Chapter Twenty-Four

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I slowly woke up, sun peeking in through the curtains. I turned to my side and saw a shirtless Dylan, sleeping next to me. It was at that moment, that I realised I was undressed too. I spotted my clothes dangling over a chair on the other side of the room. Memories from last night replayed in my mind.

His gentle hands ran over my skin, worshipping it. Soft kisses placed on my lips, cheeks and many other places. And when I began to feel pain, he made it better with his kind words that he whispered into my ear, and he ran his fingers through my hair. And no matter how fast it got, he still never lost the sweetness behind it.

I loved him. I watched him wake up, smiling. His eyes weren't fully open yet, but he smiled anyway.

"Good morning, Y/N.." he whispered, his voice raspy. I smiled and kissed his forehead before getting out of bed and throwing on some clothes. I heard the bed creak as he sat up, dressing himself. My phone buzzed and I looked at my notifications.

NoahSchnippitySchnapp: The boys are making innapropriate jokes about you and Dylan. Mom come pick me up I'm scared ;( ♡♡♡

Noodles: you know that there are thin walls here, right? And you know that I'm RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR ROOM, right? And you know that SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP, right?

Lilia's Husband: judging by the state Noah is in, I'm assuming that you and Dylan got together😂

Lilia: I hope you guys were safe, smh xxx

Ah, so I guess this isn't really a secret. Well, to be honest, I kind of felt happy that they already knew. It meant that I wouldn't have to tell them myself later on. Saves me an awkward conversation. My phone buzzed again.

Hayden: Happy for you x
Hayden: #y/s/n

I smiled to myslef and shut my phone off before heading into the bathroom to clean up a bit.

Dylan's POV
As soon as Y/N left and went into the bathroom and punched the air on victory. Whoop whoop! I finally got laid. I sighed happily and sat back on the bed, checking my phone.

(dylan.kingwell) milliebobbybrown: hey bubba, how've you been?

I looked around guiltily after reading the text. I was back with Y/N now, and I don't want her know about this. I got scared that she knew in the hospital, but I don't think she saw. She hasn't mentioned it. I typed out a reply to Millie, there was no point in blocking her out completely. But I knew I'd have to make it clear that I wasn't interested in her that way. Anymore...

dylan.kingwell: I've been good, what about you?

milliebobbybrown: Yeah, I've been having a great time. I miss talking to you all the time though!

I frowned a bit, she was right. We used to text all the time but them I got distracted by Y/N. Not that that was a bad thing, of course. The thing is.. Millie and I were a bit more than just texting buddies. And not so much to the point where we were dating, just to the point where.. certain photographs were involved.

I know, I know. It's really bad, and I know it's a crime because we're still legally kids but I wasn't thinking straight. I don't think either of us were. But Millie really likes me, and I know it's going to upset her when I tell her that I got back with     Y/N...

dylan.kingwell: Yeah, I miss talking to you too. You were always such a great friend.

Okay, maybe if I just try to friendzone her then she'll see it coming.

milliebobbybrown: Aha, good one ;) But it's true, I really miss talking to you. If we hadn't lost contact for those weeks, maybe we would be something else by now.

I took a moment to thing about that. She was right. And I know that my past self would be kicking himself for missing his chance but now.. well now I'm kind of happy that I lost contact with her.

I needed to set her straight. I needed to tell her about Y/N.

dylan.kingwell: I don't think we would though, I doubt we'd even still be sending pics aha

milliebobbybrown: And why's that?

I sighed before typing out my next reply.

dylan.kingwell: I've gotten back together with Y/N.

She read the message and it took a few moments before I saw the typing bubble pop up.

milliebobbybrown: Well that didn't stop you last time. I thought she really hurt you. I remember you going all 'ugh im broken' on me!

As much as I hated it, everything she was saying was true. When I was dating Y/N before, I know how wrong it was but... I was still sending with Millie.

dylan.kingwell: look on really sorry mills, you're really nice and all but I think it's best that we don't talk anymore.

Her next message filled me with dread.

milliebobbybrown: Fine, but we'll see how long that lasts

I'm having a writing spree at the moment while I have motivation. I want to get this book to at least 30 chapters before I end it! ♡♡

Thank you all for your support, it means so much and inspires me to keep writing!

Perhaps°| Dylan Kingwell x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora