Chapter Twelve

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So Dylan walked in, I was kinda happy because he was going to apologize to Hayden. Then I noticed how uhm, suggestive, the place I was sitting was. I was sitting/laying next to Hayden with my legs across his. And my hand in his hair as I looked into his eyes. I mean, if that isn't suggestive then I don't know what is-

Dylan chewed his lip, "Uhm well, I'm sorry Hayden".

I got up and went over to Dylan, "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm doing just fine, thanks.." Dylan muttered. I nodded.

"Okay, so do you want to-" I stated but he left the room. Okay so that was a lie, he wasn't just fine. I turned around and looked at Hayden.

"Go after him, it's okay..." Hayden frowned, looking down. I sighed and went over to him, sitting next to him. He kept his eyes fixed on the bed sheet. I felt bad for him but I was grateful for the way he had acted. I knew who I was going to go with now.

I placed my hand on Hayden's cheek and leaned in, placing a gentle kiss against his bruised lips. He kissed back weakly as I pulled away smiling at him softly.

"Thank you" I whispered to him, he nodded smiling a little. I stood up and left the room, closing the door behind me. I leaned against the door before I realized Dylan was waiting for me at the end of the hall. He stood there, the light from the window casting a shadow on one half of him. His hands were in his pockets as he looked at me.

I walked towards him and he waited. I got to him and he looked at me.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Y/N who do you like? I'm sick of being hurt and waiting to find out..." He asked.

I paused and thought. Should I tell him?

As a kid, growing up with my big brother, Finn, he had always been there for me. Boy, did I wish he was there for me right now. Finn had always been there for me and we never argued. He had always given me loads of advice and as I was standing there, waiting to answer Dylan, my mind travelled back to a particular day.

Liam James. He was my best friend back in middle school, always had been. I had kind of always had a crush on him, but had always been too scared to say. The secretive conversations we had behind the cafeteria every lunch time, yet I never came around to telling him. I figured it was okay, that one day, it would be the perfect day and I could tell him. I never found the right day.

One day, as I was walking home from school, he ran up to me. I turned and saw him, smiling. We walked home together and when I got into my house, my mother had told me the news that I never wanted to hear.

We were moving. Dad had gotten a job transfer so we were going to have to move far away. Bullshit, I had thought. Bullshit, why do I have to miss out because dad got a transfer. Bullshit.

I had stormed up to my room slamming the door and started sobbing into my pillow. Liam, oh god, Liam. I was going to miss him so much! How would I ever carry on without him?! Finn had knocked at the door using our special knock and after I had granted him entrance, he came in and sat beside me, gently rubbing my shoulder. He had asked me what was wrong and why I was so upset. I never wanted to talk about my feelings for Liam, but at that now or never moment, my true feelings had poured out with my salty tears.

Finn held me in his arms, calming me down from my sobbing. Finn had people he would be leaving behind too, of course, but he was handling it a lot better than me. And that was when he gave me the advice. The advice I would carry in my heart for years. The advice that would help me make further decisions, this decision.

"Y/N, in this world, you will find good and bad people. You have to sort the good from the bad and look at both of them. What path do you want to take?"

I had told him that I wanted to go with the good people, obviously. But then he said:

"Now imagine the person you admire and love the most, is on the bad side. Where do you go now?"

I told him that I would stick with good, I don't want to be bed and risk everything for one guy, not Liam anyway.

"Exactly. If someone is enough to make you want to go to the bad side, you love them enough to risk everything. So, do you still want to cry over Liam?"

I shook my head, no, I didn't.

And the advice went through my head as I stood in front of Dylan, his loving gaze burning through me.

Did I want to risk everything? Was he enough to convince me to go to the bad side? Yes, he was. And he was a good person.

"You. I like you..." I told him, certain of my decision.

A smile spread across his soft lips as the moved to meet mine.


Yes I just completely made that advice up, I'm that great.

I almost didn't write this and it's 12am and I have school in 6 hours so count yourselves lucky 😂

Vote and comment because I stayed up later than is should have for this 💖

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