His Mischievous Mate

By jlhen_23

4.3K 281 48

Berlyn is just a typical girl for a human coz she's hiding her true identity. And to cover up, she always g... More

Chapter 1 ( The Beginning)
Chapter 2 ( His Mate)
Chapter 3 ( Operation "Ignore Him".)
Chapter 4 (Getting to Know Her)
Chapter 5 ( Getting To Know Her Part 2)
Chapter 6 ( Unwanted Guest, Undeniable Truth)
Chapter 7 ( The Hybrid )
Chapter 8 ( Berlyn Somer )
Chapter 9 ( His Decision )
Chapter 10 ( Runaway )
Chapter 11 ( Moving On )
Chapter 12 ( V - Bar Incident )
Chapter 13 ( Rewrite The Stars )
Chapter 15 ( Falling Apart )
Chapter 16 ( Mistaken Identity )
Chapter 17 ( Double Date )
Chapter 18 ( Bitch on the Beach )
Chapter 19 ( Jealousy Part 1 )
Chapter 20 ( Jealousy Part 2 )
Chapter 21 ( Perfect Getaway )
Chapter 22 ( It's Just A Dream )
Chapter 23 ( Knight's In Shinning Armor )
Chapter 24 ( Meet Again )
Chapter 25 ( Eerie )
Chapter 26 ( Reversed )
Chapter 27 ( Hot and Cold )
Chapter 28 ( Revealed )
Chapter 29 ( Creepy )
Chapter 30 ( Teardrops )
Chapter 31 ( The Proposal )
Chapter 32 ( Bet )
Chapter 33 ( Missing Piece )
Chapter 34 ( Phenomenal Disaster )
Chapter 35 ( Lover's Quarell )
Chapter 36 ( Fight Song )
Chapter 37 ( The Hybrid Next Door )
Chapter 38 ( Heart to Heart Talk )
Chapter 39 ( First Time )
Chapter 40 ( Trust Issues )
Chapter 41 ( He Left )
Chapter 42 ( Chasing Vlad )
Chapter 43 ( Intruders )
Chapter 44 ( Pregnancy Issues )
Chapter 45 ( Changes )
Chapter 46 ( Sick and Tired )
Chapter 47 ( Atlast! )
Chapter 48 ( Fabulous and Pretty)
Chapter 49 ( Start of Something New )
Chapter 50 ( The Finale )
Sneak Peek Part 1
Sneak Peek Part 2

Chapter 14 ( The Attack )

107 7 0
By jlhen_23

Berlyn's Pov:

I can't stop myself from frowning as I watch him together with Andrei and Leslie walked inside the airport. Today are their schedule to go back in Forks. Leslie already finished their project here in New York, that's why they needed to be back in Forks.

Cley and I already talk about us. We cleared everything and understand each other now. Were both matured enough to settled everything about us and forget about what happened five years ago. The most important thing is our future, right?

We agreed that I'm staying here in New York while he's in Forks.  But we need to see each other twice a week or as long as were both having a vacant time. I think long distance relationship were gonna work with us. I hope so.

When I watch him walked away from me, I'm sure that this is not our last time to see each other. He's going back in New York every Saturday and Sunday. Then suddenly I have this peculiar feeling that somethings gonna happen unexpectedly.

"Cley!" I called him. He stop from walking and look forward on my direction.

"I love you! And please, be safe and be careful. I'll wait for you on Saturday. I'll take you on a date."

I said to him through links. I know that he heared me coz he chuckled. He smiled and wave his hand as a sign that they needed to leave now.

"I love you more. And I promise that I'll be safe and careful always. So, don't worry about me, okay? I will definitely see you on Saturday. Just make sure that our date are extra special, huh? Bye for now, sweetie. Take care." He replied through links.

When they are already on the plane, I walk towards my car and drive into the highway. Im glad that the traffic congestion was not that heavy. Not just like in the Philippines most specially on Edsa that you're going to wait for an hour before you can drive continuously. Ops, sorry about that.

I needed to report in NYPD headquarters. Officer Roseshell Lincoln just texted me that Police Chief Inspector McDonell want an update about the killing incident in V-Bar.

What should I report then? That the killing was made by those stupid vampires? Whose gonna believe me if I said that? They don't have any idea that the vampire really exist, so as werewolf too.

I'm sure they will call me crazy if I do that. So, I made up my mind. I will tell PCInsp. McDonell that the killing was made by wild animals, probably a lion, perhaps? Which is accidentally freed from their habitat just to close the case.

And after the case was close, I will seek for justice on my own. I will find Vladimir and all his affiliate and make them compensate from their wrong doing. I won't stop until I found them and their gonna pay for this! Cross my heart, hope they die.

"Officer Somer, what's the update about the case?" PCInsp. McDonell said the moment I entered his office.

"We should close the case, sir. The witness and the owner of V-Bar was right. I saw myself the CCTV camera that night. Wild animals, lion to be exact is the one who cause the attacked.the lion was accidentally freed from their habitat, that's why the animals become savage. We can't sue that poor animals, right? I feel so sorry about it, sir." I said.

Gosh, Berlyn. Best in making excuses, huh? Tss. I'm so guilty right now, okay. In the back of my mind, I was cursing that God damn vampire!

"Is that so? Okay then, Officer. You're dismissed." He said.

"Thank you, sir." I said and hurriedly leave his office.

I decided to go back in V-Bar. Hoping to see Vladimir and his allies, but the bar was close for some reason. I knew it! Maybe Vladimir already know that this could be possibly happened. Maybe he's already hiding right now. Tss, afraid of me?

No matter where he's hiding, I'm gonna find him and kill him instantly. He doesn't deserve to live at all! They deserve to be rot in hell. Tss. That Vladimir pissed me off! He makes me look haggard and stress just this early in the morning!

Relax, Berlyn. You don't deserve to be stress by that creature. Loosen up, okay. Breath in, breath out. Stay calm. Stay focused. That's right.

Just think about your goal and everything that inspires you. Or better think about Cley. She's your inspiration, right? Tss. I smiled and I can't help but to reminisce what happened before he leave New York.

Honestly, nothing happened. The moment I entered Leslie and Andrei's room that time, we just hug each other, kissed each other till were both breathless and satisfy the longing we felt for years. 

Which is natural for me coz I miss him that much, okay. What are you expecting me to do? Just staring at him the whole time without doing anything?

We both miss each other, you know. So that's it. Gosh, I'm not good in explaining at all! But we don't cross the border or boundaries, yet, okay.

Were just kissing and we're not go to the point of making love. He's a conservative type, I think? If he insisted that, I'm willing to do it. But he control himself so that's it. And I'm glad that he's gentleman at all. Some other time, maybe? There's a right time for that, okay. Don't get so excited. Cheesy mind, stop it. That's it! Aja - Aja, fighting!

Cley's Pov:

I don't know why I have this weird feeling. It feels like something's not right. As if I'm nervous and it makes me feel worried. What was happening? Is it about Berlyn? Is she in danger again? What was wrong?

My inner wolf told me that Berlyn was fine. That there's nothing wrong with her. Is it about the pack? Is there something wrong in the pack house? Oh my! I just hope I'm only mistaken.

No, this can't be. The pack house was safe, okay. Nothing to worry about. Stop this nonsense, Cley. You worried too much.

After five hours of boarding on plane, and another three hours traveling from Fork City, we reached the pack house.

Silence surrounds us as we enter the gate of our mansion. The guards supposedly on duty by this time wasn't there on their designated post. I don't see any werewolf outside the mansion and in the field where they are conducting training. Somethings really wrong.

"Andrei, can you sense it? I think there's happening in the pack house. The silence was so upsetting." I mind link to Andrei.

"Your right, Alpha. I hate to think about it, but I guess we were under attack!" Andrie replied through link.

"I'm a little bit nervous here, guys." Leslie said. Andrei tried to comfort her. We decided to stop from entering the mansion for a moment while we are assessing what was happening.

I tried to mind link with dad but there's no response. I tried again with my mom this time, but she didn't respond either. Lastly I mind link to Allen and Erl, our gamma, but still no response.

Shit! What was happening? My heart begin to pumped rapidly. No, this can't be happening. I need to focus. I need to make a plan. We decided to walk slowly inside the mansion. Eager not to make any sounds.

Andrei is behind me while Leslie holding on tightly to Andrei. Nervous was written all over her face. I need to be brave. I need to made up a plan if ever.

When I open the front door, different kind of emotions was covered all over my face. I feel like my body feel shiver. I can't move. I feel stunned. Andrei and Leslie too.

Leslie began to panicked. Andrei was trying to cover up Leslie's eyes for her not to see the cruel scenery in front of us. Tears began to shred in my eyes as I saw my mom, dad and the whole pack lying in the middle of the living room.

All of them already dead, surrounded by their own blood and shredded into pieces. I growled loudly. My heart was full of anger, hatred, animosity and fear at the same time.

And then all of a sudden, rogues appeared in front of me. Followed by the vampires and there he is. That fucking vampire I saw on V-Bar in New York whose dancing with Berlyn.

Shit! Shit! Shit! I will kill this son of a bitch! I feel so hurt. I feel so sorry about what happened. If I didn't leave them, and didn't go to New York, maybe their still alive. Maybe we can control everything and they will survive the attack. It's all my fault! It's all my fault!

"Well - well - well. Look whose here. The great Alpha Cley, huh?" That son of a bitch said.

"Let me introduce myself first. I'am Vladimir, king of the vampire race." He said. As if I care!

"I don't care who the hell are you! Your gonna pay for this, asshole!" I said.

"Hey, easy bro. I know you're strong and furious right now, but I'm sure you can't defeat me. Look at yourself and your Beta. You're nothing, compared to me. I'm stronger than yours. So if I were you, I'd be a good pups and follow what I want." Vladimir said. I gritted my teeth.

"Hell, no! I'd rather die here than to live and become your slave."  I said.

"Slave? Where did you get that idea? I'm not planning to make you a slave. Rather, I want you to be my allies. Buddy, you know." He said.

How dare him want me to be his allies? After he killed my parents and destroy my pack? What the hell! Is he insane? He's got to be kidding me.

"I will never be your allies, idiot. Just kill me now or I will kill you. You choose!" I said.

"That's why I like you, Alpha.
But— you don't have a choice. I have this proposal with you. Just agree to be my allies, and your Beta and his mate can leave safely. But if you refused, you will witness their sudden death. Now, choose. I don't have patient to wait that long." Vladimir said with a smile on his face.

Shit! I looked to Andrei and Leslie behind me. The rogues and vampires are already beside them. Waiting for the command from their king.

"Cley, no! Don't agree with him. It's better for me to die here, in our pack house than to be under his power. Cley, don't do this." Andrei said through link.

"Andrei is right, Cley. I accepted if I will die in here, if that's my fate. I can't forgive myself if you sacrifice your freedom just to save us." Leslie said through link also. She's started to cry again.

"Both of you, listen to me. Everything is taken away from me now. Dad, mom, the whole pack? Berlyn, Andrei and you Leslie are the one who left from me now. I just can't stand here and watch you died. I don't have a choice. I need to do this." I said.

"No, Cley. You don't have to do this. What about Berlyn?" Leslie said.

"Listen to me. Here's my plan. I will agreed with Vladimir so that  both of you will be free. Just run as far as you can the moment you leave this place. Go to Berlyn and tell her everything. Promise me that both of you will be safe and fine. And don't forget to tell her how much I love her." I said through link.

Andrei sighed but in the end, both of them nodded. The moment they agreed, I faced Vladimir.

"I'll go with you. Just leave them alone." I said.

I hate to do this. I really want to end it here. But what about Berlyn? If I died, she's going to suffer a lot. She'll be alone. She'll be hurt. She'll be miserable without me. I can't leave her alone just like that.

I have so many dreams for us. I need to survive so that she can lived too. I need to live and get rid off Vladimir once I have a chance to do so. I'll make him pay for what he did to my family and the whole pack. And I'll be able to do it if I get his trust first.

"Okay, then. It's settled. Both of you are free to go now. I just hope were not going to meet again. Coz if that happens, Alpha Cley won't be able to save you. B-bye." Vladimir said with full of sarcasm.

Andrei and Leslie leave the pack house without a choice. I'm the only one left with Vladimir and his allies. It's disgusting to think that I'll become an allies of this fucking vampire.

This vampire who killed everyone that so important to me. I'm so furious when I look at their lifeless cadaver in front of me. My heart sunk. I feel like my heart, body and soul broken into tiny pieces.

"Oh, poor Alpha. I know what you're feeling right now. It's really damn hurt, huh? Don't worry, I'll make you feel better now." Vladimir said.

And in an instance, he's already in front of me. He look directly into my eyes as if he's trying to hypnotized me. To control me. To make me compelled from him. And he succeeded!

"From now on, you'll forget about everything. Your family, your pack, your love once. All about your feelings. All you can remember is that your Cley, my buddy, my allies. Nothing else. You're going to follow everything that I wanted. No but's, no what if's." Vladimir said.

I know he's using his ability to control, to compelled and to erase my memories. That's one of the ability of being a king of vampire. And I can't do anything about it.

The moment he do that, everything about me suddenly change. I feel like I'm being born again. But this time, all I can remember was my name and him as my Lord.

"Listen, everyone. Were going back to New York. To my palace. We have an important mission to accomplish." Vladimir said.

"What is it, Vladimir?" I asked. He smiled at me.

"Were going to find that hybrid and kill her, right away." He said.

"Whose that hybrid? And where we can find her?" I asked.

"I don't have any idea for now. But my younger sister was already gathering an information about that hybrid. Were just going to wait for her report so that we can accomplish our plan." He said.

"Yes, Lord Vladimir." I said.

"Oh. Cut that Lord thing, bro. Just call me Vladimir." He said. I just nodded.

We both leave the Forks and headed back to New York. When we reach the palace, Vladimir introduce me to his comrade and fellow vampires as his trusted friend and buddy.

The vampire palace was so different. Every vampires have their own pet. Some look presentable but most of them looks like being left out, abused and didn't treated well.

There's an urge in my heart that wants to feel pitty for them, but my mind didn't care about it. So I remain unaffected at all.

"So, whose this hot - young blooded werewolf, Vladimir?" Someone asked behind Vladimir.

She's gorgeous and irresistible at first glance. But too dangerous when you stared that long. She looks familiar but I don't know where I first saw her.

"Oh, Abby, darling. Cley, meet my younger sister, princess Abby. She's beautiful, isn't it?" Vladimir said.

"Yeah, I agree with that. It's my pleasure to meet you, Princess Abby." I said and smiled at her.

"It's Abby. Cut off the princess thing. I'm glad that we saw each other again, Cley. It's been a while." She said.

"What? Do you know me?" I asked.

"Of course. Were classmate in DVU, right? When we are in senior high? Don't tell me you don't remember?" She said. Confused.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I can barely remember from my past."  I said.

"Really? So, you don't remember that were ex- lovers?" She said.

"I'm sorry, but I can't remember." I said.

"Okay. But do you want to remember it? I mean, you want us to be together again?" She said and stare at me.

"Enough, Abby. You're making my friend a little bit uncomfortable. Were going to talk later." Vladimir said.

"Yeah. I think so, dear brother. You have so many things to explain about Cley. " She said.

I don't know what their talking about. I'm just listening to them.  Vladimir and Abby left for a while for them to talk in private. And when they come back, Abby started to flirt with me.

I'm sure she likes me. But the question is — do I like her? I think so. She said were ex- lovers, right? Although I can't remember that, maybe she's not going to fool me. Well, I don't know.

She's hot and attractive. I'm sure no one can resist her charm. And I think I'am one of those "no one".

Days already past. My life here in the palace continue. Abby was always flirting with me, and I'm almost gave in on her flirtation, but my inner wolf didn't agree with it.

So I can still control my own feeling. I just hope that she gave up seducing me. Coz I don't know how long I'll be able to control her temptation....

Author's Note:

Hi dear readers. Thank you so much for your time and effort to read continuously my story. Im so grateful and honored at the same time. I hope were in this together until this story ends.

Well, the story begin to have a twist again. The last time I remember, Cley and Berlyn are back together after five years, but now another hindrances for them again.

Which is I really enjoyed coz if there's no hindrances or obstacles in your love life, it's kinda boring, right? No thrill at all?

And if you notice, there is Abby on this Chapter. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. She's the same Abby that Cley and Berlyn's classmate in DVU before. She's been in love with Cley a long time ago, but Cley didn't notice her because of Berlyn. But Abby and Cley never been together, I mean ex- lovers just like Abby said before.

Well, this is going to be a long journey, guys. So just sit back and relax...

Additional Character:

Abby- younger sister of Vladimir. Been in love with Cley until now. She's a vampire, of course. Princess of the vampire race to be axact. She's Berlyn's greatest rivalry.

Vladimir- king of the vampire race. He's going to be Cley's greatest rivalry.

Roseshell Lincoln-  also known as Officer Lincoln. She is Berlyn's buddy. You know, partner in crime and bestfriend also. Let's see if whose her love interest on this story. You're gonna find out soon. Not this time. Soon. Hahaha.

That's all for now, guys. Don't forget to vote. Comment your suggestions. And  direct message me if you have something to tell me. Okay. Thank you...

It's me,


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