Chapter Twenty-Seven

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As I walked down the hall, step by step, my head was spinning. Hands slightly twitching at my sides, Hayden, Asher and Lilia following behind me, I mimicked the path that Matthew was leading me down.

I kept reassuring myself. Dylan was fine with this. He was.

But the reassurance continued to battle against my knowledge of him talking to Millie Bobby Brown.

'Hey Boo.'

That was what she started the message with. I mean, I don't start messages with that and I'm fucking dating him. I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and continued to walk down the hall,  focusing on the scene I had to film.

My character had just been kicked out of art club because of a mean girl making up rumours about her, which didn't go with the club's 'rules'. I imagined being in her position, being kicked out of something I loved. So I thought about what it would be like if I could never act again. Man, I'd be in a state.

Then my character was meant to be sobbing outside school, on the bench, having missed her bus and taking a moment to let it all out before she walks home. Her crush, which she had been becoming closer with recently finds her and cheers her up and then they kissed.

Pretty cute, I thought. Unrealistic of course but then again, isn't pretty much every rom-com?
I mean seriously, what the caramel fudge? The hot guy and hot girl can't find love? Are you kidding?

Matthew opened the door to the set, and we all walked through the door. Hair and make-up came to touch us up real quick before the scene. I took that time to get into the right frame of mind.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dylan sitting in a chair on his phone, eating an apple. Geez, the apple juice was going to get his phone all sticky. I cringed at the thought before walking to the bench, pushing all other thoughts out of my mind. I sat down.

Crying on camera was always pretty difficult for me. I tend to only cry at night when I'm on my own, so it's difficult with a bunch of people watching. I always just thought of things that made me sad.

I thought of how that guy beat me up in the park.
I thought of how sad Hayden was when I chose Dylan.
I thought of how Finn didn't come to visit me at the hospital.
I thought of how I never got to tell my friend my feelings for him.
I thought of how busy my parents always were.

And after thinking through that, tears were streaming down my face. I kept thinking about them, not wanting to slip up and seem happy halfway through the scene. I heard Matthew call directions.

"Camera 1 rolling?"
I heard a distant "Camera one rolling."

"Camera 2 rolling?"
A distant "Camera two rolling." followed.


I kept crying, clutching onto my characters backpack.


My head was beginning to hurt from crying at that point, it always happened. But it assured me that the tears were real.


Tears bleached my cheeks, redness showing under my eyes. Shit, I was an ugly crier.


Another wave of sobs came rushing out of me, my grip on the backpack tightening. The footsteps that I knew would come, came. Hayden sat beside me, looking genuinely worried. I didn't even need to think about the lines, they came naturally.

"Shit. What happened?" Hayden asked, not going to lie, he was a decent actor. Much better than he was in Chicken Girls (don't you fucking dare @ me, you know he wasn't that good)

"I-I got kicked out of the art club." A wave of desperate sobs racked my body, "My dad's going to kill me..."

Hayden placed his hand on top of mine, pulling it away from gripping the backpack, my knuckles had turned white.

"Hey, hey, hey.. calm down, okay? It'll be fine, you can just tell him about the rumours. It'll be-"

I cut him off, "No! It won't be okay! Y-You know what my dad's like!"

Hayden sighed, running circles with his fingertips on the back of my hand as he looked my character in the eyes, or tried to, I kept looking away.

"Look, if it's going to be that bad then.. then you can stay at mine. My parents are out of town.."

I looked at him, confused yet hopeful, "For real?"

He nodded, smiling softly. This all felt so real. Hayden would do this if I was in a similar situation..

I smiled back, and it wasn't acting. I knew it want.

"Of course, I'd do anything for you.. you know that.." He started to slowly lean in. And I wasn't scared.

I leaned in the final distance, locking our lips together.

And in the back of my mind, I swear I heard Matthew call cut.

But we didn't stop. We kept kissing. Hayden had just turned his head slightly, moving his hand to my cheek.

Again I sensed that Matthew called cut again, more abruptly. But nothing motivated us to move. I heard shouting, cries, people struggling. Then I felt Hayden being pulled away from me, and when I opened my eyes.

I saw him covered in blood and laying on the floor, Dylan above him with a broken glass bottle from the set, Asher behind him, trying to pull him back and Lilia next to Hayden crying her eyes out with her hand held up to stop Dylan.

Shit. What did I just do?


Yeah uhm, cough cough, tea. Sorry to y'all who hate Hayden but in Y/N's position it's not that far of a stretch to say she kissed Hayden. I mean, she felt betrayed and worried about Dylan and shit but oH wEll.

Comment your thoughts on Hayden.

What do you want to see happen?

Can you confirm that I've ruined the entire story and that everyone hates it-

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