shit, I hated him so much. I turned the corner and leaned against the wall, groaning quietly. I heard footsteps running down the hall and I peered around the corner of the wall and saw Y/N running into her room.

Did Hayden hurt her? I swear to god if he did-

I found myself storming back to the penthouse, eyes focused on the door. Anger boiling in my veins with my hatred for him being the only thing I could feel.

My hand turned the door handle, forcing the door open. I saw him. Sitting there on the couch, smiling to himself but that ceased as he saw me.

"Oh, hey Dylan. You okay?" He asked in his stupid, girl-stealing voice. I stormed over to him and grabbed him by the shoulders, slamming him against the wall as his eyes buldged with shock.

"Woah woah woah, dude! What are you doing?" He questioned and he struggled in my grasp.

My voice low, anger creeping through, I said, "I swear to fucking god, you lay a hand in her again and you'll regret it! Understand?"

"What? What the hell are you talking about??" He asked with his voice full of fear. I mean, I don't blame him, I can be a fisty bitch when I'm annoyed.

"Y/N! You kissed her!" I screamed in his face, he started to object, to deny it. I saw it with my own eyes! Fucking liar. I couldn't take his bullshit anymore.

My fist met his jaw with a swift, forceful motion.

Y/N's POV, Present Time
Were they hurt? What were they fighting over?

"Definitely Dylan, I'd be surprised if Hayden ever gets out of bed again" Wyatt snickered.

I gasped, all the amusing I felt moments before was gone. How badly hurt was he? Was Dylan hurt too?

"W-Where are they?" I asked, stumbling over my words as the shock hit me.

"Hayden's in his room, sleeping stuff off. Dylan's hiding in his room, he won't leave. We've taken up some doughnuts to him." Noah said, not as amused as Wyatt was but still not as worried as myself.

I nodded and left my room quickly, I heard Noah and Wyatt questioning where I was going but I kept walking.

I reached the end of the hall, looking down the two directions I could go. I didn't know who I should see first.

Dylan or Hayden?...

Hope you liked this chapter! Who do you think
Y/N should see first? Feel free to comment.
Also remember to vote and stuff, thank you so much for reading this book!💖

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