Chapter Seventeen

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My eyes slowly opened, I was back in my room at the hospital. My chest ached but I just guessed that that was a side effect of the operation. I slowly turned my head to the side and my my eyes locked on Dylan. He was asleep in the hospital chair, face red and it looked like he'd been crying. Bless him, I assumed that he was worried about me. I hoped that was what it was anyway.

I reached to my phone, I hadn't checked it in a while so I turned it on. I had a notification from Kenzie and I smiled, she was really nice and I was glad that me and her had become friends. I looked at the message she'd sent me.

(y/nwolfhardofficial) kenzie.breslaw: Oh shit I...

What? I don't think I said anything 'alarming' to her. Why did she seem so panicked? Perhaps she was just concerned because she'd heard what had happened to me. I opened the thread of messages and read my last message to her.

'This is Dylan, why the hell are you and Y/N messaging eachother?'

Well shit. I really should get a password on my phone. I looked at Dylan again, the drying tears on his cheeks and his closed eyes red and swollen. Shit, that must have been why he was crying.

I read Kenzie's new message.

'Oh shit I'm sorry, she just wanted to hang out sometime, I hope that's okay'

Well fuck. That's probably not okay with Dylan by the looks of things. I sighed and opened the camera on Instagram, taking a lazy photo of the hospital room. I added a few GIFs and a caption,

'Injured but alive, thanks for all the loving messages!'

I added it to my story, I just wanted to tell my fans that they were okay. I was kind of surprised though, normally Finn would have called by now. Well I imagined that he would have, this is the first time that something like this has happened.  He must know about the whole thing, right? I mean, of course he knew, the whole world knew. I scrolled through my Instagram feed, liking a few posts and then opening my saved to sort it out but-

There was a knock at the door, which interupted me and I turned my phone off. I looked up and it was Lilia and Asher standing there. They were holding flowers and what looked like chocolates. I smiled at them as they walked into the room sitting down on a chair.

"We came to see you as soon as we could get out of filming." Lilia told me.

Oh yeah, I missed the first day of filming... Great. I was really exited for it too, but oh well. I can't go back.

I nodded and took the flowers that Asher held out to me, they were tulips. I liked tulips.

"Thanks guys." I glanced around the room, "Where's the others?" I asked, a little disappointed and hoping that they hadn't forgotten about me.

"Oh, the hospital staff wouldn't let them in. You can only have three visitors at a time."

Three? It was only Asher and Lilia so-
Ohhhh, Dylan was here too. Just asleep.

"We're all really worried about you Y/N. Hayden had a full on breakdown when he heard the news. It took ages to calm him down and he just wasn't having it." Asher said, smiling slightly.

Despite the fact that Hayden had a breakdown, that was kind of good news. It was nice to know that people cared.

Lilia chuckled a bit, "And Noah locked himself in his room and refused to come out. I guess he was pretty disturbed by the whole thing."

I smiled and nodded, "It was nice that he was there to stop the guy. I can't imagine how much worse it would have been if he hadn't have stepped in."

Dylan's POV
I slowly woke up but decided to stay still, I had been awake for a while at the point. I half listened to their conversation but there was only one thing on my mind. Why was Y/N messaging Kenzie?

I need to stop lying to myself, it was obvious why she was. I read the messages between them! Y/N didn't trust me. That was the extent of it. No matter how much I tried to think of different reasons why it could have happened, that was the reason. It was there, in black and white.

I decided to let them know that I was awake so I opened my eyes and sat up a bit. Asher and Lilia greeted me and Y/N looked at me nervously.

Did she know that I knew? Does she know that I know she knows?

"No. Don't feel bad. She went behind your back." I thought and told myself.

"No. You hurt her. Someway. You must've, she would have spoke to you otherwise."

All I knew was that we had to talk about this. And not in front of the others.

So I wrote this in school because, you know, it's school.

Also, Dylan noticed me on his live again. I think he remembers me know because I continually ask about his use of grammar when texting :)

Anywho, vote and comment! And wish me luck because I have a math test next period that I haven't studied for🥰

[EDIT] I failed the test so that's gucci

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