Where It Went Wrong » Larry


49.5K 1.5K 349

Louis Tomlinson has everything he could want: a loving family, a good group of friends and he just released h... Еще

Where It Went Wrong » Larry
1 - The Fame Life
2 - Reunion and Declarations
3 - Welcome To My New Life
4 - It's Different Now
5 - Let's Forget Everything
6 - All The Support
7 - It's A Party
8 - Downfall
9 - Maybe I'm Not Enough
10 - Play The Game
11 - Loved You First
12 - In The Moment
13 - Tell Me A Story
14 - Maybe A Way Forward
15 - Kiss Me Like You Mean It
16 - It's Like Magic
18 - It's Been So Long
19 - Can You Take Me Faraway?
20 - Attempts
21 - Explain It All
22 - Push Me To The Limits
23 - Too Damn Sober
24 - Come Back Home
25 - Get Up Now
26 - So Happily
27 - Say Hello To A New Beginning
28 - I Wanna Grow Old With You / Epilogue

17 - Baby We Were Fireproof

1.2K 43 15


The next morning wasn't ideal. Louis woke up to find out that the pictures had viral, plastered all over the social media and the question of who the mystery guy was started surfacing around. Of course people got excited over new people on the media, especially if they were exceptionally beautiful like Harry.

He tried to ignore it, put it to one side and move on with his life but he realised that maybe it had affected Harry more than anything. After all, that night he looked worried and had never wanted to reach home more desperately than before. It was like he had a wake up call, wanting to escape from Louis before anything happened.

It didn't matter though, Louis wasn't upset or fazed that Harry was in a rush to get home. He obviously wasn't used to being followed, seen out in public and being rudely interrupted by pictures being taken. It had become a sad norm in Louis's life, almost expecting it every time he stepped out of the house. His friends, however, were completely new to the whole concept.

Zayn and Liam tried to get used to it as soon as Louis started to get famous, covering their faces everytime they were spotted out in public but Niall loved the attention. Despite managing to stay ghost on social media and keeping it all private, he went crazy in front of the paparazzi and always posed.

Harry would just be like Zayn and Liam-- trying to avoid it on most days. The fact that maybe Louis could go out with him more often, trying to get him used to fame as an exciting factor all in all.

As much as Louis wanted to go and meet up with Harry again, kiss him softly and ask him if everything was okay-- he had a meeting with management about his tour and it would probably include Eleanor. He had literally forgotten she even existed, neglecting her presence and not keeping in touch with her. He definitely had to message her every now and then if he was going to do business with her.

That's all their relationship was: a business plan, a way to get more money for the management team and himself though Louis didn't believe in it. He believed in being free, expressing yourself and never having to hide anything away.

Louis pulled a beanie over his messy hair, not caring to style it today and slipped into comfortable clothes as he slipped out of the house and alerted his security guard to meet up with him so they could go to this meeting. He was already worn out from all the bullshit that he was going to have to hear, he didn't like discussing anything that related to his personal life. He was here for his music, his fans and nothing more.

"You're going to have a long day today," Alberto joked, chuckling as he drove Louis down to the headquarters.

That didn't sound the slightest appealing to Louis who groaned, leaning back in his seat and running a hand down his face in frustration. "I want nothing more than have a smoke and eat right now."

"You can have all that later, can't you?"

"I guess, it just isn't the same when I'm forced to these useless meetings in the morning."

"Ey now, it isn't all useless!" Alberto tried to attempt at making the atmosphere more light, bringing some source of happiness in. "Some of the team really care about you!"

"I only like you," Louis said childish.

"Of course you do, I'm the best security guard you could come across!" Alberto had a smug smile on his face, obviously very pleased with the statement Louis had made and was trying to hide it away. It wasn't very common for Louis to compliment or remind the other person they were loved unless it was Harry.

"Alright, don't get too happy!" Louis chuckled, also in a good mood now. Alberto had that affect on him and he was glad that he had such a good relationship with him. It made his job ten times easier.

They pulled up outside the building, greeted by the dull grey paint work and the endless windows that went on forever. It seemed so lifeless, just like his meetings and it was never fun to stop by here. Especially since it was in the mornings, it ruined Louis's mood for the rest of the day and didn't give him the right vibes.

"Have fun chap!" Alberto slapped his shoulder in a playful manner as Louis exited the vehicle, putting on a brave front and approached the building.

He went up to the correct floor where he usually met Richard. Richard was the main man, the mastermind and the one who controlled the behaviour that went on with him. It was disgusting how much he loved money, never thought of anything else besides it and was prepared to do anything only to bag himself more. He was filthy rich, able to survive two lifetimes but yet was greedy and begging for more in the most absurd ways.

For that reason, Louis truly wasn't fond of Richard and preferred to stay away on all occasions. He only came here if it was urgent or important. He tried not to keep in touch, have any sort of friendship outside of the fact they worked alongside together. There was something truly strange about Richard that made his skin crawl, made him cringe and want to run a mile.

"We meet again!" Richard grinned wickedly, showing off his crooked teeth as he gestured to the seat before him. Louis gingerly sat himself down, avoiding eye contact at all costs and keeping his eyes on his fingers that he was fiddling with. "How have you been Tomlinson?"

Louis shrugged, not wanting to let in any details. It wasn't worth it. "Fine." He said, smiling and not returning the question because he really didn't care how Richard has been.

Once again, Richard was surrounded by papers and a laptop that he kept scrolling through as if he was trying to view exactly what the fans were saying right now. He was constantly searching for information, trying to pry into every detail of Louis's life and it wasn't acceptable.

"Ah, you got spotted outside La Senza restaurant, I believe?" Richard asked, flicking through papers.

Louis nodded, trying his hardest not to let any emotions play on his face and keeping his attention diverted to the floor. "Yes."

"With a guy?"

"Harry Styles, childhood friend."

Richard didn't look the slightest bit convinced but didn't comment, nodding and shuffling up the papers. "You two are close, yes?"

How was Louis supposed to answer that question? They were close, they always have been but at the same time-- they really weren't close at all. They were strangers who were once best friends and now so faraway, yet there was unresolved feelings.

So, he coughed and smiled. "I guess."

"And are you two going to be in the public eye more often?"

Once again, Louis had to stop and really think about the question because was he really going to be going out with Harry more often? Or was this just a one off? Everything was so uncertain, confusing and he had no idea what to make of it.

"Maybe, I don't decide my social life ahead of time." Louis tried his hardest not to give off any hints of hostility, keeping a straight face at all times.

For these meetings, he needed patience and needed to keep breathing. He would be leaving in less than an hour, he just had to be strong and make it through. Breathe in. Breathe out.

"You should, with a busy timetable like you." Richard sighed, putting the papers down and taking his glasses off as he relaxed all the way back in his chair. He looked stressed by the fact he had to be talking to Louis. "So many important dates are coming up. Aren't you prepared?"

Louis knew that he was being brought down, inferred that he was lazy because he wasn't putting more thought into what he was doing but he tried not to think of it. This was his life, he had his own control and if he didn't want to plan ahead, he didn't need to. He was completely aware of what was happening when, when his tour was starting and when his album was being released.

"Of course I am." Louis spoke through his teeth, his voice betrayed him.

Richard looked amused. "I believe your album is coming out, really soon. Just a few weeks, right?"

"Yup, November 25th." Louis smiled because he had remembered, he could prove Richard wrong.

"Great and we have a lot of promo to do. Interviews after interview has been lined up!"


"It also means we need to add in more pr stunts, brings about more... attention, you know?" Richard smiled because this was the whole reason for the meeting, to discuss Eleanor further and bring it up a level.

Instantly, Louis was uncomfortable and tried not to squirm in his seat. "Right."

"We know that you've only been on one date with Eleanor but we're doing to jump ahead, say you're dating."

Louis's eyes widened. "Isn't that a bit extreme?"

"Not really, it's very normal actually. Obviously, it's not a real relationship and your dates will be set up like normal. Just has a label now!"

Louis groaned, shaking his head because it sounded awful and he wasn't prepared to have Eleanor labelled as his girlfriend. He could never get used to it. This wasn't what he wanted. Yet, he couldn't argue because his control was out of his hands.

"How long for?"

"Well, not long at all! Just a few months at most, until your album isn't all that new. You'll be informed when the relationship has to be dropped."

The whole idea was awful and Louis felt like he was back at school, being ordered what to do and having to follow it. He wanted to rebel, to fight back but what was the point? It was something that he truly wasn't used to. The saddest part was, not being able to disagree and refuse because it wasn't in his power anymore. He just had to listen, go along with it and hope for the best. He had signed the contract 3 years ago and now he had to pay in the most lethal way.

"Okay." Louis finally managed to speak up after a few moments of silence, gulping down the lump that was growing in his throat. How would this affect him and Harry? Would Harry be pleased or upset about this whole dilemma?

"Okay?" Richard sounded surprised, not expecting Louis to agree so easily and argue back. "Made my job easier here, thank you Louis."

Louis sneered, shrugging. "Whatever."

"I assure you, it's for your own good because image always come good! It'll be good, bring about more fans."

"Don't see how dating brings more fans but okay.." Louis shrugged once again, not wanting to debate the topic further and just wanting to leave the place right now. He didn't feel like talking anymore, he just felt like getting away and lazing around on his couch.

He left the office to go and meet with Eleanor, to discuss further plans. He always forgot the fact that she was also part of this, it also affected her life too. She was basically off the market for other guys who may be potentially interested in her because she was too busy investing her time in a fake relationship that wasn't getting anywhere. Louis had to be more friendly towards her, make her feel more comfortable around himself.

As Louis left the headquarters, walking towards the car -- he caught eyes of someone really familiar that made him stop in his tracks and gasp. He wasn't expecting to see Harry anywhere around here, especially not on his own. It was a rare occasion to see him on his own.

Louis ran up to him, grinning widely and waving frantically. "Harry!" He called happily, wanting to embrace him but noticing the fallen expression on his face and the sullen look, he pulled away frowning. "Harry?" He asked more softly.

Harry looked so beaten up, so depressed that it seemed like a miracle he was even here. He wasn't smiling, even the slightest and there was eye bags under his eye that were very evident. He looked way too tired to be out, walking in daylight. He was dressed in the most casual clothes, almost like he wasn't even supposed to be here.

"Louis?" He repeated, rubbing at his eyes. He looked relatively surprised and frightened, glancing around nervously. "Anyone with cameras?"

Louis stuttered, shaking his head. "N-no, I don't think so."

"Okay..." He breathed out in relief, his hands shaking as he tried to smooth out his shirt.

"What you doing here?" Louis tried to start conversation, leaning back on the wall and stuffing his hands in his pocket to make the conversation more light.

"We shouldn't talk anymore." Harry broke out, cutting straight to the point and catching Louis completely by surprise. He said it without any sort of emotion in his voice, cold and uptight.

Louis narrowed his eyes, trying to process the information before nodding carefully. "Erm, why?"

"I think it's not very healthy."

"What do you mean?" Louis tried his hardest not to get mad, to keep his emotions intact but it seemed impossible right now.

Harry shrugged. "It's affecting me and Dalton deeply, Louis. I think it's better off we don't talk."

Louis stared at him hard for a few seconds, looking him up and down before his eyes caught sight on two bright red lines going down his arm. His shirt sleeves had ridden up a bit, revealing very deep cuts and Louis had to take a second to realise what was going on.

"Harry, what the fuck is that?" He demanded. He knew very well that he wasn't supposed to react like this, he was supposed to be somewhat supportive and caring, listening to the whole story before jumping ahead and assuming things. But right now, his mind was a whirlwind and a mess and he was on the edge of losing Harry again whilst staring at his cuts.

Harry instantly jumped to action, pulling his sleeves down and taking two steps back. "Fuck off Louis, that's none of your concern!"

"No!" Louis stepped towards him, not caring at all whilst trying to grab his arms to get a better look at the cuts no matter how much Harry was squirming. "Did you do that to yourself?"

"That's none of your business!" He croaked, his voice close to breaking as he tried to swat Louis away, weak. "Stop! You have no right to do this!"

"Harry, just let me be there for you!"

"If you want to be there for me, please, just go and leave me. You'll be doing me a favour, please." Harry pleaded, his voice desperate and it cut Louis off completely.

Louis took a step back, looking at Harry and having no idea what to say. He was being begged to leave Harry alone, to go off and let them be. Louis had self pride, if he was told to leave-- he did exactly that. He didn't want to stay somewhere he really wasn't wanted. Louis could sense the hostility towards him right now and it took him a second to understand.

"Why?" He asked, his voice small like how his ego had been hurt and reduced to nothing.

Harry looked helpless, shrugging. "Because I need to work on being with Dalton."

"I thought you wanted me."

"Then please, never assume things." Harry paused, looking extremely sorry and guilty before taking a step back and holding his hands up in surrender. "Goodbye Louis." And with that, he walked away with a piece of Louis that could never be replaced.

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